Trump the next Reagan?

Trump will use the "I do not remember" defense in his impeachment process. I did not like the Saint of the republicans Ronnie the Ray Goon.

Only a brainwashed idiot moron sheep like the OP WOULD have liked him.:abgg2q.jpg: God I hope Trump is not the next Reagan, the last thing america needs is a traiter who got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then expanded on.

we do NOT need another president who accomplished all these things. here below.:cuckoo::rolleyes:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes
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I will be here one way or another. I just do not see the people being fooled again
There is a record to point to this time Taxman.....the best economy in years...for all Americans not just public sector union members....

best economy for the RICH AND WEALTHY yeah but he was a traiter to the middle class familys not the hero our lamestream media has braiwnashed americans into believing he was.

for ALL americans my really need to tune off what the CIA media has told you all these years.:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: I remember back in the 80s running into MANY middle class familys that suffered what this link says BECAUSE of Reagan.:haha:

Reaganomics" Are Still Screwing Us
. it was a great time to be alive and extremely wealthy.

Unfortunately, all that wealth never trickled down the way it was supposed to. Wages for lower- and middle-class Americans didn't rise much at all, and they haven't since. Income inequality became significantly worse during the Reaganomics years, at least partly leading to the "one percent" situation we find ourselves in now. What it amounted to was a massive transfer of wealth from one segment of society to another. I think there's a name for that kind of thing, but it's escaping me at the moment.

6 Ways You Didn't Realize Ronald Reagan Ruined The Country |

I have handed the OP his ass to him on a platter too many times in the past on this to remember that Reagan at the TIME,was the most corrupt president we ever had.:abgg2q.jpg:

AND i will be happy to hand his ass to him again reagan was the most corrupt evil president ever at the time back then here in this link below.:2up:

Reagan: Killer, Coward, Con-man

so no,we dont need another fucking Reagan.:rolleyes:
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reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

ragan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
That was nothing. Reagan changed the fucking world. Taxes and the rest be damned.

reagan was also respected on the world stage, which is another example why trump is the polar opposite.
That's bullshit, you loones cried about him the whole time he was president. Trump is almost just like him, but doesn't put up with your bullshit.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

ragan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
That was nothing. Reagan changed the fucking world. Taxes and the rest be damned.

reagan was also respected on the world stage, which is another example why trump is the polar opposite.
That's bullshit, you loones cried about him the whole time he was president. Trump is almost just like him, but doesn't put up with your bullshit.


The only thing that isnt true here is that he is almost like him.Trump has been reversing what Reagan got started and every president has expanded on,bringing jobs back to the country that Reagan and each president since,shipped overseas.
reagan was also respected on the world stage, which is another example why trump is the polar opposite.
That's kinda the point. Reagan was not respect initially. There is a difference between demanding respect and expecting respect like the Nobel-Prize winning Obama.

trump is embarrassing & a laughing stock, but thinks he is a stable genius.

why because he has not done all these things warmonger asswipe traiter Reagan that you worship did?

Let us remember Reagan as he really was...

  • Liar
  • Thief
  • Mass murderer
  • War criminal
  • Traitor
  • Destroyer of freedom
  • Destroyer of the environment
  • Corporate whore
  • Supporter of satanists and child murderers
  • Idiot, moron
Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

trump is embarrassing & a laughing stock, but thinks he is a stable genius.[/QUOTE]

You dont even realise you just described Reagan to a tee.:abgg2q.jpg::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

He cut taxes but increased spending. It's the same shit every time.

AND dont forget to mention as well it was ONLY for the rich and wealthy dont leave out that key detail now.LOL
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Reagan was NOT what he was presented as.

Yep what the FAKE news presented back then that idolized him was someone who saved the economy,was a genius and getting the hostages released but NOT of that was who Reagan was,this was the REAL Reagan- Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes that the LAMESTEAM media and our corrupt school system has suppressed from the american people that when people like the OP and the other reaganut lovers see these pesky facts exposed about him,they are so much in denial mode they have been brainwashed,they do this-

all the time.I could post videos that document all this but trolls like the OP and playtime just do what this guy in the pic is doing when pesky facts are exposed about their hero only seeing what they WANT to see,so why bother. I have taken the OP[ to school on this too many times to remember in the past but he clearly does not and playtime want UNLEARN what he has learned by listening to CNN and the other fake news he has listened to from people like rush limbaugh over the years:rolleyes:

this here below in these three videos is the REAL Ronald Reagan exposed,the one the media kept a lid on.

i took the OP and playtime to school as always.LOL

IF bastard Reagan had never been elected,america would be a great nation now because

