Trump supporters; what would get you to turn against him?

If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Man, you are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Why did you not just include this in your first post if you thought it so important?
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

See the problem is you don't even get it.
The problem is we like his policies, we love his trash talking opponents (I cant stress how much WE LOVE the twitter)
so if he pushed democrat policies or was involved in Serious criminal activity (no the Russia hoax is not it)

and fire Mueller?
No, keep him, he's tainted, just ignore the Russia stuff, it's bogus and distracts democrats
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.


You " know" that, do you?

I bet you don't know jack.

Why are so many Trump supporters squalling that he oughta get rid of Mueller then? Because a couple of FBI agents don't like Trump? No shit; most people don't like Trump. And it's not a prosecutor's duty to remain unbiased. It's a judge's duty.

Probably the reason he hasn't gone that route is because he knows it would get even worse for him if he did. If he has a brain in his skull, he'll have learned from the Comey debacle.

I don't want him to get rid of Mueller. I think Mueller deserves to be fired but I like how his team is falling apart and he has absolutely nothing top show for his efforts. Keep that sucker there through the elections and use his tax wasting stupidity as a weapon against the left.
if all these investigations and probes find no evidence of collusion with Russia or that he tried to obstruct justice by firng Comey?

THAT, my dear right winger is a FOREGONE conclusion.....Trump, by his OWN admission, tried to obstruct justice........

A. Admitting that he knew that Flynn lied to the FBI (which made Flynn an automatic FELON)

B. Asking Comey to let the FELON (off the hook)

C. Firing Comey when he did NOT let Flynn off the hook

Now, the hard part is whether a sitting president can be prosecuted......Perhaps he cannot, BUT history will ALWAYS regard Trump as abetting a felony. (among other things.)
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

One thing is for sure..

None of your liberal bull shit will work...

As long as President Donald J Trump

keeps kicking liberal ass I will support him...

I am a big picture type person:dance:
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.


You " know" that, do you?

I bet you don't know jack.

Why are so many Trump supporters squalling that he oughta get rid of Mueller then? Because a couple of FBI agents don't like Trump? No shit; most people don't like Trump. And it's not a prosecutor's duty to remain unbiased. It's a judge's duty.

Probably the reason he hasn't gone that route is because he knows it would get even worse for him if he did. If he has a brain in his skull, he'll have learned from the Comey debacle.

I don't want him to get rid of Mueller. I think Mueller deserves to be fired but I like how his team is falling apart and he has absolutely nothing top show for his efforts. Keep that sucker there through the elections and use his tax wasting stupidity as a weapon against the left.

I actually do want the investigation to start wrapping up. If you haven't found what you're looking for by now, I don't think it's gonna happen. Trump can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to ... pretty much anything, actually. Does anyone really believe he can keep the lid on a full-blown international conspiracy?

But the money spent on this investigation is peanuts compared to what Trump and his family spend flying all over the place.
If he started acting like Obama: apologizing for the USA, arming the Islamists, arming Mexican drug cartels, handing hard won Middle East real estate to ISIS,
How do Obama supporters feel about his dealings with Hezzbolla/Iran shennanigans?

Oh, is this the part where we start pointing at other people and saying, "What about ..." ?

I love that part.

I seem to recall eight years of BBBUUUTTT BOOOOSH!!!!!

The difference is, when Bush left, the U.S. economy was in shambles.

When Obama left, it was looking pretty damn good, all things considered.

Obama inherited a lump of coal from Bush that turned into a diamond under his watch (how much of that was him is up for debate), and he gave that diamond to Trump. Who promptly shat all over Obama as means of showing his gratitude.

So it's hard to take "but Obama" seriously when Trump actually inherited a pretty sweet thing from Obama.

You keep forgetting: The Bush-era recession was the result of the housing and mortgage crisis, which lies in the laps of the Democrats. If GW could be held accountable for anything, it's being too weak to get the Dems under control.

And there there was 9/11. That also had alot to do with the recession. True, Obama did "inherit" that. But even after 8 years in office, his policies did very little to fix anything, except for his Federal Reserve's policies that artificially-inflated the stock market.

Obama was in no way responsible for the amazing upswing we're seeing under Trump. His Marxist-leaning failed policies have done nothing but keep this country in a state of stagnation for 8 years, made it a less safe country to live in, and caused major divisions between people of different racial, social, and economic backgrounds.

