Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why do you think the Democrats threw out all the rules and started handing out licenses and insisting that it is legal for illegals to determine our elections.
How many times have you voted in Mexican elections? Never? Why not? < apply the answer to that question to understand why illegals should not be voting in America. They shouldn't even BE HERE.
Probably because it's the truth.

Ahhh, NOT "fake news"??? LOL

Not fake news... demographics.

If I read a report that the government is hiding alien technology in New Mexico or that Rose Hip Tea can cure cancer I would be justifiably skeptical.

If someone says that California, a state with a large illegal population and completely unregulated voting where illegals have been encouraged to vote, produced a vote margin wildly different than the national norm did so because of illegal voting, I'm somewhat less skeptical.
Only one way to solve this.

We need a Congressional investigation.

Let's find out once and for all if Trump is wrong.
Why do you think the Democrats threw out all the rules and started handing out licenses and insisting that it is legal for illegals to determine our elections.
How many times have you voted in Mexican elections? Never? Why not? < apply the answer to that question to understand why illegals should not be voting in America. They shouldn't even BE HERE.
That's just simply regurgitated nonsense, to put it politely.

Since 2001, right after 9/11, State department of motor vehicles were required by the REAL ID ACT, to get a birth certificate or something of the same govt level ID for all people with and getting driver's license...

mine was up for renewal a couple of years ago, and I could not just renew it by mail as usual, I had to go in and show my birth certificate or passport, in order to renew it...

Well, in this law, it states that all States were also required to not allow any immigrant, legal or not legal to get a drivers license or renew one without going through a separate process at the DMV, for their licenses, and required by law that the Driver's Licenses have STAMPED ON THEM that this license did NOT give them any federal privileges which includes, they are not allowed to vote....

So ALL driver's licenses, issued to immigrant legals and illegals in ALL States, have stamped on them that these people ARE NOT citizens and can not use the ID's for federal things... like voting and receiving welfare etc.
These immigrants do NOT go through the normal DMV procedure for citizens getting a license and DO NOT automatically get registered to vote at the DMV.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Dear Lakhota:
Well, I guess they're even then!
The liberals also keep the narrative going
that somehow Russian hacking stole the election from Hillary.
There was no hacking of the actual voting.
And the "expose" that was done was exposing ACTUAL emails
and communications that Hillary and her camp actually plotted and sent.

Had the "Russian hackers" manufactured or altered "fake emails" SURE that
would be falsely manipulating the campaigns, media coverage and public opinion and voting.

But trying to blame Russians for that is like trying to blame
the press for publicizing to everyone that a company is covering up toxic pollution
(instead of blaming the actual company doing the actual pollution).

You can blame the press if it obtained information illegally, sure.
But the information itself was not altered, and Hillary and the Democrats
playing dirty games to undercut their own voting base got what they deserved.

As long as the Democrats keep lying and whining about that,
of course, Trump is going to play the same game, or even worse.

He is like some serious karmic backlash.
Whatever the Democrats or liberals do, he finds a way
to give the same right back.

Like screaming louder and louder at a kid to get them to stop screaming.
We'll see how long this "yell war" can go on.
Bunch of five year olds.
But if that's the only language that conveys the message,
I guess that's we've come to!!!
the Russians created false narratives out of them....fake news out of them and spread these fake stories in social media, and then all the bloggers across the net, that hurt Clinton....

as example, they made up the narrative that Donna Brazille got Hillary's question for the town hall with Bernie while at CNN and passed it on to her.... This made Bernie supporters furious and from that point on, refused to vote for her...

But what was released in the emails on this,was a note from Donna Brazille to the DNC people, to Podesta, and to two other people, but their names were blocked out...redacted.....NOW I ASK, WHY would the Russians or wikileaks black out the names of these other people receiving the email from Donna and the TWO questions....all the fake news was Hillary cheated to win against Bernie...this in the Russia Today propaganda paper then spread within minutes of the wikileaks being released and Trump spreading it the minute it was released...

When Donna Brazille was interviewed, all she would say is she NEVER played favorites, she treated Bernie and Hillary the same!

Well, it turns out that wikileak email there were 2 questions,

1 was hillary's question she was going to be asked....all the fake news that was spread said they never asked Hillary the second question Donna gave her...

so it was a big big big deal to Bernie supporters that Hillary cheated by getting her townhall question ahead of time...

But guess what?

Donna Brazille not only sent the questions to DNC people, and Clinton people, but the blacked out redacted names were BERNIE team people and the second question on her email was never Hillary's question, it was Bernie's question he was going to be asked in the townhall, AND Donna sent BOTH Hillary team AND Bernie team their own question.

Someone, redacted those names, someone had the news story to drop on the net within minutes of the wikileaks release of the Donna B memo....

this was just ONE of the fake news narratives that was USED to influence voters....

THE SAME THING happened with the Pizzagate FAKE news on a pedophile ring and Clinton...the same process...release on wiki, have a fake narrative story ready to drop on to a fake news spot, regurgitate it on all media sites and facebook, give the fake narrative to trump for him to discuss at his rallies that evening or immediately in a tweet....


IF we had been leaked the RNC emails to compare what goes on in the backroom of political parties, then maybe the STOLEN private emails could have been useful to the American people...

we would have seen all of the back room dealings and shenanigans the RNC was doing AGAINST mr trump and clinton and bernie....

but nooooooooo, the thieves held on to those and did not release them.....

