Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)
We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

You could just ... not watch it?

So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
Are you serious? Alternative media has been there and continues to be there to sucker the weak of mind....just a political bent to the old tabloids that have been around and before them the yellow journalism papers and so on and so forth. It's all about making money off that target audience...the easily led thru pretend persecution.

Dear bodecea Like the parties that get hijacked by corporatized or elitist interests, yes, unfortunately the alternative media suffers this as well.

If you look deeper at the individual independent media, like the factions and fractions within the parties, that's where you will find pockets of solutions, and people willing to work across party and media lines on common solutions!

We do have to start with taking back media and party, by starting with these independent voices and factions with the RIGHT ideas. There are some on the left, on the right, with all groups including with media. We find the right contacts, link those together across party lines and barriers, and these right solutions will speak for themselves.

Once we have a good lead, the rest will follow like a mass herd. The sheep mentality will work for us, instead of against us, when we pinpoint and focus on the right messages and approach that actually unite people on all sides.

the media groups are going through this, similar to parties dividing against themselves to weed out the corporate hijackers and elitists exploiting the groups for their own agenda. Look deeper, and you will see the real people fighting this battle not to be silenced by what we see in the media which doesn't represent the people and workers on the ground level fighting an uphill battle.
Iā€™m a Trump supporter and Iā€™m pretty happy right now. Iā€™m making very good money, I have a beautiful wife, my children are successful, and Hillary is not POTUS. The only possibly ā€œwantā€ I could have is some of the guns on my wish list. Particularly a Thompson.

As per the ignorant OP, the reason I post with name calling is because I hate Progressives. The fact that Progressives and their agenda are getting their ignorant asses kicked hard, adds to my happiness.

I am very far from angry, worried, or upset in any way.
Why do you hate progressives?

Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They donā€™t know history.
They donā€™t know economics.
They donā€™t really care about black people
They donā€™t really care about women

And thatā€™s just off the top of my head.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?

Careful you don't hurt yourself, John, you're looking in the mirror again and mistaking your own image for the outside world . . .
Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.

Winner ^ ^ ^ That's precisely correct. You can feel the Trump effect right here in this thread from certain of his disciples. And kudos to John Shaw for the OP and to several others who've contributed - on both sides of the coin.

There's nothing flamey about the subject matter. We can either discuss it rationally, or return to our corners to reapply the tribal warpaint.

But you're right. Trumplings are VERY afraid of the changing demographics in this country. Trump panders to their worst instincts.
Dear bodecea Like the parties that get hijacked by corporatized or elitist interests, yes, unfortunately the alternative media suffers this as well.

If you look deeper at the individual independent media, like the factions and fractions within the parties, that's where you will find pockets of solutions, and people willing to work across party and media lines on common solutions!

We do have to start with taking back media and party, by starting with these independent voices and factions with the RIGHT ideas. There are some on the left, on the right, with all groups including with media. We find the right contacts, link those together across party lines and barriers, and these right solutions will speak for themselves.

Once we have a good lead, the rest will follow like a mass herd. The sheep mentality will work for us, instead of against us, when we pinpoint and focus on the right messages and approach that actually unite people on all sides.

the media groups are going through this, similar to parties dividing against themselves to weed out the corporate hijackers and elitists exploiting the groups for their own agenda. Look deeper, and you will see the real people fighting this battle not to be silenced by what we see in the media which doesn't represent the people and workers on the ground level fighting an uphill battle.

If you're running for office any time soon - then you have my vote :wink:
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They donā€™t know history.
They donā€™t know economics.
They donā€™t really care about black people
They donā€™t really care about women

And thatā€™s just off the top of my head.

You just painted a picture that looks exactly like this

Iā€™m a Trump supporter and Iā€™m pretty happy right now. Iā€™m making very good money, I have a beautiful wife, my children are successful, and Hillary is not POTUS. The only possibly ā€œwantā€ I could have is some of the guns on my wish list. Particularly a Thompson.

As per the ignorant OP, the reason I post with name calling is because I hate Progressives. The fact that Progressives and their agenda are getting their ignorant asses kicked hard, adds to my happiness.

