Trump the next Reagan?

In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

In the sense that he lost his mind while in office, with the world watching? Yep.
In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

Grenada, turned America from a creditor nation to debtor and told WWII stories like he was actually in the war.

That is not what is happening. Entitlements are a lot more costly than the revenue lost from the tax cuts. In fact there may not be any revenue loss long term if GDP growth is consistent.

um, ya it is. those tax cuts are permanent & medicaid, medicare & social security will be paying for it. even if GDP is in the stratosphere... the GOP will still do what they do best.

If they cannot cut the deficit and the debt they will be voted out.

ryan finally got what he wanted & isn't running again.

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