Trump the habitual covid liar!

It Tramps' covid now and it always has been since it came on our land, and he is doing a poor job.
Trump has done a GREAT job on Covid, and that is confirmed by the sharply DECLINING death rate over the past 3 months.

BS, it was suppose to be gone by Easter!! just one of his lies.
There isn't any such thing as "supposed to be". Nothing is supposed to be, when you're dealing with something you've never even heard of before. Everything that was said by anyone early on, was just speculation, and everyone knows that.

The fact is, Covid deaths have sharply declined since April, and that is becasue of Trump's quick and decisive actions regarding the Task Force, ventilators (we now have so many we're exporting them), the Navy hospital ships, the stimulus checks, social distancing, opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies, federal aid to hospitals, travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for), Trump's advocacy of hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), nd fast develpment of a vaccine.

YOU are the one talking "BS"

No covid deaths haven't declined since April. Where do you get your news, from tramp?
You are just repeating another Rump lie. Oh, don't worry, he'll tell another lie you can glean onto. It's still early today.

Trump didn't say this.

The leaders of Germany, France, UK, Spain, Brazil, Canada, and 26 other nations heralded Trumps pandemic response.

Chew on THAT butterup

Yes, the heralded it so much, the US is on the list for no one coming from the US can enter most EU countries. Rump made that claim and you are just parroting what he said. In reality, the US is a parriah.
No covid deaths haven't declined since April. Where do you get your news, from tramp?
The CDC. Where do you get yours ? CNNot true ?

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
National Center for Health Statistics

Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1
Total Deaths129,056
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Snowflake Lefties priorities are abysmal

Friend tested positive for COVID 19 - had the sniffles for two days.........THAT'S IT

EVERY Snowflake Leftist News Outlet says if you get covid19, you die a slow, painful death, no exceptions
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Hell, you can be counted in the stats whether you take the test or not. If you sign up to be tested and get tired of the wait and leave? You will get a phone call a few days later telling you that your test came back positive. The tests are a joke and they come back with a 50% false positive. They assume and count any contact with someone they claim as COVID positive patient via "contact tracing" as being COVID positive even without one of their pathetically inept tests. This pathetic psy-op is falling flat on it's face. Leftards are so fucking stupid and gullible.
Well, yep. They get kudos from Maxine in the form of free Taxpayer money for every Covid documented case between now and the election of Joe dementia Biden. That way, her fellow Demonrats can beat him up good.
Five major blue states mandated that COVID positive treated patients had to be admitted into nursing homes to (snicker) "free up bed space" thus exposing those most vulnerable to infections. THEN they get 30K financial incentive for every elderly death. The relatives don't get access to their mom or dad so they don't have a clue as to how their mom or dad is being treated. What a great way to kill off the elderly that are deemed as "sucking off resources" AND getting a 30K check per death for doing so.
Note: Nursing homes should admit any individuals that they would normally admit to their facility, including individuals from hospitals where a case of COVID-19 was/is present. Also, if possible, dedicate a unit/wing exclusively for any residents coming or returning from the hospital. This can serve as a step-down unit where they remain for 14 days with no symptoms (instead of integrating as usual on short-term rehab floor, or returning to long-stay original room).

what did you want them to put them out in the street or home with their families if they even had families that would care for them.
Of course not! It's better to put them in with the elderly that are more prone to illness and CONTINUE to accept them as the elderly drop like flies. Too bad that you didn't lose a grandparent due to leftard stupidity.
You are just repeating another Rump lie. Oh, don't worry, he'll tell another lie you can glean onto. It's still early today.

Trump didn't say this.

The leaders of Germany, France, UK, Spain, Brazil, Canada, and 26 other nations heralded Trumps pandemic response.

Chew on THAT butterup

Yes, the heralded it so much, the US is on the list for no one coming from the US can enter most EU countries. Rump made that claim and you are just parroting what he said. In reality, the US is a parriah.
Daryl Clunt, what the fuck is a "parriah"? You are such a stupid fuck......
You know you're in trouble when Trump talks about the coronavirus by talking about "the light at the end of he tunnel"


Correct your numbers.
That's because the CDC amends the July 18 number every day. Day before it was 190. Tomorrow, your number will be changed a bit higher, and each day until July 25, when a new week starts, and then the number will be fixed stable.

Main point is the number of deaths have sharply dropped continuously, since Trump got ventilators produced and distributed, sent the 2 Navy hospital ships to New York, called out Cuomo on the nursing home fiasco, advocated hydroxachloraquin (now proven effetive), federal aid to hospitals, and travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for).
It’s in the middle of the week, and the GOP is so disorganized, chaotic and unprepared that they can barely cobble together a partisan bill in their own conference

When Cocaine Mitch at this crucial moment can’t even mention Covid, it shows what a knot Republicans are tied in
That is not so, doll.


