Trump supporters; what would get you to turn against him?

If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.
I think you misunderstand Trump loyalty. Most of the people you call Trump loyalists are really just hillary anti loyalists.

Haters, bigots and xenophobes seem to make up the 30-something percent of the base. That's all I see from the deplorables. They are akin to the scoundrels on the extreme left. I've never cared what these sorts believe or have to say and likely never will. Since the Orange clown rigged the election to garner a win for their 'team', they've got nothing more to bring to the table. I did not vote for the Clinton-branded cheating candidate either.

You see, trump was something fresh, something new, and wasn't tainted by the funk of establishment garb. In other words, he wasn't a politician, and that is what they were looking for.

So the bar was so low you elected a slimy second-tier con man reality show host, dropping it into the dirt. Bravo. Orange was a shiny turd decades ago and nothing's changed.

Say what the left started this tit for tat lowering the bar over the pubic hair on a can a of coke during the Clarence Thomas hearings

The left lowered the bar by not getting the rapist president Bill Clinton..

The left lowered the bar some more by a social electing the community organizer over a more qualified Hillary Clinton
An equally good question is what would it take for the Trump critics to support him? What if he doesn't fire Mueller which I don't think he has any intention of doing? What if all these investigations and probes find no evidence of collusion with Russia or that he tried to obstruct justice by firng Comey? What if his policies work and help the economy and the middle class? What would it take for you to admit Trump knows what he is doing and is not the evil monster so many portray him as?

If all that happened, AND he started acting like a decent human being, let alone a real president? Shit, I might even vote for him.

As it stands, we expect better behavior out of a McDonalds fry cook than the President of the United States.
A decent human being a real President? That’s rather subjective when people say that it sounds like they are looking for any reason not to support someone.

No, it's pretty easy, actually. Lead by example and treat people with respect. And if they aren't worthy of respect, avoid them, or have your subordinates deal with them. They are beneath you.

Not hard at all. Not at all much to expect from the leader of the fucking country, to be someone I wouldn't mind living next door to (please, don't take this literally; I'd love to be rich enough to live next door to Trump).

Trump is he is telling the world to fuck off.

Now do you want a pussy president like Obama who sucks dick or strong leaders like Trump and UN ambassador Nikki ?

Telling the world to fuck off is a horrible idea.

Why because you would be afraid of what?
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.
If liberals started liking him.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.


You " know" that, do you?

I bet you don't know jack.

Why are so many Trump supporters squalling that he oughta get rid of Mueller then? Because a couple of FBI agents don't like Trump? No shit; most people don't like Trump. And it's not a prosecutor's duty to remain unbiased. It's a judge's duty.

Probably the reason he hasn't gone that route is because he knows it would get even worse for him if he did. If he has a brain in his skull, he'll have learned from the Comey debacle.

I don't want him to get rid of Mueller. I think Mueller deserves to be fired but I like how his team is falling apart and he has absolutely nothing top show for his efforts. Keep that sucker there through the elections and use his tax wasting stupidity as a weapon against the left.

I actually do want the investigation to start wrapping up. If you haven't found what you're looking for by now, I don't think it's gonna happen. Trump can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to ... pretty much anything, actually. Does anyone really believe he can keep the lid on a full-blown international conspiracy?

But the money spent on this investigation is peanuts compared to what Trump and his family spend flying all over the place.

Even after the investigation has found nothing and has ended, do you really think Trump is going to let you Democrats forget about it?

Nope. You stepped in it and it won't wash off very easily.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

One thing is for sure..

None of your liberal bull shit will work...

As long as President Donald J Trump

keeps kicking liberal ass I will support him...

I am a big picture type person:dance:

Trump is the biggest promoter of the liberal agenda. He is a daily reminder of what happens when you go too far in the other direction, and he's the biggest liability the republicans have. Which is unfortunate. I don't want things to swing totally back in the direction, but that seems to be where we're headed next.

If this is promotion of the liberal agenda I

I say bring it on......

Supreme Court Justices.

Tax breaks and all that other great stuff...

We are loving it...
About stidding my fat face that trying to be good and lose weight, but it's so hard! So many good foods out There! I'm working on it though :D

Sent using Tapatalk

Yes your fat and lonely..

(Wear good shoes , you might get laid tonight by Betsy the cow)

Now back to the subject..
Lol, betsy...thats funny.

This is a prime example of why things are so messed up right now. As in your reply to me, the same in government. There is no civility between us.

These, being my first posts on this forum, were in no manner aggressive toward anyone, yet, your first impulse was to go on the offensive. That is fine, it is how you feel. The problem is, we, as a society, will never advance...any cause, while we are fighting each other.

