Trump teases very major tax cut for middle income people before midterms

Needs to make the death tax repeal permanent.

I was dead set against that until I read sometime within the last year that only 13,000 paid it in a year.

Highly doubt this would be the middle class tax cut Trump was referring to. I'm also not insinuating that it was what you were referring to either in terms of the middle class tax cut.

First thing my thought turns to regarding a middle class tax cut is getting rid of tariffs.
So your only objection to grave robbing is that only a relative few are being sacked?...Wow.

If you are alive & give your kid $50K, they get taxed on it.

So why should it be different if the gift comes via a will?

Income is income.
So when your parents die and will you their home, why should people be forced to sell it?

Their mansion?
Mansion? 70 year old 1100 sq ft bungalow goes for $800K in KKKalifornia.
And they chose not to. Not sure why this is so difficult for you to understand
So they pissed on their Constitutional duties because they never brought him up for confirmation.

Their constitutional duty doesn’t require them to bring him up to confirmation.

They said no. They advised the President.

So, the Senate voted?

The constitution doesn’t require the Senate to vote.
The U.S. Constitution states that the President "shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Judges of the Supreme Court."

Where the fuck does it say the leader of the Senate gets to decide.

Why do you think it is OK to cheat to win? Didn't your Mommy teach you better than that?

Thank you for quoting the applicable passage. Note it makes no mention of voting. So you know why?

Because the Senate isn’t required to vote in order to advise the President that they aren’t going to consider his nominee
I think Trump is serious. The people he has to work with, not so much.
Seriously flawed. Like his supporters

So in what universe doers increasing the military spending without funding it, reduce the deficit?
Americans like Trump more than Obama. You crazies got him elected and you’ve turned the historical midterm swing into an oh crap election for Democrats.

Actually not. In Feb, Obama had a 63%.
At the same points in time Trump is more popular.
So you think the times are the sane???
Same too.
Needs to make the death tax repeal permanent.

I was dead set against that until I read sometime within the last year that only 13,000 paid it in a year.

Highly doubt this would be the middle class tax cut Trump was referring to. I'm also not insinuating that it was what you were referring to either in terms of the middle class tax cut.

First thing my thought turns to regarding a middle class tax cut is getting rid of tariffs.
So your only objection to grave robbing is that only a relative few are being sacked?...Wow.

No I don't. So you see the elimination of the inheritance tax effecting a relative few as a middle class tax cut?
He has also told each Cabinet member to come up with 5% spending cuts.
Trump to Unveil ‘Major Tax Cut for Middle-Income People’ Before Election.
Congress is not in session until after the midterms. LOL you people believe everything your leader says.
Where did he say Congress was in session before the midterm?[/QUOTE

Trump can unveil snuything he ewsants if Congress isn;t there to do anyuthing about it.

M<aybe I should stip by the vank to borrow money opn the idea that I am re
He has also told each Cabinet member to come up with 5% spending cuts.
Trump to Unveil ‘Major Tax Cut for Middle-Income People’ Before Election.
We don't need tax cuts. We need REAL spending cuts. A balanced budget amendment. Term limits.

While I do agree that the left are disingenuous about our debt and spending, so is the GOP. It was the end of times with Obama's spending, now pretty much silence from most people.
People like Hanity are the biggest offenders. Bitched every night about Obama's debt (and I agreed) but now is mostly silent on the debt most nights.

Our economy is doing fine right now. Rather than more tax cuts we need MAJOR spending cuts. Combine that with the current tax revenue and cut the debt faster.

A balanced budget would be great.

2000,2001. you remember, before Bush took over.
Yes, Republican Congress.
Bill Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget
George Bush & same Congress = deficits & debt.

What changed?

We were on the path to paying down the debt & would be debt free in less that ten years.

You would be dancing naked around the fire if we had that today.

But nope. Biuh ran for election on taking the surplus & giving it back. Hell, you probably voted for him,. You wanted your money instead of paying down that debt so really, quit pretending you give a shit about any deficits or debt.
Yeah that will happen...dumbass.
That’s how every American gets out of debt dumbass - they spend less, they don’t go to their boss and demand more money.

Gee congress has been increasing spending. What world you live in?
Dumbass, Trump is proposing to reduce spending across the board by 5%.
He also said Mexico would pay for the wall. How stupid are you?
Tax and spend Leftist.

Borrow and spend righty.
Their constitutional duty doesn’t require them to bring him up to confirmation.

They said no. They advised the President.

So, the Senate voted?

The constitution doesn’t require the Senate to vote.
So the Senate leader decides?

He or she decides how to proceed with any nominations.

That would be why he is the senate leader.

You are upset that they said no. I get that. But the Constitution gave the Senate a check on the President. They aren’t his rubber stamp
For Supreme Court Justices they are given the DUTY to consider. They did not.

The Leader does not get to decide not to do it.

I am upset that they violated the US Constitution. You evidently don;t give a shit about that old rag.
Let mew know one thing that of Trump's that the Republicans did not rubber stamp?

My God he even nominated an accused sexual assaulter who lied under oath & your party rubber stamped it.

Let me kbow qwheb rtbhe chiuckenshits in the d[current Senaye get trhe balls to NOT rubber stamp Trumnp.

Please study the Constitution sometime. You aren’t at all upset about violations as you don’t even know what it actually says and you approve of violations of the 10th amendment constantly
Oh and the duty of the Senate is to advise and consent. They have no Obligation to consider anything.
Whoop-de-doo! Another eight bucks a week!

