Trump, the 14th and barring from office

So you think past improper conduct validates future improper conduct, GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You declaring it was "improper conduct" does not actually establish it was improper conduct. The courts have consistently sided against those who fought the 14th Amendment keeping them out of office.
@ Faun


Why did you skip this one?

Because it's idiotic. Not to mention, if only Congress could ban people from holding public office by enacting such legislation, why didn't they pass a such law?
Wrong again commie, it becomes part of the Constitution after it's ratified, the amendment itself charges congress to create laws to enforce it, no one else.

Great, show where it states Congress shall have "sole" power to enforce it...
You silly little bitch Congress passed the 14th amendment period. It's law now you silly little simp.

No matter how many times you repeat that, it will not be true. They passed a proposal. your own link said that.
No, that's not all you did. You said the Constitution is wrong by allowing people who were legally found not guilty to still be punished. Except that's not true as such people can still be punished.

Wow, the first post I read today and it's a LIE. How about you quote the post where I said that.

Because it's idiotic. Not to mention, if only Congress could ban people from holding public office by enacting such legislation, why didn't they pass a such law?

They did and it's been posted. You're just so hung up on commie propaganda and talking points you probably didn't bother to read it.

Great, show where it states Congress shall have "sole" power to enforce it...

See section 5, as I said before there's only one amendment where the feds and the States were given concurrent jurisdiction to enforce it. Absent that, congress has the sole authority. You're just wishing something is there, that isn't. As with the remainder of the Constitution, it means exactly what it says.

Wow, the first post I read today and it's a LIE. How about you quote the post where I said that.

"Of course only in commie land can a person who first received amnesty and then pardoned can be punished."
See section 5, as I said before there's only one amendment where the feds and the States were given concurrent jurisdiction to enforce it. Absent that, congress has the sole authority. You're just wishing something is there, that isn't. As with the remainder of the Constitution, it means exactly what it says.

Nope, the word, "sole," is not there.
Passed by Congress into law you fucking imbecile

Nope, Congress has no authority to pass an amendment into law. The states do. All Congress can do is pass a proposal for states to consider for ratification.

Why are you posting on a political forum when you're so ignorant of civics?
"Of course only in commie land can a person who first received amnesty and then pardoned can be punished."

Feel free to point to the words "not guilty" anywhere in that statement. You ignorant commies just love to accuse people of saying things they never said. You're just a dishonest person and a LIAR.

Feel free to point to the words "not guilty" anywhere in that statement. You ignorant commies just love to accuse people of saying things they never said. You're just a dishonest person and a LIAR.

Is it my fault you don't know what a pardon is?

So you have not one example that was appealed to the federal courts. Good job commie.

Nope, the word, "sole," is not there.

It doesn't have to be, anyone who understands the Constitution knows, if it doesn't expressly give you the power, you don't have it. See the 18th Amendment see an example where States were given concurrent enforcement powers along with congress.

Section 2.​

The Congress and the several states shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

So you have not one example that was appealed to the federal courts. Good job commie.

This on was done prior to the ratification of the 14th amendment. WTF?


Once again, you prove you're fucked in the head, con. That case was in 1869. The 14th Amendment was ratified in the PREVIOUS year.


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