Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.
More of that excellent example for what the OP is talking about.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Youre angry because we laugh at the lefts pitiful crying all the time. Dont project your emotions on us. We are enjoying life while you angry lefties make troll threads like this. Relax, you are only going to have to deal with Trump for YEARS!!!!! :laugh:

Dude, relax. Quit getting angry over everything.

Haha. Nice try.
Yeah, kinda like your dumb OP, right? Nice try. :laugh:
More anger.
I’m a Trump supporter and I’m pretty happy right now. I’m making very good money, I have a beautiful wife, my children are successful, and Hillary is not POTUS. The only possibly “want” I could have is some of the guns on my wish list. Particularly a Thompson.

As per the ignorant OP, the reason I post with name calling is because I hate Progressives. The fact that Progressives and their agenda are getting their ignorant asses kicked hard, adds to my happiness.

I am very far from angry, worried, or upset in any way.

Happy people don't take pleasure in the unhappiness of others. That's just not how it works. There's a hole inside you, whether you recognize it or not.

Here’s a dose of reality for you: while it isn’t necessary for happiness it can certainly add to it. Especially when they deserve every bit of the misfortune they come into. You can spare me the meaningless psychobabble.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

They're the grumpiest bunch of "winners" I've ever seen in my life. It is an inexplicable phenomenon.

They will of course claim that us "snowflakes" are "butthurt" over the election. Not me - this is a defining moment in our nations history. Will we become hateful, spittle flinging white nationalists who withdraw from the world and pretend we can create some sort of Euro-blooded utopia, or will we support what our country has always been about.

I believe the latter - and that Trump will never win again with his 35% approval rating and 10-20% amongst our allies.

No kidding, Hillary the lying POS is going to run again?

I really hope so but I’ll bet the DNC won’t allow it.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

The Trump message is predicated on the entitlement politics of white victimihood. That white people are oppressed, victimized, and marginalized. And that Trump will make America Great again by making white people 'powerful' again.

The flip side of this message is that you have to make your target audience feel small, powerless and weak in order to convince them that you can make them large, powerful and strong.

Its the perception of weakness and victimization among Trump's core supporters that is the source of their anger. And Trump regularly feeds that anger for his political benefit. He's kinda a one trick pony in that regard.

But its a really good trick.
Can you make America great again without empowering people?

Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.
You could just ... not watch it?

So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Well, yes and no.

The MSM, as in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, are all filled with reporters who tend to be liberal. So they are going to slant that way in their reporting.

But the real problem with them is that they are SENSATIONALISTS! Everything has to be big! Everyone has to be loud! And all that noise, and embellishment, and guests who are ultra opinionated and brought on only to fight each other with their usual talking points, intermingles with the natural biases of the individuals belonging to the network to create what is perceived to be, as you put it, a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Also, it is in large part the editors that create the bias. The reporters often complain in private about how they'd rather take a more neutral stance but get forced into the opinionated pieces by their editors, probably to get more views.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

The Trump message is predicated on the entitlement politics of white victimihood. That white people are oppressed, victimized, and marginalized. And that Trump will make America Great again by making white people 'powerful' again.

The flip side of this message is that you have to make your target audience feel small, powerless and weak in order to convince them that you can make them large, powerful and strong.

Its the perception of weakness and victimization among Trump's core supporters that is the source of their anger. And Trump regularly feeds that anger for his political benefit. He's kinda a one trick pony in that regard.

But its a really good trick.
A really good trick for people who want to be fooled again and again and again.
So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Well, yes and no.

The MSM, as in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, are all filled with reporters who tend to be liberal. So they are going to slant that way in their reporting.

But the real problem with them is that they are SENSATIONALISTS! Everything has to be big! Everyone has to be loud! And all that noise, and embellishment, and guests who are ultra opinionated and brought on only to fight each other with their usual talking points, intermingles with the natural biases of the individuals belonging to the network to create what is perceived to be, as you put it, a mouthpiece for the DNC.

So you're okay with the supposedly unbiased media reporting with a leftist slant?
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

The Trump message is predicated on the entitlement politics of white victimihood. That white people are oppressed, victimized, and marginalized. And that Trump will make America Great again by making white people 'powerful' again.

The flip side of this message is that you have to make your target audience feel small, powerless and weak in order to convince them that you can make them large, powerful and strong.

Its the perception of weakness and victimization among Trump's core supporters that is the source of their anger. And Trump regularly feeds that anger for his political benefit. He's kinda a one trick pony in that regard.

But its a really good trick.
Can you make America great again without empowering people?

Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.

