Trump the habitual covid liar!

Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat him up good.
Five major blue states mandated that COVID positive treated patients had to be admitted into nursing homes to (snicker) "free up bed space" thus exposing those most vulnerable to infections. THEN they get 30K financial incentive for every elderly death. The relatives don't get access to their mom or dad so they don't have a clue as to how their mom or dad is being treated. What a great way to kill off the elderly that are deemed as "sucking off resources" AND getting a 30K check per death for doing so.
Query, where do sick people go when they can’t take care of themselves and always have? Answer Nursing homes.
Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat President Trump up good. The dowager Maxine Waters goes for the jugular of every supporter of and including President Donald John Trump. <burp>
The covid payment is called Medicare you idiot.
If the patient has insurance then the USA pays secondary.
All I know is this.......

America has no path forward.....with all these haters around. Their rot is destroying a great nation. And they're thrilled.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
Abraham Lincoln

Snowflakes hate Trump / Hate America so they divide

They are a cancer that is spreading and will kill the host if not treated effectively.
Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat him up good.
Five major blue states mandated that COVID positive treated patients had to be admitted into nursing homes to (snicker) "free up bed space" thus exposing those most vulnerable to infections. THEN they get 30K financial incentive for every elderly death. The relatives don't get access to their mom or dad so they don't have a clue as to how their mom or dad is being treated. What a great way to kill off the elderly that are deemed as "sucking off resources" AND getting a 30K check per death for doing so.
Query, where do sick people go when they can’t take care of themselves and always have? Answer Nursing homes.
That governor was given a Navy Ship in nearby waters fully equipped with Covid-infection facilities of every kind, and did he send them there? Hell no, he sent them to empty beds in nearly full nursing homes where the uninfected quickly caught the disease, and some nursing homes wound up with no residents because all the elderly died from the Covid virus. Guess where. *yawn*
It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.

He wishes her well, was that a code language, he said it twice!! In other words , I'll get you off.
/——/ Obozo’s Swine Flu killed more. (Was that flu named after Hillary? )
Another blatant lie. If Trump and his trumpolics didn't lie they would have nothing to say.
/----/ What lies? Always the accusation with never any proof.
His lies are proven every day on the front-page news. Hell, just Google Trump lies for multiple lists. Has he ever sued anyone for calling him a liar? Whenever he is challenged he evades and deflects, or creates new lies for defending his old lies. Kind of what his cult does here.
/—-/ So rather than providing a single example with proof, you hide behind the old “go look it up” excuse. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Now Dementia Joe eats baby puppies for breakfast, now go look it up on the interweb thingy. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Ya, Googling is rough.
I could tell you Trump lies about Obama leaving the pandemic cupboards bare because hey, Trump was President for three years after Obama was gone, so, he is the one who left the cupboards bare during his own Presidency. And anyhow, Obama left a huge load of pandemic supplies. Many of them were used up in other emergencies by Trump and never replaced.
Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat President Trump up good. The dowager Maxine Waters goes for the jugular of every supporter of and including President Donald John Trump. <burp>
The covid payment is called Medicare you idiot.
If the patient has insurance then the USA pays secondary.
You're the one missing the forest for the trees, since I wasn't referring to Medicare. I was referring to the hospitals that claim 100% of the patients have Covid, and when challenged, not quite 50% of the patients had Covid, and the majority had no sign of Covid-19. I guess your DNC handlers failed to tell you the truth about getting something for nothing if the hospitals claim more Covid patients than they actually have. You "my-way-or-the-highway" demonrats are all the same: all of you are constantly projecting that others are in the idiot level they themselves occupy. :blowpop:
Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat him up good.
Five major blue states mandated that COVID positive treated patients had to be admitted into nursing homes to (snicker) "free up bed space" thus exposing those most vulnerable to infections. THEN they get 30K financial incentive for every elderly death. The relatives don't get access to their mom or dad so they don't have a clue as to how their mom or dad is being treated. What a great way to kill off the elderly that are deemed as "sucking off resources" AND getting a 30K check per death for doing so.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

what did you want them to put them out in the street or home with their families if they even had families that would care for them.
It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.

