Trump talks law and order

Lemme guess

What? You people are scum of the earth, and you abuse any and all power you are given, in teh pursuit of your vile ideology.

What part of that doesn't ring true with you?
What? You people are scum of the earth, and you abuse any and all power you are given, in teh pursuit of your vile ideology.

What part of that doesn't ring true with you?
Go back and storm the Capitol again to try and overturn an election your Fat Orange Shit Giblet got slaughtered in.
Yup Ewe tards are lower than Whale 🐋 shit.
Who said I supported ANY riot?
Find proof, I will wait!
Correl and the rest of Trump's minions do not live in the real world. Their world is a fantasy world, they make up, to meet their false narrative. The real world is too difficult for them.
you just dont get it do you ... the dems have no concrete proof that Trump incited violence ... the dog and pony show is just political theater to incite the base and get the idiot vote even though the lefts policies are hurting all Americans ..
Yea, right. Why did Trump become enraged when his ARMED mob weren't allowed near the Capital? Who in their right mind would allow that? Somebody like Trump who's a malignant psychopath, that's who.
Yea, right. Why did Trump become enraged when his ARMED mob weren't allowed near the Capital? Who in their right mind would allow that? Somebody like Trump who's a malignant psychopath, that's who.
you are operating off of emotions . Trump said to peacefully let your voices be heard ...facts .. the reason you cant accept that is because you are an effeminate emotional homosexual just like every modern democrat .
you are operating off of emotions . Trump said to peacefully let your voices be heard ...facts .. the reason you cant accept that is because you are an effeminate emotional homosexual just like every modern democrat .
You're operating with your head in your own ass unwilling to face the reality that Trump tried to overturn the election based on a pack of lies.

You Bozos have had a year & a half to prove otherwise but all you have is your mindless deranged stupidity.

But take heart, Trump just looooves you.
You're operating with your head in your own ass unwilling to face the reality that Trump tried to overturn the election based on a pack of lies.

You Bozos have had a year & a half to prove otherwise but all you have is your mindless deranged stupidity.

But take heart, Trump just looooves you.
I wanted to burn Capitol Hill to the ground when GW was President.
Capitol Hill is supposed to represent us, not rule us.

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