Trump Terrorists Who Invaded the Capitol Had Zip Ties and Erected a Gallows

It's been proven a number of them were disguised as Trump supporters. They were in fact Antifa members. But the Fake News bots will continue to blame real Trump supporters.
So first you tell us how proud you are of what justify it...and then you claim it was actually Antifa.

You lying fucks
It was NOT Antifa. The Horned Guy you fuckers keep pointing at was a Trumper QAnon asshole named Jake Anjeli

It was all YOU. Trumpers.

And there were pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, and a hangman's NOOSE as well as jerk offs with zip cuffs breaking into the Halls of Congress
It's been proven a number of them were disguised as Trump supporters. They were in fact Antifa members. But the Fake News bots will continue to blame real Trump supporters.
So first you tell us how proud you are of what justify it...and then you claim it was actually Antifa.

You lying fucks
It was NOT Antifa. The Horned Guy you fuckers keep pointing at was a Trumper QAnon asshole named Jake Anjeli

It was all YOU. Trumpers.

And there were pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails, and a hangman's NOOSE as well as jerk offs with zip cuffs breaking into the Halls of Congress

Your Klantifa/BLM pals murdered at least 30 people and destroyed billions of dollars of public and private property while you cheered. You've got nothing here...your hypocrisy is laughable.
What exactly is a hangman's NOISE? What does that sound like?
Not good~

If Deplorables did that, magnificent. I gotta tell you, there are people in purple and red areas in a frenzy to purchase weapons and ammo. Ammo is getting hard to find in some places. With all of this here, the crime is not like the cities. Even though it exists in all cultures.

Yes, we all know you're a bunch of pussies. In the meantime, people ransacked Capital Hill looking to hang people because you're a bunch of snowflakes who don't know how to take a loss.

She has more balls than you.

obviously the gallows was just a poorly-constructed prop or are we gonna pretend otherwise?
It was real...the fact that it was sloppy means nothing

Real in the sense that it was made of physical material composed of atoms, sure.
I'd accept it being a ghoulish prop were it not for the fact that these domestic terrorists had zip cuffs and were breaking into the halls of Congress.

Something like 60 LEOs were injured and one may die.

These people were dangerous
Decades of getting worked up into a raging paranoid froth by talk radio and Alex Jones will do that to people.

Your fellow DNC/BLM/Antifa terrorists killed at least 30 people this year while you cheered it on.
Clumsy deflection noted.

Blatant straw man noted.

Wow, lots of dishonesty for just one sentence, well done!

And just that was more than enough to point out your hypocrisy and lies. Thank you.
You're very welcome, Trumpster.

You lie about my positions, you lie about me, I laugh at you. Very symmetrical.
It’ll be a shame if history allows one horrific event on this president’s watch to overshadow all the other horrific events on this president’s watch
It’ll be a shame if history allows one horrific event on this president’s watch to overshadow all the other horrific events on this president’s watch
I was thinking about this last night. His whole presidency has been so packed with insanity that we never get a chance to enjoy the individual bits of madness.

His phone call to the Georgia governor still had plenty of energy, but then here comes this one. It's been like this for four years.

Tough to keep up.

It reminds me of Chris Hansen....

Using Blob Supporters Logic....since on To Catch A Predator the weirdo is stopped from using his condoms and duct tape on the teen aged girl, there was no crime committed!

Why would you bring dozens of restraints to the capitol if you were not going to use them?

How many of the protestors brought restraints - one? two?

Too fcking funny.

Clumsy deflection noted.

Blatant straw man noted.

Wow, lots of dishonesty for just one sentence, well done!
They are getting desperate... They can come to themselves and say that they did wrong, they have invested too much down this path...

They first tried and say it doesn't matter but that fell through when the video came available... It was violent and people died...

Next they tried to downplay that it was organised and it was just a few people loosing the head... Sorry but we have Trump Campaign definitely coordinating with this rally in mind... It looks like a botched coup attempt but very much looks like a coup attempt.

Then they try and blame anyone to not take responsibility... There is a list, FBI, ANTIFA, BLM, Democrats.... That is just laughable...

There biggest play is they were too incompetent and uncoordinated to attempt a coup.... If the evidence comes in as expected, Garland will be making a very important decision to prosecute and who to prosecute?
I funny feeling that there is a few in the Trump Crew who will sell out Trump before he will...
Your Klantifa/BLM pals murdered at least 30 people and destroyed billions of dollars of public and private property while you cheered. You've got nothing here...your hypocrisy is laughable.
Can you show Democrats involvement in organising violence and Biden telling their supporters to be violent?

If you have that evidence why are you hiding it from the cops...

You are all accusations but ask for evidence any ye go mute...
They are getting desperate... They can come to themselves and say that they did wrong, they have invested too much down this path...

They first tried and say it doesn't matter but that fell through when the video came available... It was violent and people died...

Next they tried to downplay that it was organised and it was just a few people loosing the head... Sorry but we have Trump Campaign definitely coordinating with this rally in mind... It looks like a botched coup attempt but very much looks like a coup attempt.

Then they try and blame anyone to not take responsibility... There is a list, FBI, ANTIFA, BLM, Democrats.... That is just laughable...

There biggest play is they were too incompetent and uncoordinated to attempt a coup.... If the evidence comes in as expected, Garland will be making a very important decision to prosecute and who to prosecute?
I funny feeling that there is a few in the Trump Crew who will sell out Trump before he will...
Only one who died was the one you lying bastards murdered.
Can you show Democrats involvement in organising violence and Biden telling their supporters to be violent?

If you have that evidence why are you hiding it from the cops...

You are all accusations but ask for evidence any ye go mute...
Yeah bastard we can. But this is just part of you lying bastards game. Ask, if given, lie more

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