Trump supporters; why are you so angry?

Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
They’re saddled with all kinds of grievances over their personal failures, and they’ll be DAMNED if anybody makes them take reponsibility for it!

They are frightened, terrified...afraid of change, progress, social evolution, loss of white privilege, loss of a cozy little world where they are the favored race, where their religion controls everything, where their view of the world is maintained. They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat.
Ever seen a frightened/threatened cat? Puffs itself up to make itself look twice as large as it really is.......

Yes I have...was that what Weiner was doing?
So you're okay with the media spreading propaganda?
How fascist of you.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
Are you serious? Alternative media has been there and continues to be there to sucker the weak of mind....just a political bent to the old tabloids that have been around and before them the yellow journalism papers and so on and so forth. It's all about making money off that target audience...the easily led thru pretend persecution.

The MSM have been shilling for the DNC for the last two decades at the very least and now the chickens are coming home to roost. put that at the last two decades.....why is this just coming to be an issue now then?

Now we have the internet,which makes it much more difficult for you leftist trash to hide your malfeasance.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
Youre angry because we laugh at the lefts pitiful crying all the time. Dont project your emotions on us. We are enjoying life while you angry lefties make troll threads like this. Relax, you are only going to have to deal with Trump for YEARS!!!!! :laugh:

Lefties are ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where was that picture taken and when?
If I gave you those answers, how would it help your case? You aren't suggesting that the right has been donning masks and mob attacking people, are you?
Why do you hesitate to tell where and when that was taken?
Why do you hesitate to answer my question?
Oh, the idea that white people are oppressed is blithering nonsense. On virtually every discernible measure, they are at the top of the food chain. Longest lifespans, lowest crime rates, most degrees, highest incomes, most business owners, largest chunk of the population.

But the *perception* of white victimization among his core base is something that Trump rabidly feeds. Trump benefits by making white people feel small, weak and powerless.

Winner ^ ^ ^ That's precisely correct. You can feel the Trump effect right here in this thread from certain of his disciples. And kudos to John Shaw for the OP and to several others who've contributed - on both sides of the coin.

There's nothing flamey about the subject matter. We can either discuss it rationally, or return to our corners to reapply the tribal warpaint.

But you're right. Trumplings are VERY afraid of the changing demographics in this country. Trump panders to their worst instincts.

Dear DrLove
As this thread, and demographics of USMB show,
we are GOING to have some rational advocates
and some who are just bulldogs and pitbulls that charge
the enemy to defend their ground and turf.

This is why the founding fathers separated the branches of govt. We also fall into different functions and roles.
We need to separate these roles from each other
and not yell and scream that they exist.

How do we best use the "judges" who simply rubber stamp
"yes or no" and refuse to negotiate or correction objections?

How do we position the negotiators and mediators, where those of us who believe in facilitating consensus don't get "run over" by the mass objectors only defending their beliefs from the others?

Remember, there are three levels of govt that also apply to self govt in local relations between individuals:
* what we believe is right or wrong, true or false, which can be both subjective and objective
* how we express these beliefs in spoken or written word to form agreements and contracts
* how we exercise and enforce agreed policies in real life and relations in society
And to resolve conflicts between these: how do manage democratic due process to redress grievances and correct or prevent abuses by resolving objections and complaints and seek equal compliance and protection of rights under law and representation of interests and beliefs involved?

Not all people are skilled or even designed to manage all three levels, or they change roles depending on what issue or policy is addressed.

We already have this problem with govt. Someone great at military and national defense may fall apart when it comes to domestic policies, and vice versa. We do need to identify strong points and separate roles in govt as well. We start by doing this locally, organize by role and issue we are best at addressing.

And maybe if we can work out a model structure that can handle the diversity on this thread alone, on USMB, and then within parties that are divided against themselves for this same reason, after that, maybe we can figure out how to fix govt suffering from the same!
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?
Are you serious? Alternative media has been there and continues to be there to sucker the weak of mind....just a political bent to the old tabloids that have been around and before them the yellow journalism papers and so on and so forth. It's all about making money off that target audience...the easily led thru pretend persecution.

The MSM have been shilling for the DNC for the last two decades at the very least and now the chickens are coming home to roost. put that at the last two decades.....why is this just coming to be an issue now then?

Now we have the internet,which makes it much more difficult for you leftist trash to hide your malfeasance.

And vice versa HereWeGoAgain

Normally I agree with other Trump and conservative posters on Constitutional principles and grievances we stand on as common ground, but when the ragging and railing waxes too broad and starts an uncontrolled wildfire, I see that we can use these internet and relations between allies to "reign in" the rightwing as well as the leftwing so neither side runs too far amok!
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

How so?

THe Race Card is a prime example.

