Trump surging nationally.

Lying under oath is against the law, or are you too stupid to realize that?
Since when do conservatives care about lying under oath?? I still recall the right erupting with aplause when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted by Bush after being convicted of lying under oath. Face reality, righties only care about lying under osth when the perjuror is a Democrat.
And I remember bush with president cheney were questioned but he wouldn't take the oath
so what
You guys make a big deal about the oaths until it's one of your guys with his hand on the bible I'm surprised the bible doesn't burn when a repub puts his hand on it
Libby went to jail, why didn't Clinton?
did he??
Lying under oath is against the law, or are you too stupid to realize that?
Since when do conservatives care about lying under oath?? I still recall the right erupting with aplause when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted by Bush after being convicted of lying under oath. Face reality, righties only care about lying under osth when the perjuror is a Democrat.
And I remember bush with president cheney were questioned but he wouldn't take the oath
so what
You guys make a big deal about the oaths until it's one of your guys with his hand on the bible I'm surprised the bible doesn't burn when a repub puts his hand on it
Libby went to jail, why didn't Clinton?
Your hallucinations persist. How long do they inform you Libby spent in jail?
Since when do conservatives care about lying under oath?? I still recall the right erupting with aplause when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted by Bush after being convicted of lying under oath. Face reality, righties only care about lying under osth when the perjuror is a Democrat.
And I remember bush with president cheney were questioned but he wouldn't take the oath
so what
You guys make a big deal about the oaths until it's one of your guys with his hand on the bible I'm surprised the bible doesn't burn when a repub puts his hand on it
Libby went to jail, why didn't Clinton?
Your hallucinations persist. How long do they inform you Libby spent in jail?
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Monday spared I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby from prison, commuting the former White House aide's 30-month prison term.

A conviction remains on Scooter Libby's record, and he must still pay a $250,000 fine.


The prison time was imposed after a federal court convicted Libby of perjury, obstruction of justice and lying to investigators in the probe of the leak of the name of a CIA operative.

A commutation is distinct from a pardon, which is a complete eradication of a conviction record and makes it the same as if the person has never been convicted.

Bush has only commuted Libby's prison term, which means that the conviction remains on Libby's record and he must still pay a $250,000 fine. He will be on probation for two years.
oh my lying about a bj ... it was none of your business in the first place ,,maybe if your ah gwb had a few he'd have been half the president bill was as it was he was another repub failure
Lying under oath is against the law, or are you too stupid to realize that?
Since when do conservatives care about lying under oath?? I still recall the right erupting with aplause when Scooter Libby had his sentence commuted by Bush after being convicted of lying under oath. Face reality, righties only care about lying under osth when the perjuror is a Democrat.
And I remember bush with president cheney were questioned but he wouldn't take the oath
so what
You guys make a big deal about the oaths until it's one of your guys with his hand on the bible I'm surprised the bible doesn't burn when a repub puts his hand on it

wait a minute if you go that far none of the lefts would be in good standing in your eyes

you have problems with double standards eds
did you really need to ask that question

oh my lying about a bj ... it was none of your business in the first place ,,maybe if your ah gwb had a few he'd have been half the president bill was as it was he was another repub failure
Lying under oath is against the law, or are you too stupid to realize that?
yes and in this case he lied and deserved a slap on the wrist not a full blown attack by scum who have had many in their party commit worse offenses

lyin under oath is serious crime

he was the only president in history to be deposed in a civil matter during his term in office. it was disgusting.

and who he slept with was no one's business....especially with his wife sitting next to him.

he made the peoples business

and so what if if he was the "only one" deposed
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
So I presume Ted Cruz would allow the US to default on it's debts?
Better yet, name 10 TRUE Conservatives who
would allow the US to default on it's debts.
he was the only president in history to be deposed in a civil matter during his term in office. it was disgusting.

Which tells you how disgusting he is. His a pig and a total piece of shit. He's committed adultery more often than he hasn't. He's a misogynst scum who treats women like sexual objects and used his power & fame to prey on a young naïve intern.

As a woman, I would expect you to be appalled by Bill Clinton. As a liberal (a submissive group that promotes the ideology at any and all costs), I understand why you aren't and why treat your fellow gender with such disrespect.
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
So I presume Ted Cruz would allow the US to default on it's debts?
Better yet, name 10 TRUE Conservatives who
would allow the US to default on it's debts.

