Trump Takes Credit For Ending The Pandemic!

This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
So Trump can be blamed for the Pandemic but can't get credit if it is defeated? Is that your point? Seems to be a political POV!

It has yet to be defeated, so how can he take credit when no credit is deserved at this point?

BIDEN said Trump took credit for ending the virus, schmuck. Trump didn't say that. This is why you lying America hating leftists have been documented like 20K times now lying about what Trump said

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
released a statement.

And of course the ONE sentence regarding Covid was taken out of context.


Trump said the Democrat's treatment of the virus is a hoax, and they are still lying he said the virus is a hoax.

And OMG, Mad_Jackass_Flint still thinks Trump was serious about injecting bleach. These simpletons will believe anything.

Then there's g5000 who started a whole thread about Biden misquoting Trump. BIDEN said Trump said he ended the virus, Trump didn't say that.

No wonder they think government can make their decisions better for them than they can, they are right!

Your trolling is pitiful and your melting is noted... You made the false claim that I said Trump said it was a hoax and kept on repeating the lie...

Not as for bleach injection I never said anything about Trump and was mocking the entire thing, and it is you with your sensitive feelings that started crying “ Trump was mocking you “ when I was mocking the idea altogether!

You brought up the bleach, Speed Racer. Stop taking everything so seriously. That's why Trump can make so much fun of you, you're just so gullible

You brought up the bleach now?

Hmmm, I wrote my comment to MDK and you came up with it now?

And boys, girls and those confused this is why trolls like Kaz are annoying...

Kaz realizes he’s, she or it has been caught lying about what I wrote and then want to say don’t take anything seriously when they spew insults like a little girl that got her heart broken because she was so ugly even the dog rejected her.

So Kaz let be clear I never said Trump claimed the virus was a hoax and what I wrote is I believe you think it is a Hoax, so are you claiming to be Donald John Trump the wife beating fake billionaire that had a child out wedlock?

Now you're just getting too weird for me, pass

Awww, so you admit I never said Trump said it was a hoax, but I bet you believe it is...

Also I never mentioned Trump name in my comment to MDK, and it was you that went full mental nutter!
Americans understand how conmen like Trump tell lies, gossip, gossip, and misinforarion.

Then why do Democrats need to keep lying about what Trump said and attacking their own lie as if Trump actually said it?

You know, like THIS THREAD?

BIDEN said Trump claimed to have ended the virus, there was no such quote from Trump
It will be over once we get warmer and more humid weather.

*lick window*

Bleach injection was require for that to be possible...

Trump is funny, you idiots will believe anything. Hey, if you jump off a cliff, you'll grow wings before you hit the ground. Tell all your leftist friends

Poor whittle Kaz posting about how if I drink Red Bull it give me wings... Also if you inject yourself with bleach it will cure all your ills with those you hate, so please do us the favor and inject yourself...

LOL. I was laughing at how Trump just makes fun of you simpletons and you repeated again that you think he was serious when he pwned you. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously, don't

No, you are showing you lack of being able to understand what you are reading as I pointed out in my other response to you.

You jump up and down screaming like a raving lunatic proclaiming leftist here and leftists there and when shown how mentally challenged you are you double down on the Stupidity thinking you are clever...

So please inject yourself with bleach and all those you hate will no longer bother you...

Still pushing your lies. You keep repeating that anyone thinks that the Biden virus was a hoax, and now you're repeating you actually believe Trump was serious about injecting bleach.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one? My God you're a simpleton

First off the Virus came from China and it is neither Biden nor Trump virus...

Second, your reading skills are pitiful as can be because not once did I write Trump call it a hoax, but state I believe you believe Covid is a hoax...

Finally, bleach injection will cure your hatred...

Right, because you're a mind reader.

Then there's how I'm mocking you for saying Trump said the virus was a hoax, and you say that means I think it was a hoax. I think it's a hoax and I am mocking you for lying that Trump said it was a hoax.

Then I mocked you for believing that Trump actually meant to inject bleach and you say oh, you think we should inject bleach, kaz. While I'm mocking you for thinking Trump was serious.

You have some really lame ass shit, pal

You can provide where I said Trump said it was a hoax, right?

Highlight where I wrote that and when you can not then explain your poor reading comprehension?

You brought up the Democrat lie that Trump called it a hoax. Then you brought up the idiotic Democrat claim Trump was serious about injecting bleach. Now you're trying to get into a word parsing battle. Stop bringing up stupid shit if you can't defend it with more than your moronic word parsing battles

I never said Trump in my comment about a Hoax and you are lying again and the Bleach comment I never mentioned Trump either and it was you...

