Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Youre angry because we laugh at the lefts pitiful crying all the time. Dont project your emotions on us. We are enjoying life while you angry lefties make troll threads like this. Relax, you are only going to have to deal with Trump for YEARS!!!!! :laugh:

Lefties are ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

What a fucking brainless conservative you are.

Rightwing tool... that picture is from Venezuela. And it’s a group of violent rightwingers, opposing Hugo Chavez.

The Truth About Venezuela’s Right-Wing Opposition – Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

This thread questions why rightwingers are so angry even though you control most of the government and you answered that question perfectly —cause you’re so fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

That's beyond priceless! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It is the holiday’s and that rightwing tool was just caught up in the spirit to toss the forum such an easy softball to whack.

Ho, ho, ho.

Oh sorry, i got my violent mobs mixed up. Here you go. :laugh:

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?
And we see more anger as the OP was referring to.

I'm not denying being pissed off at you assholes.

I've pointed out that it is reasonable to be pissed off at assholes.

I've also pointed out that one of the asshole behaviors, that pisses us off, is assholes acting like there is something wrong with being angry with an asshole.

Are you so stupid that you don't realize that you are demonstrating my point?
And once again...the OP's point made.

Questions don't have points. They are requests for information.

  1. 1.
    a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information.

Try to be less stupid.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Was a good President despite being a horn dog.

So, you admit to sexual misconduct, and defend him anyways.

You just proved my point. Thanks.
I admit that he was a good President and I admit he was a horndog.....and would not be elected today because of that..........................................unless he ran as a Republican.

Thinker made a claim that there are consequences to sexual misconduct, but only if you are a liberal.

Bill Clinton had no consequences. INdeed, he benefited politically.

BIll Clinton proved that liberals only care about sexual misconduct when they can use it against their enemies and advance their agenda.

You lefties don't get to have any credibility on this subject, ever again.

They only care about sexual misconduct if they can use it against the GOP,

They only care about black peoples if they aren’t republican.

They only care about women if they aren’t republican.

They only care about spending when a republican is potus.

They only care about war if a republican is potus.

Lies are only bad if a republican is the one lying.

Lies, hypocrisy, corruption, and intolerance. That is all they know.

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Says the man that cut the post I was responding to.

You lefties only care about women, or anyone, when you can use your manufactured "outrage" as a weapon against your enemies.

If it is YOU who have something on the line, like a President, then you would throw your own grandmother under the bus if that is what it takes.
Sound pretty angry there.
We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

The only "fake news" is coming from Fox and your Cheeto Jesus.

Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Dear bodecea
And the other side claims the same.
The Clintons and Obamas get a free pass as the star attraction, and get millions if not billions donated to them to get elected.
But if Republicans did what they did, they'd face demands to resign.

Come the day both sides agree to remove all such threats to govt integrity and democratic process, maybe neither side will get away with corruption. Bush got away with all kinds of overreaching that Democrats would have been nailed for.

Why not team up and help both sides strike down every valid objection or abuse of govt power or position? Then we'd only be left with honest people who get approved by BOTH sides. Maybe we'd get somewhere!

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Says the man that cut the post I was responding to.

You lefties only care about women, or anyone, when you can use your manufactured "outrage" as a weapon against your enemies.

If it is YOU who have something on the line, like a President, then you would throw your own grandmother under the bus if that is what it takes.
Sound pretty angry there.

Anger is the healthy response to someone like you.
Yes...we get hate Progressives. Isn't that the point of the OP all along? That this anger, this hate of interesting. Seems to have complete possession of you.

But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.
Gee, you're right....not sounding angry at all....:rolleyes:
We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

The only "fake news" is coming from Fox and your Cheeto Jesus.

Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Dear bodecea
And the other side claims the same.
The Clintons and Obamas get a free pass as the star attraction, and get millions if not billions donated to them to get elected.
But if Republicans did what they did, they'd face demands to resign.

Come the day both sides agree to remove all such threats to govt integrity and democratic process, maybe neither side will get away with corruption. Bush got away with all kinds of overreaching that Democrats would have been nailed for.

