Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac

Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Haven't you heard the latest now that the tear gas has dissipated...they were antifa disguised as Trump supporters..not kidding. (chuckle)
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

what will happen to somebody who supported Trump? Be specific.
We better throw this guy in jail too.
OP, what kinda consequences are you expecting, or were thinking about?
I feel there can be legal consequences for those who take illegal actions.
But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society.
It will be like political movements in other countries where a coup failed. They become poison.
Not as bad but similarities on how Nazis were treated after Hitler was eliminated.

Shunning and shaming!!!!!???
Where's my safe space!!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!
But for the majority it will be shunning and shaming by society.

Are you KIDDING? The guys who were there will be telling stories of the Battle of Capitol Hill for decades.
Imo that's why the Biden admin won't have much choice but to prosecute those who can be identified as being actually inside the capital. The consequences of attacking elected officials to overturn an election have to be as unpleasant as they can be. The white supremacist leaders in Charlottesville have lost jobs and families. Just having a felony conviction that clearly shows what the offense was will follow guys for their lives.

There's not going to be a civil war. Trump did not get elected in the first place by advocating attacking the govt. The gop was shamelessly spineless in not coalescing behind someone else, and then gladly using Trump to sign tax cuts. They were then powerless when he reappropriated money for a wall they wouldn't appropriate. At one time, tariffs had to be passed through congress. But he didn't incite insurrection until a couple of weeks ago
Is there even so much as one single leftist in this forum who can initiate a post that is actually thoughtful instead of all this ranting and raving trolling idiocy?
irony alert. Although I agree that emotions ran high on the D side after yesterday's insurrection.
Consequences? You mean like for the "peaceful" summer antifa rioters where cars were burned, statues destroyed, a church burned, businesses destroyed, and policemen viciously attacked?
And Trump threw you a bone by sigining an executive order making that a crime (which it was already but Trump needed to show how tough he was for you) calling for prison time for anybody destroying government property...' his order directs the Department of Justice to “prosecute to the fullest extent permitted under Federal law” people who damage government monuments, participate in “efforts to incite violence,” or damage religious property. Damaging federal property can be punished by up to 10 years in prison'. How nice would it be if his supporters were now prosecuted under that order...ooooohh the irony.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

On the other side of the coin....
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

Woohoo, I can’t wait to get some of them “consequences” for supporting no new wars, and putting America before China.
But he didn't incite insurrection until a couple of weeks ago
True. . . . . well, it's been building up since the disappointing election. Trump seems to do better, ahem, with winning rather than losing.

I think things suddenly switched yesterday and now the danger is from seriously angry and unhappy rightwing white voters, not Trump. Whether or not he will have a public persona after the election, who knows? I would guess he'll try. But I think it's now the peoples' turn to try to stop the bad things going on in this country. The Left is the Paris Jacobins, but here comes the Vendee ---------- and about time, too. For awhile I thought Trump would be the Napoleon who takes over from the rightwing (Vendee) reaction, but I don't think that now. New leaders are needed now on the right. And wow, do we have some jockeying for position there! Cruz and Hawley; Graham seems to have dived for cover, but there are candidates waiting for the call.
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Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

what will happen to somebody who supported Trump? Be specific.

Bowser wants them charged as terrorists with a minimum 10 year sentence!
If this becomes the case, the unwinding is sure to continue and become alot worse!!
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

what will happen to somebody who supported Trump? Be specific.

Bowser wants them charged as terrorists with a minimum 10 year sentence!
If this becomes the case, the unwinding is sure to continue and become alot worse!!
The Keyboard Rambo didn’t limit his threat to the idiots from yesterday. He claimed there will be consequences if you supported Trump.
Trump supporters will soon find there are consequences for supporting a megalomaniac that has damaged our country
For four years Trump has made wrong things right. The results culminated yesterday with promoting an insurrection.
The Trump ship is sinking like the Titanic. His supporters are jumping off like rats. They will pay consequences in the future. Those that go down with the ship will pay the highest consequences.
The first to pay a steep price will be the participants in the insurrection. FBI is trying to identify as many as possible. They will press charges and they will be serious.
This was not a bunch of good old boys having fun. These are crimes of insurrection that will see serious jail time.

what will happen to somebody who supported Trump? Be specific.