Imagine if you will, that every time you engaged in any discussion, that some piece of shit, that a chorus of drooling morons called you a vile name, every single time.

WOUld you turn the other cheek and just let it ride?

Or would you call them the pieces of shit that they are, and point out that they were fucking cowards for only talking like that online?

Dear Correll
I find it most effective to address both.

Try to resolve the issue of namecalling by both sides acknowledging neither one likes to be addressed that way, and call a mutual truce.

Stick to the principles points and CONTENT to the argument. Respect the person and the material or message they are trying to address.

but separate the language and layer of bullying going on from the two people behind that barrier.

Agree to remove the barrier and try to address each other as people equally angry, insulted or in fear of being oppressed by these same barriers.

this is best achieved in an environment of mutual respect. And yes, sometimes we have to be the first to show respect for the other, before they agree to drop the namecalling and try to be more respectful in return.

To turn the other cheek does NOT mean to take abuse and enable it like a doormat Correll:
It REALLY means to address one another as EQUAL peers
(the explanation of the Bible is that slapping someone left handed means a citizen is rebuking a slave who is not a citizen, because the left hand was reserved for that. But if someone does this, you ask them to "use their right hand" or rebuke you as an equal citizen which is a righthanded slap. You correct them and tell them if we are going to go head to head it will be as equals, not inferiors.)

My normal posting style is respectful and civil.

If a lib post something in a civil manner, I reply in kind.

But liberals are conditioned to think that calling people they disagree with, vile names, is fine, when they do it.

So, this rarely lasts more than a post or two.

(yes, some few posters are such assholes, that I have stopped giving them a benefit of a doubt even for one post, but only a few)

Dear Correll When I run into namecalling, it depends what stage the person or conversation is in. It's like the grief process, where sometimes people need to vent, and it's best to let the wind carry that off as a release valve and not add to the pressure. Sometime the person is ready to quit the venting and let's talk.
It's like telling the difference between a regular fire and a grease fire. There are some you just throw water on, and some you would spread it if you did that. A wet blanket helps but sometime what we say back serves as gasoline instead of a wet blanket.

What I just told classmates in a workshop training I'm taking, is that it makes all the difference in the world to approach the other person as "we are in this together" and "wanting to save the relationship between us" instead of wanting to sever it.

If we go into it already rejecting each other, that is going to send and receive the same vibe. If we are committed to investing in working this out, no matter how hurtful and ugly the things we feel and want to say, that's totally different, and people respond differently.

So the inclusive approach helps to put out the fires raging inside and out. If we don't judge each other for what sets us off, but let each other vent and grieve, that builds trust and ability to connect and hear each other out.

This isn't overnight. That's why it is best to start with allies we do trust, work out our differences and build from there. To take on people we don't trust and who don't trust us, it's best to have our own inner fires put out, where we don't set each other off! If we know we are going to trigger each other, we should be prepared for that, and not just blame the other person when we are equally on fire and have our anger and venting to do as well when it's our turn.
AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

Well there's the spittle John was referring to :)

Anger is the healthy response to someone being a fucking asshole.

WHat part of that do you disagree with, fucktard?

I object to your language and general attitude.

Did that help?
Probably too many reasons to list. But just a few off the top of my head:

They are hypocrites.
They tell lies that they know full well are lies.
They are party and agenda before country.
They are the true racists.
They are the largest hate group in the world.
They have almost the entire media in their side.
Half of them are profoundly stupid and the other half are compulsive liars.
They don’t know history.
They don’t know economics.
They don’t really care about black people
They don’t really care about women

And that’s just off the top of my head.

You just painted a picture that looks exactly like this


The Left really are quite the amazing lot------ they sit around all day long doodling little caricatures of Trump by the thousands mistaking them for reality never once realizing that we never had much need for caricatures of Hillary and Obama because all we really needed was any real photo of them!

View attachment 165290 View attachment 165291
I'm glad to see a President that actually CAN ride a bike.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are, spittle flying from your lips while your face turns a bright neon red and your eyes bug out of your head.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.
More of that excellent example for what the OP is talking about.

I'm happy to admit when I am angry.

Anger is the healthy response to people who are being complete fucking assholes, like you liberals are almost always.

What part of that is confusing for you?
So, the OP was spot on....not confusing in the least.
Haven't we had to put up with it with parts of the media, FOX and Breitbart, etc. for quite a while?

Had the MSM been honest alternate media wouldn't have been needed now would they?

Well FOX and Breitbart are pretty much the same thing, but appealing to a different kind of audience. So ... not sure how that's really alternative media, in the sense that it's intrinsically different.

There was a time the MSM was trustworthy.
They've now turned into the Progda and are just a mouthpiece for the DNC.
When did that happen?