What if there was no Reagan? 1. The country would never have expanded war against drugs 2. As a result, 2% of US population wouldn't be living in prison 3. The country wouldn't have adopted no fault divorce 4. As a result, divorce rate wouldn't be at staggering 50% 5. Due to #1~4, US wouldn't have so many dysfunctional families 6. Due to #5, the overall number of violent crimes would be much lower 7. Most importantly, US national debt would be far lower than it is now 8. Result of #7, US citizens today would have much lower taxes. Reagan did so much damage to this country, I have no idea why all these dumb Americans continue worshipping him. He is not the president responsible for ending the cold war, cold war ended mostly due to Gorbachev. Any moron could've been seated as president at that era and he would still be credited as 'the president who ended cold war'. This is what America deserves for deciding to elect some incompetent actor as a president instead of another candidate with a more credible background.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

There's no reason to think 9/11 wouldn't have happened if Reagan didn't become president IF the person who got elected in his place still funded Afghan rebels to fight the Russians in the 80s, such as Osama Bin Laden. And most likely, if Bush or whoever would've been in office instead, this still would've happened seeing how foreign policy rarely changes much from president to president, no matter the party. It's the one area of topics where the two parties are nearly identical if you take a step back and look at it all objectively. But there IS reason to think if Reagan wouldn't have become president, the American economy would likely be in much better shape today than it actually is. All of American politics shifted to the right after Reagan. If he wouldn't have become president, this wouldn't have happened. There wouldn't have been a mass redistribution of wealth from the bottom to the top. There wouldn't have been a take down of American labor unions and defacto there wouldn't have been trade policies passed such as NAFTA under Clinton (and was attempted under Bush). Clinton wouldn't have been an overall center-right Democrat signing conservative legislation into law as he did. In fact he likely wouldn't have even become president since it would've changed the whole line of succession and nation politics in general. It's a butterfly effect. Reagan doesn't become president, there isn't a shift in American politics to the right for a generation, there isn't a Republican majority in the House through the 90s and a rather conservative Democrat like Clinton likely wouldn't have even been nominated in the party, much less become president in the 90s passing numerous conservative bills via the Republican controlled congress. This means unions would've remained strong and still maintained a strong lobbying presence in politics, therefore no horrible trade bills like NAFTA getting passed and shipping American jobs to China and Mexico all to save CEOs a little on their bottom lines by paying employees less money. The list goes on and on. America's middle class would almost certainly still be the strong economic powerhouse we were through the 60s and 70s, the top 1% wouldn't have become so extremely wealthy that the number of billionaires in the country doubles, etc etc. The defense budget wouldn't be so unnecessarily overblown as it is today. And on and on and on............In short, America would likely be in a much better standing today if it weren't for Reagan coming to power in the 80s. :beer:

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Reagan`s glorious triumph over Granada puts him ahead of Trump. That was the only war we could put in the win column since 1945 so there`s that.
When he fist ran for POTUS I wouldn't have walked across the street to see him. I considered him an actor.

I rethought that when he did run and I voted for him twice. One god damned good POTUS.
I sure hope not, considering Reagan gave millions of illegal immigrants amnesty.

Yes he did and if the Dem Congress had done what they agreed to do it would have worked out well.

Because they didn't it backfired on him and now we have millions of illegal aliens in America.

We should do what Ike did. Operation Wetback.
I sure hope not, considering Reagan gave millions of illegal immigrants amnesty.

Yes he did and if the Dem Congress had done what they agreed to do it would have worked out well.

Because they didn't it backfired on him and now we have millions of illegal aliens in America.

We should do what Ike did. Operation Wetback.

Why did Reagan, and the Bush's cave into the Democrat demands?
I sure hope not, considering Reagan gave millions of illegal immigrants amnesty.

Yes he did and if the Dem Congress had done what they agreed to do it would have worked out well.

Because they didn't it backfired on him and now we have millions of illegal aliens in America.

We should do what Ike did. Operation Wetback.

Why did Reagan, and the Bush's cave into the Democrat demands?

Reagan didn't cave. They just didn't do what they promised. Nothing new with Dems.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Actually it was the D's who worked with him mor than Reagan worked with them
In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

With all due respect, Trump is nothing like Reagan. Reagan was wise and very measured when he spoke. He had a long term end game and was an eloquent orator. Reagan treated people he disagreed with with respect and dignity, he built bridges to find common ground. Trump is toxic.......but still better than the Bulldyke.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.
In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

With all due respect, Trump is nothing like Reagan. Reagan was wise and very measured when he spoke. He had a long term end game and was an eloquent orator. Reagan treated people he disagreed with with respect and dignity, he built bridges to find common ground. Trump is toxic.......but still better than the Bulldyke.
/—-/ That didn’t stop libs from calling him a dunce, Stupid and senile.

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