Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac

Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Such is the lawless, violent, thuggish right.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

These Dems are evil geniuses. First empty out the fed prisons of all drug abusers, and restore their voting rights. Next arrest and lock up every Trump supporter.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Frankly you people are sick and disgusting, you truly are. You want to punish anyone who dissents with your side.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

What are you pussies going to do?
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?

What church burned?

Fake news!
St. Johns

The Mission San Gabriel was pretty much destroyed. Rioters wanted to destroy the statue of Fr Junipero Sierra but it had already been moved. Burning down the church would have to do.

Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
1. Biden is illegitimate, he cheated to win.
2. Trump is not going away any time soon. He can go to "Parler" to kibitz.
3. The GOP is just fine, you'll see in 2022 when we take back the House and Senate, and in 2024 when we take back the WH.
LOL? In mid-terms the out party generally picks up seats. That is a simple fact.
You didn't say 'picks up seats' you said take back the House and Senate. If, no when, the country shows signs of returning to normal with the economy rebounding from COVID and people able to once again get out and enjoy themselves I really doubt people will want to go back to the dumpster fire era.
All it takes to take back the House and Senate is a few seats in each.
Please recall the 2020 election.
The GOP lost 3 senate seats, and lost 3 house seats. Warnock's senate seat is up for grabs again in 2022.
Your "dumpster fire" comment doesn't wash. Democrats lost (13) House seats, what happened to that "big blue wave"?
We'll see what happens after 2-years of Biden, Nancy, and Shumer.
Back to normalcy and civility is what is going to happen.
LOL! After 4-years of coup attempt after coup attempt, you think we're going back to "normalcy"? Guess again.

In case you forgot the last 4-years, let me remind you:
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

The Biden's money-laundering scams need a special prosecutor so they aren't stopped, the FBI has an ongoing investigation, we'll see if the swamp wins again.
Actually Mueller largely put an end to any Russiagate claims. Even though Trump's campaign did get assistance in it's social media strategy. Mueller just passed on it. And that's fine by me. None of your evidence of Lincoln project, K steet, never trumpers, Rinos or impeachment has anything to do with some "cheating." It's about people like me who'd rather have a dem than Trump.

Given Fox's, NR, the WSJ's devotion until the claims of "fraud" and attacking the capital, I find your unhappiness with the MSM … lame. When did NR and the Wall St. J and Fox defend Obama on the birther bs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

And Trump/ghouliani and the rest of the freak show never put up any evidence that could show illegal voting changed the result in any state.
1. Mueller and the MSM spent two years pushing a lie, that Trump is a Russian asset.
2. Mueller gave Hillary the pass on Russian Collusion, and her actually paying Russians for dirt on Trump
3. Voter fraud is serious and needs to be investigated. There are many voting issues to be fixed.
4. The MSM was 95% negative on Trump and 80% positive on Obama, its just propaganda and fake news.
5. "People like you" might be suburban women who don't like Trump's bullying, that's his fault for not knowing that every vote counts. After a few years of lawlessness the soccer/security moms might like Republicans again.
6. The birther issue was never covered by the MSM like Russian Collusion, or the fake impeachments. Either BOs Hawiian birth certificate is legit or its not.
7. There are many voting issues to resolve, from not verifying signatures, to not allowing all incorrect ballots to be cured/fixed, to the PA SC illegally extending the vote deadline, to not allowing observers, to all those sworn affidavits.
8. Then there was the MSM blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop proving pay-to-play, with a real witness, or a mention of the FBI investigation into the Biden's money-laundering schemes. So its okay to lie about Trump, but any illegal activities by the Bidens needs to be covered up. I see what kind of country you prefer to live in, where some people are way more equal than others.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
1. Biden is illegitimate, he cheated to win.
2. Trump is not going away any time soon. He can go to "Parler" to kibitz.
3. The GOP is just fine, you'll see in 2022 when we take back the House and Senate, and in 2024 when we take back the WH.
LOL? In mid-terms the out party generally picks up seats. That is a simple fact.
You didn't say 'picks up seats' you said take back the House and Senate. If, no when, the country shows signs of returning to normal with the economy rebounding from COVID and people able to once again get out and enjoy themselves I really doubt people will want to go back to the dumpster fire era.
All it takes to take back the House and Senate is a few seats in each.
Please recall the 2020 election.
The GOP lost 3 senate seats, and lost 3 house seats. Warnock's senate seat is up for grabs again in 2022.
Your "dumpster fire" comment doesn't wash. Democrats lost (13) House seats, what happened to that "big blue wave"?
We'll see what happens after 2-years of Biden, Nancy, and Shumer.
Back to normalcy and civility is what is going to happen.
LOL! After 4-years of coup attempt after coup attempt, you think we're going back to "normalcy"? Guess again.