So I presume that you are under the fall-down-hilarious belief that the U.S. has two options and two options only for the debt: printing off money or defaulting? (Hint: there are dozens of options).

As far as defaulting though - it's an exponentially better option than "printing money". Way better to default than collapse the value of the American dollar.
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
So I presume Ted Cruz would allow the US to default on it's debts?
Better yet, name 10 TRUE Conservatives who
would allow the US to default on it's debts.

So I presume that you are under the fall-down-hilarious belief that the U.S. has two options and two options only for the debt: printing off money or defaulting? (Hint: there are dozens of options).

As far as defaulting though - it's an exponentially better option than "printing money". Way better to default than collapse the value of the American dollar.
I asked for a list.
Libby went to jail, why didn't Clinton?

Because liberals don't believe that the laws apply to them (it's why the shred the U.S. Constitution every day). And when you are a liberal who got to appoint everyone in the justice system - you get to commit perjury and walk away. Sad but true...
Trump sucks, but wow, Hillary is unbeatable? You're delusional

Trump supporters are like a dog chasing a car, what are they going to do if they catch the damned thing? We will have to LIVE with him as president for 4 years, which will not be pleasant.

I predict that Trump will defeat Hillary, but I am not sure that is all that great.

Unfortunately, it is Trump or Hillary. We know what we get with Hildabeast... and it is more of the last 8 years.
You get the same thing with Trump.
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
So I presume Ted Cruz would allow the US to default on it's debts?
Better yet, name 10 TRUE Conservatives who
would allow the US to default on it's debts.

So I presume that you are under the fall-down-hilarious belief that the U.S. has two options and two options only for the debt: printing off money or defaulting? (Hint: there are dozens of options).

As far as defaulting though - it's an exponentially better option than "printing money". Way better to default than collapse the value of the American dollar.
I asked for a list.


  1. Myself
  2. TemplarKormac
  3. Cent intel
  4. American_Jihad
  5. MisterBeale
  6. Neotrotsky
  7. Mr. Nick
  8. PoliticalChic
  9. ShacklesOfBigGov
  10. Stephanie
Now what? What's your point?!?
I don't know if Trump will get slaughtered in November, but so long as he's not facing Hilldabeast, it's stuff like this that makes me want to see him get slaughtered in November. I mean, if there was one thing this idiot was supposed to know, it was economics. And here he is speaking like a typical ignorant liberal (of which he is one of course) stating that you solve the debt by simply "printing money".

No wonder he bankrupted so many companies. This moron doesn't understand basic economics. You print money, you devalue the dollar. It ends up not being worth the paper it is written on - like the Mexican peso. What a moron. No wonder liberals turned out in droves to vote for him during the Republican primaries.

Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -
So I presume Ted Cruz would allow the US to default on it's debts?
Better yet, name 10 TRUE Conservatives who
would allow the US to default on it's debts.

So I presume that you are under the fall-down-hilarious belief that the U.S. has two options and two options only for the debt: printing off money or defaulting? (Hint: there are dozens of options).

As far as defaulting though - it's an exponentially better option than "printing money". Way better to default than collapse the value of the American dollar.
I asked for a list.


  1. Myself
  2. TemplarKormac
  3. Cent intel
  4. American_Jihad
  5. MisterBeale
  6. Neotrotsky
  7. Mr. Nick
  8. PoliticalChic
  9. ShacklesOfBigGov
  10. Stephanie
Now what? What's your point?!?

List some politicians.
did you really need to ask that question

oh my lying about a bj ... it was none of your business in the first place ,,maybe if your ah gwb had a few he'd have been half the president bill was as it was he was another repub failure
Lying under oath is against the law, or are you too stupid to realize that?
yes and in this case he lied and deserved a slap on the wrist not a full blown attack by scum who have had many in their party commit worse offenses

lyin under oath is serious crime

he was the only president in history to be deposed in a civil matter during his term in office. it was disgusting.

and who he slept with was no one's business....especially with his wife sitting next to him.

Clinton signed the legislation that made it Paula Jones' business.

The irony is excruciating, isn't it?
Registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by six to one in Logan Co., W.V., CNN pointed out, but the residents are outraged over Clinton’s call to eradicate the coal industry.

“It was not easy here to randomly find people here who want Hillary Clinton for president,” CNN reported, adding that out of the nearly 20 random Democrats they interviewed, nearly all of them were already supporting Trump.

CNN Struggles to Find Democrat Not Voting Trump

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