Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
"Alternative Reality" media would be a more honest and accurate name for the 24-hour-a-day right wing propoganda and pure Hate that psychopaths like Rush and Hannity produce for their sickophants.

Whine all you want. America now has a voice that had been suppressed by the left wing media.

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Says the man that cut the post I was responding to.

You lefties only care about women, or anyone, when you can use your manufactured "outrage" as a weapon against your enemies.

If it is YOU who have something on the line, like a President, then you would throw your own grandmother under the bus if that is what it takes.
Having grown up in the deep South in the 50's and 60's, I have seen it all before. The worst racists in the South were the poor whiles, with little education, and in dead end jobs. They had to blame it on somebody, so they blamed it on the blacks.I don't think that there is a Trump supporter alive who did not hate Obama, primarily because of the color of his skin. But hating blacks is not as mainstream as it used to be anymore,, so they also hate muslims, gays, Latinos, Immigrants (legal, or not), the media, socialists, democrats, unmarried mothers, pro-choice people, anyone they consider a "gun grabber', uppity women, rino's, atheists, and pretty much anyone else who does not attend Wide World of Wrestling events. Everyone has to feel superior to someone.
Having grown up in the deep South in the 50's and 60's, I have seen it all before. The worst racists in the South were the poor whiles, with little education, and in dead end jobs. They had to blame it on somebody, so they blamed it on the blacks.I don't think that there is a Trump supporter alive who did not hate Obama, primarily because of the color of his skin. But hating blacks is not as mainstream as it used to be anymore,, so they also hate muslims, gays, Latinos, Immigrants (legal, or not), the media, socialists, democrats, unmarried mothers, pro-choice people, anyone they consider a "gun grabber', uppity women, rino's, atheists, and pretty much anyone else who does not attend Wide World of Wrestling events. Everyone has to feel superior to someone.

Want to guess how big the racist surge agaisnt Obama was in Alabama, as opposed to against Kerry or HIllary, in the last 4 presidential elections?
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

My attitude is that anger is the right response to assholeness.

Your desire to be able to be an asshole without being called on it, is noted and rejected.
and the anger referred to by the OP........
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.
More of that excellent example for what the OP is talking about.

I'm happy to admit when I am angry.

Anger is the healthy response to people who are being complete fucking assholes, like you liberals are almost always.

What part of that is confusing for you?
So, the OP was spot on....not confusing in the least.

The OP asked a question. I answered it.

I appreciate you being here to demonstrate my point. answered it...and I again point out that the OP was spot on.

THe Race Card is a prime example.

Imagine if you will, that every time you engaged in any discussion, that some piece of shit, that a chorus of drooling morons called you a vile name, every single time.

WOUld you turn the other cheek and just let it ride?

Or would you call them the pieces of shit that they are, and point out that they were fucking cowards for only talking like that online?

Dear Correll
I find it most effective to address both.

Try to resolve the issue of namecalling by both sides acknowledging neither one likes to be addressed that way, and call a mutual truce.

Stick to the principles points and CONTENT to the argument. Respect the person and the material or message they are trying to address.

but separate the language and layer of bullying going on from the two people behind that barrier.

Agree to remove the barrier and try to address each other as people equally angry, insulted or in fear of being oppressed by these same barriers.

this is best achieved in an environment of mutual respect. And yes, sometimes we have to be the first to show respect for the other, before they agree to drop the namecalling and try to be more respectful in return.

To turn the other cheek does NOT mean to take abuse and enable it like a doormat Correll:
It REALLY means to address one another as EQUAL peers
(the explanation of the Bible is that slapping someone left handed means a citizen is rebuking a slave who is not a citizen, because the left hand was reserved for that. But if someone does this, you ask them to "use their right hand" or rebuke you as an equal citizen which is a righthanded slap. You correct them and tell them if we are going to go head to head it will be as equals, not inferiors.)

My normal posting style is respectful and civil.

If a lib post something in a civil manner, I reply in kind.

But liberals are conditioned to think that calling people they disagree with, vile names, is fine, when they do it.

So, this rarely lasts more than a post or two.

(yes, some few posters are such assholes, that I have stopped giving them a benefit of a doubt even for one post, but only a few)
Has anyone called you a racist in this thread yet like you claim always happens...every single time? Just checking.

NOt yet. Should not be long though. Do you want to now? YOu know you do.

Can you resist doing so, even though you know it will prove my point? How much will it hurt if you fight your nature?
Make sure to let me know when it happens....because you DID make the claim that it happens every time.
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

My attitude is that anger is the right response to assholeness.

Your desire to be able to be an asshole without being called on it, is noted and rejected.
and the anger referred to by the OP........

I've answered that point repeatedly now. Why do you keep repeating it, while not responding to my repeated answers?

Are your being an asshole on purpose as an honest support of my point?

Or are you delusional enough that you think you are refuting my point somehow, though repetition?
The only "fake news" is coming from Fox and your Cheeto Jesus.

Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Was a good President despite being a horn dog.

So, you admit to sexual misconduct, and defend him anyways.

