Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

The truth, broken record or not, it can't be erased, as you desire.
The problem (well, ONE of the problems) here is that we're in a very asymmetrical situation. They're at war, and the rest of the country is not. So no matter what happens, no matter what comes out, no matter what their cult leaders do, they just don't care. It's just a momentary setback in their "war", and they go right back on the attack.
I'd much rather have DeSantis in office than Trump. DeSantis is at least a sensible adult.

There’s nothing ‘sensible’ about the reckless, irresponsible, illiberal, anti-democratic agenda advocated for by both Trump and DeSantis – indeed, DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.

Your ‘lesser of two evils’ point is taken, but with such comprehensive evil, Trump or DeSantis is a difference without a distinction.

There’s nothing ‘sensible’ about the reckless, irresponsible, illiberal, anti-democratic agenda advocated for by both Trump and DeSantis – indeed, DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.

Your ‘lesser of two evils’ point is taken, but with such comprehensive evil, Trump or DeSantis is a difference without a distinction.
He's just as abusive of power, uses his government power for vengeance against those businesses or citizenry, who simply disagree with him!! (On simply a social issue!) :eek:

DANGER Will Robinson! :)
Last edited:
March 4 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Trump praises a communist.
Trump's cult praise communism.

Speaking at a rally on Saturday night in West Virginia, Trump revealed that he had “fell in love” with the very man Republicans labeled a “nut job” and a “lunatic” just a few years ago. “I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love, ok? No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. And they’re great letters. And then we fell in love.”
Thanks for pointing out the huge difference between conservatives & progbots.
You FEEL offended by his words.
I THINK his policies were America First & benefitted the country.

Strong emotions is no way to run a country.
Of course, massive cheating & installing a dementia victim in a dirty diaper doesn't work either
I know you can't see this, but we're sick to death of your Trump tantrums.

The Steele Dossier.

The Mueller report.


Trump Defense System noted. This isn’t about Steele, Mueller or Russia. You can stand down.

You all are still OBSESSED with this while we can barely afford gas and groceries, the border is overwhelmed, our kids can afford college and housing, crime is overrunning our cities.

Apologies for being “obsessed” with getting to the bottom of an attempt to bring down our government and overturn an election. How trivial to be concerned about it. I should be ashamed and help y’all sweep it under the carpet instead of demanding accountability. Silly me.

Keep going. Democrats going the way of Whigs. We love to see it.

Of course you do when you support strongman authoritarians and losers overturning elections. Carry on.
He's just as abusive of power, uses his government power for vengeance against those businesses or citizenry, who simply disagree with him!! (On simply a social issue!) :eek:

DANGER Will Robinson! :)
That is a concern that seems to pass right by those who cheer it on because they dislike the business or citizen.
The people around Trump knew that he was in charge of the National Guard, which was under his direct control, and he only had to make a phone call to dispatch the NG to the Capitol. Trump did not ever do that.

The national guard? Without pre positioned forces that would take days to mobilize. What you just said, makes no sense.

The people around Trump KNEW that the mob would do whatever Trump told them to do, so he needed to tell them to stop. When Trump told them to go home, they went home.

Trump told them to peacefully assemble. Why are you lying.

Trump had a LOT of options that he could have used to stop the assault on the Capitol and he did NOTHING.

This thread is you libs being bat shit crazy.
There was only a handful out of hundreds of people there that were armed. And, the only person to shoot a firearm was the cop.

Many more were armed with other weapons purposely brought for conflict, not peaceful demonstration.

If this was a planned, armed insurrection then this was the most poorly planned, poorly equipped and poorly executed insurrection in history.
This is an excuse I hear over and over. Because it was incompetent or it failed, it ”wasn’t really an insurrection”. I guess if a bank robber attempts to rob a bank and fails and gets caught, it wasn’t really a bank robbery. :rolleyes:

What idiot would plan an armed insurrection involving hundreds of people while only arming fewer than ten of them?
Again. The same excuses. If they aren’t armed with guns it doesn’t “count”. That, despite the fact that many were armed with heavy metal poles, pepper spray, tasers etc.

There were thousands of points where Democrats could have done something to alter the course of events in 2020 BUT CHOSE NOT TO.

No. This one is not on the Dems. It is on the Republican Trump supporters only. But like their leader, they cast blame, conspiracy theories and vitriol on everyone but themselves.