Again highlight where I made the claim Trump said this or that and when you fail to do so then understand your reading comprehension sucks big time!

The bleach one is particularly funny. You say how mind numbingly ridiculous it is and never question for a second that he was playing you.

Obviously he did not think people should inject bleach. What is wrong with you? Seriously. What does the doctor say?

How can ANYONE be that gullible?
Trump was that gullible to state how effective disinfectants were on surfaces in destroying the virus and then turn to his expert and suggest we inject disinfectants

WTF? "Trump" was gullible when he told you to inject bleach?"

This is why you can't blame Trump for playing you people. You're the most gullible saps on the planet. You believe literally anything.

No one would have possibly believed that Democrats would take seriously someone telling you to inject bleach, yet here you are screaming at the top of your lungs that you do, you totally fell for it
This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
What's actually out of the totalitarian handbook is to accuse your adversaries of doing exactly what you ARE doing. Accuse before you get accused. That only works on low information Democrats. Vegas is picking Trumpy bigtime. They're smart when it comes to being in the money.
This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
So Trump can be blamed for the Pandemic but can't get credit if it is defeated? Is that your point? Seems to be a political POV!

It has yet to be defeated, so how can he take credit when no credit is deserved at this point?

BIDEN said Trump took credit for ending the virus, schmuck. Trump didn't say that. This is why you lying America hating leftists have been documented like 20K times now lying about what Trump said

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
released a statement.

And of course the ONE sentence regarding Covid was taken out of context.


Trump said the Democrat's treatment of the virus is a hoax, and they are still lying he said the virus is a hoax.

And OMG, Mad_Jackass_Flint still thinks Trump was serious about injecting bleach. These simpletons will believe anything.

Then there's g5000 who started a whole thread about Biden misquoting Trump. BIDEN said Trump said he ended the virus, Trump didn't say that.

No wonder they think government can make their decisions better for them than they can, they are right!

Your trolling is pitiful and your melting is noted... You made the false claim that I said Trump said it was a hoax and kept on repeating the lie...

Not as for bleach injection I never said anything about Trump and was mocking the entire thing, and it is you with your sensitive feelings that started crying “ Trump was mocking you “ when I was mocking the idea altogether!

You brought up the bleach, Speed Racer. Stop taking everything so seriously. That's why Trump can make so much fun of you, you're just so gullible

You brought up the bleach now?

Hmmm, I wrote my comment to MDK and you came up with it now?

And boys, girls and those confused this is why trolls like Kaz are annoying...

Kaz realizes he’s, she or it has been caught lying about what I wrote and then want to say don’t take anything seriously when they spew insults like a little girl that got her heart broken because she was so ugly even the dog rejected her.

So Kaz let be clear I never said Trump claimed the virus was a hoax and what I wrote is I believe you think it is a Hoax, so are you claiming to be Donald John Trump the wife beating fake billionaire that had a child out wedlock?

Now you're just getting too weird for me, pass

Awww, so you admit I never said Trump said it was a hoax, but I bet you believe it is...

Also I never mentioned Trump name in my comment to MDK, and it was you that went full mental nutter!
Americans understand how conmen like Trump tell lies, gossip, gossip, and misinforarion.

Then why do Democrats need to keep lying about what Trump said and attacking their own lie as if Trump actually said it?

You know, like THIS THREAD?

BIDEN said Trump claimed to have ended the virus, there was no such quote from Trump
No one cares about Trump's and your whining.
This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
So Trump can be blamed for the Pandemic but can't get credit if it is defeated? Is that your point? Seems to be a political POV!

It has yet to be defeated, so how can he take credit when no credit is deserved at this point?

BIDEN said Trump took credit for ending the virus, schmuck. Trump didn't say that. This is why you lying America hating leftists have been documented like 20K times now lying about what Trump said

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
released a statement.

And of course the ONE sentence regarding Covid was taken out of context.


Trump said the Democrat's treatment of the virus is a hoax, and they are still lying he said the virus is a hoax.

And OMG, Mad_Jackass_Flint still thinks Trump was serious about injecting bleach. These simpletons will believe anything.

Then there's g5000 who started a whole thread about Biden misquoting Trump. BIDEN said Trump said he ended the virus, Trump didn't say that.

No wonder they think government can make their decisions better for them than they can, they are right!

