Trump the habitual covid liar!

Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
Trumpers go off the deep end with the threads like this. Look at the responses. This is what happens when reality penetrates the cult.

coming from a commie fuck such as yourself? You will never understand the irony of your fool-fueled rant of nothingness.
LOL coming from a nut job who has not yet to find a conspiracy theory he will not vomit.
Debate me, punkinpuss......what I have contended here I can back up with facts and data along with the preponderance of the evidence. Trolls like yourself sit in the peanut gallery and offer nothing in the way of thoughtful debate. You are a generic leftard and they are all over social media sites.
Debate you? That would be an exercise in futility. Your entire posting career is nothing but conspiracy theories, lies and idiocy. Anyone who posts Sandy Hook was fake, staged or a false flag or whatever stupidity you argue has no credibility. Find someone in the asylum in which you live to debate. You will all be on The same low level.
Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat him up good.
Five major blue states mandated that COVID positive treated patients had to be admitted into nursing homes to (snicker) "free up bed space" thus exposing those most vulnerable to infections. THEN they get 30K financial incentive for every elderly death. The relatives don't get access to their mom or dad so they don't have a clue as to how their mom or dad is being treated. What a great way to kill off the elderly that are deemed as "sucking off resources" AND getting a 30K check per death for doing so.
Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
Trumpers go off the deep end with the threads like this. Look at the responses. This is what happens when reality penetrates the cult.

coming from a commie fuck such as yourself? You will never understand the irony of your fool-fueled rant of nothingness.
LOL coming from a nut job who has not yet to find a conspiracy theory he will not vomit.
Debate me, punkinpuss......what I have contended here I can back up with facts and data along with the preponderance of the evidence. Trolls like yourself sit in the peanut gallery and offer nothing in the way of thoughtful debate. You are a generic leftard and they are all over social media sites.
Debate you? That would be an exercise in futility. Your entire posting career is nothing but conspiracy theories, lies and idiocy. Anyone who posts Sandy Hook was fake, staged or a false flag or whatever stupidity you argue has no credibility. Find someone in the asylum in which you live to debate. You will all be on The same low level.

It would be an exercise in futility because you lack knowledge and have no intellectual curiosity and you lack the ability to question what is shoved down your throat with their propaganda. Some of these false flags are so pathetically transparent that even Stevie Wonder could see through it. You and those like yourself lap up their piss as if it was ambrosia from the gods. Sandy Hoax was so utterly pathetic that I felt totally disrespected that they thought people wouldn't see it for the psy-op it certainly was. Debate me, ya coward. If Sandy Hoax was an actual event, you should be able to easily explain the 100 or so anomalies I found that sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake. None of your leftard pals have been able to debunk them. Want to give it a shot?

Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
If you had specified what you think Trump has lied about, I would specify what I think as well. But since you just dumped a very long link on us, and expected that to cover you, I will just say that I think the stuff in that link is bullshit.

You post your specifics, and I'll post mine.
Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
If you had specified what you think Trump has lied about, I would specify what I think as well. But since you just dumped a very long link on us, and expected that to cover you, I will just say that I think the stuff in that link is bullshit.

You post your specifics, and I'll post mine.

Lie? Whether or not you classify what he said as lies, he was clearly speaking out of his ass.
Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
Trumpers go off the deep end with the threads like this. Look at the responses. This is what happens when reality penetrates the cult.

coming from a commie fuck such as yourself? You will never understand the irony of your fool-fueled rant of nothingness.
LOL coming from a nut job who has not yet to find a conspiracy theory he will not vomit.
Debate me, punkinpuss......what I have contended here I can back up with facts and data along with the preponderance of the evidence. Trolls like yourself sit in the peanut gallery and offer nothing in the way of thoughtful debate. You are a generic leftard and they are all over social media sites.
Debate you? That would be an exercise in futility. Your entire posting career is nothing but conspiracy theories, lies and idiocy. Anyone who posts Sandy Hook was fake, staged or a false flag or whatever stupidity you argue has no credibility. Find someone in the asylum in which you live to debate. You will all be on The same low level.

It would be an exercise in futility because you lack knowledge and have no intellectual curiosity and you lack the ability to question what is shoved down your throat with their propaganda. Some of these false flags are so pathetically transparent that even Stevie Wonder could see through it. You and those like yourself lap up their piss as if it was ambrosia from the gods. Sandy Hoax was so utterly pathetic that I felt totally disrespected that they thought people wouldn't see it for the psy-op it certainly was. Debate me, ya coward. If Sandy Hoax was an actual event, you should be able to easily explain the 100 or so anomalies I found that sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake. None of your leftard pals have been able to debunk them. Want to give it a shot?

Debate whether Sandy Hook was a hoax?I won’t debase myself nor give credence to hoaxsters. See the links:

Here is a typical Sandy Hook hoaxster:

Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!

So I looked his statements up. Someone needs to ask him what he meant by "wish her well". He seemed pretty proud to have known her.
The facts are we are not doing a good job with the virus. We do not have the lowest death rate from the virus. As the Potus said yesterday it's going to get worse and wearing a mask it patriotic.
Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!
Trumpers go off the deep end with the threads like this. Look at the responses. This is what happens when reality penetrates the cult.

coming from a commie fuck such as yourself? You will never understand the irony of your fool-fueled rant of nothingness.
LOL coming from a nut job who has not yet to find a conspiracy theory he will not vomit.
Debate me, punkinpuss......what I have contended here I can back up with facts and data along with the preponderance of the evidence. Trolls like yourself sit in the peanut gallery and offer nothing in the way of thoughtful debate. You are a generic leftard and they are all over social media sites.
Debate you? That would be an exercise in futility. Your entire posting career is nothing but conspiracy theories, lies and idiocy. Anyone who posts Sandy Hook was fake, staged or a false flag or whatever stupidity you argue has no credibility. Find someone in the asylum in which you live to debate. You will all be on The same low level.

