Trump surging nationally.


yes, the conspiracy theory nutcases like saying that.

normal people just say he cheated.

you know, like the Donald every woman he's ever been with.

Got it, a woman alleging sexual assault by a party member is a "conspiracy theory."

Democrats, the party of rape.

*snip moron's meme*

no..... wingers with conspiracy theories alleging assault that was never proven, never tried, and dismissed outright by police....

are hacks.
What rape ? How come you believe the women associated with clinton but not the one who said trumpet of the large hands, raped her??

Women should be believe (Hillary Clinton.)

There is a pervasive and consistent pattern of sexual abuse by Bill Clinton. That you hold party above all in no way alters reality.
I'll be voting for Hillary and not Bill You repubs are very selective on who you believe
And you leftists are fuckin FOOLS.

quiet, loon.
Hey, Jillian the fake lawyer supports rape, as all good democrats do.


no..... wingers with conspiracy theories alleging assault that was never proven, never tried, and dismissed outright by police....

are hacks.

So what you're saying is women should never be believed?

Hillary to Sexual Assault Victims: "You Have The Right To Be Heard, You Have The Right To Be Believed"


Democrats; the proud party of rape.
What rape ? How come you believe the women associated with clinton but not the one who said trumpet of the large hands, raped her??

Women should be believe (Hillary Clinton.)

There is a pervasive and consistent pattern of sexual abuse by Bill Clinton. That you hold party above all in no way alters reality.
I'll be voting for Hillary and not Bill You repubs are very selective on who you believe
And you leftists are fuckin FOOLS.
Please ,,,keep smoking
Oh? Exactly which provision in the Violence Against Women Act affected court proceedings to determine which witnesses could testify?

Then describe the provision in that law which allowed it to retroactively cover incidents prior to its passage, since her claim was from 1991 and the law passed in 1994...

The act allowed Paula Jones to bring civil suit against the sexual predator who had attacked her.

Now look, you're a Communist, so you demand that rape is good, and the duty of women is to submit to rape by powerful party members; I get it. But sexual predator Clinton did open it up by signing the law that let women file federal civil suits against their attackers.
But you're a fucking rightard who diesn't know she filed her suit before that law was passed. So clearly you're a moron and clearly that law had nothing to do with Paula Jones filing her lawsuit.

But then, equally insane is your belief that I'm a Communist, think rape is good, or think it's the duty of women to submit to rape by anyone.

In a nutshell, I believe the clinical term is ... you're batshit crazy.

Hey, Jillian the fake lawyer supports rape, as all good democrats do.

Great, now you support Sharia law.


Meanwhile, though you idiotically claim 10 women have accused Clinton of Rape, in reality, none have. In the bumper sticker you posted alone, it lists...

Juanita Broaddrick -- swore under oath that Clinton did not rape her and that rumors circulating to that affect were "false."

Kathleen Willey -- never even accused Clinton of rape and confided in others that it was in fact she who was pursuing Clinton.

Paula Jones -- Her case of sexual harassment was thrown out of court due to lack of merit and never even accused Clinton of rape.

Elizabeth Ward -- claims sex with Clinton was consensual.

Sandra Allen James -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Susan Whitacre -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Lencola sullivan -- never even accused Clinton of rape.​

Woman NOT accusing Clinton of rape, to you brain-dead loons, means all those women DID accuse him of rape.

But you're a fucking rightard who diesn't know she filed her suit before that law was passed. So clearly you're a moron and clearly that law had nothing to do with Paula Jones filing her lawsuit.

But then, equally insane is your belief that I'm a Communist, think rape is good, or think it's the duty of women to submit to rape by anyone.

In a nutshell, I believe the clinical term is ... you're batshit crazy.

So here you are defending a sexual predator and attacking his victims. Why? Because you hold party above all. What party? Oh, the democratic - socialist party that openly promotes a command economy.