Why not team up and help both sides strike down every valid objection or abuse of govt power or position? Then we'd only be left with honest people who get approved by BOTH sides. Maybe we'd get somewhere!

Bodecea has not interest in that. She only cares about moving the lefty agenda forward.

No matter who, or how many have to be thrown under the bus.
But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.
Gee, you're right....not sounding angry at all....:rolleyes:

Anger is the healthy response to someone like you.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Youre angry because we laugh at the lefts pitiful crying all the time. Dont project your emotions on us. We are enjoying life while you angry lefties make troll threads like this. Relax, you are only going to have to deal with Trump for YEARS!!!!! :laugh:

Lefties are ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holyfuckingshit!! :eusa_doh:

What a fucking brainless conservative you are.

Rightwing tool... that picture is from Venezuela. And it’s a group of violent rightwingers, opposing Hugo Chavez.

The Truth About Venezuela’s Right-Wing Opposition – Venezuela Solidarity Campaign

This thread questions why rightwingers are so angry even though you control most of the government and you answered that question perfectly —cause you’re so fucking rightarded. :cuckoo:

That's beyond priceless! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It is the holiday’s and that rightwing tool was just caught up in the spirit to toss the forum such an easy softball to whack.

Ho, ho, ho.

Oh sorry, i got my violent mobs mixed up. Here you go. :laugh:

You poor thing, you're so rightarded, I feel bad for you.

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Says the man that cut the post I was responding to.

You lefties only care about women, or anyone, when you can use your manufactured "outrage" as a weapon against your enemies.

If it is YOU who have something on the line, like a President, then you would throw your own grandmother under the bus if that is what it takes.
Sound pretty angry there.
Sadly for them, there is no cure for their hatred. They are stuck with it and it consumes them.
More of that excellent example for what the OP is talking about.

I'm happy to admit when I am angry.

Anger is the healthy response to people who are being complete fucking assholes, like you liberals are almost always.

What part of that is confusing for you?
So, the OP was spot on....not confusing in the least.

The OP asked a question. I answered it.

I appreciate you being here to demonstrate my point. answered it...and I again point out that the OP was spot on.

Errr, the op asked a question. That is a request for information, not a claim of information.

A question, without an answer can't be spot on.

I gave an answer. YOu have not.

My answer could be spot on.

YOu have not addressed my answer at all.

YOu are being an asshole.
You are calling names in anger right now.....just like the OP was pointing out.
So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
Are you serious? Alternative media has been there and continues to be there to sucker the weak of mind....just a political bent to the old tabloids that have been around and before them the yellow journalism papers and so on and so forth. It's all about making money off that target audience...the easily led thru pretend persecution.

The MSM have been shilling for the DNC for the last two decades at the very least and now the chickens are coming home to roost. put that at the last two decades.....why is this just coming to be an issue now then?

Dear bodecea
I am guessing it's because the increased demand and outting in the media, in the competition between Clinton and Trump, raised the public interest in getting out all the dirt out in the open.

Because Clinton's camp kept going after Trump, and Trump and his supporters openly outted all the dirt on the Clinton and Democrat side, this opened up the media to all kinds of accusations, true or false, valid or not, to be voiced and heard.

I'm not sure what broke the dam with the sexual harassment and abuses that have gone on and on without anyone stopping to address all of these. It seems to have started when that "male comedian" made a crack about Bill Cosby, and opened up a floodgate of complaints against him that empowered more and more woemn to come forward. (And who knows if it was the constant bashing back and forth about Obama and black racial perceptions that "primed the media" to talk openly and negatively about blacks and men in general that allowed the Bill Cosby reports to be shared in public.) Somewhere between the Cosby case, and the campaigns between the dirt and accusations against Clinton and Trump, including claims of rape and sexual harassment, this led to the dam to break on the Hollywood stories to finally come out.

And then people launched off that platform and went after sexual harassment among Congress and other govt leaders in office.

bodecea everyone here KNOWS that political finagling, selective forgiveness of one celebrity or figurehead while ostracizing or firing another, HAS BEEN GOING ON FOREVER.

And we don't know WHY suddenly this is all coming out NOW.

