Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

The State of CA auto registers every one turning 18, they don't ask status, they also give illegals drivers licenses. That means their registered and can get State ID and never prove their eligible to be registered.

I've already gone to the trouble of giving you the laws that prove your claim wrong. You're just a lying right wing troll spouting the same lies over and over.

Now all you need do is convince me they actually follow the law. Oh wait, they're a sanctuary State aren't they?
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO
Don't worry, Obama assured them that they wouldn't be investigated for voting illegally. Remember? There are also states that don't require voter ID, and California even passed a law making it easier for said illegals to vote.

ON that topic, you didn't answer my post at all, which debunked your argument entirely. Explain, why would Illegals vote for someone vowing to deport them? Explain. Elaborate. Or was your argument SO weak that all you could do was deflect?

Guess what? The federal gov't doesn't control the election process; it's run by the states.

What I said was this: If widespread voter fraud was possible, why would anyone believe that it would overwhelmingly benefit the loser and not the winner when the Republicans controlled most of the States AND the Republicans won all branches of gov't? It doesn't pass the smell test.

Trump was specifically referring to illegal aliens voting, not generic voter fraud.

However, you know Democrats cheat more than Republicans, we know that because you keep fighting any effort to stop cheating

So, we're supposed to believe that if widespread voter fraud was actually possible, 3-5 million illegal aliens out of approximately 12 million illegal aliens in America would actually engage in voter fraud despite a fear of deportation, but few if any Americans out of about 230 million eligible voters would engage in the same practice? That's utter nonsense.

Aside from that, Republicans have been trying to game the electoral system for years through gerrymandering, voter suppression, reducing the number of polling places in poorer neighborhoods, and pushing for voter IDs that approve IDs overwhelmingly owned by conservatives (like gun registrations) while disallowing IDs (like school IDs) which are more likely to be used by people who are liberal. So, we're supposed to believe that if widespread voter fraud was possible, conservatives wouldn't engage in it if and when there's little if any chance of being caught? That's equally nonsensical.

I told you what Trump actually said since you didn't understand it

Oh, I understood perfectly. I also understand that he's offered absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support that claim. And guess what? One man's unsupported contention wouldn't carry much if any weight in a court of law.

However, if someone contends that widespread voter fraud is possible, is it logical to believe that only non-citizens would engage in it, especially in such high numbers relative to their numbers in this country while few if any American citizens would engage in the same practice despite outnumbering illegal aliens 20 to 1?

That makes about as much sense as contending that even though manufacturing, transporting, and selling illegal drugs in America is extremely profitable, only illegal aliens do so.

So if you understood "perfectly," then you're just lying?

Look man, I'll let you argue your opinion with Trump. I just pointed out what you said he said isn't what he said.

You were all over the stupid argument between Trump and the media over how many people went to the inauguration, weren't you? Petty seems to be your thing
Right, that's why the guy in VA got away with registering dead people until the families questioned the new registrations. Are you senile or just stupid?

That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????
The votes that hilly relies on to give her the popular vote came from California. The state has a very casual attitude toward illegals voting. We give illegals driver's licenses which makes it very easy to register to vote.

It isn't a jump to recognize that illegals voting gave hilly her popular vote advantage.
how does letting illegal and legal immigrants get drivers licenses make it easier for them to register to vote??

The State of CA auto registers every one turning 18, they don't ask status, they also give illegals drivers licenses. That means their registered and can get State ID and never prove their eligible to be registered.
that's NOT TRUE AT ALL....

In California and ALL States, immigrants, illegal or legal, getting drivers licenses go through a COMPLETELY different process when getting their licenses than US Citizens, they have to make an appointment with the DMV, have the proper paperwork for identity and are issues a Driver's License that is clearly labeled they are not for Federal use.

The DMV DOES NOT register the immigrants to vote, at the DMV....PERIOD.

Look it up, go to the DMV and read some, so you can be informed instead of regurgitating these "alternative facts" of yours.

Also read the federal Real ID Act....

I actually called the TX DMV and asked if there was a difference between citizen and non citizen drivers licenses, they said NO. So I guess your "all States" claim is BS.
Trump was specifically referring to illegal aliens voting, not generic voter fraud.
That's right, he was all for the Republican "generic" voter fraud, like caging, crosslisting, etc. since it helped him steal the election.