You base your statements and claims upon that which promotes your party, or disparages the hated opposition.

I base my statements and claims on facts. We have very different methods.

{Bennett has denied any attempt to sling mud at Jones, but the issue has refused to die, in part because he has changed his position on the question several times. Last spring, he openly warned that Jones's past sexual behavior was fair game in a sexual harassment suit. But after irate feminist groups noted that the 1994 Violence Against Women Act invalidates most testimony of that kind, Bennett said the president had directed him to stay away from Jones's past.}

Hey, you lie because you are a Communist, it's like a fish swimming, it's just your nature.
Great, now you support Sharia law.


Meanwhile, though you idiotically claim 10 women have accused Clinton of Rape, in reality, none have. In the bumper sticker you posted alone, it lists...

Juanita Broaddrick -- swore under oath that Clinton did not rape her and that rumors circulating to that affect were "false."​

Oh did she now? You wouldn't lie through your fucking teeth, would you?

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me,” Juanita Broaddrick tweeted from her home in Van Buren, Ark. “I am now 73. . . . it never goes away.” I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away. — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016

Read more at:}

Oops, guess you're a fucking liar. Hey, you're a Communist, lying is what you do. Party above all and all that.

Kathleen Willey
-- never even accused Clinton of rape and confided in others that it was in fact she who was pursuing Clinton.

Hey look, the Commie is going to fucking lie again!

Despite Hillary’s claims that she is a running a campaign of “love and kindness,” Willey told us during the months leading up to her deposition, “all I felt was fear and terror.”

Willey was a life-long Virginia Democrat activist before joining the White House social office, having worked on the campaigns of Gov. Doug Wilder and attorney general Mary Terry. It was in 1993 when Willey said President Clinton assaulted her. In her 1998 deposition during Paula Jones’s sexual harassment suit against the former president, she described how Bill “put my hands on his genitals.”

According to Willey, the Clintons went to drastic lengths to prevent her from telling the truth in court. She describes a lunch her friend the late Christopher Hitchens had with Hillary’s email buddy Sid Blumenthal: “during this lunch with Sid Blumenthal, Christopher said something like ‘looks like you guys got some big problems now after that 60 Minutes interview.” To which Sid Blumenthal responded, ‘Well she may look good today…she’s not going to look good by Friday.” Hitchens afterwards filed an affidavit.

Read more: Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Admires Trump}


Paula Jones
-- Her case of sexual harassment was thrown out of court due to lack of merit and never even accused Clinton of rape.

Works nicely when the presiding judge, Susan Webber Wright is your former law student and a close personal friend. Gee, no conflict of interest there.

Clinton was also found to have perjured himelf, invalidating the summary dismissal by Clinton's buddy.

But because Clinton perjured himself, Jones refiled, Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.

You knew this, you're just lying because you are a Communist, a

Elizabeth Ward
-- claims sex with Clinton was consensual.

Yeah, the Clinton mob was great to her..

In an interview with the Toronto Star about her show, she also talked about how her friends and family were intimidated and how she feared for her safety after the Clinton connection surfaced.

"The interview gets picked up and becomes a big story," Vento said.

Within weeks, Gracen got another phone call at an unlisted number in Canada, and she recognized the voice from the call warning her about the subpoena eight months before, Vento said.

"They say, 'You should really keep your mouth shut about Bill Clinton and go on with your life. You could be discredited. You could have an IRS investigation,'" the lawyer recounted.

A few weeks later, the letters from the IRS started coming in, sent to her parents' house, which is not listed on her tax filings, Vento said.}

Elizabeth Gracen: the Clinton reign of terror

Sandra Allen James -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Susan Whitacre -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Lencola sullivan -- never even accused Clinton of rape.
Woman NOT accusing Clinton of rape, to you brain-dead loons, means all those women DID accuse him of rape.

Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation’s capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton’s hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.

Read more: Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider}

So you lied about everything to cover for a sexual predator.

