Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac

Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?

Protesting is legal .. Rioting is not.. nor is vandalism or looting. Try to learn the difference.
Lol, you make no sense all shit stain.
Is there even so much as one single leftist in this forum who can initiate a post that is actually thoughtful instead of all this ranting and raving trolling idiocy?
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prisoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution. It is the popular thing to do, so it must be right, you selfish, arrogant moron.
What national dem pols have not condemned riots?

Ha. They love riots. If it's blacks doing it.
Those who protested yesterday - no problem
Those who rioted and attacked the capitol - big problem
BLM protestors - no problem
Rioters from BLM protests - big problem

Many rioters from the BLM protestors are facing consequences. In my city, they identified the looters through images and are prosecuting the heck out of them. Just like they will for rioters yesterday but insurrection is a much bigger crime than looting.
Oh really...
And what would those consequences be?
Just so ya know,those consequences will affect dems as well.
Not so.

Dims are bullet proof. They have a license to kill and they showed us how willing they are to kill unarmed people they don't like with impunity.

They are above the law.
Is there even so much as one single leftist in this forum who can initiate a post that is actually thoughtful instead of all this ranting and raving trolling idiocy?

Not many --- I've seen and replied to a couple.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Communists take political prsoners. Communists persecute people who disagree with them. That is what you want? You are not an American please do not claim to be. Be honest with yourself and others and take credit for hating this country and its Constitution.
disagree - fine
Insurrection - jail time, big jail time
OP, what kinda consequences are you expecting, or were thinking about?
I feel there can be legal consequences for those who take illegal actions.
But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society.
It will be like political movements in other countries where a coup failed. They become poison.
Not as bad but similarities on how Nazis were treated after Hitler was eliminated.

No shunning from here, it was not a coup, it was a protest. Well targeted one at that.

We had months and months of democrats supporting violent riots, no shunning of any kind occurred there either.

That is one stupid way to view it.
But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society.

Are you KIDDING? The guys who were there will be telling stories of the Battle of Capitol Hill for decades.
From jail cells.
Or maybe from psych hospitals. What a sorry bunch of idiots. Dumb as a rock. They wanted to storm congress but get a bunch of selfies also.
Oh really...
And what would those consequences be?
Just so ya know,those consequences will affect dems as well.
Not so.

Dims are bullet proof. They have a license to kill and they showed us how willing they are to kill unarmed people they don't like with impunity.

They are above the law.

I was referring to tax hikes,gas prices and the like.
Your average middle class dem will feel the same pain everyone else will.
And I cant wait to hear them squeal.
...But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society...

Have you ever thought that maybe we WANT you people to leaved us alone? Thst we don’t want to be part of your Society?

One of the best things to come out of this quarantine is thst we’ve adapted a society where I almost NEVER have to leave my hone and venture out amongst the populace of the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts. I can get almost everything I need to survive and thrive delivered directly to my doorstep with zero human contact.
Many rioters from the BLM protestors are facing consequences. In my city, they identified the looters through images and are prosecuting the heck out of them. Just like they will for rioters yesterday but insurrection is a much bigger crime than looting.

I just plain don't believe that: we'd have heard if they were prosecuting. And you never said what city that is supposed to be. No, I don't believe that you people out there in the Northwest --- presumably Portland or Seattle is your city overwhelmed by constant riots you won't stop --- are prosecuting anyone; just appeasing them.
If they prosecute these guys, IMO they'll set off a civil war, and THAT, friends and neighbors, is a word you really won't like if you don't like "insurrection."
People who see what happened to Trump as a good thing need to realize what kind of leaders you have elected and the judges elected in many states. They are not upholding American laws, they are not just or fair.

Keep in mind that those who supported the massive fraud have outlived their usefulness when Braindead China Joe takes office. They will stomp all over you too.
Oh really...
And what would those consequences be?
Just so ya know,those consequences will affect dems as well.
I feel there can be legal consequences for those who take illegal actions.
But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society.
It will be like political movements in other countries where a coup failed. They become poison.
Not as bad but similarities on how Nazis were treated after Hitler was eliminated.

Shun me, Elmer....really loon nobody gives two fucks
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

ok ok ok, I admit it. I spray painted "tyroneweaver was here on" the White House steps.

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