Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

Its morons like OKTX that will go to their graves actually thinking that when they find one or two cases of voter fraud, their entire stupid premise is "confirmed"......BTW, how the fuck do we know if these rare cases are ALL in favor of democrats?
When I was a young man, I made the serious mistake of falling in love and marrying a woman who turned out to be a pathological liar. It took me 3 years to catch on, but I discovered slowly during that time that she would lie about anything, even the weather. It was so pervasive and she had been doing it for so long that she no longer even noticed that she was doing it. Things as minor as, the reason that she was missing key ingredients for dinner was not because she forgot to buy them, but because her credit card, for some reason, would not work in the scanner. She didn't pick my suit up from the cleaners, not because she did not go there, but because they could not find it when she went there. Of course, it also applied to big things, like the reason that she did not answer the phone when I called her from out of town was because she had accidently unplugged it while vacuuming, when she was actually spending the night with another guy.

This is a real psychological disorder, and Trump has it in spades. If the truth is even slightly inconvenient, he makes up a lie, and sticks to it. What my wife, and Trump, do not get is that one can only get away with this so many times, before even the most naive person discredits everything they say. I have noticed that even his biggest fans have begun to recognize that he is lying, but they are in a stage in which they discount the original statement as an "exaggeration", or, "misstatement' instead of a "lie". That will eventually change.

As for me, been there, done that. I don't believe a frigging thing that comes out of his mouth.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.
Now that's funny, so your saying you support voter now?

I have never supported ineligible people being able to vote, any more than I would support an ineligible person being able to own a gun.
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.
Now that's funny, so your saying you support voter now?

I have never supported ineligible people being able to vote, any more than I would support an ineligible person being able to own a gun.
Okay, so you support voter id now?
You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?
Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

Its morons like OKTX that will go to their graves actually thinking that when they find one or two cases of voter fraud, their entire stupid premise is "confirmed"......BTW, how the fuck do we know if these rare cases are ALL in favor of democrats?

They're not all in favor of democrats, but that's not the point is it. The point is the integrity of the process. Right now no one really has faith that the process isn't corrupt and you folks doing every thing you can to keep it that way, makes your motives suspect.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.
Now that's funny, so your saying you support voter now?

I have never supported ineligible people being able to vote, any more than I would support an ineligible person being able to own a gun.
Okay, so you support voter id now?

When didn't I?
They're not all in favor of democrats, but that's not the point is it. The point is the integrity of the process. Right now no one really has faith that the process isn't corrupt and you folks doing every thing you can to keep it that way, makes your motives suspect.

Name ONE or TWO countries that have a less "corrupt" voting regime than we do?
They're not all in favor of democrats, but that's not the point is it. The point is the integrity of the process. Right now no one really has faith that the process isn't corrupt and you folks doing every thing you can to keep it that way, makes your motives suspect.

Name ONE or TWO countries that have a less "corrupt" voting regime than we do?

If we required an original birth certificate, or naturalization paper for a voter, the Trumpetts would claim that they were counterfeited. If we required that every paper document be examined by the Treasury department, they would claim that the Treasury department was corrupt. If we required that every paper document be examined by a registered republican Treasury department employee, they would claim that the republican registration documents were counterfeit. There Is no use in even discussing it with the denial crowd. It is like trying to tell one of those conspiracy nuts that Oswald killed JFK.
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??
I do not understand why Republicans would not push for the voter registrar office to vet each person by checking on e-verify, whether they are citizens or not? Instead they push this convoluted govt issued picture voter id that many citizens... the disabled, the elderly, and those who do not own a car and drive, do not have....making it harder for citizens to vote or simply inconveniencing citizens, WHEN the voter registration offices could vet immigrants instantaneously, on citizenship through e-verify....???.
Baghdad Bob Spicer is whining about this in his press conference - but provides no evidence of voter fraud.
Why does Trump keep saying this? It has been debunked many times.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

THen no future republican could ever get away with such a claim again.

I support this idea. Let's take away excuses from those Evul REpublicans.

I assume all the Left agrees.
The fact that Trump lives in an alternative universe has terrified me from the start. The fact that it does not terrify the people who voted for me scares me even more.
Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.
They're not all in favor of democrats, but that's not the point is it. The point is the integrity of the process. Right now no one really has faith that the process isn't corrupt and you folks doing every thing you can to keep it that way, makes your motives suspect.

Name ONE or TWO countries that have a less "corrupt" voting regime than we do?

The World Requires Voter ID, but George Soros and Hillary Clinton Are Determined the U.S. Won’t
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

The State of CA auto registers every one turning 18, they don't ask status, they also give illegals drivers licenses. That means their registered and can get State ID and never prove their eligible to be registered.

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