Decades ago.
But thanks to Algore for inventing the internet and exposing you lefties or Trump wouldnt have won the election.....thanks Al.
"Algore inventing the internet"......:rofl:
We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

The only "fake news" is coming from Fox and your Cheeto Jesus.

Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Yeah,isn't it great!!!!
Yes...I like it when the line between being responsible for one's actions and getting away with lying and denying for the deplorables is so very clear cut.
Pretty much every time I see one of you post, you're calling someone nasty names, or spouting off some ridiculous conspiracy theory, or gnashing your teeth while stereotyping some group and declaring what scum they are.

Why can't you just talk calmly and rationally like a civilized person? Why must everything you say/write be tinged with rage?
They’re saddled with all kinds of grievances over their personal failures, and they’ll be DAMNED if anybody makes them take reponsibility for it!

They are frightened, terrified...afraid of change, progress, social evolution, loss of white privilege, loss of a cozy little world where they are the favored race, where their religion controls everything, where their view of the world is maintained. They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat.

"They are like a scared wild animal, screaming and squealing and squirming, biting and hissing at anything they feel is a threat"

Referring to Trump voters, or Hillary voters?
I am not referring to conservatives like you but to the extremely nasty Trump people on here who do nothing but attack. I've been called more names in the limited time I've spent on here than I have in my entire long life, more names 1,000 times over than in all of my life and have references made toward me that are abusive and disgusting. Never in my life anywhere have I been called the 'c' word except here,and it has happened more than I can recall. And for doing what? Being a liberal. I don't generally attack people in a disgusting, vulgar, nasty name calling way. I may respond to extreme attacks in a rough way, but it is pretty much nothing compared to how I'm spoken to regularly by the extreme rightwingers on here. What is the excuse for their behavior, such disgusting and pervasive name calling and personal attacks?
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

How so?

THe Race Card is a prime example.

Imagine if you will, that every time you engaged in any discussion, that some piece of shit, that a chorus of drooling morons called you a vile name, every single time.

WOUld you turn the other cheek and just let it ride?

Or would you call them the pieces of shit that they are, and point out that they were fucking cowards for only talking like that online?

Dear Correll
I find it most effective to address both.

Try to resolve the issue of namecalling by both sides acknowledging neither one likes to be addressed that way, and call a mutual truce.

Stick to the principles points and CONTENT to the argument. Respect the person and the material or message they are trying to address.

but separate the language and layer of bullying going on from the two people behind that barrier.

Agree to remove the barrier and try to address each other as people equally angry, insulted or in fear of being oppressed by these same barriers.

this is best achieved in an environment of mutual respect. And yes, sometimes we have to be the first to show respect for the other, before they agree to drop the namecalling and try to be more respectful in return.

To turn the other cheek does NOT mean to take abuse and enable it like a doormat Correll:
It REALLY means to address one another as EQUAL peers
(the explanation of the Bible is that slapping someone left handed means a citizen is rebuking a slave who is not a citizen, because the left hand was reserved for that. But if someone does this, you ask them to "use their right hand" or rebuke you as an equal citizen which is a righthanded slap. You correct them and tell them if we are going to go head to head it will be as equals, not inferiors.)

My normal posting style is respectful and civil.

If a lib post something in a civil manner, I reply in kind.

But liberals are conditioned to think that calling people they disagree with, vile names, is fine, when they do it.

So, this rarely lasts more than a post or two.

(yes, some few posters are such assholes, that I have stopped giving them a benefit of a doubt even for one post, but only a few)
Has anyone called you a racist in this thread yet like you claim always happens...every single time? Just checking.
This may be a couple of things.
Some people have a low tolerance for stupidity. Some are just plants.
You see, what the left specializes in is instigating a confrontation.
You spit in someone's face in order to solicit a violent reaction.
It's a classic communist tactic.

AND THEN, act as though the person you provoked, is the bad guy because of his anger.

John, we are on to you, and we aren't playing by your asshole rules anymore.

THe more you try, the more push back you will get.

You act like a fucking asshole, we will treat you like you deserve.

How so?

THe Race Card is a prime example.

Imagine if you will, that every time you engaged in any discussion, that some piece of shit, that a chorus of drooling morons called you a vile name, every single time.

WOUld you turn the other cheek and just let it ride?

Or would you call them the pieces of shit that they are, and point out that they were fucking cowards for only talking like that online?
Every single time?

Pretty much, as you well know, lefty.
Pretty yet?
We have every reason to be pissed at the left wing media who repeatedly report fake news.

The only "fake news" is coming from Fox and your Cheeto Jesus.

Yup, that must be why liberal news stations are terminating "newscasters" or giving them extended leaves.
Well, one thing we've been learning in the last month is that there are consequences for get fired or resign if you are a Leftie or perceived to be a Leftie.....on the other side of the political spectrum, you get elected.

Was a good President despite being a horn dog.

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