As a result, citizens were harassed, assaulted and injured; businesses were burned, looted and destroyed, causing billions in damage; and a mob was allowed to take over and occupy an entire section of a major American city
Republicans always pivot back to the riots as a justification for their behavior. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with the loser of an election refusing to allow the peaceful transfer of power, forming a mob and attempting to overturn it and install himself back in power. Hell, he even dangled his own Vice President in front of the mob.

All this outrage about the so called “insurrection” just sounds like impotent mewling in light of the events in 2020.

Of course it does to you, when all you want to do is sweep it under tbe rug.

What would you have done if it was successful?
Schumer directly threatened sitting justices with violence, he said: .“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

'Fight like Hell' isn't threatening anyone it is urging people to fight for what is right.
And that is somehow more violent than what Trump said? The proof is in the actions that sprang directly from it.
Lets see…

They were in DC because Trump requested they come
They came because they believed the lie Trump told them
They went to the Capitol because TRUMP told them to stop the certification
They were carrying TRUMP banners and chanting TRUMP slogans

Who was better able to stop the riot?

The people in charge of security for that building? THe city police. The city government.

This country has been experiencing civil unrest for years at that point. Not expecting trouble, is not an excuse.
Both of these phrases are rhetorical tools that people use every day in everyday circumstances.

In light of the fact that he also told them to protest peacefully and patriotically, you’re going to have to prove that one was rhetorical and the other was not.
Why do you continuously omit the fact that peaceful was used one time in a speech that lasted over an hour and was full of multiple extortions for violent action? What do you think the mob is going to here with that long tirade of grievances, fraud, illigetimate presidents, betraying Vice Presidents and taking back our country? Focusing on one word used one time is like grasping at straws when you should be demanding accountability.
The people in charge of security for that building? THe city police. The city government.

This country has been experiencing civil unrest for years at that point. Not expecting trouble, is not an excuse.

I agree

They should have realized what nasty thugs the TRUMP Mob was
Trump Defense System noted. This isn’t about Steele, Mueller or Russia. You can stand down.

Apologies for being “obsessed” with getting to the bottom of an attempt to bring down our government and overturn an election. How trivial to be concerned about it. I should be ashamed and help y’all sweep it under the carpet instead of demanding accountability. Silly me.

Of course you do when you support strongman authoritarians and losers overturning elections. Carry on.

Past is prologue. You can't handwave away Russia, Mueller, the Steele Dossier. It's all part of the sickness.
Many more were armed with other weapons purposely brought for conflict, not peaceful demonstration.

Actually very few. You take a random selection of a couple thousand people off the streets, and you would find more weapons. Certainlhy more guns.
This is an excuse I hear over and over. Because it was incompetent or it failed, it ”wasn’t really an insurrection”. I guess if a bank robber attempts to rob a bank and fails and gets caught, it wasn’t really a bank robbery. :rolleyes:

NO, you're missing the point.

Again. The same excuses. If they aren’t armed with guns it doesn’t “count”. That, despite the fact that many were armed with heavy metal poles, pepper spray, tasers etc.

You are missing the point. Those are how experienced right wing street protestors show up, when they expect to be attacked by lefty rioters. It is not how right leaning AMERICANS think of... being armed for a somethhing like a coup. Look at how Rittenhouse and his group were armed.

No. This one is not on the Dems. It is on the Republican Trump supporters only. But like their leader, they cast blame, conspiracy theories and vitriol on everyone but themselves.

You are missing hte point. The question is, why is Trump taking the heat for not trying to defuse the situation, when no dem leaders got asked the same questions. Would the 1/6 rioters have listened if he called for them to stand down? Good question. Here is another one. What if OBAMA asked for the BLM rioters to stand down?

If it is the responsibility of our leaders to try to defuse situations, why is Trump the only one being held to this standard?

Republicans always pivot back to the riots as a justification for their behavior. The Floyd riots have nothing to do with the loser of an election refusing to allow the peaceful transfer of power, forming a mob and attempting to overturn it and install himself back in power. Hell, he even dangled his own Vice President in front of the mob.

Libs always do this when we point out the contradictions in their behavior. THey immediately explain how htey agreed with the motivations and reasons of the lefty rioters.

We know that. That does not address the point. YOu are unhappy about our behavior with regards to our one riot, but you don't have any problem with your behavior with regards to your hundreds of riots.

That type of double standard is infuriating.

If you use your power to make it stick, to punish our side, for far less than the shit your side did,

you will be escalating the unrest. Us having a significant population of political prisoners, is not a good idea.

That is your choice. ...

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