If McCain had won, the economy would have turned around in 2009. If Romney had won, the economy would have turned around in 2013. Trump won and the economy turned around in 2017. It's pretty simple. Businesses big and small know that they had an enemy in the White House. 0bama made no bones about that. The fact that it was an anemic but steady rise over 0bama's eight years is because even 0bama cannot keep the American Economy in the toilet forever.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

One thing is for sure..

None of your liberal bull shit will work...

As long as President Donald J Trump

keeps kicking liberal ass I will support him...

I am a big picture type person:dance:

Trump is the biggest promoter of the liberal agenda. He is a daily reminder of what happens when you go too far in the other direction, and he's the biggest liability the republicans have. Which is unfortunate. I don't want things to swing totally back in the direction, but that seems to be where we're headed next.
How do Obama supporters feel about his dealings with Hezzbolla/Iran shennanigans?

Oh, is this the part where we start pointing at other people and saying, "What about ..." ?

I love that part.

She has a valid point. If Donald Trump did only a fraction of the criminal and unconstitutional things Obama did, many would turn against him.
You are engaged in criminal libel, because you know and understand and yet lie.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Man, you are about as sharp as a bowling ball.

Why did you not just include this in your first post if you thought it so important?

Gotta pad the numbers eh?
An equally good question is what would it take for the Trump critics to support him? What if he doesn't fire Mueller which I don't think he has any intention of doing? What if all these investigations and probes find no evidence of collusion with Russia or that he tried to obstruct justice by firng Comey? What if his policies work and help the economy and the middle class? What would it take for you to admit Trump knows what he is doing and is not the evil monster so many portray him as?

If all that happened, AND he started acting like a decent human being, let alone a real president? Shit, I might even vote for him.

As it stands, we expect better behavior out of a McDonalds fry cook than the President of the United States.
A decent human being a real President? That’s rather subjective when people say that it sounds like they are looking for any reason not to support someone.

No, it's pretty easy, actually. Lead by example and treat people with respect. And if they aren't worthy of respect, avoid them, or have your subordinates deal with them. They are beneath you.

Not hard at all. Not at all much to expect from the leader of the fucking country, to be someone I wouldn't mind living next door to (please, don't take this literally; I'd love to be rich enough to live next door to Trump).

Trump is he is telling the world to fuck off.

Now do you want a pussy president like Obama who sucks dick or strong leaders like Trump and UN ambassador Nikki ?

Telling the world to fuck off is a horrible idea.

"We own the ball, we own the court. If you want to play the game with us, then you play by our rules. Otherwise, fuck off."

Is that better?
About stidding my fat face that trying to be good and lose weight, but it's so hard! So many good foods out There! I'm working on it though :D

Sent using Tapatalk

Yes your fat and lonely..

(Wear good shoes , you might get laid tonight by Betsy the cow)

Now back to the subject..
Lol, betsy...thats funny.

This is a prime example of why things are so messed up right now. As in your reply to me, the same in government. There is no civility between us.

These, being my first posts on this forum, were in no manner aggressive toward anyone, yet, your first impulse was to go on the offensive. That is fine, it is how you feel. The problem is, we, as a society, will never advance...any cause, while we are fighting each other.

The problem with republicans and democrats is....republicans and democrats. We are all so caught up in our own political ideology that we fail to see the forest from the other sides perspective.

Politicians are no different. They are so caught up in political posturing that they have all forgotten their primary function, and that is to serve the public.

Ask yourself, do you really think any (both left or right) are there with the best interest of their constituents in mind? I think not.
If all that happened, AND he started acting like a decent human being, let alone a real president? Shit, I might even vote for him.

As it stands, we expect better behavior out of a McDonalds fry cook than the President of the United States.
A decent human being a real President? That’s rather subjective when people say that it sounds like they are looking for any reason not to support someone.

No, it's pretty easy, actually. Lead by example and treat people with respect. And if they aren't worthy of respect, avoid them, or have your subordinates deal with them. They are beneath you.

Not hard at all. Not at all much to expect from the leader of the fucking country, to be someone I wouldn't mind living next door to (please, don't take this literally; I'd love to be rich enough to live next door to Trump).

Trump is he is telling the world to fuck off.

Now do you want a pussy president like Obama who sucks dick or strong leaders like Trump and UN ambassador Nikki ?

Telling the world to fuck off is a horrible idea.

"We own the ball, we own the court. If you want to play the game with us, then you play by our rules. Otherwise, fuck off."

Is that better?

Someone once said "the republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back"

Karma bit them in the ass

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