Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Not fake news... demographics.

If I read a report that the government is hiding alien technology in New Mexico or that Rose Hip Tea can cure cancer I would be justifiably skeptical.

If someone says that California, a state with a large illegal population and completely unregulated voting where illegals have been encouraged to vote, produced a vote margin wildly different than the national norm did so because of illegal voting, I'm somewhat less skeptical.

Its rather"interesting that California has a SMALLER percentile of Latino/Hispanics than the vivid red state of Texas......One would then conclude that Spanish-speaking, so-called illegals in California are much braver than their counterparts in Texas in chancing showing up to polling stations and risking deportation.

Of course, right wingers will respond with such statements that the state government in California is corrupt versus the highly-ethical state government in the Lone Star state.....which is bullshit.

Not if they were encouraged to do so.
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

The State of CA auto registers every one turning 18, they don't ask status, they also give illegals drivers licenses. That means their registered and can get State ID and never prove their eligible to be registered.

I've already gone to the trouble of giving you the laws that prove your claim wrong. You're just a lying right wing troll spouting the same lies over and over. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?

Of course, it would make total sense for them to vote for someone who intends to deport them and prevent re-entry by securing the border. Obama directly told illegals they could vote and that no one would check. There is video proof of him telling them that. That means that Obama knew they'd support Trump and he wanted Hillary to lose. Seriously, you are onto something here.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Obama never said that.

In that video, Obama told a U.S. citizen that immigration would not come after her family members here illegally, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
And made a point of saying that no one would know if they did vote.

No. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?

Of course, it would make total sense for them to vote for someone who intends to deport them and prevent re-entry by securing the border. Obama directly told illegals they could vote and that no one would check. There is video proof of him telling them that. That means that Obama knew they'd support Trump and he wanted Hillary to lose. Seriously, you are onto something here.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Obama never said that.

In that video, Obama told a U.S. citizen that immigration would not come after her family members here illegally, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
And made a point of saying that no one would know if they did vote.
No, he didn't. He told a U.S. citizen, as a citizen herself, she need not worry about immigration coming after her undocumented family members if she, a U.S. citizen herself, were to vote. He continues to tell her Latino U.S. citizens should vote because their undocumented family members and friends are not allowed to vote. Even more to the point, he twice promoted a website with voting information and encouraged folks to check it out. Among other useful bits of information, the website states voters must be U.S. citizens.

She asked about the 'dreamers', undocumented citizens. She said she considers them citizens because they contribute to society. She was specifically talking about illegal aliens and saying they were fearful of voting. Obama assured her that no voting records are turned over and no one would come after them.

Obama was, in fact, telling these dreamers aka illegal aliens that they need not fear voting. If a citizen votes, there is nothing to worry about. She was worried about whether ICE would know where she lives. If she were a citizen, why would that matter? She was specific in saying that illegals were fearful of getting caught for voting.

Gina Rodriguez, a U.S. citizen herself, asked President Obama, ...if I vote..." ..... to which Obama replied to her, a U.S. citizen, "when you vote, you are a U.S. citizen yourself..."


He's answering a question posed to him by a U.S. citizen about if she should worry if she votes.

And had you not dishonestly linked the cut version of that interview like you did, you would have heard Obama continue to explain in that same interview that illegals can't legally vote and promote a website informing folks that voters must be U.S. citizens.
Last edited: do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.
It amazes me to see there are still idiots out there propagating that nonsense. In reality, Obama told a U.S. citizen, immigration would not come after illegal family members, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
He told a US citizen that illegals wouldn't be investigated. Your head is just so far up his rectum that you don't actually understand what he said, despite the obvious meaning behind his words, or what logic dictates. I highly doubt he'd be telling a legal citizen that legal voters wouldn't be investigated. Then again, Liberals are pretty brain dead, so it's possible he needed specify it, I just doubt it. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.
It amazes me to see there are still idiots out there propagating that nonsense. In reality, Obama told a U.S. citizen, immigration would not come after illegal family members, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
He told a US citizen that illegals wouldn't be investigated. Your head is just so far up his rectum that you don't actually understand what he said, despite the obvious meaning behind his words, or what logic dictates. I highly doubt he'd be telling a legal citizen that legal voters wouldn't be investigated. Then again, Liberals are pretty brain dead, so it's possible he needed specify it, I just doubt it.
Stop lying.

He told a U.S. citizen that she, a U.S. citizen herself, wouldn't be investigated.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented, especially during this election.

OBAMA:The reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting, and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice, who can’t legally vote. But they’re counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.
It amazes me to see there are still idiots out there propagating that nonsense. In reality, Obama told a U.S. citizen, immigration would not come after illegal family members, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
He told a US citizen that illegals wouldn't be investigated. Your head is just so far up his rectum that you don't actually understand what he said, despite the obvious meaning behind his words, or what logic dictates. I highly doubt he'd be telling a legal citizen that legal voters wouldn't be investigated. Then again, Liberals are pretty brain dead, so it's possible he needed specify it, I just doubt it.
Stop lying.

He told a U.S. citizen that she, a U.S. citizen herself, wouldn't be investigated.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented, especially during this election.

OBAMA:The reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting, and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice, who can’t legally vote. But they’re counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.
Notice she said "undocumented citizens", which is code for "illegal aliens", and then followed it up with that question. She was asking about illegals. Otherwise, deportation wouldn't have even been mentioned, because citizens aren't deported.

