Trump Terrorists Who Invaded the Capitol Had Zip Ties and Erected a Gallows

Yup, that guy brought zip tie restraints, and others brought clubs, guns, poles, and other weapons.
Those goofballs are getting their due process, and some will suffer sentences longer than they could have imagined.

Yup, some people went to the protest and protested peacefully, but there were plenty of 'goofball' that committed actual crimes and have had their due process and pled guilty to the crimes they committed. More 'goofballs' are certainly going to get charged in the near future.

It's gonna come back and bite you in the ass.
If he WAS hung it was on a gallows shorter than the one at the Capitol


Hang Mike Pence!

He was garroted from behind and then placed in a position that made it look like he hung himself.
He had a crushed larynx which wasn't possible from the height he supposedly hung himself.
And I find it odd that you'd defend a child molestor....but then you are a democrat so I guess I shouldnt be surprised.
I think the cops should take a look in your basement.
Please name the protestors who were charged with the crime of insurrection. There were none!

Try to remember that a failed insurrection or a successful insurrection are both crimes punishable by law.

No one was charged with insurrection therefore there was no insurrection.

So if they were charged with'd believe there was an insurrection? Pop and Fresh was charged with murder...did you think he murdered two people?
Please name the protestors who were charged with the crime of insurrection. There were none!

Try to remember that a failed insurrection or a successful insurrection are both crimes punishable by law.

No one was charged with insurrection therefore there was no insurrection.


700 political prisoners under the, Democrats.
So if they were charged with'd believe there was an insurrection? Pop and Fresh was charged with murder...did you think he murdered two people?

The topic is the 1/6 protests at the Capitol.

Should a protestor be charged and convicted of insurrection then that would lend credence to the claim that there had been an insurrection. So who has been charged and convicted of the crime of insurrection??? Nobody!

Sorry - there was no insurrection.

Should be more.

Spoken like a true Nazi.

"Law and order"


"Law and order"


Time to put you in your place again, fool.

I'm surprised you're not embarrassed to offer your posts, after this infantile post of yours, claiming that when choosing a leader, policies don't matter....

Me: I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

You: “This isn't about policies.

Trump and his cult are attacking the fundamental premise of the republic and the sovereign will of the people. It's a disgrace.”
Why We Lost America…. post #21


Tens of thousands of people attend the protest and some goofball brings restraints. Wow you just proved that some people are idiots but sorry there was no insurrection.

Thousands of people attended BLM protests, some set fires and looted.... yet you don't itemize your allegations against them now do you?

Some people stormed the capitol to apprehend lawmakers...true or false?
The topic is the 1/6 protests at the Capitol.

Should a protestor be charged and convicted of insurrection then that would lend credence to the claim that there had been an insurrection. So who has been charged and convicted of the crime of insurrection??? Nobody!

Sorry - there was no insurrection.

You're right. The insurrection attempt failed. Why did they bring restraints? For the same reason some 40 something loser on To Catch a Predator brought condoms and duct tape....

The fact that both were intercepted doesn't negate the intentions. Unless you're a dumbfuck who wants to dismiss both since they didn't have a chance to follow through on their intentions.

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