Again, as I keep saying both you you and to Mustang, I'm saying that's what he said. I'm not arguing his view
That's not what happened and those registered people could never have voted.

No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO

Dead voters are illegals? How did they figure they are dead? First,last,DOB match?

And that's 5 votes you found, a few million short.

There were stories about Trumpsters getting busted for voting multiple times (they claim they are afraid their first vote didn't count) - so maybe there are millions of those too eh?

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa
No but someone could have cast an absentee ballot on their behalf, just like the many that were caught doing so. You just don't give a shit about the integrity of the process, do you?

Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.

Still no mention of proof of citizenship, hummmmmm.
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO

Dead voters are illegals? How did they figure they are dead? First,last,DOB match?

And that's 5 votes you found, a few million short.

There were stories about Trumpsters getting busted for voting multiple times (they claim they are afraid their first vote didn't count) - so maybe there are millions of those too eh?

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa

If there are, I hope they go to jail too. Unlike regressives, I care if a valid vote is nullified, regardless of who that vote is cast for.
Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.

Still no mention of proof of citizenship, hummmmmm.

Hey, asshole, the states all require proof when you register.
Okay, so now here's where we are.

Trump won the popular vote because over 3 million illegals somehow fraudulently registered and then voted by absentee ballot.


Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.

Still no mention of proof of citizenship, hummmmmm.

lol, see? He knows I'm right and yet he's too immature and demented to simply acknowledge I'm right.
Hey dummy, they've caught people sending in absentee and mail in ballots for dead people. Keep talking shit and I'll keep bitch slapping you with examples.

They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.

Still no mention of proof of citizenship, hummmmmm.

Hey, asshole, the states all require proof when you register.

That's a lie skippy.

States Seeking Voter Citizenship Proof Denied by U.S. Supreme Court

Oh and it's you commiecrats stopping it, again.
Last edited:
I actually called the TX DMV and asked if there was a difference between citizen and non citizen drivers licenses, they said NO.

TxDPS - Driver Licenses and ID Cards for Temporary Visitors
Driver Licenses and ID Cards for Temporary Visitors
A temporary visitor is anyone who is not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, refugee or asylee.

Temporary visitors who meet the requirements will be issued a driver license or ID card with “Limited Term” printed on it.
I actually called the TX DMV and asked if there was a difference between citizen and non citizen drivers licenses, they said NO.

TxDPS - Driver Licenses and ID Cards for Temporary Visitors
Driver Licenses and ID Cards for Temporary Visitors
A temporary visitor is anyone who is not a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, lawful permanent resident, refugee or asylee.

Temporary visitors who meet the requirements will be issued a driver license or ID card with “Limited Term” printed on it.

Excuse me dumbass, if you note that doesn't include lawful permanent residents, refugees or asylees. Theirs looks just like every one else's and they are NOT CITIZENS. No one was talking about temp visitors.
They caught 3 million? Link to that.

There's not a link dumbass, every time a State tries to purge their rolls some regressive asshole takes them to court to stop it. Why do regressives spend tens of millions of dollars to keep rolls inaccurate? If a State wants to require proof of citizenship, you assholes take them to court to stop them. Why are you so invested in keeping registration on the honor system? If anyone dares question the integrity of the vote, why is it only one party that starts disparaging them and saying it's not a problem, nothing to see here, it's a lie. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE?????????????????

Nice meltdown.

I believe every registration site in the country should be required to issue a voter card, with picture ID, at the time someone registers. Free of charge, on the spot. Or, a voter card with a bar code on it that matches the person's registration on file at their polling place.

Still no mention of proof of citizenship, hummmmmm.

Hey, asshole, the states all require proof when you register.

That's a lie skippy.

States Seeking Voter Citizenship Proof Denied by U.S. Supreme Court

Oh and it's you commiecrats stopping it, again.

Where'd ya go NYc?
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO
There will always be a few cheaters, with no party being exempt. Sons or Daughters who continue to vote in their dead parent's spot....

not enough to even come close to affecting an election of anyone....

We should have the voter registration records updated before all elections or at least twice a year or even daily, by notifying the voter registrar's office when the State issues a death certificate, and have the dead citizens removed from the active should be automatic...we are in the computer age for goodness sake!
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO
There will always be a few cheaters, with no party being exempt. Sons or Daughters who continue to vote in their dead parent's spot....

not enough to even come close to affecting an election of anyone....

