Trump the next Reagan?

I sure hope not, considering Reagan gave millions of illegal immigrants amnesty.

Yes he did and if the Dem Congress had done what they agreed to do it would have worked out well.

Because they didn't it backfired on him and now we have millions of illegal aliens in America.

We should do what Ike did. Operation Wetback.

Why did Reagan, and the Bush's cave into the Demyomised. Nothing new with Dems.

Negatives are always the fault of other people. The record of conservative perfection is intact.

All hail!
What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.
Do you get it? The 1981 tax cuts were less than the increase in revenue years on. The same things are happening again.

They just shifted the burden. The 1981 cuts reduced or eliminated revenue-sharing with the States, which resulted in States and localities instituting Utilities Taxes on electric/gas/phone bills, developing property seizure laws, increasing Sales Taxes and Real Estate Taxes, and more. Consumers paid the relative same amount, it was just collected by different authorities. Adding injury to insult, the Reagan Admin increased payroll taxes on every dollar of low-income earners, while sparing upper-income earners. The Social Security surpluses, generated by the increase, funded Reagan's deficit spending.
I sure hope not, considering Reagan gave millions of illegal immigrants amnesty.

Yes he did and if the Dem Congress had done what they agreed to do it would have worked out well.

Because they didn't it backfired on him and now we have millions of illegal aliens in America.

We should do what Ike did. Operation Wetback.

Why did Reagan, and the Bush's cave into the Democrat demands?
------------------------------------- i blame 'reagan' , he was President and maybe mentally impaired [alzheimers rumor] but the amnesty and chaos and flooding of the USA continued under the 'bushs' long after 'reagan' was gone . And 'reagans' gun control continues long after 'reagan' was buried and continues to this day .
In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

Trump Dumpster isn't fit to shine Reagan's shoes.
and more flooding of the USA was certainly going to happen under 'jebito bush' the 'mexican' lover if he had been elected .
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
/-----/ Reagan didn't raise taxes, he had to dial them back beauce the cuts were too deep. Tough concept for public school educated ;libs to comprehend, I know. BTW democRATs worked with Reagan then stabbed him in the back.


The Economic Recovery Act of 1981, also known as the Reagan tax cuts, was the biggest reduction in U.S. taxes of the past 70 years, possibly even the biggest ever. 1 That much is reasonably well-known.

What is less well-known is that these cuts were then followed by a series of tax increases that, if you add them all together, were almost as big as or even bigger than the 1981 cuts, depending on the measure you use.

Terms of Service Violation
/----/ Nice spin but that's what you're good at. Some of the the tax cuts were rolled back, that's not a tax increase. Tax is $2 and we cut it back to $1 but that is too steep so we put it to $1.50. It's a still a cut form the original $2 but not as steep as the $1 originally proposed. You confused Libs are calling the $1.50 tax rate an increase.

since he had to correct the over zealous tax cuts... he rescinded some which he didn't have to do, dumbass... thus putting money into the coffers.

care to argue anything else i put forth TO HIS CREDIT?
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In certain aspects, the last few years have been reminiscent regarding presidents. Reagan was going to get us into war, ruin the economy and unleash a plague of locusts upon the earth, yet America and the rest of the world were at peace and prospered..

From peace to prosperity, my (our) hopes are high.

He is on track to add as high a percent to our national debt as Reagan did, so there is that comparison I suppose.

I do not think Trump will grow the size of government as much as Reagan did though.
He is also on the track, as you put it, to make America great again.

Suck it up butter cup! (this is the first time I've called a marine buttercup). :)

Why do you hate America?

Don't hate America, just hate the America that liberals want.

you hate the idea of a non fascist state?
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

ragan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
That was nothing. Reagan changed the fucking world. Taxes and the rest be damned.

reagan was also respected on the world stage, which is another example why trump is the polar opposite.
That's bullshit, you loones cried about him the whole time he was president. Trump is almost just like him, but doesn't put up with your bullshit.

make no mistake- i am no fan of ronny reagan. he should have been tried for iran/CONtra... no doubt. but your president is a fucking russian agent & there is no comparison.
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reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
There is no such thing as an assault anything. "Assault" is just a trigger word for idiots who don't know anything about guns or other scary things.
reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... supported a ban on assault rifles

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT.... reduced our arsenal of nukes

reagan....TO HIS CREDIT raised taxes to generate revenue because it was necessary

reagan.... TO HIS CREDIT worked with (D)s to actually get things done

so to answer your OP.....

that would be no.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
Assault rifles don’t exist.

They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
And you are still a total moron about guns.

You don't go shopping for "assault weapons" because the word "assault" is subjective.
They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
And you are still a total moron about guns.

You don't go shopping for "assault weapons" because the word "assault" is subjective.

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians
by Tony Dokoupil / Jun.16.2016 / 11:19 AM ET / Updated Jun.16.2016 / 6:24 PM ET

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47,” the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."

But their comments add unprecedented context to their father’s creation, shedding new light on his intentions and adding firepower to the effort to ban weapons like the AR-15. The comments could also bolster a groundbreaking new lawsuit, which argues that the weapon is a tool of war — never intended for civilians.

Eugene Stoner would have agreed, his family said.

The ex-Marine and "avid sportsman, hunter and skeet shooter" never used his invention for sport. He also never kept it around the house for personal defense. In fact, he never even owned one.

"After many conversations with him, we feel his intent was that he designed it as a military rifle," his family said, explaining that Stoner was "focused on making the most efficient and superior rifle possible for the military."