Your analogy is complete garbage unless every single white man is rich, and powerful. They aren’t soyou are full of shit as usual.
Dear John Shaw:
If you lump all Trump Supporters together this way, instead of addressing each person as a unique individual, one on one, that's part of the problem.

The ones "lumping all liberals together" as one huge "snowflake" storm make the same mistake.

When people on both sides "rant and rave" at each other "collectively as a group" that's what is causing this phenomenon. It's mutual.

If you want to see different, then let's remember to address each person individually, and break down this habit of attacking and blaming problems on "whole groups of anonymous people."


If we want people to take individual responsibility instead of acting on "mob mentality," we should address one another as equal persons and not as "just another member of a whole group."

Thanks John Shaw
Yours truly, emilynghiem

And if you want to understand Trump Supporters individually, I can answer with what I know among me and my friends who are Trump Supporters. I have as many friends who are Sanders or Clinton/Obama supporters, so I have had to address all these who project "mob mentality" on others while we strive to respect and address one another as individuals. Every person and group I know has this issues, especially with political groups that exploit and thrive on "collective" mentality. This can work for us, as in collective bargaining to protect individuals with the same issues or grievance, or it can work against us when we get divided into pools of people bullying each other instead of collaborating as "allies" in partnership, teams and cooperatives that can preserve the diversity while still allowing groups to work together. America is at the stage of addressing our diversity, especially politically, and this will likely invoke changes to our party, media and legal system that is adversarial instead of collaborative. It takes EACH of us to change how we see, say and approach things INDIVIDUALLY first; then together we can change how groups operate collectively. Individual comes first! Thanks John! I'm willing to work with you and ask your help to work with me.

Super-nice post Emily, the kind of which we could use more of around here. The stereotyping and tribalism we are currently experiencing needs to go - Pronto
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

The Trump message is predicated on the entitlement politics of white victimihood. That white people are oppressed, victimized, and marginalized. And that Trump will make America Great again by making white people 'powerful' again.

The flip side of this message is that you have to make your target audience feel small, powerless and weak in order to convince them that you can make them large, powerful and strong.

Its the perception of weakness and victimization among Trump's core supporters that is the source of their anger. And Trump regularly feeds that anger for his political benefit. He's kinda a one trick pony in that regard.

But its a really good trick.
Can you make America great again without empowering people?

Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.
I guess you have to believe in yourself. You need to remind yourself you are not a puny snowflake or a victim. It's up to you.
Wow, time after time we’ve seen liberals demean and accuse others. Fortunately we’ve also seen how they typically are the ones blaming others for what they are doing.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Well, yes and no.

The MSM, as in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, are all filled with reporters who tend to be liberal. So they are going to slant that way in their reporting.

But the real problem with them is that they are SENSATIONALISTS! Everything has to be big! Everyone has to be loud! And all that noise, and embellishment, and guests who are ultra opinionated and brought on only to fight each other with their usual talking points, intermingles with the natural biases of the individuals belonging to the network to create what is perceived to be, as you put it, a mouthpiece for the DNC.

So you're okay with the supposedly unbiased media reporting with a leftist slant?

No but the only thing you can do is not watch it. And I don't.
I also want to add that it makes sense for liberals to be angry. They have no power. Trump is in office, for God's sake. A guy who talks about grabbing women and kissing them without warning, who has stereotyped illegal immigrants as thugs and rapists, who has stacked his cabinet with ex-bankers.

Trump supporters don't have such reasons to be angry. They have their guy in the White House. They're getting what they want. What's your excuse for all the rage?

We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

You could just ... not watch it?

So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
Are you serious? Alternative media has been there and continues to be there to sucker the weak of mind....just a political bent to the old tabloids that have been around and before them the yellow journalism papers and so on and so forth. It's all about making money off that target audience...the easily led thru pretend persecution.
I also want to add that it makes sense for liberals to be angry. They have no power. Trump is in office, for God's sake. A guy who talks about grabbing women and kissing them without warning, who has stereotyped illegal immigrants as thugs and rapists, who has stacked his cabinet with ex-bankers.

Trump supporters don't have such reasons to be angry. They have their guy in the White House. They're getting what they want. What's your excuse for all the rage?

Dear John Shaw
Liberals are acting out of fear.
I have tried to approach my fellow libs and progressives with the Greens and Dems, and organize solutions around the party structures and leadership, starting on a local scale. So far a handful of Greens have agreed we need to build health care coops on a district level BEFORE trying to expect to get anywhere with universal care on a national scale. Most libs and Dems are taught they have no power and it all belongs to party and govt. So this is a new twist to lobby members to organize resources and "build it ourselves."