Yeah, that does make you a reprehensible scumbag.
But you're a fucking rightard who diesn't know she filed her suit before that law was passed. So clearly you're a moron and clearly that law had nothing to do with Paula Jones filing her lawsuit.

But then, equally insane is your belief that I'm a Communist, think rape is good, or think it's the duty of women to submit to rape by anyone.

In a nutshell, I believe the clinical term is ... you're batshit crazy.

So here you are defending a sexual predator and attacking his victims. Why? Because you hold party above all. What party? Oh, the democratic - socialist party that openly promotes a command economy.
Pointing out you're batshit crazy is not defending anyone. It's pointing out you're batshit crazy. :thup:

You base your statements and claims upon that which promotes your party, or disparages the hated opposition.

I base my statements and claims on facts. We have very different methods.
I based my claim on the reality that Paula Jones filed her suit before that law was passed; rendering it impossible for that law to have allowed her to bring suit against Clinton. Being the crazed batshit loon you are, you can't comprehend the stupidity of your position.

Who knows what "facts" you think you have that alters reality? :dunno:

{Bennett has denied any attempt to sling mud at Jones, but the issue has refused to die, in part because he has changed his position on the question several times. Last spring, he openly warned that Jones's past sexual behavior was fair game in a sexual harassment suit. But after irate feminist groups noted that the 1994 Violence Against Women Act invalidates most testimony of that kind, Bennett said the president had directed him to stay away from Jones's past.}

Hey, you lie because you are a Communist, it's like a fish swimming, it's just your nature.
Your link doesn't work and even the blurb you posted doesn't say the 1994 Violence Against Women Act allowed Paula Jones to file her lawsuit.

It couldn't have -- it wasn't a law when she filed her suit. <smh>
Great, now you support Sharia law.


Meanwhile, though you idiotically claim 10 women have accused Clinton of Rape, in reality, none have. In the bumper sticker you posted alone, it lists...

Juanita Broaddrick -- swore under oath that Clinton did not rape her and that rumors circulating to that affect were "false."​

Oh did she now? You wouldn't lie through your fucking teeth, would you?

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me,” Juanita Broaddrick tweeted from her home in Van Buren, Ark. “I am now 73. . . . it never goes away.” I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away. — Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016

Read more at:}

Oops, guess you're a fucking liar. Hey, you're a Communist, lying is what you do. Party above all and all that.​
Nah, the liar is you (and Juanita Broaddrick).

Under Oath and the penalty of perjury, she swore...

Affidavit From Jane Doe #5

During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.​
Kathleen Willey
-- never even accused Clinton of rape and confided in others that it was in fact she who was pursuing Clinton.

Hey look, the Commie is going to fucking lie again!

Despite Hillary’s claims that she is a running a campaign of “love and kindness,” Willey told us during the months leading up to her deposition, “all I felt was fear and terror.”

Willey was a life-long Virginia Democrat activist before joining the White House social office, having worked on the campaigns of Gov. Doug Wilder and attorney general Mary Terry. It was in 1993 when Willey said President Clinton assaulted her. In her 1998 deposition during Paula Jones’s sexual harassment suit against the former president, she described how Bill “put my hands on his genitals.”

According to Willey, the Clintons went to drastic lengths to prevent her from telling the truth in court. She describes a lunch her friend the late Christopher Hitchens had with Hillary’s email buddy Sid Blumenthal: “during this lunch with Sid Blumenthal, Christopher said something like ‘looks like you guys got some big problems now after that 60 Minutes interview.” To which Sid Blumenthal responded, ‘Well she may look good today…she’s not going to look good by Friday.” Hitchens afterwards filed an affidavit.

Read more: Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Admires Trump}

You are demented to think that is a claim of rape. Willey not only never accused Clinton of raping her, she even confided in others that it was her pursuing Bill....