In case you forgot the last 4-years, let me remind you:
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

The Biden's money-laundering scams need a special prosecutor so they aren't stopped, the FBI has an ongoing investigation, we'll see if the swamp wins again.
Actually Mueller largely put an end to any Russiagate claims. Even though Trump's campaign did get assistance in it's social media strategy. Mueller just passed on it. And that's fine by me. None of your evidence of Lincoln project, K steet, never trumpers, Rinos or impeachment has anything to do with some "cheating." It's about people like me who'd rather have a dem than Trump.

Given Fox's, NR, the WSJ's devotion until the claims of "fraud" and attacking the capital, I find your unhappiness with the MSM … lame. When did NR and the Wall St. J and Fox defend Obama on the birther bs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

And Trump/ghouliani and the rest of the freak show never put up any evidence that could show illegal voting changed the result in any state.
1. Mueller and the MSM spent two years pushing a lie, that Trump is a Russian asset.
2. Mueller gave Hillary the pass on Russian Collusion, and her actually paying Russians for dirt on Trump
3. Voter fraud is serious and needs to be investigated. There are many voting issues to be fixed.
4. The MSM was 95% negative on Trump and 80% positive on Obama, its just propaganda and fake news.
5. People like you might be suburban women who don't like Trump's bullying, that's his fault for not knowing that every vote counts.
6. The birther issue was never covered by the MSM like Russian Collusion, or the fake impeachments. Either BOs Hawiian birth certificate is legit or its not.
7. There are many voting issues to resolve, from not verifying signatures, to not allowing all incorrect ballots to be cured/fixed, to the PA SC illegally extending the vote deadline, to not allowing observers, to all those sworn affidavits.
8. Then there was the MSM blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop proving pay-to-play, with a real witness, or a mention of the FBI investigation into the Biden's money-laundering schemes. So its okay to lie about Trump, but any illegal activities by the Bidens needs to be covered up. I see what kind of country you prefer to live in, where some people are way more equal than others.
Mueller found there was no evidence tying Trump to Putin's intelligence service in a quid pro. I stopped reading your post after you misstated that fact.

edit, and Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan Senate
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country

Well, we certainly know there has been consequences for those supporting abject criminals in the White House from Hillary to Bumma and now to Biden -- -- -- your IQs have all gone from 85 down to 65.

And now there will be new consequences for you illegally installing an unelected fraud over the legal president who overwhelmingly won the election. Hope you have your seat belt on.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
1. Biden is illegitimate, he cheated to win.
2. Trump is not going away any time soon. He can go to "Parler" to kibitz.
3. The GOP is just fine, you'll see in 2022 when we take back the House and Senate, and in 2024 when we take back the WH.
LOL? In mid-terms the out party generally picks up seats. That is a simple fact.
You didn't say 'picks up seats' you said take back the House and Senate. If, no when, the country shows signs of returning to normal with the economy rebounding from COVID and people able to once again get out and enjoy themselves I really doubt people will want to go back to the dumpster fire era.
All it takes to take back the House and Senate is a few seats in each.
Please recall the 2020 election.
The GOP lost 3 senate seats, and lost 3 house seats. Warnock's senate seat is up for grabs again in 2022.
Your "dumpster fire" comment doesn't wash. Democrats lost (13) House seats, what happened to that "big blue wave"?
We'll see what happens after 2-years of Biden, Nancy, and Shumer.
Back to normalcy and civility is what is going to happen.
LOL! After 4-years of coup attempt after coup attempt, you think we're going back to "normalcy"? Guess again.