I am very far from angry, worried, or upset in any way.
Why do you hate progressives?

Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They donā€™t know history.
They donā€™t know economics.
They donā€™t really care about black people
They donā€™t really care about women

And thatā€™s just off the top of my head.
My God! You ticked off every box where Trumpians are concerned. It's uncanny how your concerns about progressives are precisely the concerns about Trumpians.
Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.

Winner ^ ^ ^ That's precisely correct. You can feel the Trump effect right here in this thread from certain of his disciples. And kudos to John Shaw for the OP and to several others who've contributed - on both sides of the coin.

There's nothing flamey about the subject matter. We can either discuss it rationally, or return to our corners to reapply the tribal warpaint.

But you're right. Trumplings are VERY afraid of the changing demographics in this country. Trump panders to their worst instincts.

Here you go snowflake:
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Theyā€™re saddled with all kinds of grievances over their personal failures, and theyā€™ll be DAMNED if anybody makes them take reponsibility for it!

They are frightened, terrified...afraid of change, progress, social evolution, loss of white privilege, loss of a cozy little world where they are the favored race, where their religion controls everything, where their view of the world is maintained. They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat.
Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They donā€™t know history.
They donā€™t know economics.
They donā€™t really care about black people
They donā€™t really care about women

And thatā€™s just off the top of my head.

You just painted a picture that looks exactly like this


Ah! The old playground response: ā€œI know YOU are but what am I?ā€

What are you 10?
Iā€™m a Trump supporter and Iā€™m pretty happy right now. Iā€™m making very good money, I have a beautiful wife, my children are successful, and Hillary is not POTUS. The only possibly ā€œwantā€ I could have is some of the guns on my wish list. Particularly a Thompson.

As per the ignorant OP, the reason I post with name calling is because I hate Progressives. The fact that Progressives and their agenda are getting their ignorant asses kicked hard, adds to my happiness.

I am very far from angry, worried, or upset in any way.
Why do you hate progressives?

Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They donā€™t know history.
They donā€™t know economics.
They donā€™t really care about black people
They donā€™t really care about women

And thatā€™s just off the top of my head.
My God! You ticked off every box where Trumpians are concerned. It's uncanny how your concerns about progressives are precisely the concerns about Trumpians.

Wow! Butthurt children all over this thread!

Do you ignorant children ever have an original thought?
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Theyā€™re saddled with all kinds of grievances over their personal failures, and theyā€™ll be DAMNED if anybody makes them take reponsibility for it!

They are frightened, terrified...afraid of change, progress, social evolution, loss of white privilege, loss of a cozy little world where they are the favored race, where their religion controls everything, where their view of the world is maintained. They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat.

"They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat"

Referring to Trump voters, or Hillary voters?
You could just ... not watch it?

So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.
When did that happen?
Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Well, yes and no.

The MSM, as in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, are all filled with reporters who tend to be liberal. So they are going to slant that way in their reporting.

But the real problem with them is that they are SENSATIONALISTS! Everything has to be big! Everyone has to be loud! And all that noise, and embellishment, and guests who are ultra opinionated and brought on only to fight each other with their usual talking points, intermingles with the natural biases of the individuals belonging to the network to create what is perceived to be, as you put it, a mouthpiece for the DNC.

So you're okay with the supposedly unbiased media reporting with a leftist slant?

No but the only thing you can do is not watch it. And I don't.

I dont give a rats ass if you watch it or not,other gullible dumbfucks do and it influences our elections.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.

Well, yes and no.

The MSM, as in CNN, MSNBC, CBS, are all filled with reporters who tend to be liberal. So they are going to slant that way in their reporting.

But the real problem with them is that they are SENSATIONALISTS! Everything has to be big! Everyone has to be loud! And all that noise, and embellishment, and guests who are ultra opinionated and brought on only to fight each other with their usual talking points, intermingles with the natural biases of the individuals belonging to the network to create what is perceived to be, as you put it, a mouthpiece for the DNC.

So you're okay with the supposedly unbiased media reporting with a leftist slant?
And how did you come to that conclusion?

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