Trump Tax Plan Worries Europe

Sure. But do you want to finish that thought?
It either increases the dividends to the remaining shareholders (which gets taxed) or it allows the corporation to use that extra cash to invest in expansion, which also increases the value of the remaining shares.

MOST of the time, it is BOTH. SO, everybody gets paid, including the Fed.

Corporations employ millions of people enabling them to pay federal, state, and local taxes, plus contribute to the overall economy. Why the left demonizes corporations makes no sense.
Making product for whom?

If you don't put money in the hands of those that will spend it, nothing will happen except corps will coninue to hoard money, buy back their stocks, & buy more dumbass Republicans

Corporations put money in the hands of its employees, and its shareholders which include millions of middle class Americans who have trillions of dollars invested in corporations. I'm sorry who is the left trying to punish by confiscating wealth from corporations? Do you have any idea what's going to happen when most of the baby boomers are retired and there's far fewer people working and paying taxes? You better hope the baby boomers make a ton of money investing in corporations so they can spend it during their retirement.

From what I understand, many boomers aren't at all ready for their imminent retirement and are going to get crushed by medicare cuts.

Can't say I feel too sorry for them.

Congress wants to increase the retirement age so most people die off before they can collect a dime of social security. You know, because congress borrowed $2 trillion from OUR social security contributions and has no way of paying us back the deadbeats. Can you picture 70 year old people standing all day on assembly lines working? That's going to drive medicare costs through the roof.
It either increases the dividends to the remaining shareholders (which gets taxed) or it allows the corporation to use that extra cash to invest in expansion, which also increases the value of the remaining shares.

MOST of the time, it is BOTH. SO, everybody gets paid, including the Fed.

Corporations employ millions of people enabling them to pay federal, state, and local taxes, plus contribute to the overall economy. Why the left demonizes corporations makes no sense.
Making product for whom?

If you don't put money in the hands of those that will spend it, nothing will happen except corps will coninue to hoard money, buy back their stocks, & buy more dumbass Republicans

Corporations put money in the hands of its employees, and its shareholders which include millions of middle class Americans who have trillions of dollars invested in corporations. I'm sorry who is the left trying to punish by confiscating wealth from corporations? Do you have any idea what's going to happen when most of the baby boomers are retired and there's far fewer people working and paying taxes? You better hope the baby boomers make a ton of money investing in corporations so they can spend it during their retirement.

From what I understand, many boomers aren't at all ready for their imminent retirement and are going to get crushed by medicare cuts.

Can't say I feel too sorry for them.

Congress wants to increase the retirement age so most people die off before they can collect a dime of social security. You know, because congress borrowed $2 trillion from OUR social security contributions and has no way of paying us back the deadbeats. Can you picture 70 year old people standing all day on assembly lines working? That's going to drive medicare costs through the roof.

It is a ticking time bomb. And I'm astonished that so few are talking about it.

Corporations employ millions of people enabling them to pay federal, state, and local taxes, plus contribute to the overall economy. Why the left demonizes corporations makes no sense.
Making product for whom?

If you don't put money in the hands of those that will spend it, nothing will happen except corps will coninue to hoard money, buy back their stocks, & buy more dumbass Republicans

Corporations put money in the hands of its employees, and its shareholders which include millions of middle class Americans who have trillions of dollars invested in corporations. I'm sorry who is the left trying to punish by confiscating wealth from corporations? Do you have any idea what's going to happen when most of the baby boomers are retired and there's far fewer people working and paying taxes? You better hope the baby boomers make a ton of money investing in corporations so they can spend it during their retirement.

From what I understand, many boomers aren't at all ready for their imminent retirement and are going to get crushed by medicare cuts.

Can't say I feel too sorry for them.

Congress wants to increase the retirement age so most people die off before they can collect a dime of social security. You know, because congress borrowed $2 trillion from OUR social security contributions and has no way of paying us back the deadbeats. Can you picture 70 year old people standing all day on assembly lines working? That's going to drive medicare costs through the roof.

It is a ticking time bomb. And I'm astonished that so few are talking about it.


You are not wrong. The level of incompetence of congress management of social security would land anyone in the private sector in jail. Reagan signed into law a social security tax increase so that we could stockpile funds to pay social security benefits due to baby boomers. This gave us decades to save up for this day. Then congress stole all the money and spent it.
Europe should be worrying about their immigrant issues

They wont because they've let it get too bad.

A strong America will magnify their problems there. What do you think happens if their economy gets weaker with their immigration issues?
Do you consider it a giveaway when the govt reduces taxes on the money you earned?
Of course they are worried, they may have to cut tax rates too.

Umm yea so what the hell are we doing this giveaway to corporations for? They'll just use it to leverage a lower rate where they are.

That’s not how it works.

Taxes are collected to pay our national bills and when you give tax-cut without corresponding spending, guess what, you are just shuffling tax burden around.