Bowser wants them charged as terrorists with a minimum 10 year sentence!
If this becomes the case, the unwinding is sure to continue and become alot worse!!

Wow I guess you are considered a terrorist when you DARE to invade the saintly halls of the capital building.

You are a protester if you are BLM and Antifa and you loot, murder and burn down buildings in Portland, Seattle and Indi.

Sound right to anyone??
So, the new catchword is "insurrection" now to sound scary. But let's also prosecute the BLM and Antifa thugs who have actually burned down buildings...

I prefer rebellion, but insurrection is okay as correct word use. Too soon to say revolution or civil war: both require troops. Civil war more troops.

The BLM are the usual cross we bear in this country: just useless barbarians, really. Antifa are anarchist/communists who are certainly trying to take over the country and will join ANY action (right, left, anything violent) they think might further the collapse of this nation. They will show up at rightwing actions, too, so watch out for that.
One of the best things to come out of this quarantine is thst we’ve adapted a society where I almost NEVER have to leave my hone and venture out amongst the populace of the Communistwealth of Taxachusetts. I can get almost everything I need to survive and thrive delivered directly to my doorstep with zero human contact.

This is true ---------- I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt that way. :)
This is true ---------- I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt that way. :)

It is sooo nice not to have to rub elbows with the mindless, Soulless, masked masses here in this Socialist shithole.

At most I take a single trip out each eeek, lasting 90-150 minutes tops. My car has gone just over 2000 miles in the last 9 months. Prior to this I was driving 1200-1500 miles a month.
But he didn't incite insurrection until a couple of weeks ago
True. . . . . well, it's been building up since the disappointing election. Trump seems to do better, ahem, with winning rather than losing.

I think things suddenly switched yesterday and now the danger is from seriously angry and unhappy rightwing white voters, not Trump. Whether or not he will have a public persona after the election, who knows? I would guess he'll try. But I think it's now the peoples' turn to try to stop the bad things going on in this country. The Left is the Paris Jacobins, but here comes the Vendee ---------- and about time, too. For awhile I thought Trump would be the Napoleon who takes over from the rightwing (Vendee) reaction, but I don't think that now. New leaders are needed now on the right. And wow, do we have some jockeying for position there! Cruz and Hawley; Graham seems to have dived for cover, but there are candidates waiting for the call.
I don't know where the gop goes. I think there were some in the outgoing Obama admin who set out to set up surveillance on the Trump admin to see if it was communicating with Russia, and they fudged wiretap warrants. So, while I've thought Trump unsuited for any office since his Central Park 5 days, I don't see the dishonor in repbulicans working with him on things they want, but more or less ignoring his racist and self-dealing actions. Aunt Bee from SC had to resort to race baiting to win reelection. And Barr used federal troops on civilian protestors … who were NOT trying to undo a legal election by storming the capital to threaten lawmakers. There's a pattern of people losing their honor when they tie themselves to Trump.

We can't just go back to W, because W was not a conservative. We can't go back to the party of Reagan, because we already have a tax system ingrained in supply side, and we have unsustainable deficits that can only be cured by reducing expenditures and finding new revenue. Reagan was never good a the former and only did the latter in his second term. I'm pretty pessimistic about the current crop of leaders. Pence actually showed some statesmanship yesterday, but his shelf-life may be up.

Nice allusion to the Revolution. IF I ever knew about the Vendee, I'd forgotten it.
This is true ---------- I'm glad I'm not the only one who has felt that way. :)

It is sooo nice not to have to rub elbows with the mindless, Soulless, masked masses here in this Socialist shithole.

At most I take a single trip out each eeek, lasting 90-150 minutes tops. My car has gone just over 2000 miles in the last 9 months. Prior to this I was driving 1200-1500 miles a month.

Sure. Same deal with us. I cannot BELIEVE how low our mileage is this year. There is no way I am going out to stores or anything else that tell me I have to cover my face, stand on this chalkline and that, go one-way up this aisle and down the next, yell at me through actual real megaphones, quarrel at me and try to boss me around whereupon I would promptly get in a big fight with Miss or Mr. Bossypants. Better just stay at home and send for everything. What a revolting situation.

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