Starr and Willey: The Untold Story
According to FBI interviews, Tripp said Willey not only was lying about an unwanted advance from the President but also had been trying to entice him into a sexual relationship. Tripp said, “Willey described several ways she would pursue the President. Willey would arrange to cover evening social functions where the President would be present” and tried to attract his attention with outfits such as “a particular black dress which accentuated” her cleavage. Tripp says Willey discussed places she and the President might rendezvous. Tripp testified that she saw Willey after her meeting with the President and that Willey “smiled from ear to ear the entire time. She seemed almost shocked, but happy shocked.”​
Paula Jones
-- Her case of sexual harassment was thrown out of court due to lack of merit and never even accused Clinton of rape.

Works nicely when the presiding judge, Susan Webber Wright is your former law student and a close personal friend. Gee, no conflict of interest there.

Clinton was also found to have perjured himelf, invalidating the summary dismissal by Clinton's buddy.

But because Clinton perjured himself, Jones refiled, Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.

You knew this, you're just lying because you are a Communist, a
Your dementia continues. Again, Jones not only did not accuse Clinton of rape, her accusation of sexual harassment was thrown out of court due to lack of merit. Clinton's perjury had nothing to do with Paula Jones and did not contribute to there being a lack of merit on Jones' part.

Elizabeth Ward
-- claims sex with Clinton was consensual.

Yeah, the Clinton mob was great to her..

In an interview with the Toronto Star about her show, she also talked about how her friends and family were intimidated and how she feared for her safety after the Clinton connection surfaced.

"The interview gets picked up and becomes a big story," Vento said.

Within weeks, Gracen got another phone call at an unlisted number in Canada, and she recognized the voice from the call warning her about the subpoena eight months before, Vento said.

"They say, 'You should really keep your mouth shut about Bill Clinton and go on with your life. You could be discredited. You could have an IRS investigation,'" the lawyer recounted.

A few weeks later, the letters from the IRS started coming in, sent to her parents' house, which is not listed on her tax filings, Vento said.}

Elizabeth Gracen: the Clinton reign of terror
She never claimed Clinton raped her. Deal with it. She claimed they had an affair. A consensual affair.

Sandra Allen James -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Susan Whitacre -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Lencola sullivan -- never even accused Clinton of rape.

Woman NOT accusing Clinton of rape, to you brain-dead loons, means all those women DID accuse him of rape.

Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation’s capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton’s hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.

Read more: Bombshell Report Details EVERY Clinton Sex Assault Victim - The Political Insider}

So you lied about everything to cover for a sexual predator.

Yeah, that does make you a reprehensible scumbag.
You're truly fucked in the head.

Sandra Allen James claimed Clinton stuck his hand up her dress before she ran off. That's not rape.

Susan Whitacre never claimed Clinton raped her -- that's not rape.

Lencola Sullivan not only never claimed Cinton raped her -- she never even claimed they had sex together. Someone else made that claim about Clinton and Sullivan. And that's not rape.

You can't find a single credible accusation of rape. And even among the accusations of sexual assault -- there was only ever one accusation of rape. Juanita Broaddrick. And she swore under oath that it was an "unfounded rumor."

You righties are soooo fucked in the head. It's like y'all suffer from the same mental disease.
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Yes, let's remind America how you brain-dead righties lie repeatedly about Stevens' death. That's sure to gain votes for Hillary

He was not raped and tortured; as you rightards love to lie about so much... Benghazi was looked into by 8 separate GOP-led investigations (one still ongoing). Not one found any evidence Stevens was raped, tortured, or poked with a cattle prod.

Even worse for your conservative derangement ... the photo you posted isn't even Chris Stevens. It's not even from Libya.

It's an unidentified man in Afghanistan. And note the date of the article ... November 24, 2009 -- 3 year before Stevens was killed.

Bagram: A living hell

This is the among the last known pictures of Chris Stevens....


Did you really find it necessary to prove yet again how demented you rightards are?? :cuckoo:

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