Corporations benefit from all the infrastructure, security, education and safety nets and should contribute a portion of the profits, because when they don’t, YOU’LL have to make up those revenues sooner or later.
Because at some point, someone needs to get taxed. And if it's not corporations, who are rolling in dough right now ...

Guess who gets to pay more? Not the rich, who make most of their $$ through investment.

That would be us, the middle and upper middle class folks. We get to pay more.
This makes no sense.

If a corporation does not get taxed, which individual benefits and avoids taxation?

If a corporation has coffers full of money, who benefits? Not the corporation. Sitting on unused capital is wasteful.

Anyone who makes more money through investment eventually gets taxed.

Individuals get better, more jobs. The government then actually works FOR THE PEOPLE, not the reverse.

They get taxed like 15% on dividends, I recall. If the investment income is taxed only once, it stays a measly 15%. That's pretty weak sauce, considering little ol' me is getting taxed around 30%.

To compensate for the deficit caused by the lack of corporate taxes, income taxes would have to go up. Otherwise ... well, you thought the national debt was bad now ...

Granted, I'm not a tax expert. I admit, I don't have all the answers. This is my understanding; the workers won't benefit from tax cuts. Especially not compared to investors.

If that suits your purposes, so be it. It's not ideal for me.

You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?
Sure. But do you want to finish that thought?
It either increases the dividends to the remaining shareholders (which gets taxed) or it allows the corporation to use that extra cash to invest in expansion, which also increases the value of the remaining shares.

MOST of the time, it is BOTH. SO, everybody gets paid, including the Fed.

You are referring to the expansion of small investment income tax money, since in your view corporate income should not be taxed. Is that correct?

The reason investment income taxes are so low is because that income had already been taxed. Without that, it's just an unjustifiably low income tax.
Curious why you’re against people making money? You a communist?
This makes no sense.

If a corporation does not get taxed, which individual benefits and avoids taxation?

If a corporation has coffers full of money, who benefits? Not the corporation. Sitting on unused capital is wasteful.

Anyone who makes more money through investment eventually gets taxed.

Individuals get better, more jobs. The government then actually works FOR THE PEOPLE, not the reverse.

They get taxed like 15% on dividends, I recall. If the investment income is taxed only once, it stays a measly 15%. That's pretty weak sauce, considering little ol' me is getting taxed around 30%.

To compensate for the deficit caused by the lack of corporate taxes, income taxes would have to go up. Otherwise ... well, you thought the national debt was bad now ...

Granted, I'm not a tax expert. I admit, I don't have all the answers. This is my understanding; the workers won't benefit from tax cuts. Especially not compared to investors.

If that suits your purposes, so be it. It's not ideal for me.

You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?
Because they aren’t you! Why do you think a corporation should pay taxes?
Rewarding corporations for bad behavior. Wow how great this that.

That cash sits overseas because of or tax law. A law that should have been changed years ago. Instead, Trump will give them a tax break to bring it home. Another victory for Corporate America.

Look at Mexico. Trump had a freakin fit. There are not Mexican companies flooding our markets. It is US companies who built plants there. No problem, give them a tax break.

Any action by Trump to limit imports will just be done to our products.

Trump is too stupid to get that we need to export. Any penalty action against imports into the US will be duplicated when we try to export.
Bad behavior? WTF are you taking about?

Hiring people is bad?
They get taxed like 15% on dividends, I recall. If the investment income is taxed only once, it stays a measly 15%. That's pretty weak sauce, considering little ol' me is getting taxed around 30%.

To compensate for the deficit caused by the lack of corporate taxes, income taxes would have to go up. Otherwise ... well, you thought the national debt was bad now ...

Granted, I'm not a tax expert. I admit, I don't have all the answers. This is my understanding; the workers won't benefit from tax cuts. Especially not compared to investors.

If that suits your purposes, so be it. It's not ideal for me.

You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?
Because they aren’t you! Why do you think a corporation should pay taxes?
Because the country does better when they do. Well, heck... I'll just become Borillar Inc. and not pay taxes.
Umm yea so what the hell are we doing this giveaway to corporations for? They'll just use it to leverage a lower rate where they are.

How is it a giveaway? Specifically, who pays corporate taxes? Where does the money originate?

Do you consider it a giveaway when the govt reduces taxes on the money you earned?
Of course they are worried, they may have to cut tax rates too.

Umm yea so what the hell are we doing this giveaway to corporations for? They'll just use it to leverage a lower rate where they are.
Wake me up when taxes on individuals are reduced more than taxes on businesses or on the rich.

Wake me up when tax reductions on individuals are made as permanent as tax reductions on corporations.

Sounds like the Trump Kool-Aid factory is in full swing, and the lemmings are lining up to take that Big Gulp.

Umm yea so what the hell are we doing this giveaway to corporations for? They'll just use it to leverage a lower rate where they are.

How is it a giveaway? Specifically, who pays corporate taxes? Where does the money originate?