We should have the voter registration records updated before all elections or at least twice a year or even daily, by notifying the voter registrar's office when the State issues a death certificate, and have the dead citizens removed from the active should be automatic...we are in the computer age for goodness sake!

First thing that needs to happen is the motor/voter law be amended to require proof of citizenship to register and not the honor system that is currently in place. And you're right, rolls should be purged regularly, but every time a State/county tries some regressive takes them to court claiming voter suppression. Personally I'd like to see the illegal and dead votes suppressed, how about you?
Why does he keep saying this?

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump told Capitol Hill leaders Monday evening that he lost the popular vote because 3 million to 5 million “illegals” voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton, according to three sources in both parties familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed that he lost the popular vote in November’s election because of voter fraud. There is no evidence of this, and none that millions of undocumented immigrants voted for Clinton. It’s a fixation for Trump, who won the election because of Electoral College votes, but has had trouble accepting that Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.8 million.

“I don’t think he was joking,” said one person familiar with what happened in the meeting. “He spent 10 minutes on his win and said he won the popular vote, except 3 to 5 million illegals voted for” Clinton.

Another source confirmed Trump used the word “illegals,” considered an offensive term for undocumented immigrants.

More: Trump Tells Congressional Leaders Millions Of ‘Illegals’ Cost Him Popular Vote

Why does Trump keep lying and whining about this? There is absolutely no proof to substantiate his lies.

Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO
There will always be a few cheaters, with no party being exempt. Sons or Daughters who continue to vote in their dead parent's spot....

not enough to even come close to affecting an election of anyone....

We should have the voter registration records updated before all elections or at least twice a year or even daily, by notifying the voter registrar's office when the State issues a death certificate, and have the dead citizens removed from the active should be automatic...we are in the computer age for goodness sake!

First thing that needs to happen is the motor/voter law be amended to require proof of citizenship to register and not the honor system that is currently in place. And you're right, rolls should be purged regularly, but every time a State/county tries some regressive takes them to court claiming voter suppression. Personally I'd like to see the illegal and dead votes suppressed, how about you?

I have NEVER heard any liberal argue that we shouldn't try to get the voter rolls straight. But the question is always how do you do it without effecting people ability to vote?

The REASON Republicans get sued is that their purges are often hamfisted, resulting in purges of legitimate voters.

If Republicans were proposing fair laws that make honest stride to accommodate for the hardship ID laws cause, liberals would have a lot less issue with it. But as it is Republicans operate not to improve the system, but to GAME the system by making it tougher for target demographics to cast an honest vote.
Only way to prove him wrong

One much easier way to prove him wrong is to ask for evidence for his ridiculous claim.

Which was done. Sean Spicer mentioned two sources...both stated in no uncertain terms that there was no evidence for Spicer's claim. No further proof was produced.

Claim is baseless bullshit as even Republicans readily admit.

CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Non-Citizen Arrested for Voting 5 Times in Texas

Probe looks at how dead Virginians came to be registered to vote in Harrisonburg

No, no evidence at all. LMAO
There will always be a few cheaters, with no party being exempt. Sons or Daughters who continue to vote in their dead parent's spot....

not enough to even come close to affecting an election of anyone....

We should have the voter registration records updated before all elections or at least twice a year or even daily, by notifying the voter registrar's office when the State issues a death certificate, and have the dead citizens removed from the active should be automatic...we are in the computer age for goodness sake!

First thing that needs to happen is the motor/voter law be amended to require proof of citizenship to register and not the honor system that is currently in place. And you're right, rolls should be purged regularly, but every time a State/county tries some regressive takes them to court claiming voter suppression. Personally I'd like to see the illegal and dead votes suppressed, how about you?

I have NEVER heard any liberal argue that we shouldn't try to get the voter rolls straight. But the question is always how do you do it without effecting people ability to vote?

The REASON Republicans get sued is that their purges are often hamfisted, resulting in purges of legitimate voters.

If Republicans were proposing fair laws that make honest stride to accommodate for the hardship ID laws cause, liberals would have a lot less issue with it. But as it is Republicans operate not to improve the system, but to GAME the system by making it tougher for target demographics to cast an honest vote.

So you're one of the people that think minorities are less capable? But you're not a bigot, right? LMAO

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