The problem with republicans and democrats is....republicans and democrats. We are all so caught up in our own political ideology that we fail to see the forest from the other sides perspective.

Politicians are no different. They are so caught up in political posturing that they have all forgotten their primary function, and that is to serve the public.

Ask yourself, do you really think any (both left or right) are there with the best interest of their constituents in mind? I think not.

That is a hackneyed theme and a dangerously naïve way to think. You can pretend to be above the fray, but SOMEONE is going to be elected and you will have to live under that rule. Two sides are shooting at each other, and you're sitting on the between them.
Trump is da Man!!! ..... :cool:

I'm not tired of winning. I'm just tired.

Translation~ tired of crying?

What are you tried of? Not being able to make America into Europe?

What are you tired of?


Education being lower on the totem pole of priorities than making bombs to blow up foreigners, for starters.

The battle of the sexes. I'm fucking sick of it. I wish we could just listen to each other, help each other, and stop making everything a man vs. woman issue.

Race playing such a key role in the national discussion.

People loving to talk about problems but never having any solutions.

Most of all, I'm tired of all the lies. Lies, lies, lies. That's all you'll ever get out of the people in Washington, including Trump.

One of these days, the bottle is going to blow. People are going to get hurt. And I'm going to smile and say to myself, "Good. They fucking deserved it."

Let us guess your.a Nat sock.ialways thought Nat was the biggest pussy on this site ? You win it top least Billy , Mathew and Rderp has some have a sock of Nat
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

One thing is for sure..

None of your liberal bull shit will work...

As long as President Donald J Trump

keeps kicking liberal ass I will support him...

I am a big picture type person:dance:

Trump is the biggest promoter of the liberal agenda. He is a daily reminder of what happens when you go too far in the other direction, and he's the biggest liability the republicans have. Which is unfortunate. I don't want things to swing totally back in the direction, but that seems to be where we're headed next.

If this is promotion of the liberal agenda I

I say bring it on......

Supreme Court Justices.

Tax breaks and all that other great stuff...

We are loving it...

Oh god you read his op and Nat trying to defend it

If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Who writes this crap?
About stidding my fat face that trying to be good and lose weight, but it's so hard! So many good foods out There! I'm working on it though :D

Sent using Tapatalk

Yes your fat and lonely..

(Wear good shoes , you might get laid tonight by Betsy the cow)

Now back to the subject..
Lol, betsy...thats funny.

This is a prime example of why things are so messed up right now. As in your reply to me, the same in government. There is no civility between us.

These, being my first posts on this forum, were in no manner aggressive toward anyone, yet, your first impulse was to go on the offensive. That is fine, it is how you feel. The problem is, we, as a society, will never advance...any cause, while we are fighting each other.

The problem with republicans and democrats is....republicans and democrats. We are all so caught up in our own political ideology that we fail to see the forest from the other sides perspective.

Politicians are no different. They are so caught up in political posturing that they have all forgotten their primary function, and that is to serve the public.

Ask yourself, do you really think any (both left or right) are there with the best interest of their constituents in mind? I think not.

That is a hackneyed theme and a dangerously naïve way to think. You can pretend to be above the fray, but SOMEONE is going to be elected and you will have to live under that rule. Two sides are shooting at each other, and you're sitting on the between them.
True, but it doesn't lessen the crux of the problem any. As long as we are shooting at each other, well always be shooting at each other. Something has to give somewhere, or the state were in will continue perpetually.

I don't consider myself above anyone or anything. I have my beliefs and political stance, but, I'm not above saying "hey, this is a problem. If you really want to help the country, we need to start HERE, then we can advance".
An equally good question is what would it take for the Trump critics to support him? What if he doesn't fire Mueller which I don't think he has any intention of doing? What if all these investigations and probes find no evidence of collusion with Russia or that he tried to obstruct justice by firng Comey? What if his policies work and help the economy and the middle class? What would it take for you to admit Trump knows what he is doing and is not the evil monster so many portray him as?

If all that happened, AND he started acting like a decent human being, let alone a real president? Shit, I might even vote for him.

As it stands, we expect better behavior out of a McDonalds fry cook than the President of the United States.
A decent human being a real President? That’s rather subjective when people say that it sounds like they are looking for any reason not to support someone.

No, it's pretty easy, actually. Lead by example and treat people with respect. And if they aren't worthy of respect, avoid them, or have your subordinates deal with them. They are beneath you.

Not hard at all. Not at all much to expect from the leader of the fucking country, to be someone I wouldn't mind living next door to (please, don't take this literally; I'd love to be rich enough to live next door to Trump).

Trump is he is telling the world to fuck off.