In case you forgot the last 4-years, let me remind you:
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

The Biden's money-laundering scams need a special prosecutor so they aren't stopped, the FBI has an ongoing investigation, we'll see if the swamp wins again.
Actually Mueller largely put an end to any Russiagate claims. Even though Trump's campaign did get assistance in it's social media strategy. Mueller just passed on it. And that's fine by me. None of your evidence of Lincoln project, K steet, never trumpers, Rinos or impeachment has anything to do with some "cheating." It's about people like me who'd rather have a dem than Trump.

Given Fox's, NR, the WSJ's devotion until the claims of "fraud" and attacking the capital, I find your unhappiness with the MSM … lame. When did NR and the Wall St. J and Fox defend Obama on the birther bs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

And Trump/ghouliani and the rest of the freak show never put up any evidence that could show illegal voting changed the result in any state.
1. Mueller and the MSM spent two years pushing a lie, that Trump is a Russian asset.
2. Mueller gave Hillary the pass on Russian Collusion, and her actually paying Russians for dirt on Trump
3. Voter fraud is serious and needs to be investigated. There are many voting issues to be fixed.
4. The MSM was 95% negative on Trump and 80% positive on Obama, its just propaganda and fake news.
5. People like you might be suburban women who don't like Trump's bullying, that's his fault for not knowing that every vote counts.
6. The birther issue was never covered by the MSM like Russian Collusion, or the fake impeachments. Either BOs Hawiian birth certificate is legit or its not.
7. There are many voting issues to resolve, from not verifying signatures, to not allowing all incorrect ballots to be cured/fixed, to the PA SC illegally extending the vote deadline, to not allowing observers, to all those sworn affidavits.
8. Then there was the MSM blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop proving pay-to-play, with a real witness, or a mention of the FBI investigation into the Biden's money-laundering schemes. So its okay to lie about Trump, but any illegal activities by the Bidens needs to be covered up. I see what kind of country you prefer to live in, where some people are way more equal than others.
Mueller found there was no evidence tying Trump to Putin's intelligence service in a quid pro. I stopped reading your post after you misstated that fact.

edit, and Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan Senate
You totally missed the point. If Mueller was investigating "Russian Interference in the 2016 election", how did he not investigate Hillary's obvious collusion paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? Only Trump was investigated by Mueller and his democrat prosecutors.
This meme is a fact, add in RINOs, Globalists, and the Political Establishment (aka "The Swamp"):
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
1. Biden is illegitimate, he cheated to win.
2. Trump is not going away any time soon. He can go to "Parler" to kibitz.
3. The GOP is just fine, you'll see in 2022 when we take back the House and Senate, and in 2024 when we take back the WH.
LOL? In mid-terms the out party generally picks up seats. That is a simple fact.
You didn't say 'picks up seats' you said take back the House and Senate. If, no when, the country shows signs of returning to normal with the economy rebounding from COVID and people able to once again get out and enjoy themselves I really doubt people will want to go back to the dumpster fire era.
All it takes to take back the House and Senate is a few seats in each.
Please recall the 2020 election.
The GOP lost 3 senate seats, and lost 3 house seats. Warnock's senate seat is up for grabs again in 2022.
Your "dumpster fire" comment doesn't wash. Democrats lost (13) House seats, what happened to that "big blue wave"?
We'll see what happens after 2-years of Biden, Nancy, and Shumer.
Back to normalcy and civility is what is going to happen.
LOL! After 4-years of coup attempt after coup attempt, you think we're going back to "normalcy"? Guess again.