Your trolling is pitiful and your melting is noted... You made the false claim that I said Trump said it was a hoax and kept on repeating the lie...

Not as for bleach injection I never said anything about Trump and was mocking the entire thing, and it is you with your sensitive feelings that started crying “ Trump was mocking you “ when I was mocking the idea altogether!

You brought up the bleach, Speed Racer. Stop taking everything so seriously. That's why Trump can make so much fun of you, you're just so gullible

You brought up the bleach now?

Hmmm, I wrote my comment to MDK and you came up with it now?

And boys, girls and those confused this is why trolls like Kaz are annoying...

Kaz realizes he’s, she or it has been caught lying about what I wrote and then want to say don’t take anything seriously when they spew insults like a little girl that got her heart broken because she was so ugly even the dog rejected her.

So Kaz let be clear I never said Trump claimed the virus was a hoax and what I wrote is I believe you think it is a Hoax, so are you claiming to be Donald John Trump the wife beating fake billionaire that had a child out wedlock?

Now you're just getting too weird for me, pass

Awww, so you admit I never said Trump said it was a hoax, but I bet you believe it is...

Also I never mentioned Trump name in my comment to MDK, and it was you that went full mental nutter!
Americans understand how conmen like Trump tell lies, gossip, gossip, and misinforarion.

Then why do Democrats need to keep lying about what Trump said and attacking their own lie as if Trump actually said it?

You know, like THIS THREAD?

BIDEN said Trump claimed to have ended the virus, there was no such quote from Trump
Biden forgets unless it's the amount of the shakedown. Where and how much crooked money will be coming in seems to be the ONLY thing Biden remembers these days.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
So Trump can be blamed for the Pandemic but can't get credit if it is defeated? Is that your point? Seems to be a political POV!

It has yet to be defeated, so how can he take credit when no credit is deserved at this point?

BIDEN said Trump took credit for ending the virus, schmuck. Trump didn't say that. This is why you lying America hating leftists have been documented like 20K times now lying about what Trump said

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
released a statement.

And of course the ONE sentence regarding Covid was taken out of context.


Trump said the Democrat's treatment of the virus is a hoax, and they are still lying he said the virus is a hoax.

And OMG, Mad_Jackass_Flint still thinks Trump was serious about injecting bleach. These simpletons will believe anything.

Then there's g5000 who started a whole thread about Biden misquoting Trump. BIDEN said Trump said he ended the virus, Trump didn't say that.

No wonder they think government can make their decisions better for them than they can, they are right!

Your trolling is pitiful and your melting is noted... You made the false claim that I said Trump said it was a hoax and kept on repeating the lie...

Not as for bleach injection I never said anything about Trump and was mocking the entire thing, and it is you with your sensitive feelings that started crying “ Trump was mocking you “ when I was mocking the idea altogether!

You brought up the bleach, Speed Racer. Stop taking everything so seriously. That's why Trump can make so much fun of you, you're just so gullible

You brought up the bleach now?

Hmmm, I wrote my comment to MDK and you came up with it now?

And boys, girls and those confused this is why trolls like Kaz are annoying...

Kaz realizes he’s, she or it has been caught lying about what I wrote and then want to say don’t take anything seriously when they spew insults like a little girl that got her heart broken because she was so ugly even the dog rejected her.

So Kaz let be clear I never said Trump claimed the virus was a hoax and what I wrote is I believe you think it is a Hoax, so are you claiming to be Donald John Trump the wife beating fake billionaire that had a child out wedlock?

Now you're just getting too weird for me, pass

Awww, so you admit I never said Trump said it was a hoax, but I bet you believe it is...

Also I never mentioned Trump name in my comment to MDK, and it was you that went full mental nutter!
Americans understand how conmen like Trump tell lies, gossip, gossip, and misinforarion.

Then why do Democrats need to keep lying about what Trump said and attacking their own lie as if Trump actually said it?

You know, like THIS THREAD?

BIDEN said Trump claimed to have ended the virus, there was no such quote from Trump
No one cares about Trump's and your whining.

You were the whiner, Speed Racer. Read your post
You brought up the bleach now?

Hmmm, I wrote my comment to MDK and you came up with it now?

Stop lying: You were not responding to MDK

Poor whittle Kaz posting about how if I drink Red Bull it give me wings... Also if you inject yourself with bleach it will cure all your ills with those you hate, so please do us the favor and inject yourself...