Corporations pay corporate taxes and by extension the shareholders (DUH). When they pay less, government collects less and in times of deficits as far as the eye cal see already that just means someone else will sooner or later pick up that spending tab.
This makes no sense.

If a corporation does not get taxed, which individual benefits and avoids taxation?

If a corporation has coffers full of money, who benefits? Not the corporation. Sitting on unused capital is wasteful.

Anyone who makes more money through investment eventually gets taxed.

Individuals get better, more jobs. The government then actually works FOR THE PEOPLE, not the reverse.

They get taxed like 15% on dividends, I recall. If the investment income is taxed only once, it stays a measly 15%. That's pretty weak sauce, considering little ol' me is getting taxed around 30%.

To compensate for the deficit caused by the lack of corporate taxes, income taxes would have to go up. Otherwise ... well, you thought the national debt was bad now ...

Granted, I'm not a tax expert. I admit, I don't have all the answers. This is my understanding; the workers won't benefit from tax cuts. Especially not compared to investors.

If that suits your purposes, so be it. It's not ideal for me.

You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?

They don't, they likely pay more in taxes in 1 year than you will pay in your entire lifetime :itsok:
They get taxed like 15% on dividends, I recall. If the investment income is taxed only once, it stays a measly 15%. That's pretty weak sauce, considering little ol' me is getting taxed around 30%.

To compensate for the deficit caused by the lack of corporate taxes, income taxes would have to go up. Otherwise ... well, you thought the national debt was bad now ...

Granted, I'm not a tax expert. I admit, I don't have all the answers. This is my understanding; the workers won't benefit from tax cuts. Especially not compared to investors.

If that suits your purposes, so be it. It's not ideal for me.

You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?

They don't, they likely pay more in taxes in 1 year than you will pay in your entire lifetime :itsok:

Hey BluesLegend why is it you think Republicans are giving corporations a huge tax rate cut without ANY of that bullshit we were fed about cutting out "loopholes for special interests"? Then think about your personal taxes and how you get a small tax-rate cut and have to give up YOUR deductions?

When you are done with those, also consider that YOUR personal tax-cut will disappear after 2025 while corporations get their tax-cut forever in this bill.

Now tell me you right wingers don't feel like a useful tools.
You have a simpleton understanding of economics. Tax policy should encourage corporations and the wealthy to take risks on new businesses and expansion, that's how jobs are created and growth happens. If the left had its way, punishment taxation of the wealthy and corporations the wealthy and corporations just don't bend over and take it. They say fuck you liberals and run for the exits. Relocate to other countries. The wealthy hunker down hoarding their wealth. They don't take risks on starting new businesses or expansion. Job growth slows, economic growth slows, and tax revenue falls. You can't punishment tax your way to prosperity.
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?

They don't, they likely pay more in taxes in 1 year than you will pay in your entire lifetime :itsok:

Hey BluesLegend why is it you think Republicans are giving corporations a huge tax rate cut without ANY of that bullshit we were fed about cutting out loopholes? Then think about your taxes and how you get a small tax-rate cut and have to give up YOUR deductions?

When you are done with those consider that YOUR tax-cut will disapear after 2025 while corporations get their tax-cut forever in this bill.

Now tell me you right wingers don't feel like a useful tools. create new jobs and wealth for the middle class DUH!
So you think handing wealthy people money that they will start new businesses?

NO. They will expand 7 create new when there is demand.

You people know shit about economics.

Christ almighty, its their money hello. :itsok:
Yeah, well my money is mine and they have a fuckload more money than I do, but I have to pay taxes. Why should they get off Scott free?

They don't, they likely pay more in taxes in 1 year than you will pay in your entire lifetime :itsok:

Hey BluesLegend why is it you think Republicans are giving corporations a huge tax rate cut without ANY of that bullshit we were fed about cutting out loopholes? Then think about your taxes and how you get a small tax-rate cut and have to give up YOUR deductions?

When you are done with those consider that YOUR tax-cut will disapear after 2025 while corporations get their tax-cut forever in this bill.

Now tell me you right wingers don't feel like a useful tools. create new jobs and wealth for the middle class DUH!

Come on man, USE YOUR HEAD, if jobs and income for middle class was the goal then those tax-cuts are just about THE DUMBEST WAY YOU CAN GO ABOUT IT.

This bill doesn't make your job cheaper for the corporation or gives ANY other incentive to hire more, because guess what, salaries are an EXPENSE and thus income used up to pay them IS NOT TAXED already. All this bill does is gives corporations more net income to do what they have a FIDUCIARY DUTY to do - make their stockholders richer.

Will a fraction of that wealth get down to 99%? Yea sure, but why would you want that when you can have nearly 100% of that go to low and middle class where people REALLY need it??

A straight cut in payroll taxes would DIRECTLY reduce costs of hiring in America and DIRECTLY increase take home pay for low and middle income brackets. And then to finance corporate tax rate cut we could've cut out some of the sweetheart deals corporations get - they only ACTUALLY pay 18% average right now.
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