Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac

Who knows, maybe your revenge fantasies will come true and everyone who disagrees with you will be lined up and shot
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.

You support a President who has just spent the last four years trying to prosecute Clinton, Obama and Biden. You supported Republicans attempts to impeach Bill Clinton for a consenual blow job.

You support the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of polls in black and brown neighbourhoods, as well as unfettered culling of the voter rolls, and ID laws targetted at poor and minority voters. Cheered it even.

So don't sit there at your computer and try to claim how you're just a patriotic American looking to save the Republic from the antics of the lawless and hateful Democrats. You're just a Banana Republican looking to install Trump as your beloved Dictator for life.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, Dumbass.

You are wholly unable to post without blatant lies.

You are unable to post without picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants. Bill Clinton was impeached over a lie about a consenual blow job, in a court case that was deemed to be "malicious prosecution" - a case funded by the Republican Party, and which on for 4 1/2 years.

You need to do something other than call people "liars". You have about as much credibility on that score as BritPat.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
That is a fantasy. The new Republican party will be quite strong in just two years. Trump will endorse each candidate and that candidate will primary out incumbents. Four years it will be much stronger. 6 years only stoppable by more massive fraud.
Clinton was impeached for lying. Nothing else.

Xiden will never be impeached for two very good reasons:

1. Impeachment will be considered an act of war by China and millions of Americans would die.

2. The impeachment process takes longer than the number of days than exist between January 20 and the day Xiden is giggling in his safe little room in an expensive asylum. At your expense.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.

You support a President who has just spent the last four years trying to prosecute Clinton, Obama and Biden. You supported Republicans attempts to impeach Bill Clinton for a consenual blow job.

You support the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of polls in black and brown neighbourhoods, as well as unfettered culling of the voter rolls, and ID laws targetted at poor and minority voters. Cheered it even.

So don't sit there at your computer and try to claim how you're just a patriotic American looking to save the Republic from the antics of the lawless and hateful Democrats. You're just a Banana Republican looking to install Trump as your beloved Dictator for life.

Clinton was impeached for perjury, Dumbass.

You are wholly unable to post without blatant lies.

You are unable to post without picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants. Bill Clinton was impeached over a lie about a consenual blow job, in a court case that was deemed to be "malicious prosecution" - a case funded by the Republican Party, and which on for 4 1/2 years.

You need to do something other than call people "liars". You have about as much credibility on that score as BritPat.
CLinton was impeached for lying to Congress. Period. As you were already told. Starr didn’t go looking for that info. One of Lewinsky’s friends clued him in and the he had to investigate, leading to a dozen proven felonies overlooked by the Dems. There’s your history lesson for today.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

wrong things right
Can you elaborate?
Is there a country in the world whose society you would fit?

Not currently. Many of the Arabian countries might be close, if you replaced the religiosity with morality. Some of the Eastern European countries would probably be close as well.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
That is a fantasy. The new Republican party will be quite strong in just two years. Trump will endorse each candidate and that candidate will primary out incumbents. Four years it will be much stronger. 6 years only stoppable by more massive fraud.

The New Republican Party has lost every election since Trump was elected. 2016 popular vote. 2018 Midterms - House and 7 governorships 2020 WH and Senate.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
That is a fantasy. The new Republican party will be quite strong in just two years. Trump will endorse each candidate and that candidate will primary out incumbents. Four years it will be much stronger. 6 years only stoppable by more massive fraud.

The New Republican Party has lost every election since Trump was elected. 2016 popular vote. 2018 Midterms - House and 7 governorships 2020 WH and Senate.
As Reuters reported, the ultra-educated in the slums voted.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by signing an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
1. No monuments were damaged
2. No churches were burned
3. No 10-year sentences

No police cars were burned, no businesses destroyed, no police stations occupied, no "autonomous zones" declared. Like I said, it was a protest not a riot. The few windows busted was bad, but by comparison to the summer antifa riots, yesterday was really tame, except for the poor woman who was shot by the DC police.
Antifa for all it's pathetic misery never attacked the legitimacy of a constitutionally guaranteed election.
How do you know that the the Biden election was legitimate? That's the point of contention, and if it isn't resolved by a special counsel, like Mueller to find facts, Biden will always be "illegitimate". There are tons of affidavits to investigate, but no one has subpoena power to really find facts. The Trump mob wasn't trying to overturn the election, they want "voter fraud" investigated and not swept under the rug.
The democrats pushed the Russian Collusion myth, the Steele Dossier myth, the bogus FISA warrants, maybe the Durham Investigation will get a few indictments?