Correct your numbers.
That's because the CDC amends the July 18 number every day. Day before it was 190. Tomorrow, your number will be changed a bit higher, and each day until July 25, when a new week starts, and then the number will be fixed stable.

Main point is the number of deaths have sharply dropped continuously, since Trump got ventilators produced and distributed, sent the 2 Navy hospital ships to New York, called out Cuomo on the nursing home fiasco, advocated hydroxachloraquin (now proven effetive), and

Knowing your numbers were WRONG, why did you post 7/18 and not use the previous week, which you knew to be closer to the truth.

I will stick with my opinion that as a country we have failed miserably in dealing with this virus. Actions should have occurred in January at the latest because you can't tell me our experts didn't know this epic disaster wasn't comfortable ng. I don't blame trump he is only one man. This nation should have been ready for something like this. It should have been ready 50 years ago. As an american born citizen I say we get a grade of F as we are by far the richest hardest working people on the face of the earth and we're caught in the headlights totally unready. There's no excuse for it. None.


Correct your numbers.
That's because the CDC amends the July 18 number every day. Day before it was 190. Tomorrow, your number will be changed a bit higher, and each day until July 25, when a new week starts, and then the number will be fixed stable.

Main point is the number of deaths have sharply dropped continuously, since Trump got ventilators produced and distributed, sent the 2 Navy hospital ships to New York, called out Cuomo on the nursing home fiasco, advocated hydroxachloraquin (now proven effetive), and

Knowing your numbers were WRONG, why did you post 7/18 and not use the previous week, which you knew to be closer to the truth.

They were not wrong, and you are wrong to say that they were wrong. The current week number CHANGES every day, until the new week starts on Saturday. The explanation is Posted in Post # 90. Can you read ?
The 336 number is from yesterday, The day before that I posted it also, It was 190 then. Get it ?

And that's the way the CDC has it posted. Initially, I didn't know they were updating the current week's number, daily.
This coming fall is really going to be a chaos storm of epic proportions. Add in the flu virus and covid going nuts as people inside work places are infected. Holy cow. Normalcy is not on the way.
I will stick with my opinion that as a country we have failed miserably in dealing with this virus. Actions should have occurred in January at the latest because you can't tell me our experts didn't know this epic disaster wasn't comfortable ng. I don't blame trump he is only one man. This nation should have been ready for something like this. It should have been ready 50 years ago. As an american born citizen I say we get a grade of F as we are by far the richest hardest working people on the face of the earth and we're caught in the headlights totally unready. There's no excuse for it. None.

Maybe you didn't hear, in 2018 we had a white house office of pandemic preparedness, that was disbanded.
I will stick with my opinion that as a country we have failed miserably in dealing with this virus. Actions should have occurred in January at the latest because you can't tell me our experts didn't know this epic disaster wasn't comfortable ng. I don't blame trump he is only one man. This nation should have been ready for something like this. It should have been ready 50 years ago. As an american born citizen I say we get a grade of F as we are by far the richest hardest working people on the face of the earth and we're caught in the headlights totally unready. There's no excuse for it. None.
I respect your opinion, but I totally disagree with you. Nobody knows what lies ahead in the future. Easy to Monday morning quarterback. Not so easy the day BEFORE the game starts.

We've done pretty well. Deaths have come WAY DOWN since April.
We are the richest, wealthiest, most industrialize d, full of the hardest working people in the world. There is no excuse for Not being ready. I don't blame our Potus. The money to be prepared is next to nothing. We are a failure in this aspect. Monday morning quarterbacking is very appropriate in this case.
30 states are lying and suckers are believing. The actual death toll after removing all the false positive reports is around 70,000. About the same as the annual FLU.

Wished Maxwell well? That's IT ?? pffffft (if that fairy tale is even true)

I think that's irrelevant vs the Obama administrations weaponizing of the IRS.
This nation has no path forward as long as people like this have any say.

A butterfly lands on a Snowflake and they scream bloody murder, but children are shot dead in Chicago and not a peep :gay:

Trump's an absolute SAINT compared to most ANY Dem

Denial, it's not just a river in Egypt.
That's because the CDC amends the July 18 number every day. Day before it was 190. Tomorrow, your number will be changed a bit higher, and each day until July 25, when a new week starts, and then the number will be fixed stable.
Knowing your numbers were WRONG, why did you post 7/18 and not use the previous week, which you knew to be closer to the truth.


They were not wrong, and you are wrong to say that they were wrong. The current week number CHANGES every day, until the new week starts on Saturday. The explanation is Posted in Post # 90. Can you read ?
The 336 number is from yesterday, The day before that I posted it also, It was 190 then. Get it ?

You've only posted over and over, that you knew the number you posted to be wrong.

You posted a partial week, to make the number half of what it is now (and still growing) and a false but seeming huge drop from the previous weeks.





Nearly a 2,000 count drop in the span of a week?

That's using statistics you knew weren't up to date, in order to outright LIE.

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