Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

THen no future republican could ever get away with such a claim again.

I support this idea. Let's take away excuses from those Evul REpublicans.

I assume all the Left agrees.

LMAO, not in this life time.
The fact that Trump lives in an alternative universe has terrified me from the start. The fact that it does not terrify the people who voted for me scares me even more.

The fact that Trump lives in an alternative universe has terrified me from the start. The fact that it does not terrify the people who voted for me scares me even more.

People who would vote for you would scare the hell out of me too. My B/U do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
You mean they are such dummies that they would've voted against their leftists supplied free stuff? Possible but hard to believe.
The immigrants in Florida handed Trump the election? Without florida, he would not have won....

I guess one could simply say that, eh? Without any proof, eh? I mean, why not just say anything at all that you believe, without any proof?

The immigrants in Florida handed Trump the election? Without florida, he would not have won....

I guess one could simply say that, eh? Without any proof, eh? I mean, why not just say anything at all that you believe, without any proof?

;) do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
You mean they are such dummies that they would've voted against their leftists supplied free stuff? Possible but hard to believe.

Let's have a reality check. Most states were in the hands of conservative Republicans. As such, if there's widespread voter fraud, it's more likely that the end result would benefit Republicans. And since Republicans won the WH, the Senate, AND the House, logic would dictate that the voter fraud benefited the winners, not the losers.
The immigrants in Florida handed Trump the election? Without florida, he would not have won....

I guess one could simply say that, eh? Without any proof, eh? I mean, why not just say anything at all that you believe, without any proof?

First, double post.

Second, I know leftists are mostly brain dead, but are you so brain dead that you think that illegals would vote for someone who has vowed to deport them? Then again, you could also be implying that the other option, Hillary, was so bad that they'd rather chance being deported than have her in office. Is that it? do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.

ON that topic, you didn't answer my post at all, which debunked your argument entirely. Explain, why would Illegals vote for someone vowing to deport them? Explain. Elaborate. Or was your argument SO weak that all you could do was deflect?
Kind of a moot point. He's in and running on all cylinders. We aren't going to have another election, Obama isn't coming back, and Hitlery won't be sober again until 2020 when they prop her up for another round. Find something else to whine about. do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.

ON that topic, you didn't answer my post at all, which debunked your argument entirely. Explain, why would Illegals vote for someone vowing to deport them? Explain. Elaborate. Or was your argument SO weak that all you could do was deflect?

Guess what? The federal gov't doesn't control the election process; it's run by the states.

What I said was this: If widespread voter fraud was possible, why would anyone believe that it would overwhelmingly benefit the loser and not the winner when the Republicans controlled most of the States AND the Republicans won all branches of gov't? It doesn't pass the smell test.
The immigrants in Florida handed Trump the election? Without florida, he would not have won....

I guess one could simply say that, eh? Without any proof, eh? I mean, why not just say anything at all that you believe, without any proof?

And obama slammed em for it
The immigrants in Florida handed Trump the election? Without florida, he would not have won....

I guess one could simply say that, eh? Without any proof, eh? I mean, why not just say anything at all that you believe, without any proof?


Well, math would tell you that if he lost Florida he still would have won the election ... do we know that those illegal voters didn't hand Trump the election?
Because the majority of humans wouldn't illegally come to America, then vote for someone vowing to deport them?

If widespread voter fraud was possible, it would be far easier for Americans to vote fraudulently than it would be for illegal aliens to vote fraudulently. Aside from that, illegal aliens would have a fear of trying to cast an illegal vote that Americans wouldn't have. It's called deportation. As such, they have more incentive to try to stay under the radar.
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.

ON that topic, you didn't answer my post at all, which debunked your argument entirely. Explain, why would Illegals vote for someone vowing to deport them? Explain. Elaborate. Or was your argument SO weak that all you could do was deflect?

Guess what? The federal gov't doesn't control the election process; it's run by the states.

What I said was this: If widespread voter fraud was possible, why would anyone believe that it would overwhelmingly benefit the loser and not the winner when the Republicans controlled most of the States AND the Republicans won all branches of gov't? It doesn't pass the smell test.

Trump was specifically referring to illegal aliens voting, not generic voter fraud.

However, you know Democrats cheat more than Republicans, we know that because you keep fighting any effort to stop cheating
CA had more than 1million "pink provisional" ballots. No one has ever explained why? Just show up, give a name, address, go to booth and vote.

Once again, if you try to show ID they call security if you persist.

What kind if country has no voter ID?

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