That'll keep the rubes voting for Trumpy and the repubs.
So cutting spending before tax cuts doesn’t sound responsible? Our trillion deficits say cutting taxes before spending sure isn’t.

It does sound responsible. Unfortunately most of us know democrat BS when we see it.
Yes like we know repub BS. See our deficits.

Guess you haven’t gotten the memo. Donald Trump is President now, so republicans have decided it’s a good time to keep their promises.

I know. Shocked me too
They promised to increase deficits in a strong economy?
No they promised to decrease deficits. That’s why they’re starting to do it now.

You do know they have increased since Rump took over, right?
So, the Senate voted?

The constitution doesn’t require the Senate to vote.
So the Senate leader decides?

He or she decides how to proceed with any nominations.

That would be why he is the senate leader.

You are upset that they said no. I get that. But the Constitution gave the Senate a check on the President. They aren’t his rubber stamp
For Supreme Court Justices they are given the DUTY to consider. They did not.

The Leader does not get to decide not to do it.

I am upset that they violated the US Constitution. You evidently don;t give a shit about that old rag.
Let mew know one thing that of Trump's that the Republicans did not rubber stamp?

My God he even nominated an accused sexual assaulter who lied under oath & your party rubber stamped it.

Let me kbow qwheb rtbhe chiuckenshits in the d[current Senaye get trhe balls to NOT rubber stamp Trumnp.

Please study the Constitution sometime. You aren’t at all upset about violations as you don’t even know what it actually says and you approve of violations of the 10th amendment constantly

So please post the part where it says the Leader of the Senate gets to decide? The US Constitution says the Senate has a duty. They did not. McConnell decided.
The constitution doesn’t require the Senate to vote.
So the Senate leader decides?

He or she decides how to proceed with any nominations.

That would be why he is the senate leader.

You are upset that they said no. I get that. But the Constitution gave the Senate a check on the President. They aren’t his rubber stamp
For Supreme Court Justices they are given the DUTY to consider. They did not.

The Leader does not get to decide not to do it.

I am upset that they violated the US Constitution. You evidently don;t give a shit about that old rag.
Let mew know one thing that of Trump's that the Republicans did not rubber stamp?

My God he even nominated an accused sexual assaulter who lied under oath & your party rubber stamped it.

Let me kbow qwheb rtbhe chiuckenshits in the d[current Senaye get trhe balls to NOT rubber stamp Trumnp.

Please study the Constitution sometime. You aren’t at all upset about violations as you don’t even know what it actually says and you approve of violations of the 10th amendment constantly

So please post the part where it says the Leader of the Senate gets to decide? The US Constitution says the Senate has a duty. They did not. McConnell decided.

Yes. A duty to advise and consent. They said no. No means no. I understand some of you Democrats have a problem with that and it’s gettint you in trouble with #metoo but you need to stop trying to force yourself on the unwilling
Oh and the duty of the Senate is to advise and consent. They have no Obligation to consider anything.
What did they advise???????????????

They have a DURTY.

The US Constitution says so,. But hey, fuck that Constitution whenever it does not suit your agenda. Right???

The Republicans held the Senate. Why didn't TurtleFace put up Gatland? They could just vote him down.

That would have been following the Constitution.
So the Senate leader decides?

He or she decides how to proceed with any nominations.

That would be why he is the senate leader.

You are upset that they said no. I get that. But the Constitution gave the Senate a check on the President. They aren’t his rubber stamp
For Supreme Court Justices they are given the DUTY to consider. They did not.

The Leader does not get to decide not to do it.

I am upset that they violated the US Constitution. You evidently don;t give a shit about that old rag.
Let mew know one thing that of Trump's that the Republicans did not rubber stamp?

My God he even nominated an accused sexual assaulter who lied under oath & your party rubber stamped it.

Let me kbow qwheb rtbhe chiuckenshits in the d[current Senaye get trhe balls to NOT rubber stamp Trumnp.

Please study the Constitution sometime. You aren’t at all upset about violations as you don’t even know what it actually says and you approve of violations of the 10th amendment constantly

So please post the part where it says the Leader of the Senate gets to decide? The US Constitution says the Senate has a duty. They did not. McConnell decided.

Yes. A duty to advise and consent. They said no. No means no. I understand some of you Democrats have a problem with that and it’s gettint you in trouble with #metoo but you need to stop trying to force yourself on the unwilling

Who said no? How many Senators said no?

As for meetoo, you obviously support assaulting women. You voted for Trump & you love Kavanaugh. I bet you like Sandusky & Cosby too
He has also told each Cabinet member to come up with 5% spending cuts.
Trump to Unveil ‘Major Tax Cut for Middle-Income People’ Before Election.


You don't think he's saying that to boost the vote for Republicans next month?

Did you also know that the Senate passed new opioid legislation 98 to 1 and Donald told the crowd in Montana that the Democrats voted against it?

Is that a lie or does he not know that the Senate only has 100 members.

Just answer the question.
I was dead set against that until I read sometime within the last year that only 13,000 paid it in a year.

Highly doubt this would be the middle class tax cut Trump was referring to. I'm also not insinuating that it was what you were referring to either in terms of the middle class tax cut.

First thing my thought turns to regarding a middle class tax cut is getting rid of tariffs.
So your only objection to grave robbing is that only a relative few are being sacked?...Wow.

If you are alive & give your kid $50K, they get taxed on it.

So why should it be different if the gift comes via a will?

Income is income.
So when your parents die and will you their home, why should people be forced to sell it?

Their mansion?
Mansion? 70 year old 1100 sq ft bungalow goes for $800K in KKKalifornia.
That’s not enough for the inheritance tax to kick in.

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