Thanks Care4all
1. Trump openly lied and threw Cruz under the bus in public in front of everyone.
Alienated Cruz and other Republican supporters, many still turned against him to this day.

They did not need any help from "Russian hackers" to show the dirt that was going on.

And yes it hurt the party and voters, split many people who vowed "NEVER TRUMP" and who still cannot stand or trust the man, and want to impeach him and get rid of him ASAP -- both the far rightwing who find him treacherous and dangerous (and not Christian or Constitutionalist enough) and the moderate "career" politicians who want to keep the status quo, sell out whoever, to keep their jobs and do whatever is politically expedient for themselves, so that Trump is a threat to their monopoly on the game.

Trump had as much going against him within GOP ranks
as did Clinton and Sanders.

2. as for media coverage, the press kept defending and celebrating Clinton as the sure win. To this day, the press does nothing but harangue on Trump which is easy where he doesn't need much help because his antics make him an easy target anyway!

So Trump had that against him as well.

If you are going to say the manipulations hurt Clinton,
I'd say that Trump faced the same.

Still the voters against Clinton Sanders Obama and the Democrats and liberal media still managed to unite and vote NO despite the
vast differences that plague the conservative right.

The left finally has an opportunity to overthrow the elitists running and ruining the party. But "blaming external sources" is not going to empower the people but only play the same games that got them into this mess to begin with. New strategy needed. Based on empowering people to TAKE responsibility not project it outside.
Only one way to solve this.

We need a Congressional investigation.

Let's find out once and for all if Trump is wrong.

I agree. One would think Congress would jump at the change to investigate if they believed millions and millions of people voted illegally.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.
Why do you think the Democrats threw out all the rules and started handing out licenses and insisting that it is legal for illegals to determine our elections.
How many times have you voted in Mexican elections? Never? Why not? < apply the answer to that question to understand why illegals should not be voting in America. They shouldn't even BE HERE.

You can't register to vote with the special driver's licenses issued to undocumented aliens.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.
Its rather"interesting that California has a SMALLER percentile of Latino/Hispanics than the vivid red state of Texas......One would then conclude that Spanish-speaking, so-called illegals in California are much braver than their counterparts in Texas in chancing showing up to polling stations and risking deportation.

Of course, right wingers will respond with such statements that the state government in California is corrupt versus the highly-ethical state government in the Lone Star state.....which is bullshit.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.
Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.
And he keeps going on about the size of the crowd at his swearing in ceremony. Is this 'crowd' a metaphor for his sexual organ?
It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

Both I fear.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

There is no illegal in this country that would be stupid enough to even try & vote, knowing the risk of getting caught and deported. They aren't going to attempt it.

This is Comrade Trump trying to inflate his ego. Here he is actually trying to convince congressional leaders that he actually won the popular vote--when he clearly didn't. He brought up the crowd size at his inauguration again to them, when he should be talking about policy, what things they're trying to accomplish, he's busy arguing with the numbers and the media in this country.

Trump is a textbook example of a narcissist which is very common in the entertainment industry, where he comes from. He is focused on ratings, and his sole purpose in this life is his self image. The entire world revolves around him, and he is the most important person in that world. A narcissist requires constant attention, BUT that attention has to come in the form of praise and adoration. A narcissist cannot handle any form of criticism, that's why he will revert to his tweety account to attack, challenge those that have been critical of him, including even private citizens. Like the Union boss who politely corrected him on the number of jobs saved in Indiana. Like when he went after Boeing because the CEO of that company criticized him on a trade proposal. He is moving the stock market with his tweets.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader

Eventually the American public will get very tired of it. He's one and done, if he isn't impeached first.


Comrade Trump is continually watching T.V. to see what the media is saying about him. Clearly that is his main focus. Every other President in this nations history, ignored it.
Last edited:
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Given the margins in California, he's got a great argument. Though it's irrelevant and he needs to drop it now and move on
It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.

You're just not very smart, are ya. We have example of people illegally registering and voting using their own names and no forged documents. States like CA have shown no interest in shutting them down. So take your hyperbolic BS and shove it.

Ok, post your 3 million examples. Verified, proven in a court of law.

Take your time.

Like I said the only way to catch them all is to audit every voter. The WI mall shooter wasn't caught till he committed another crime. He was not a citizen, was registered and voted in 3 elections.

I think every State should be required to wipe their voter rolls and require everyone to re-register with proper ID and proof of citizenship. No more taking someone's word for anything. History proves some will lie. When you have hundreds of millions registered only a couple of percent could make a big difference when you never get a 100% turnout.

You already need proper ID to register.

Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong is to audit every person who voted. It would be much easier to verify identity and citizenship when they register, and identity at the time of voting.

It's his accusation, which in an innocent until proven guilty system, he is wrong until he proves that enough illegals voted against him to cost him the popular vote.

Since every state requires strict proof of identity, thus proof of eligibility, to register to vote, you're talking about millions of ineligible voters having been able to obtain fraudulent ID papers of one form or another and/or a multitude of people in position to do registrations to be willing to commit felonies on behalf of millions of illegals.

It's absurd.
Now that's funny, so your saying you support voter now?

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