LOL. I was laughing at how Trump just makes fun of you simpletons and you repeated again that you think he was serious when he pwned you. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously, don't

So please inject yourself with bleach and all those you hate will no longer bother you...
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Trump was that gullible to state how effective disinfectants were on surfaces in destroying the virus and then turn to his expert and suggest we inject disinfectants

Go find that video clip!!!

It was said in jest.
see. it can be so easy. even the trump admin spokesperson managed to do that. not so posters and moderators on this cesspool of a messageboard.


You've admitted that Trump didn't claim he ended Covid!

If you don't like this cesspool why do you bother to post here?
"only vaccines can stave off viruses", is what you queefed.

Yes, that was one post I queefed.

The following post I queefed, which again you quoted was specific to antivirals.

So, what the queef is your misogynist issue?
It will be over once we get warmer and more humid weather.

*lick window*

Bleach injection was require for that to be possible...

Trump is funny, you idiots will believe anything. Hey, if you jump off a cliff, you'll grow wings before you hit the ground. Tell all your leftist friends

Poor whittle Kaz posting about how if I drink Red Bull it give me wings... Also if you inject yourself with bleach it will cure all your ills with those you hate, so please do us the favor and inject yourself...

LOL. I was laughing at how Trump just makes fun of you simpletons and you repeated again that you think he was serious when he pwned you. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously, don't

No, you are showing you lack of being able to understand what you are reading as I pointed out in my other response to you.

You jump up and down screaming like a raving lunatic proclaiming leftist here and leftists there and when shown how mentally challenged you are you double down on the Stupidity thinking you are clever...

So please inject yourself with bleach and all those you hate will no longer bother you...

Still pushing your lies. You keep repeating that anyone thinks that the Biden virus was a hoax, and now you're repeating you actually believe Trump was serious about injecting bleach.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one? My God you're a simpleton

First off the Virus came from China and it is neither Biden nor Trump virus...

Second, your reading skills are pitiful as can be because not once did I write Trump call it a hoax, but state I believe you believe Covid is a hoax...

Finally, bleach injection will cure your hatred...

Right, because you're a mind reader.

Then there's how I'm mocking you for saying Trump said the virus was a hoax, and you say that means I think it was a hoax. I think it's a hoax and I am mocking you for lying that Trump said it was a hoax.

Then I mocked you for believing that Trump actually meant to inject bleach and you say oh, you think we should inject bleach, kaz. While I'm mocking you for thinking Trump was serious.

You have some really lame ass shit, pal

You can provide where I said Trump said it was a hoax, right?

Highlight where I wrote that and when you can not then explain your poor reading comprehension?

You brought up the Democrat lie that Trump called it a hoax. Then you brought up the idiotic Democrat claim Trump was serious about injecting bleach. Now you're trying to get into a word parsing battle. Stop bringing up stupid shit if you can't defend it with more than your moronic word parsing battles

I never said Trump in my comment about a Hoax and you are lying again and the Bleach comment I never mentioned Trump either and it was you...

Again highlight where I made the claim Trump said this or that and when you fail to do so then understand your reading comprehension sucks big time!

The bleach one is particularly funny. You say how mind numbingly ridiculous it is and never question for a second that he was playing you.

Obviously he did not think people should inject bleach. What is wrong with you? Seriously. What does the doctor say?

How can ANYONE be that gullible?
Trump was that gullible to state how effective disinfectants were on surfaces in destroying the virus and then turn to his expert and suggest we inject disinfectants

WTF? "Trump" was gullible when he told you to inject bleach?"

This is why you can't blame Trump for playing you people. You're the most gullible saps on the planet. You believe literally anything.

No one would have possibly believed that Democrats would take seriously someone telling you to inject bleach, yet here you are screaming at the top of your lungs that you do, you totally fell for it
Trump thinks he is the smartest person in the room. That is why he lectures.......Most people don’t know

When discussing how effective disinfectants destroy COVID on a surface, genius hit him and he turned to Dr Birx and told her she needs to look into a way to inject disinfectant

All he got was an eye roll
It will be over once we get warmer and more humid weather.

*lick window*

Bleach injection was require for that to be possible...

Trump is funny, you idiots will believe anything. Hey, if you jump off a cliff, you'll grow wings before you hit the ground. Tell all your leftist friends

Poor whittle Kaz posting about how if I drink Red Bull it give me wings... Also if you inject yourself with bleach it will cure all your ills with those you hate, so please do us the favor and inject yourself...

LOL. I was laughing at how Trump just makes fun of you simpletons and you repeated again that you think he was serious when he pwned you. Don't take telemarketing calls. Seriously, don't

No, you are showing you lack of being able to understand what you are reading as I pointed out in my other response to you.