In case you forgot the last 4-years, let me remind you:
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

The Biden's money-laundering scams need a special prosecutor so they aren't stopped, the FBI has an ongoing investigation, we'll see if the swamp wins again.
Actually Mueller largely put an end to any Russiagate claims. Even though Trump's campaign did get assistance in it's social media strategy. Mueller just passed on it. And that's fine by me. None of your evidence of Lincoln project, K steet, never trumpers, Rinos or impeachment has anything to do with some "cheating." It's about people like me who'd rather have a dem than Trump.

Given Fox's, NR, the WSJ's devotion until the claims of "fraud" and attacking the capital, I find your unhappiness with the MSM … lame. When did NR and the Wall St. J and Fox defend Obama on the birther bs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

And Trump/ghouliani and the rest of the freak show never put up any evidence that could show illegal voting changed the result in any state.
1. Mueller and the MSM spent two years pushing a lie, that Trump is a Russian asset.
2. Mueller gave Hillary the pass on Russian Collusion, and her actually paying Russians for dirt on Trump
3. Voter fraud is serious and needs to be investigated. There are many voting issues to be fixed.
4. The MSM was 95% negative on Trump and 80% positive on Obama, its just propaganda and fake news.
5. People like you might be suburban women who don't like Trump's bullying, that's his fault for not knowing that every vote counts.
6. The birther issue was never covered by the MSM like Russian Collusion, or the fake impeachments. Either BOs Hawiian birth certificate is legit or its not.
7. There are many voting issues to resolve, from not verifying signatures, to not allowing all incorrect ballots to be cured/fixed, to the PA SC illegally extending the vote deadline, to not allowing observers, to all those sworn affidavits.
8. Then there was the MSM blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop proving pay-to-play, with a real witness, or a mention of the FBI investigation into the Biden's money-laundering schemes. So its okay to lie about Trump, but any illegal activities by the Bidens needs to be covered up. I see what kind of country you prefer to live in, where some people are way more equal than others.
Mueller found there was no evidence tying Trump to Putin's intelligence service in a quid pro. I stopped reading your post after you misstated that fact.

edit, and Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan Senate
You totally missed the point. If Mueller was investigating "Russian Interference in the 2016 election", how did he not investigate Hillary's obvious collusion paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? Only Trump was investigated by Mueller and his democrat prosecutors.
This meme is a fact, add in RINOs, Globalists, and the Political Establishment (aka "The Swamp"):
View attachment 442865
Perhaps you should ask that question of the Senate that set the parameters of the investigation. Or maybe you missed that.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Sounds like something a Nazi would say about Jews in 1936. What is Antifa supposed to mean anyway?
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
1. Biden is illegitimate, he cheated to win.
2. Trump is not going away any time soon. He can go to "Parler" to kibitz.
3. The GOP is just fine, you'll see in 2022 when we take back the House and Senate, and in 2024 when we take back the WH.
LOL? In mid-terms the out party generally picks up seats. That is a simple fact.
You didn't say 'picks up seats' you said take back the House and Senate. If, no when, the country shows signs of returning to normal with the economy rebounding from COVID and people able to once again get out and enjoy themselves I really doubt people will want to go back to the dumpster fire era.
All it takes to take back the House and Senate is a few seats in each.
Please recall the 2020 election.
The GOP lost 3 senate seats, and lost 3 house seats. Warnock's senate seat is up for grabs again in 2022.
Your "dumpster fire" comment doesn't wash. Democrats lost (13) House seats, what happened to that "big blue wave"?
We'll see what happens after 2-years of Biden, Nancy, and Shumer.
Back to normalcy and civility is what is going to happen.
LOL! After 4-years of coup attempt after coup attempt, you think we're going back to "normalcy"? Guess again.

In case you forgot the last 4-years, let me remind you:
Trump's 1st term was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. Operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles.

The Biden's money-laundering scams need a special prosecutor so they aren't stopped, the FBI has an ongoing investigation, we'll see if the swamp wins again.
Actually Mueller largely put an end to any Russiagate claims. Even though Trump's campaign did get assistance in it's social media strategy. Mueller just passed on it. And that's fine by me. None of your evidence of Lincoln project, K steet, never trumpers, Rinos or impeachment has anything to do with some "cheating." It's about people like me who'd rather have a dem than Trump.

