Trump the next Reagan?

They have some similarities and some differences, it's sort of an apples vs. oranges comparison. I find Trump more interesting than Reagan because I think he's shrewder, more blunt and filled with little surprises. The Trump admin. seems more fun than the Reagan admin.
/----/ "Oh, I dunno." Well it's obvious you don't know.
You were blaming the wrong guy. The Congress had all the power to do those things. The President can only ask. The rest are just talking points.

I color the picture with more than just the red crayons and the blue crayons. I use the whole box. Try it some time. It's the only way you're ever gonna get a full rendering of the whole picture.
/----/ Coloring with crayons??? WTF are you 5 years old? You don't even know how the Government works.
/----/ Coloring with crayons??? WTF are you 5 years old? You don't even know how the Government works.

I hate to sound prideful, but I'm likely one of the few people on your board who does.

In fact, it gives me great comfort that the scope of political action for many here is limited to just voting. The truth of the matter is that some of the most rabid statists in politics call themselves conservative. At least the lefties are intellectually honest about their statism.
When he fist ran for POTUS I wouldn't have walked across the street to see him. I considered him an actor.

I rethought that when he did run and I voted for him twice. One god damned good POTUS.

what deserted island were you living on from 1980 to 1988?
/----/ Coloring with crayons??? WTF are you 5 years old? You don't even know how the Government works.

I hate to sound prideful, but I'm likely one of the few people on your board who does.

In fact, it gives me great comfort that the scope of political action for many here is limited to just voting. The truth of the matter is that some of the most rabid statists in politics call themselves conservative. At least the lefties are intellectually honest about their statism.
/----/ The why did you turn on Reagan when it was the democRAT Congress that did the spending and approved any foreign policies? Either your ill informed or just blowing smoke that you ever supported Reagan.
Reagan is the reason I l left the Republican party and never looked back.
/----/ What exactly did Reagan do to drive you away that Nixon failed to do?

Oh, I dunno. Skyrocketing deficits? Massive monetary inflation? Indiscriminate military spending? Irrational and unconstitutional foreign policy? Massive foreign aid? Elevating the power international bankers? The routine attack on our personal liberties and privacies?

'88 was the first year I voted third party. Been doing it ever since.

You are one of the few posters here that understands that little truth that BOTH parties are corrupt,one and the same,that neither are here to serve the people.:rolleyes:

you also have taken the reagannut lovers to school. they are so much in denial mode they have been brainwashed by the media that he was a great president that if you have not noticed,they have played dodgeball with these posts here of mine,post # 41, here of mine Trump the next Reagan? post# 42 and post # 46 that he was the worst president ever at the time cause they dont want to hear the truth how their hero was a traiter to americans.:iyfyus.jpg: they cant stand toe to toe with me so they dont even try and counter the evidence. they dont like being taken to school by people like you and me.they have no answers for our facts what a traiter he was and how he destroyed the economy and america and how we are still paying for it today because of him.:abgg2q.jpg:

You are one of the very few here that get it that Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has expanded on. Trump seems different,he is the first president since the 70's that seems to want to do the right thing for americans.
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People who whine about Trump cannot name one policy under his presidency that has negatively impacted them. Sad.

the tax cut will be taking away from medicaid. i have family members who rely on that for their healthcare. his rip off cheap ass health insurance policies will be hitting the market soon... going back to people losing their homes etc due to high medical costs after finding out their insurance s shit.

Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts
In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.
/----/ "Oh, I dunno." Well it's obvious you don't know.
You were blaming the wrong guy. The Congress had all the power to do those things. The President can only ask. The rest are just talking points.

I color the picture with more than just the red crayons and the blue crayons. I use the whole box. Try it some time. It's the only way you're ever gonna get a full rendering of the whole picture.
/----/ Coloring with crayons??? WTF are you 5 years old? You don't even know how the Government works.


lol- seriously? the dotard puts a blue stripe on the american flag? maybe he was thinking of the russian one....
You are one of the few posters here that understands that little truth that BOTH parties are corrupt,one and the same,that neither are here to serve the people.:rolleyes:

you also have taken the reagannut lovers to school. they are so much in denial mode they have been brainwashed by the media that he was a great president that if you have not noticed,they have played dodgeball with these posts here of mine,post # 41, here of mine Trump the next Reagan? post# 42 and post # 46 that he was the worst president ever at the time cause they dont want to hear the truth how their hero was a traiter to americans.:iyfyus.jpg: they cant stand toe to toe with me so they dont even try and counter the evidence. they dont like being taken to school by people like you and me.they have no answers for our facts what a traiter he was and how he destroyed the economy and america and how we are still paying for it today because of him.:abgg2q.jpg:

You are one of the very few here that get it that Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has expanded on. Trump seems different,he is the first president since the 70's that seems to want to do the right thing for americans.

Thanks. The truth do sting. It's not like I enjoy doing it. But the truth has to be said. I don't even do it for their benefit. Not really. I'm more concerned for the casual passers-by who might buy into the nonsense they type.