Now do you want a pussy president like Obama who sucks dick or strong leaders like Trump and UN ambassador Nikki ?

Telling the world to fuck off is a horrible idea.

No Comrade, it isn't.

They have raped us long enough.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.
If he was a failure like obie. I don't see that happening any time soon.
What if, all the democrat lies turned out to be true?

But they aren't. They are still lies.

That's not a real answer.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

I understand your is fair. But, consider that conservatives have been asking this question about the Clinton's for 25 years. If Trump actively colluded with Russia to affect the outcome of the election he should be impeached. But, at this point it appears he did not. I'm fine with Mueller but he should have had the wisdom to put together a more non-partisan team. I'm not fine with liberals HOPING our President did something wrong so they can get rid of him.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

if he became a leftard
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Who writes this crap?

Tinfoil hat-wearing paranoid left-wing conspiracy theorists. They're out there somewhere. That X-Files shit ain't only for Alex Jones, ya know. :laugh:
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

What would it take for you to admit that he is doing an extraordinarily good job?
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

Who writes this crap?

Hmm. You have some issues.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.


You " know" that, do you?

I bet you don't know jack.

Why are so many Trump supporters squalling that he oughta get rid of Mueller then? Because a couple of FBI agents don't like Trump? No shit; most people don't like Trump. And it's not a prosecutor's duty to remain unbiased. It's a judge's duty.

Probably the reason he hasn't gone that route is because he knows it would get even worse for him if he did. If he has a brain in his skull, he'll have learned from the Comey debacle.

I don't want him to get rid of Mueller. I think Mueller deserves to be fired but I like how his team is falling apart and he has absolutely nothing top show for his efforts. Keep that sucker there through the elections and use his tax wasting stupidity as a weapon against the left.

I actually do want the investigation to start wrapping up. If you haven't found what you're looking for by now, I don't think it's gonna happen. Trump can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to ... pretty much anything, actually. Does anyone really believe he can keep the lid on a full-blown international conspiracy?

But the money spent on this investigation is peanuts compared to what Trump and his family spend flying all over the place.

Even after the investigation has found nothing and has ended, do you really think Trump is going to let you Democrats forget about it?

Nope. You stepped in it and it won't wash off very easily.

What makes you think I'm a democrat?

I've mentioned probably at least 3 or 4 times in this thread alone that I'm not fond of the democrats. Do y'all have selective reading issues?

You " know" that, do you?

I bet you don't know jack.

Why are so many Trump supporters squalling that he oughta get rid of Mueller then? Because a couple of FBI agents don't like Trump? No shit; most people don't like Trump. And it's not a prosecutor's duty to remain unbiased. It's a judge's duty.

Probably the reason he hasn't gone that route is because he knows it would get even worse for him if he did. If he has a brain in his skull, he'll have learned from the Comey debacle.

I don't want him to get rid of Mueller. I think Mueller deserves to be fired but I like how his team is falling apart and he has absolutely nothing top show for his efforts. Keep that sucker there through the elections and use his tax wasting stupidity as a weapon against the left.

I actually do want the investigation to start wrapping up. If you haven't found what you're looking for by now, I don't think it's gonna happen. Trump can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to ... pretty much anything, actually. Does anyone really believe he can keep the lid on a full-blown international conspiracy?

But the money spent on this investigation is peanuts compared to what Trump and his family spend flying all over the place.

Even after the investigation has found nothing and has ended, do you really think Trump is going to let you Democrats forget about it?

Nope. You stepped in it and it won't wash off very easily.

What makes you think I'm a democrat?

I've mentioned probably at least 3 or 4 times in this thread alone that I'm not fond of the democrats. Do y'all have selective reading issues?

Democrat, Never-Tumper, same to me.
If he turned out to be a tax cheat?

If he actually did shoot someone on Fifth Ave. in broad daylight?

If irrefutable proof turned up that he is a serial rapist?

If he was caught on camera/tape trash-talking his gullible supporters?

What would it actually take for you to be like, "maybe this guy wasn't the best choice for president"?

Because I know you'd love it if he fired Mueller (not directly, mind you) disbanded the FBI, and declared himself Emperor for Life, despite that running entirely contrary to the ideals the U.S. was founded upon.

What would it take for you to admit that he is doing an extraordinarily good job?

It would take him doing an extraordinarily good job?

His ridiculous squabbling with foreign leaders already takes him out of the "excellent" category. The only thing Trump does well is doing nothing. When he leaves things to competent people and sticks to golf, that's when he's at his best. He doesn't really know anything anyway. He needs to play more golf and talk less, and then maybe I can say with a straight face that he's an okay president.

Trouble is, many of his appointments are corporate stooges or just plain incompetent.

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