I think it is in part because Trump so shamelessly accuses and targets people, whether valid or invalid complaints, this has opened the door to using media OPENLY to voice all kinds of complaints about ANYONE. The BLM also helped prime the media, and this led to the anthem and flag protests, and that opened MORE doors for everyone else to state positions publicly (as Trump has been doing) whether they are FOR or AGAINST.

This is just media taken to a new level, although the grievances and patterns of abuse are age old.
Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

My attitude is that anger is the right response to assholeness.

Your desire to be able to be an asshole without being called on it, is noted and rejected.
and the anger referred to by the OP........

I've answered that point repeatedly now. Why do you keep repeating it, while not responding to my repeated answers?

Are your being an asshole on purpose as an honest support of my point?

Or are you delusional enough that you think you are refuting my point somehow, though repetition?
And you continue to call names.....why are you so angry here?
I'm happy to admit when I am angry.

Anger is the healthy response to people who are being complete fucking assholes, like you liberals are almost always.

What part of that is confusing for you?
So, the OP was spot on....not confusing in the least.

The OP asked a question. I answered it.

I appreciate you being here to demonstrate my point. answered it...and I again point out that the OP was spot on.

Errr, the op asked a question. That is a request for information, not a claim of information.

A question, without an answer can't be spot on.

I gave an answer. YOu have not.

My answer could be spot on.

YOu have not addressed my answer at all.

YOu are being an asshole.
You are calling names in anger right now.....just like the OP was pointing out.

YOu are being an asshole, so I am calling you an asshole. I am a little angry with you, but that is the normal and healthy response to dealing with an asshole.

Part of what makes you such an asshole, is your pretense that my anger is the problem, when we both know that you being an asshole is the problem.

YOu are not only an asshole, but a dishonest asshole at that.

THat is what I have been pointing out, that you have been ignoring, like the rude asshole you are.

Would it be possible for you to respond intelligently, or will you continue to spam the board up with ginormous jpegs of Bubba.

You're on the ignore bubble as it is angry little man .. I suggest the former (assuming that is at all possible).

Says the man that cut the post I was responding to.

You lefties only care about women, or anyone, when you can use your manufactured "outrage" as a weapon against your enemies.

If it is YOU who have something on the line, like a President, then you would throw your own grandmother under the bus if that is what it takes.
Sound pretty angry there.
Sadly for them, there is no cure for their hatred. They are stuck with it and it consumes them.

Dear Faun the Grief process has an end.
Anger is just one of the phases, as part of the stages
of recovery. As soon as we recognize and understand
this process, we can better manage it, so it passes smoothly.

Denial, suppression and numbness.
Depression, grief and sadness.
Anger and projection of blame.
Negotiation and bargaining.
Resolution, peace and restoration of relations.
But then you would be wrong. It’s only accurate here. Because of your reading difficulties, I’ll help you some, they key is you said “complete possession” that would mean I’m angry always, not only can you not pretend to know that but it’s completely wrong.

There, I tried to help a progressive out. Isn’t that being nice?
And how is it accurate?

What? We’re you lying? Didn’t you just point out my anger? How is it not accurate here? Can you not even read your own posts?
Well, you think you are cool, calm and collected here?

OMG seek help. Your illiteracy is making it very difficult to discuss anything.

1. You accused me of being angry several times.
2. You said I exhibited anger.
3. I said your statement was only accurate here.
4. You asked how it was accurate.

You are either one confused lefty or you are so illiterate, you don’t even understand your own posts.
Gee, you're right....not sounding angry at all....:rolleyes:

Oh? That’s angry is it? How is that accurate?
Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?

My attitude is that anger is the right response to assholeness.

Your desire to be able to be an asshole without being called on it, is noted and rejected.
and the anger referred to by the OP........

I've answered that point repeatedly now. Why do you keep repeating it, while not responding to my repeated answers?

Are your being an asshole on purpose as an honest support of my point?

Or are you delusional enough that you think you are refuting my point somehow, though repetition?
And you continue to call names.....why are you so angry here?

Because you are ignoring everything I say, and repeating your point over and over again, like an asshole.

YOur very stupid point.


In doing so, you are demonstrating my answer to the op.

Anger is the healthy and normal response to dealing with assholes.

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