You just proved my point. Thanks.
I admit that he was a good President and I admit he was a horndog.....and would not be elected today because of that..........................................unless he ran as a Republican.
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?
And we see more anger as the OP was referring to.

I'm not denying being pissed off at you assholes.

I've pointed out that it is reasonable to be pissed off at assholes.

I've also pointed out that one of the asshole behaviors, that pisses us off, is assholes acting like there is something wrong with being angry with an asshole.

Are you so stupid that you don't realize that you are demonstrating my point?
And once again...the OP's point made.
Let me see if I can write this simply and slowly.

It is because I hate Progressives.

It is not because of Trump.

If you can’t get it now, I can’t fix stupid so you are out of luck.
Yes...we get hate Progressives. Isn't that the point of the OP all along? That this anger, this hate of interesting. Seems to have complete possession of you.

But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.
More of that excellent example for what the OP is talking about.

I'm happy to admit when I am angry.

Anger is the healthy response to people who are being complete fucking assholes, like you liberals are almost always.

What part of that is confusing for you?
So, the OP was spot on....not confusing in the least.

The OP asked a question. I answered it.

I appreciate you being here to demonstrate my point. answered it...and I again point out that the OP was spot on.

Errr, the op asked a question. That is a request for information, not a claim of information.

A question, without an answer can't be spot on.

I gave an answer. YOu have not.

My answer could be spot on.

YOu have not addressed my answer at all.

YOu are being an asshole.
Yeah, I explained that. It’s because I hate Progressives. I also explained that it existed when 0bama the Idiot was POTUS. How is all this too hard for you?

And yet, your list of reasons about why you hate Progs described your Cheeto Jesus to perfection.

Thanks, that was entertaining! :)

I thought I told you to go play in the street! Move it kid! You’re bothering adults.
^ No anger here, folks.

Yes, that’s anger.
THe Race Card is a prime example.

Imagine if you will, that every time you engaged in any discussion, that some piece of shit, that a chorus of drooling morons called you a vile name, every single time.

WOUld you turn the other cheek and just let it ride?

Or would you call them the pieces of shit that they are, and point out that they were fucking cowards for only talking like that online?

Dear Correll
I find it most effective to address both.

Try to resolve the issue of namecalling by both sides acknowledging neither one likes to be addressed that way, and call a mutual truce.

Stick to the principles points and CONTENT to the argument. Respect the person and the material or message they are trying to address.

but separate the language and layer of bullying going on from the two people behind that barrier.

Agree to remove the barrier and try to address each other as people equally angry, insulted or in fear of being oppressed by these same barriers.

this is best achieved in an environment of mutual respect. And yes, sometimes we have to be the first to show respect for the other, before they agree to drop the namecalling and try to be more respectful in return.

To turn the other cheek does NOT mean to take abuse and enable it like a doormat Correll:
It REALLY means to address one another as EQUAL peers
(the explanation of the Bible is that slapping someone left handed means a citizen is rebuking a slave who is not a citizen, because the left hand was reserved for that. But if someone does this, you ask them to "use their right hand" or rebuke you as an equal citizen which is a righthanded slap. You correct them and tell them if we are going to go head to head it will be as equals, not inferiors.)

My normal posting style is respectful and civil.

If a lib post something in a civil manner, I reply in kind.

But liberals are conditioned to think that calling people they disagree with, vile names, is fine, when they do it.

So, this rarely lasts more than a post or two.

(yes, some few posters are such assholes, that I have stopped giving them a benefit of a doubt even for one post, but only a few)
Has anyone called you a racist in this thread yet like you claim always happens...every single time? Just checking.

NOt yet. Should not be long though. Do you want to now? YOu know you do.

Can you resist doing so, even though you know it will prove my point? How much will it hurt if you fight your nature?
Make sure to let me know when it happens....because you DID make the claim that it happens every time.

Will do.

Also, I note you didn't reply to my question about you being driven to call me a racist now, and/or how much it was hurting you not to.

WOuld you like to address that now? ARE you in pain because you are fighting your programming to call me a racist?
Yes...we get hate Progressives. Isn't that the point of the OP all along? That this anger, this hate of interesting. Seems to have complete possession of you.

But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.

And the saddest part is, he thinks he is making some kind of point.
But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.

And the saddest part is, he thinks he is making some kind of point.

It’s been a real challenge to try to dumb things down far enough so he or she can understand. You cannot expect much Intelligence from someone who has 0bama in their avie now can you?
Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Was a good President despite being a horn dog.

So, you admit to sexual misconduct, and defend him anyways.

You just proved my point. Thanks.
I admit that he was a good President and I admit he was a horndog.....and would not be elected today because of that..........................................unless he ran as a Republican.

Thinker made a claim that there are consequences to sexual misconduct, but only if you are a liberal.

Bill Clinton had no consequences. INdeed, he benefited politically.

BIll Clinton proved that liberals only care about sexual misconduct when they can use it against their enemies and advance their agenda.

You lefties don't get to have any credibility on this subject, ever again.

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