He wishes her well, was that a code language, he said it twice!! In other words , I'll get you off.
/——/ Obozo’s Swine Flu killed more. (Was that flu named after Hillary? )
Another blatant lie. If Trump and his trumpolics didn't lie they would have nothing to say.
/----/ What lies? Always the accusation with never any proof.
His lies are proven every day on the front-page news. Hell, just Google Trump lies for multiple lists. Has he ever sued anyone for calling him a liar? Whenever he is challenged he evades and deflects, or creates new lies for defending his old lies. Kind of what his cult does here.
/—-/ So rather than providing a single example with proof, you hide behind the old “go look it up” excuse. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Now Dementia Joe eats baby puppies for breakfast, now go look it up on the interweb thingy. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Ya, Googling is rough.
I could tell you Trump lies about Obama leaving the pandemic cupboards bare because hey, Trump was President for three years after Obama was gone, so, he is the one who left the cupboards bare during his own Presidency. And anyhow, Obama left a huge load of pandemic supplies. Many of them were used up in other emergencies by Trump and never replaced.
/----/ Oh horseshyt; most notably, the stockpile was short of N95 masks, the supply of which was depleted following the 2009 H1N1 outbreak during President Barack Obama’s tenure.

Trump was specifically talking about the stockpile’s inventory of N95 masks
— fitted face masks that block most airborne particles. “The national stockpile was depleted of three-quarters of its N95 inventory during the H1N1 outbreak [in 2009], but the Obama administration failed to build it back,” he said. The Washington Post reported that more than 85 million of those masks were distributed back in 2009, during the swine flu outbreak, but they were not replaced, despite warnings from industry officials in 2009 and 2010.

But experts warned after H1N1 that the supply of masks should have been replenished. Burel told Vice News in March that federal officials were left with "horrible decisions" about how to triage spending after H1N1.

"We had to trade off those funds that we had, and we chose to invest in those lifesaving drugs that would not be available from any other source, in the quantity needed, and in time," he said. "I definitely want to see my health care workers protected; that's very important. But if I'm thinking, 'Do I buy this many masks to protect this many workers, or do I buy this many medicines to keep people safe that we can't get elsewhere?' There's no easy answer here."
It’s in the middle of the week, and the GOP is so disorganized, chaotic and unprepared that they can barely cobble together a partisan bill in their own conference

When Cocaine Mitch at this crucial moment can’t even mention Covid, it shows what a knot Republicans are tied in
It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.

He wishes her well, was that a code language, he said it twice!! In other words , I'll get you off.
^^ Terminal case of TDS.

Sorry, but Marion already was given the award for the daily TDS Fruitcake award. Please try again.
It’s in the middle of the week, and the GOP is so disorganized, chaotic and unprepared that they can barely cobble together a partisan bill in their own conference

When Cocaine Mitch at this crucial moment can’t even mention Covid, it shows what a knot Republicans are tied in
/——/ meanwhile, your candidate, Dementia Joe, asks we vote for him for Senator.
Headlines :Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours."
after an increase of 134 new deaths from the previous day — the second-highest single-day increase — according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Now the facts a little farther down in the articles...

"While we had 91 new deaths reported today, the graph [on the dashboard] shows them by the actual date of death," she said on Friday.

"Although those 91 were reported today, it doesn't mean today was the date of death.
Those deaths may have occurred at any time on the graph but were simply reported today."
The daily new death report often generates misleading sensationalist reports throughout the media.
On July 7, for instance, the state recorded 117 "new deaths" on its dashboard.
Calling that number a "record," CNN reported that Arizona that day reported "117 deaths from Covid-19 over the last 24 hours.

Business Insider reported that Arizona recorded "its highest number of newly reported coronavirus deaths" on that day.

News Break said the state on that date "recorded its highest single-day death toll."


In other words the media didn't pay any attention that the 91 new deaths reported may NOT have been for that specific DAY.
But the deaths had occurred earlier i.e. the DATES on the certificates!

So why does the MSM continue to blown out of proportion? TO DISTORT?

It is one more arrow in the quiver to attack Trump!
The facts are we are not doing a good job with the virus. We do not have the lowest death rate from the virus. As the Potus said yesterday it's going to get worse and wearing a mask it patriotic.

Yeah if that was the case, then Covid should be eliminated by now. Everyone is wearing them, and everyone is still getting Covid.
The first sentence in your post defending Liar in Chief Trump for lying is a blatant lie.

What are you talking about? Chinese have been wearing masks in mass, since SARS. Are you saying that isn't true? Because that is what I was talking about.
Its tramps covid.

I want you assclowns to keep saying this......."Trump's Virus"

It angers Righties so that they will vote in mass in November.
You think you're cute, but you're actually bashing your own skull with a 15lb sledge hammer

PLEASE, say it more.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301:

No tramp's virus. We are in a war, and he failed the USA people.

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