Also, he referred to citizens, after she referred to said citizens as "undocumented", meaning illegal. Nobody asks if an actual legal citizen would be deported. Of course, if Liberals understood the obvious, they wouldn't be Liberals.
If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.
It amazes me to see there are still idiots out there propagating that nonsense. In reality, Obama told a U.S. citizen, immigration would not come after illegal family members, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
He told a US citizen that illegals wouldn't be investigated. Your head is just so far up his rectum that you don't actually understand what he said, despite the obvious meaning behind his words, or what logic dictates. I highly doubt he'd be telling a legal citizen that legal voters wouldn't be investigated. Then again, Liberals are pretty brain dead, so it's possible he needed specify it, I just doubt it.
Stop lying.

He told a U.S. citizen that she, a U.S. citizen herself, wouldn't be investigated.

RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting. So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?

OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for.
If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

RODRIGUEZ: This has been a huge fear presented, especially during this election.

OBAMA:The reason that fear is promoted is because they don’t want people voting. People are discouraged from voting, and part of what is important for Latino citizens is to make your voice heard because you’re not just speaking for yourself. You’re speaking for family members, friends, classmates of yours in school, who may not have a voice, who can’t legally vote. But they’re counting on you to make sure that you have the courage to make your voice heard.
Notice she said "undocumented citizens", which is code for "illegal aliens", and then followed it up with that question. She was asking about illegals. Otherwise, deportation wouldn't have even been mentioned, because citizens aren't deported.

Also, he referred to citizens, after she referred to said citizens as "undocumented", meaning illegal. Nobody asks if an actual legal citizen would be deported. Of course, if Liberals understood the obvious, they wouldn't be Liberals.
What I notice is you're trying to alter what she asked.

She didn't ask, "So if they vote, will immigration know where they live?"

She asked, "So if I vote, will immigration know where I live?"

To which Obama replied to a question posed to him by a U.S. citizen about if she should worry if she votes.
Trump goes on, in his blissfully way, in his alternative universe, in which he lives. Everyone loves him. Any vote against him was fraudulent. And he is going to build a wall, spend a half billion on infrastructure, and lower your taxes. On Tuesdays, he walks on water, unless CNN is there, in which case, he whines alot..
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.
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Trump was specifically referring to illegal aliens voting, not generic voter fraud.
That's right, he was all for the Republican "generic" voter fraud, like caging, crosslisting, etc. since it helped him steal the election.
She asked about the 'dreamers', undocumented citizens. She said she considers them citizens because they contribute to society. She was specifically talking about illegal aliens and saying they were fearful of voting. Obama assured her that no voting records are turned over and no one would come after them.

Obama was, in fact, telling these dreamers aka illegal aliens that they need not fear voting. If a citizen votes, there is nothing to worry about. She was worried about whether ICE would know where she lives. If she were a citizen, why would that matter? She was specific in saying that illegals were fearful of getting caught for voting.
You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?

Of course, it would make total sense for them to vote for someone who intends to deport them and prevent re-entry by securing the border. Obama directly told illegals they could vote and that no one would check. There is video proof of him telling them that. That means that Obama knew they'd support Trump and he wanted Hillary to lose. Seriously, you are onto something here.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Obama never said that.

In that video, Obama told a U.S. citizen that immigration would not come after her family members here illegally, pointed out that illegals can't legally vote, and twice promoted a website which states voters must be U.S. citizens.
And made a point of saying that no one would know if they did vote.
No, he didn't. He told a U.S. citizen, as a citizen herself, she need not worry about immigration coming after her undocumented family members if she, a U.S. citizen herself, were to vote. He continues to tell her Latino U.S. citizens should vote because their undocumented family members and friends are not allowed to vote. Even more to the point, he twice promoted a website with voting information and encouraged folks to check it out. Among other useful bits of information, the website states voters must be U.S. citizens.

She asked about the 'dreamers', undocumented citizens. She said she considers them citizens because they contribute to society. She was specifically talking about illegal aliens and saying they were fearful of voting. Obama assured her that no voting records are turned over and no one would come after them.

Obama was, in fact, telling these dreamers aka illegal aliens that they need not fear voting. If a citizen votes, there is nothing to worry about. She was worried about whether ICE would know where she lives. If she were a citizen, why would that matter? She was specific in saying that illegals were fearful of getting caught for voting.

That's a worn out lie.
You people really think that all the guys hanging around outside the Home Depots somehow got themselves registered and then voted.

You're getting dumber every fucking day.
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

It doesn't because those licenses are driving specific, clearly labeled so, and cannot be used for ID to register to vote.

And every fucking Trumptard on this board denies that.
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

The State of CA auto registers every one turning 18, they don't ask status, they also give illegals drivers licenses. That means their registered and can get State ID and never prove their eligible to be registered.
that's NOT TRUE AT ALL....

In California and ALL States, immigrants, illegal or legal, getting drivers licenses go through a COMPLETELY different process when getting their licenses than US Citizens, they have to make an appointment with the DMV, have the proper paperwork for identity and are issues a Driver's License that is clearly labeled they are not for Federal use.

The DMV DOES NOT register the immigrants to vote, at the DMV....PERIOD.

Look it up, go to the DMV and read some, so you can be informed instead of regurgitating these "alternative facts" of yours.

Also read the federal Real ID Act....

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