Trump Terrorists Who Invaded the Capitol Had Zip Ties and Erected a Gallows

I'm sorry....did thuggish racist say something? :heehee:

These are the Chicken Littles who wear facediapers and hide in basements, fear man made global warming and drowning from a melty glacier. Of course they will be terrified by a toy gallows.
If you think of a mask as a “face diaper” you really need to rethink your diet

And stay down wind from me
and some goofball brings restraints.
Yup, that guy brought zip tie restraints, and others brought clubs, guns, poles, and other weapons.
Those goofballs are getting their due process, and some will suffer sentences longer than they could have imagined.

Yup, some people went to the protest and protested peacefully, but there were plenty of 'goofball' that committed actual crimes and have had their due process and pled guilty to the crimes they committed. More 'goofballs' are certainly going to get charged in the near future.
Yup, that guy brought zip tie restraints, and others brought clubs, guns, poles, and other weapons.
Those goofballs are getting their due process, and some will suffer sentences longer than they could have imagined.

Yup, some people went to the protest and protested peacefully, but there were plenty of 'goofball' that committed actual crimes and have had their due process and pled guilty to the crimes they committed. More 'goofballs' are certainly going to get charged in the near future.

Goofballs should be charged with disorderly conduct or whatever other misdemeanor offense is appropriate, but there was no insurrection. Had there been an insurrection someone would have been charged accordingly and no one has been brought up under a charge of insurrection.

There was no insurrection.

but there was no insurrection. Had there been an insurrection someone would have been charged accordingly and no one has been brought up under a charge of insurrection.
They are not done charging people.
The 'little fish' get lessor charges (First) and set up the 'big fish'. (Soon to Come)

They are gathering more and more evidence on 'the big fish'

Why you guys are so hung up on the 'charge of insurrection' is weird.
Comical in a way.
They are not done charging people.
The 'little fish' get lessor charges (First) and set up the 'big fish'. (Soon to Come)

They are gathering more and more evidence on 'the big fish'

Why you guys are so hung up on the 'charge of insurrection' is weird.
Comical in a way.

Do you know what the law regarding insurrection says???? It says that anyone......let me say that again - anyone (big fish or small fish) that participates in an insurrection is punishable by law.

All participants in an insurrection are equally guilty of a crime.....all.

Sorry but there was no insurrection.

LOL. Everyone will forget about it again tomorrow, but Joe Biden will still be a dementia-ridden failure with an approval rating below Trump's.

Biden's fifty years in politics with no accomplishments to speak of but influence peddling that has made his family rich. Biden is a corrupt, unhinged clown and democrats love him for it.

Sorry but there was no insurrection.
Cool story.

When the Feds nabbed and convicted Al Capone, I don't think they cared that they nailed him on Mail Fraud rather than murder, extortion, robbery, etc,

All that mattered was that Al Capone got sent to prison.
Doesn't matter what the charge was.
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It sure appears they were planning more than just letting their voices being heard.

Looks more like bunny ears in the back pocket of first photo.

2nd photo is far away, across a park, a road, and then across a lake (pond)?

The gallows is not gallows, no stairs or a way to get the criminals to the noose.

The protestors did not build the frame the noose hangs from.

Only through lies can democrats call this anything other than peaceful.

As far as lies go, the democrats lies literally destroy people's lives.

There is no place in a civil society for democrats
Cool story.

When the Feds nabbed and convicted Al Capone, I don't think they cared that they nailed him on Mail Fraud rather than murder, extortion, robbery, etc,

All that mattered was that Al Capone got sent to prison.
Doesn't matter what the charge was.

Capone was protected by dirty democrat politicians in Chicago which forced the Feds to intervene. Being that democrats wouldn't convict Capone of the many crimes and murders he committed, the Feds had to find a Federal law to convict Capone.

Insurrection is a Federal crime so if someone engaged in insurrection, charges could easily be brought against that person or persons - just like they did with Capone.

Sadly for you there was no insurrection.


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