Given Fox's, NR, the WSJ's devotion until the claims of "fraud" and attacking the capital, I find your unhappiness with the MSM … lame. When did NR and the Wall St. J and Fox defend Obama on the birther bs? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, as they say.

And Trump/ghouliani and the rest of the freak show never put up any evidence that could show illegal voting changed the result in any state.
1. Mueller and the MSM spent two years pushing a lie, that Trump is a Russian asset.
2. Mueller gave Hillary the pass on Russian Collusion, and her actually paying Russians for dirt on Trump
3. Voter fraud is serious and needs to be investigated. There are many voting issues to be fixed.
4. The MSM was 95% negative on Trump and 80% positive on Obama, its just propaganda and fake news.
5. People like you might be suburban women who don't like Trump's bullying, that's his fault for not knowing that every vote counts.
6. The birther issue was never covered by the MSM like Russian Collusion, or the fake impeachments. Either BOs Hawiian birth certificate is legit or its not.
7. There are many voting issues to resolve, from not verifying signatures, to not allowing all incorrect ballots to be cured/fixed, to the PA SC illegally extending the vote deadline, to not allowing observers, to all those sworn affidavits.
8. Then there was the MSM blackout of the Hunter Biden laptop proving pay-to-play, with a real witness, or a mention of the FBI investigation into the Biden's money-laundering schemes. So its okay to lie about Trump, but any illegal activities by the Bidens needs to be covered up. I see what kind of country you prefer to live in, where some people are way more equal than others.
Mueller found there was no evidence tying Trump to Putin's intelligence service in a quid pro. I stopped reading your post after you misstated that fact.

edit, and Mueller was appointed by a bipartisan Senate
You totally missed the point. If Mueller was investigating "Russian Interference in the 2016 election", how did he not investigate Hillary's obvious collusion paying Russians for the Steele Dossier? Only Trump was investigated by Mueller and his democrat prosecutors.
This meme is a fact, add in RINOs, Globalists, and the Political Establishment (aka "The Swamp"):
View attachment 442865
Perhaps you should ask that question of the Senate that set the parameters of the investigation. Or maybe you missed that.
I need a link to your claim that the Senate set the parameters. Wiki says that Rod Rosenstein set the parameters.

Mueller was also mandated to pursue "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation." The probe included a criminal investigation which looked into potential obstruction of justice charges against President Trump and members of his campaign or his administration.
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Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Such is the lawless, violent, thuggish right.
What law was broke, liar?
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Sounds like something a Nazi would say about Jews in 1936. What is Antifa supposed to mean anyway?
Supporters of the capitol surge and the false claims on election fraud will be prosecuted using existing US law. The same laws to prosecute seditionists in the past. There has never been so many at one time.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Sounds like something a Nazi would say about Jews in 1936. What is Antifa supposed to mean anyway?
I am not sure what ANTIFA mean but they are just like the radical Trump supporters. They are both the same. Extremist nut cases that are very dangerous.
I suggest arresting them all and then put ANTIFA and Trump extremists in the same cell. Let them take care of each other.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Sounds like something a Nazi would say about Jews in 1936. What is Antifa supposed to mean anyway?
I am not sure what ANTIFA mean but they are just like the radical Trump supporters. They are both the same. Extremist nut cases that are very dangerous.
I suggest arresting them all and then put ANTIFA and Trump extremists in the same cell. Let them take care of each other.
Where you gonna put 75 million Trump supporters, stupid?
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Sounds like something a Nazi would say about Jews in 1936. What is Antifa supposed to mean anyway?
I am not sure what ANTIFA mean but they are just like the radical Trump supporters. They are both the same. Extremist nut cases that are very dangerous.
I suggest arresting them all and then put ANTIFA and Trump extremists in the same cell. Let them take care of each other.
Where you gonna put 75 million Trump supporters, stupid?
Get Elon Musk to ship them to another planet.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

We didn't vote for Sleepy.....

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