Trump Terrorists Who Invaded the Capitol Had Zip Ties and Erected a Gallows

Decades of getting worked up into a raging paranoid froth by talk radio and Alex Jones will do that to people.

Your fellow DNC/BLM/Antifa terrorists killed at least 30 people this year while you cheered it on.
Clumsy deflection noted.

Blatant straw man noted.

Wow, lots of dishonesty for just one sentence, well done!

And just that was more than enough to point out your hypocrisy and lies. Thank you.
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It sure appears they were planning more than just letting their voices being heard.

Too bad they didn't hang most of them.


I bet you got the FBI on speed dial huh

why. was there something wrong with this typical trump supporter post?

not enough misspellings and grammatical errors. Definitely an antifa in disguise.
I said it before and I’ll say it blatant is the media bias here. Looting, burning, rioting, beatings, light churches on fire, tear down statues, murder in the streets, “occupy” government offices and barge in to senate hearings during judicial nominations, and the media does all they can to white wash it, justify it, legitimize it, etc.
These people show up and trespass into the capital, and I believe some windows were broken... and the media is completely outraged. We’ve never seen such domestic terrorism, its an assault on democracy, its unprecedented, its treason/sedition, all these people need to be locked up forever, congressmen who agree with the protestors need to be expelled from congress and charged with exciting rebellion, etc.

The absolute double standard can not be any clearer, and yet right here on this board we witness the same exact thing. All these liberals here who made excuse after excuse all year, even claiming Antifa doesn’t really exist and that if anything wasn’t a figment of our imagination it was actually white supremacists.... now they are up in arms and beside themselves, blaming anyone who supports trump for the most heinous acts ever committed.
obviously the gallows was just a poorly-constructed prop or are we gonna pretend otherwise?
This is the only place mentioning zip ties or any other props. It smells like chinese propaganda.

obviously the gallows was just a poorly-constructed prop or are we gonna pretend otherwise?
This is the only place mentioning zip ties or any other props. It smells like chinese propaganda.
View attachment 438976

View attachment 438978
Somebody has zip ties... open fire.
Black man has knife/gun and/or fights... kid gloves.
Got it.
ridiculous. time for your nap.
obviously the gallows was just a poorly-constructed prop or are we gonna pretend otherwise?
This is the only place mentioning zip ties or any other props. It smells like chinese propaganda.
View attachment 438976

View attachment 438978
Somebody has zip ties... open fire.
Black man has knife/gun and/or fights... kid gloves.
Got it.
ridiculous. time for your nap.
obviously the gallows was just a poorly-constructed prop or are we gonna pretend otherwise?
This is the only place mentioning zip ties or any other props. It smells like chinese propaganda.
View attachment 438976

View attachment 438978
Somebody has zip ties... open fire.
Black man has knife/gun and/or fights... kid gloves.
Got it.
ridiculous. time for your nap.
Illogical. time to commit theft.
All of the trumpfisti need to be subject to "trial by combat"
When we win and achieve victory at our trial by combat, it will not go well for the false accusers of our brethren, who continue to accuse them before our God day and night.

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