It would be an exercise in futility because you lack knowledge and have no intellectual curiosity and you lack the ability to question what is shoved down your throat with their propaganda. Some of these false flags are so pathetically transparent that even Stevie Wonder could see through it. You and those like yourself lap up their piss as if it was ambrosia from the gods. Sandy Hoax was so utterly pathetic that I felt totally disrespected that they thought people wouldn't see it for the psy-op it certainly was. Debate me, ya coward. If Sandy Hoax was an actual event, you should be able to easily explain the 100 or so anomalies I found that sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake. None of your leftard pals have been able to debunk them. Want to give it a shot?

Debate whether Sandy Hook was a hoax?I won’t debase myself nor give credence to hoaxsters. See the links:

Here is a typical Sandy Hook hoaxster:

The alleged grieving parents that never shed a single tear are scared shitless that this hoax will be exposed and all the people that sent money to them on websites in some cases were set up BEFORE December 14th, 2012. Cache dates showed that some were set up on the 13th. Media types made hotel room reservations for the 13th of December. Alex Jones is a shill that lies by omission, a carnival barker. Wolfgang Halbig is an expert in school safety procedures and a former Florida state trooper. He was on national TV when the Columbine shooting happened. He had the audacity to ask 10 questions that should have been easily answered concerning Sandy Hoax and he was ignored. He kept persisting when he had two Florida state troopers show up on his door telling him that he should stop snooping around concerning Sandy Hoax. Halbig's family was doxxed, their employers harassed in a lame attempt to silence Wolfgang. Lenny "poseur" Pozner sued Wolfgang hoping to bankrupt him financially through legal fees miscalculated the fact that those like myself donated to his legal fees. When it came time for Lenny poseur Pozner to give his deposition? The fraud bailed and dropped the lawsuit. Why did CBS put on a crisis actress that claimed that she arrived just in time to pick up her daughter (through a clogged road leading to the school) and claim that she saw dead child after dead child being carried out by officers with blood stained uniforms that morning when not a single alleged fatality wasn't removed until the wee hours of Saturday morning under the cover of night?
Lie, lie, lie. 30 states have major sickness. And trump after 6 months says yesterday he will start a new program. then he wished sex rapist maxwell well.
His friend for years, now in jail. Tragic presidency. Let’s just vote tomorrow!

Just like Hillary, Bill, Frank, Obama, Nancy, and pretty much the entire left-wing!

Keep throwing stones from your glass house! If truth matters, prove it by running a candidate that doesn't lie. Otherwise, you are just a hypocrite.

Nothing to do with these people
Hillary, Bill, Frank, Obama, Nancy,

Its tramps covid.

You have the right to be wrong.

Has everything to do with it. What is your complaint? He lied. All those people have lied about absolutely everything, for decades longer than Trump has been in politics.

You have to provide a better alternative, if you are going to complain. You have none. You have Jussie Smollett supporting career serial liars on your side.

Clean you own house up, because complaining about others.

Further, if you want to whine and b!tch and moan about Corona....

The NO BAN Act, that Nancy Pelosi and most of the Democrat establishment supported, would have ended restrictions to China and Iran, allowing more Covid-19 into the country.

So this idea that you on the left-wing care at all about Covid, is a lie. It's just another lie, to disguise your attempt to use a virus for political gain.
The facts are we are not doing a good job with the virus. We do not have the lowest death rate from the virus. As the Potus said yesterday it's going to get worse and wearing a mask it patriotic.

Yeah if that was the case, then Covid should be eliminated by now. Everyone is wearing them, and everyone is still getting Covid.

Not convinced.

Look at China. Absolutely everyone in China has masks on, and that's where the illness originated from. And they had a second wave of the virus.

If Masks were so effective, how did it get here to begin with?

Screenshot_2020-07-22 im-149265 (JPEG Image, 620 × 413 pixels).png

If masks are the magic fix the mindless left-wing liars claim it is.... then how did China even have a second wave?

By your logic the virus should never have escape China, let alone have a second wave. They've been wearing masks for years now.
It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.
Trump has done a GREAT job on Covid, and that is confirmed by the sharply DECLINING death rate over the past 3 months.

BS, it was suppose to be gone by Easter!! just one of his lies.
There isn't any such thing as "supposed to be". Nothing is supposed to be, when you're dealing with something you've never even heard of before. Everything that was said by anyone early on, was just speculation, and everyone knows that.

The fact is, Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is becasue of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), nd fast develpment of a vaccine.

YOU are the one talking "BS"
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It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.

He wishes her well, was that a code language, he said it twice!! In other words , I'll get you off.
/——/ Obozo’s Swine Flu killed more. (Was that flu named after Hillary? )
The facts are we are not doing a good job with the virus. We do not have the lowest death rate from the virus. As the Potus said yesterday it's going to get worse and wearing a mask it patriotic.
FALSE! The change (sharp decline) over the past 3 months in the death rate, is a HUGE SUCCESS. Thank you, President Trump and Vice President Pence.


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