Biden will never be "illegitimate" - ever. History is written by the winners, not the losers. Both Donald Trump, and the Republican Party are losers - big time.

Donald Trump will be driven under a media rock after January 21st. He has become completely toxic with his attempted coup, and even the Republican Party can't get rid of Trump and his cult, fast enough.

Trump is going to Camp David this weekend. I seriously doubt he will be President when he gets back. Josh Hawley just lost his big book deal, for backing the lies and the insurrection. The Republican Party is permanently fractured by these lies and abuses.
If that were the case, Hitler would still be a hero today--------
So, the new catchword is "insurrection" now to sound scary. But let's also prosecute the BLM and Antifa thugs who have actually burned down buildings...

I prefer rebellion, but insurrection is okay as correct word use. Too soon to say revolution or civil war: both require troops. Civil war more troops.

The BLM are the usual cross we bear in this country: just useless barbarians, really. Antifa are anarchist/communists who are certainly trying to take over the country and will join ANY action (right, left, anything violent) they think might further the collapse of this nation. They will show up at rightwing actions, too, so watch out for that.
Maybe it's just my personal preference but imo rebellion connotates something more serious. We still refer to the unpleasantness of 1861-1865 as the rebellion, although that might include also the period until Rutherford Hayes and 1877 when we shook off the shackles of Reconstruction (JOKE)

Insurrection seems to me more Quixotic. Jones County Miss's attempt to secede from Miss's confederate state. Or the Aaron Burr conspiracy

A good joke, too. Nice post. :adoreheart:
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.
Is it just dawning on you that the left is communist?
We better throw this guy in jail too.
He seems pretty smart...I recall progressives prefer to round up and shoot that sort after seizing power.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?

What church burned?

Fake news!
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.

You support a President who has just spent the last four years trying to prosecute Clinton, Obama and Biden. You supported Republicans attempts to impeach Bill Clinton for a consenual blow job.

You support the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of polls in black and brown neighbourhoods, as well as unfettered culling of the voter rolls, and ID laws targetted at poor and minority voters. Cheered it even.

So don't sit there at your computer and try to claim how you're just a patriotic American looking to save the Republic from the antics of the lawless and hateful Democrats. You're just a Banana Republican looking to install Trump as your beloved Dictator for life.

There is no POSSIBLE way you actually believe that steaming turd you just posted. Nobody could POSSIBLY be that disconnected from reality.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.

You support a President who has just spent the last four years trying to prosecute Clinton, Obama and Biden. You supported Republicans attempts to impeach Bill Clinton for a consenual blow job.

You support the gerrymandering, voter suppression, and closing of polls in black and brown neighbourhoods, as well as unfettered culling of the voter rolls, and ID laws targetted at poor and minority voters. Cheered it even.

So don't sit there at your computer and try to claim how you're just a patriotic American looking to save the Republic from the antics of the lawless and hateful Democrats. You're just a Banana Republican looking to install Trump as your beloved Dictator for life.

There is no POSSIBLE way you actually believe that steaming turd you just posted. Nobody could POSSIBLY be that disconnected from reality.

You have to remember, she is a Canadian who believes she is an American. They don't know their genders, so no wonder nationalities don't come naturally either.

Banana republic... that is what the election was. A banana republic election. The difference between Trump dictatorship and what we saw is that, at least Trump is an American.
Oh really...
And what would those consequences be?
Just so ya know,those consequences will affect dems as well.
He's talking about punishment based on ideology. Very un-American. Very Bolshevik. Under the Bolsheviks, mere possession of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was punished by execution.
What I am seeing is his support only growing. The way they stormed capitol hill - the imagery is a keeper in the American hearts and minds. It captures the American spirit.


These fucktarded lefties need to read about the first battles of the Revolutionary War, Harpers Ferry and other VIOLENT uprisings in the U.S. Past.

Maybe then they will appreciate the difference between what we saw yesterday and what just might happen again if the fraud, injustice, disenfranchisement and antagonizing continues.

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