Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House
Source: New York Times

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn told President Trump’s transition team weeks before the inauguration that he was under federal investigation for secretly working as a paid lobbyist for Turkey during the campaign, according to two people familiar with the case.

Despite this warning, which came about a month after the Justice Department notified Mr. Flynn of the inquiry, Mr. Trump made Mr. Flynn his national security adviser. The job gave Mr. Flynn access to the president and nearly every secret held by American intelligence agencies.

Mr. Flynn’s disclosure, on Jan. 4, was first made to the transition team’s chief lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, who is now the White House counsel. That conversation, and another one two days later between Mr. Flynn’s lawyer and transition lawyers, shows that the Trump team knew about the investigation of Mr. Flynn far earlier than has been previously reported.

His legal issues have been a problem for the White House from the beginning and are at the center of a growing political crisis for Mr. Trump. Mr. Flynn, who was fired after 24 days in the job, was initially kept on even after the acting attorney general, Sally Q. Yates, warned the White House that he might be subject to blackmail by the Russians for misleading Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of conversations he had with the Russian ambassador to Washington.

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Ask yourself this: Can you imagine Trump not blabbing this to Pence, Preibus, and whomever else? And if Preibus knew, then Ryan knew. And that would make them all co-conspirators if Trump committed obstruction of justice.
Trump...something...hate...foaming at the mouth...Trump...something...hate...head explodes. That's my Trump hater impression. President Trump, being the president and CIC has executive privilege so good luck with your witch hunt libs.
Oh for crying out loud this has been out there since last November. And Flynn was only under investigation for not registering as a foreign lobbyist to represent Turkey.

Jack shit to do with Russia.

AND Matthew there is another stupid fucking thread on this. You should check before you post.
Maybe this is a good thing. Better Republicans concentrate on this than concentrate on ruining the lives of tens of millions of Americans because the GOP wants to take away their healthcare and give hundreds of billions to the top 1%.
Oh for crying out loud this has been out there since last November. And Flynn was only under investigation for not registering as a foreign lobbyist to represent Turkey.

Jack shit to do with Russia.

AND Matthew there is another stupid fucking thread on this. You should check before you post.
False. You should check before you post.

Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments

And you should check the dates on articles before you think you are going to give me a smack down. The Turkey enquiry was reported on last November. It appeared like Podesta that Flynn had not registered as a foreign lobbyist and that's how the enquiry began.

With Turkey.

Your article is dated in April. 2017. And by the way, Flynn's lawyers disagree over whether or not permission was granted. They are saying Flynn had the clearance.

As to taking money from foreign countries to lobby on their behalf is not breakng the law. Lobbyists do it all the time. It's a requirement though that the lobbyists are to register with the proper agency.
Oh for crying out loud this has been out there since last November. And Flynn was only under investigation for not registering as a foreign lobbyist to represent Turkey.

Jack shit to do with Russia.

AND Matthew there is another stupid fucking thread on this. You should check before you post.

well then, its out again.

so it took Trump around 40 days to fire Flynn, not 18.

oh for crying out loud ... what Trump will be doing while Mueller is digging in his Russian secrets.
Oh for crying out loud this has been out there since last November. And Flynn was only under investigation for not registering as a foreign lobbyist to represent Turkey.

Jack shit to do with Russia.

AND Matthew there is another stupid fucking thread on this. You should check before you post.
False. You should check before you post.

Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments

And you should check the dates on articles before you think you are going to give me a smack down. The Turkey enquiry was reported on last November. It appeared like Podesta that Flynn had not registered as a foreign lobbyist and that's how the enquiry began.

With Turkey.

Your article is dated in April. 2017. And by the way, Flynn's lawyers disagree over whether or not permission was granted. They are saying Flynn had the clearance.

As to taking money from foreign countries to lobby on their behalf is not breakng the law. Lobbyists do it all the time. It's a requirement though that the lobbyists are to register with the proper agency.
You said jack shit to do with Russia. You are wrong. Flynn is under investigation for his Russia ties.
As to taking money from foreign countries to lobby on their behalf is not breakng the law. Lobbyists do it all the time. It's a requirement though that the lobbyists are to register with the proper agency.
And you conveniently omit that if one is a registered agent for a foreign entity, one loses their security clearance if they have one. Flynn, as the Orange One's national security advisor, had to have one, did have one and didn't register as a foreign agent until it was way too late. Also, he concealed payments from Russian RT TV so there is that double whammy! You sure you want to defend Flynn given that bastard is going down for multiple no-no's in the near future? That could come back to haunt you, TD!

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