Incidentally there are conservatives like Sean Hannity also preaching and lobbying for health care coops as the model to follow!

So these people who have the resources to organize these, shouldn't be fearful or angry, right? Because they do have the power and ability to promote this through their rightwing media as Hannity HAS been doing, right?

But John Shaw the left and right are so segregated, socially politically and in the media, they aren't hearing or seeing they have the same solutions! the Greens have activists here and there teaching and lobbying for workers and health care coops. Conservatives are saying and promoting the same thing. And they are missing each other because of the crap in the media pitting both sides in yell wars and bullying contests slamming each other's leadership.

So one side gets mad that the libs are "painting Cons as wanting to take away health care and let people die" when in fact, Hannity and the doctors he promotes are arguing for the SAME solutions that the GREENS are arguing for, in terms of locally managed health care coops and not trying to mandate choices top down through federal govt.

The other side gets mad that libs are bashed as "just being against Trump" instead of having real grievances and solutions THAT AREN'T BEING HEARD THROUGH A POLARIZED MEDIA THAT PROFITS OFF MUTUAL BULLYING CONTESTS.

Both sides get incited by the other.

Trump and Congress are still caught in the middle of this, and still passing things that both sides don't like.

John Shaw the same way ACA and mandates that handed health care dollars over to insurance interests and lobbies DIDN'T PLEASE OR REPRESENT the real liberal left that wanted universal care NOT corporate insurance, the current tax reforms AREN'T representing the TRUE conservatives who are finding out it's just a symbolic "first step" but far short of solving problems with overreaching govt. It only addresses the taxes and doesn't solve the problems with govt costing so much in taxes.

So the REAL cons and REAL libs are both having to fight "battles against their own leaders in Congress" still selling out for compromise because they aren't hearing or focusing on solutions that both sides actually AGREE on.

both sides have the RIGHT answer to health care, which is locally managed coops which preserves freedom of choice from govt controls.
but neither side is being heard because of the yell wars and bullying incited by media and party to hype up voters and elections.

So the hype and "anger/fear" based lobbying continues in the media because it sells ads for donors and ratings in the media, and gets people to the polls.

but it isn't about the solutions that would require people and parties on both left and right collaborating on RATIONAL means of accomplishing common goals while resolving common grievances of protecting free market choices, individual freedom of choice, and civil liberties that both libs and cons argue is at stake.

So basically you're saying that they are angry at their corporate slave masters, but are redirecting that anger toward liberals. And vice versa.

Extremely well said and astute John Shaw
Yes, I have compared the old division between "field slaves" pitted against "house slaves" with today's political enslavement of taxpayers as "the party of the poor" and the "party of the rich" both blaming each other instead of uniting to liberate themselves from mutual oppression of our voices and resources.

Exactly! BINGO you nailed it.
I nominate you for a media campaign to bring together the parties tired of this endless battling and bullying. You can take what both sides are yelling about, summarize it in a nutshell. And serve it to them, like an ace tennis player slamming it on the line in one shot!!!
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Youre angry because we laugh at the lefts pitiful crying all the time. Dont project your emotions on us. We are enjoying life while you angry lefties make troll threads like this. Relax, you are only going to have to deal with Trump for YEARS!!!!! :laugh:

Lefties are ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where was that picture taken and when?
If I gave you those answers, how would it help your case? You aren't suggesting that the right has been donning masks and mob attacking people, are you?
Why do you hesitate to tell where and when that was taken?
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

They're the grumpiest bunch of "winners" I've ever seen in my life. It is an inexplicable phenomenon.

They will of course claim that us "snowflakes" are "butthurt" over the election. Not me - this is a defining moment in our nations history. Will we become hateful, spittle flinging white nationalists who withdraw from the world and pretend we can create some sort of Euro-blooded utopia, or will we support what our country has always been about.

I believe the latter - and that Trump will never win again with his 35% approval rating and 10-20% amongst our allies.

No kidding, Hillary the lying POS is going to run again?

I really hope so but I’ll bet the DNC won’t allow it.

Dunno, they may need the funding, just like last time.
I’m a Trump supporter and I’m pretty happy right now. I’m making very good money, I have a beautiful wife, my children are successful, and Hillary is not POTUS. The only possibly “want” I could have is some of the guns on my wish list. Particularly a Thompson.

As per the ignorant OP, the reason I post with name calling is because I hate Progressives. The fact that Progressives and their agenda are getting their ignorant asses kicked hard, adds to my happiness.

I am very far from angry, worried, or upset in any way.
Why do you hate progressives?

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