Anyway. Yeah. Not many of us left. I'm glad that you're another who can see. Definitely not many of us left.
You are one of the few posters here that understands that little truth that BOTH parties are corrupt,one and the same,that neither are here to serve the people.:rolleyes:

you also have taken the reagannut lovers to school. they are so much in denial mode they have been brainwashed by the media that he was a great president that if you have not noticed,they have played dodgeball with these posts here of mine,post # 41, here of mine Trump the next Reagan? post# 42 and post # 46 that he was the worst president ever at the time cause they dont want to hear the truth how their hero was a traiter to americans.:iyfyus.jpg: they cant stand toe to toe with me so they dont even try and counter the evidence. they dont like being taken to school by people like you and me.they have no answers for our facts what a traiter he was and how he destroyed the economy and america and how we are still paying for it today because of him.:abgg2q.jpg:

You are one of the very few here that get it that Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has expanded on. Trump seems different,he is the first president since the 70's that seems to want to do the right thing for americans.

Thanks. The truth do sting. It's not like I enjoy doing it. But the truth has to be said. I don't even do it for their benefit. Not really. I'm more concerned for the casual passers-by who might buy into the nonsense they type.

Anyway. Yeah. Not many of us left. I'm glad that you're another who can see. Definitely not many of us left.

Yeah I see what your saying on the just the causal passer by who might be on the fence and open minded looking at the links and videos,thats really the only ones that ever will I know, i get that .:thup:
People who whine about Trump cannot name one policy under his presidency that has negatively impacted them. Sad.

the tax cut will be taking away from medicaid. i have family members who rely on that for their healthcare. his rip off cheap ass health insurance policies will be hitting the market soon... going back to people losing their homes etc due to high medical costs after finding out their insurance s shit.

Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Do you think it is a bad idea to address entitlements?
People who whine about Trump cannot name one policy under his presidency that has negatively impacted them. Sad.

the tax cut will be taking away from medicaid. i have family members who rely on that for their healthcare. his rip off cheap ass health insurance policies will be hitting the market soon... going back to people losing their homes etc due to high medical costs after finding out their insurance s shit.

Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Do you think it is a bad idea to address entitlements?

Nope. Do you think it is a bad idea to cut corporate taxes permanently & then slash entitlements to pay for them?
People who whine about Trump cannot name one policy under his presidency that has negatively impacted them. Sad.

the tax cut will be taking away from medicaid. i have family members who rely on that for their healthcare. his rip off cheap ass health insurance policies will be hitting the market soon... going back to people losing their homes etc due to high medical costs after finding out their insurance s shit.

Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Do you think it is a bad idea to address entitlements?

Nope. Do you think it is a bad idea to cut corporate taxes permanently & then slash entitlements to pay for them?

That is not what is happening. Entitlements are a lot more costly than the revenue lost from the tax cuts. In fact there may not be any revenue loss long term if GDP growth is consistent.
the tax cut will be taking away from medicaid. i have family members who rely on that for their healthcare. his rip off cheap ass health insurance policies will be hitting the market soon... going back to people losing their homes etc due to high medical costs after finding out their insurance s shit.

Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Do you think it is a bad idea to address entitlements?

Nope. Do you think it is a bad idea to cut corporate taxes permanently & then slash entitlements to pay for them?

That is not what is happening. Entitlements are a lot more costly than the revenue lost from the tax cuts. In fact there may not be any revenue loss long term if GDP growth is consistent.

um, ya it is. those tax cuts are permanent & medicaid, medicare & social security will be paying for it. even if GDP is in the stratosphere... the GOP will still do what they do best.
Do you have proof that this will be taking away from Medicaid or is this 100% conjecture? Entitlements need to be addressed btw as they are the primary reason for the deficit. Insurance is shit now. It is not even insurance but a healthcare right that we have. Insurance companies have little say due to Gov't interference. Especially with pre-existing conditions. Imagine if you don't have flood insurance, your house floods and the Gov't forces the insurance company to cover you anyway and pay you. Insurance companies would go out of business.

That system was broken long long long before Trump. He has been in office for ~500 days? Maybe he can fix this and maybe he cannot but the system is messed up due to lack of common sense not because of Trump.

Donald Trump budget: $800 billion in Medicaid cuts - CNNPolitics

House GOP 2019 budget calls for deep Medicare, Medicaid spending cuts

Trump’s Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Do you think it is a bad idea to address entitlements?

Nope. Do you think it is a bad idea to cut corporate taxes permanently & then slash entitlements to pay for them?

That is not what is happening. Entitlements are a lot more costly than the revenue lost from the tax cuts. In fact there may not be any revenue loss long term if GDP growth is consistent.

um, ya it is. those tax cuts are permanent & medicaid, medicare & social security will be paying for it. even if GDP is in the stratosphere... the GOP will still do what they do best.

If they cannot cut the deficit and the debt they will be voted out.

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