He designed the original AR-15 in the late 1950s, working on it in his own garage and later as the chief designer for ArmaLite, a then small company in southern California. He made it light and powerful and he fashioned a new bullet for it — a .223 caliber round capable of piercing a metal helmet at 500 yards.

The Army loved it and renamed it the M16.

Family of AR-15 Inventor: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians

i've seen first hand the 'legal' horror they force on society & those that own phallic toys for their personal validation in the world does not mean it's acceptable.
They literally don't.

It is just a made up term like assault vehicle.

they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
And you are still a total moron about guns.

You don't go shopping for "assault weapons" because the word "assault" is subjective.

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians
by Tony Dokoupil / Jun.16.2016 / 11:19 AM ET / Updated Jun.16.2016 / 6:24 PM ET

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47,” the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."

But their comments add unprecedented context to their father’s creation, shedding new light on his intentions and adding firepower to the effort to ban weapons like the AR-15. The comments could also bolster a groundbreaking new lawsuit, which argues that the weapon is a tool of war — never intended for civilians.

Eugene Stoner would have agreed, his family said.

The ex-Marine and "avid sportsman, hunter and skeet shooter" never used his invention for sport. He also never kept it around the house for personal defense. In fact, he never even owned one.

"After many conversations with him, we feel his intent was that he designed it as a military rifle," his family said, explaining that Stoner was "focused on making the most efficient and superior rifle possible for the military."

He designed the original AR-15 in the late 1950s, working on it in his own garage and later as the chief designer for ArmaLite, a then small company in southern California. He made it light and powerful and he fashioned a new bullet for it — a .223 caliber round capable of piercing a metal helmet at 500 yards.

The Army loved it and renamed it the M16.

Family of AR-15 Inventor: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians

i've seen first hand the 'legal' horror they force on society & those that own phallic toys for their personal validation in the world does not mean it's acceptable.
they are a civilian version of assault rifles... slightly modified but high velocity ammo packed intorapid fire magazines & drums closes the gap almost entirely.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
And you are still a total moron about guns.

You don't go shopping for "assault weapons" because the word "assault" is subjective.

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians
by Tony Dokoupil / Jun.16.2016 / 11:19 AM ET / Updated Jun.16.2016 / 6:24 PM ET

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47,” the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."

But their comments add unprecedented context to their father’s creation, shedding new light on his intentions and adding firepower to the effort to ban weapons like the AR-15. The comments could also bolster a groundbreaking new lawsuit, which argues that the weapon is a tool of war — never intended for civilians.

Eugene Stoner would have agreed, his family said.

The ex-Marine and "avid sportsman, hunter and skeet shooter" never used his invention for sport. He also never kept it around the house for personal defense. In fact, he never even owned one.

"After many conversations with him, we feel his intent was that he designed it as a military rifle," his family said, explaining that Stoner was "focused on making the most efficient and superior rifle possible for the military."

He designed the original AR-15 in the late 1950s, working on it in his own garage and later as the chief designer for ArmaLite, a then small company in southern California. He made it light and powerful and he fashioned a new bullet for it — a .223 caliber round capable of piercing a metal helmet at 500 yards.

The Army loved it and renamed it the M16.

Family of AR-15 Inventor: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians

i've seen first hand the 'legal' horror they force on society & those that own phallic toys for their personal validation in the world does not mean it's acceptable.

semi automatic is just as deadly, ask anybody that has been a victim in a mass shooting. tell that to the 20 children & their 6 heroes at sandy hook... oh wait... they're dead.

& those killing machines can be modified if the nutbag is extreme enough.
/----/ No such thing as an assault rifle. It's a made up BS name libs use to demonize legal firearms.

i have firearms in my home, so save your bullshit, jr. the 2nd amendment is a right... but is not unlimited.
And you are still a total moron about guns.

You don't go shopping for "assault weapons" because the word "assault" is subjective.

Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians
by Tony Dokoupil / Jun.16.2016 / 11:19 AM ET / Updated Jun.16.2016 / 6:24 PM ET

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47,” the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."

But their comments add unprecedented context to their father’s creation, shedding new light on his intentions and adding firepower to the effort to ban weapons like the AR-15. The comments could also bolster a groundbreaking new lawsuit, which argues that the weapon is a tool of war — never intended for civilians.

Eugene Stoner would have agreed, his family said.

The ex-Marine and "avid sportsman, hunter and skeet shooter" never used his invention for sport. He also never kept it around the house for personal defense. In fact, he never even owned one.

"After many conversations with him, we feel his intent was that he designed it as a military rifle," his family said, explaining that Stoner was "focused on making the most efficient and superior rifle possible for the military."

He designed the original AR-15 in the late 1950s, working on it in his own garage and later as the chief designer for ArmaLite, a then small company in southern California. He made it light and powerful and he fashioned a new bullet for it — a .223 caliber round capable of piercing a metal helmet at 500 yards.

The Army loved it and renamed it the M16.

Family of AR-15 Inventor: He Didn’t Intend It for Civilians

i've seen first hand the 'legal' horror they force on society & those that own phallic toys for their personal validation in the world does not mean it's acceptable.

semi automatic is just as deadly, ask anybody that has been a victim in a mass shooting. tell that to the 20 children & their 6 heroes at sandy hook... oh wait... they're dead.

& those killing machines can be modified if the nutbag is extreme enough.
Meanwhile people are printing out guns.

Who cares.

I say allow private ownership of nuclear weapons and go all the way in. Allowing rich private citizens to own nukes can't be any worse than allowing politicians to have nuclear authorization codes.

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