You jump up and down screaming like a raving lunatic proclaiming leftist here and leftists there and when shown how mentally challenged you are you double down on the Stupidity thinking you are clever...

So please inject yourself with bleach and all those you hate will no longer bother you...

Still pushing your lies. You keep repeating that anyone thinks that the Biden virus was a hoax, and now you're repeating you actually believe Trump was serious about injecting bleach.

Have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one? My God you're a simpleton

First off the Virus came from China and it is neither Biden nor Trump virus...

Second, your reading skills are pitiful as can be because not once did I write Trump call it a hoax, but state I believe you believe Covid is a hoax...

Finally, bleach injection will cure your hatred...

Right, because you're a mind reader.

Then there's how I'm mocking you for saying Trump said the virus was a hoax, and you say that means I think it was a hoax. I think it's a hoax and I am mocking you for lying that Trump said it was a hoax.

Then I mocked you for believing that Trump actually meant to inject bleach and you say oh, you think we should inject bleach, kaz. While I'm mocking you for thinking Trump was serious.

You have some really lame ass shit, pal

You can provide where I said Trump said it was a hoax, right?

Highlight where I wrote that and when you can not then explain your poor reading comprehension?

You brought up the Democrat lie that Trump called it a hoax. Then you brought up the idiotic Democrat claim Trump was serious about injecting bleach. Now you're trying to get into a word parsing battle. Stop bringing up stupid shit if you can't defend it with more than your moronic word parsing battles

I never said Trump in my comment about a Hoax and you are lying again and the Bleach comment I never mentioned Trump either and it was you...

Again highlight where I made the claim Trump said this or that and when you fail to do so then understand your reading comprehension sucks big time!

The bleach one is particularly funny. You say how mind numbingly ridiculous it is and never question for a second that he was playing you.

Obviously he did not think people should inject bleach. What is wrong with you? Seriously. What does the doctor say?

How can ANYONE be that gullible?
Trump was that gullible to state how effective disinfectants were on surfaces in destroying the virus and then turn to his expert and suggest we inject disinfectants

WTF? "Trump" was gullible when he told you to inject bleach?"

This is why you can't blame Trump for playing you people. You're the most gullible saps on the planet. You believe literally anything.

No one would have possibly believed that Democrats would take seriously someone telling you to inject bleach, yet here you are screaming at the top of your lungs that you do, you totally fell for it
Trump thinks he is the smartest person in the room. That is why he lectures.......Most people don’t know

When discussing how effective disinfectants destroy COVID on a surface, genius hit him and he turned to Dr Birx and told her she needs to look into a way to inject disinfectant

All he got was an eye roll

Never was interested in your claims you can read minds. I'm still not. Since you claim you can read minds, why didn't you already know that?

But you are a giant ... sucker! I can't believe you fell for that. You really force Trump to mock you when you're that stupid

This is right out of the totalitarian handbook.

“Yesterday the White House science office – and this stunned me – put out a statement listing ending the COVID-19 pandemic as the top accomplishment of President Trump’s first term, at the very moment when infection rates are going up in almost every state of our union,” Biden said on Wednesday.


The Trump administration statement came in a press release from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, which was accompanied by a 62-page report detailing scientific highlights during Trump’s tenure as president.

We're way down the rabbit hole now, folks. That I can tell you.
So Trump can be blamed for the Pandemic but can't get credit if it is defeated? Is that your point? Seems to be a political POV!

I agree and I doubt Trump said any such thing.

Gotta remember. G thinks he's the smartest guy in any room and everyone one else is an idiot.

I laugh every time I read his posts.
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
Over 42,000 people are hospitalized with Covid-19, up from about 30,000 one month ago, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

The Covid Tracking Project is not official.

Check the CDC or even John Hopkins for up to date data.
The Covid Tracking Project may not be official, but Johns Hopkins is now using their numbers. It's on their website. I went to both sites you recommended and neither one track hospitalizations, not since Trump's new man stopped them from being reported to the CDC.

So it looks like the only one doing the leg work to go to all 50 states to count hospitalizations is the Covid Tracking Project. They must be at least somewhat legit if JH is using them? I don't know, Mebelle, but if you can find anything on either site that talks about current hospitalizations, please share and prove me wrong. I'd be appreciative.
No one in there right mind can say either party haven't done anything stupid. This is a tough one because its about the life or death of ourselves or those we love or care about.

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