Trump team is as disorganized as I've ever seen.

Tweets? This is the biggest thing ya'll can come up with against Trump these days? Liberals just mad that he's not allowing the media to craft the narratives.
If my opinion hurts you deep inside seek the nearest liberal bastion and request asylum in their safe space.

There is a ya'll, bitch. You didn't just come up with this. The media has been selling this for quite a while now. And you can see all the libtards agreeing with you on this media driven "(your) opinion". Safe space that, bitch.
Naw he will become illegitimate

He already is. That's why he keeps claiming Russia didn't help him.
How many people told you they changed their vote due to Wikileaks?

Very many told me they voted for Trump because of Wikileaks.
You associate with Independents and Republicans?

Why would you be surprised about that?
Not at all
Naw he will become illegitimate

He already is. That's why he keeps claiming Russia didn't help him.
I know, it's why I'm eager to get to Jan 20 and get Trump inaugurated

You think that will make him less hated, or more legitimate?
You leftists will always hate him. It's a mental illness.

People don't hate him because of his mental illness. They just hate the things he does because of his mental illness.
all still talking about how inept obummer is?
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.
Well the lies from the left keep coming, I give a shit he calls them on it. Most epic hack! How fking funny is that? No evidence of anything. None zip! The only thing epic is the lefts crying
The Left doesn't control the message coming out of the Trump camp, Trump does. He can not expect his pr people to be effective when he himself tweets with mixed messages faster than they can elaborate on "what he ment"

You just don't get it. His PR people don't give or receive his advice. They are they to tell people what they think Trump means, believes or will do. They are all on the ride from hell and want to be part of the inner circle more than they care about being credible.

His team doesn't even know what he's going to do. How would any of his supporters possibly know?
I don't see it as being 'disorganized.' Be careful buying into MSM Fake News. Don't panic. Trump's doing fine. He's just not your average career politician. He's something different. And that does scare a lot of folks. It'll take some getting used to, but don't panic.
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.
Well the lies from the left keep coming, I give a shit he calls them on it. Most epic hack! How fking funny is that? No evidence of anything. None zip! The only thing epic is the lefts crying
The Left doesn't control the message coming out of the Trump camp, Trump does. He can not expect his pr people to be effective when he himself tweets with mixed messages faster than they can elaborate on "what he ment"

You just don't get it. His PR people don't give or receive his advice. They are they to tell people what they think Trump means, believes or will do. They are all on the ride from hell and want to be part of the inner circle more than they care about being credible.

His team doesn't even know what he's going to do. How would any of his supporters possibly know?
Just stfu hack
Oh right, If I agree with you that might be enough for you to change your mind. Therefore, I don't agree with you.
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.

Biden told the DNC live with it. he won
And it is Trump's fault. The man can't keep his mouth shut long enough to create a unified message. He needs to get off of Twitter and stop all the asinine knee-jerk postings. His staff are constantly put on the spot and TRY to speak on his behalf but Trump blows in the wind so much the task for his pr people is near impossible.

In this aspect Joe Biden was 100% correct.

Biden told the DNC live with it. he won
He also told Trump "You won, time to grow up"
Trump is having fun with his tweets...he's 70 years old, has $10B and just got elected President of the United States after a campaign that took down opponents 25 years younger. I'm fine with him having a good time scaring the crap out of people who hate him. :lol:
Trump is having fun with his tweets...he's 70 years old, has $10B and just got elected President of the United States after a campaign that took down opponents 25 years younger. I'm fine with him having a good time scaring the crap out of people who hate him. :lol:
You're shitting right? He's a rich old man so he's entitled to act like a teenage boy while leading the country? And for the record he isn't scaring me he's embarrassing me.
You're shitting right? He's a rich old man so he's entitled to act like a teenage boy while leading the country? And for the record he isn't scaring me he's embarrassing me.

You didn't vote for him anyway so get off your high horse and relax...
You're shitting right? He's a rich old man so he's entitled to act like a teenage boy while leading the country? And for the record he isn't scaring me he's embarrassing me.

You didn't vote for him anyway so get off your high horse and relax...
What difference does my vote make? He is my president is he not? I expect appropriate behavior from all politicians. If I can't call out Trump's stupidity then I can't call out any democrat & neither can you since we don't vote dem?
What difference does my vote make? He is my president is he not? I expect appropriate behavior from all politicians. If I can't call out Trump's stupidity then I can't call out any democrat & neither can you since we don't vote dem?

He's your president if you want him to be...looks like you're courting the airheads and communists here.....doesn't make any difference to me if that's who you want to hang's an either-or world now.
Well if they love us so much now, why all the hacking and omittancce

Israel and Russia pissedunder obumkins
Not talking about china NK or russia just the ones who are our friends now He'll turn them against us

Like who???????????
Like any country he tries to put the strong arm on You think leaders from other countries will take his shit ?? Really?

What are they going to do? Whine and cry like Obama does whenever anyone says mean things about him. He is a gutless wonder that never held a real job in his life!
Led our country for 8 years with the party before country ah's pulling against him

Like I said, put the bottle away. Your posts make no sense.
What are you scared of?

Are you just irrational or are you a natural coward?
He's an accident waiting to happen He'll end up with the world hating us but repubs won't mind that,, right?

Newsflash: The world already hates us! Obama just lost Israel, but Trump will get them back.

Obama's apology tour painted this country as weak. His "line in the sand" was conveniently erased when it got down to Assad. No one likes this feckless administration.
Oh gee we lost israel GOOD Maybe now they'll appreciate the 34 or so billion we send them every year MORE during obamas years than other presidents

Got a link for that figure?
Should have been 3.4 billion
U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid - The New ...
Sep 13, 2016 - U.S. Finalizes Deal to Give Israel $38 Billion in Military Aid ... The package will provide an average of $3.8 billion a year over the ... Looking ahead to the next decade, Mr. Netanyahu initially sought as much as $45 billion, ... even though the occupation does, and it is high time we address our complicity in it.

Go to bed, you're drunk!
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What difference does my vote make? He is my president is he not? I expect appropriate behavior from all politicians. If I can't call out Trump's stupidity then I can't call out any democrat & neither can you since we don't vote dem?

He's your president if you want him to be...looks like you're courting the airheads and communists here.....doesn't make any difference to me if that's who you want to hang's an either-or world now.
It looks like I'm courting the communists here?

Lol its a par 4 and you're on swing 8

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