Trump thinks climate change is a scam

If man is responsible then how has there been a cooling trend over the last 18 years?

Are humans farting less?

Why do I bother asking rhetorical questions in order to make a point? We have shown why all of their claims are false for years and they still repeat the same stupid lies and talking points put out by soros.

Sea levels rising?

I live in Florida. Florida is at sea level. They claim the sea level has been rising for decades. Florida is still here. Gore said it was going to be gone by 2013. Yes, it is still here.

Fuck you left wingers. Your fucking stupidity knows no bounds.
thank god, that's a big thing, with everything else going on. i wasn't sure till just now i heard him say it.

climate change is a joke and a scam. and the way the libs railroaded it is proof.

A lot of things fall from Trump's mouth.

You can either choose to ignore him... or lap it up.

No. The data is pretty much irrefutable. We are warming up. You can debate cause all you want but you don't get to debate the trend.
That isn't were the debate is. We can't change the weather and I don't feel like going broke trying.
We can damage the Earth (see Oklahoma and the rising threat of earthquakes), but fixing it? That's tough to do. You have to know what's being screwed up. I don't think we can reverse the trends meaningfully nor should we put all that much effort into it. I do think we should start preparing for the stuff we know will come with a change in the climate.
No. The data is pretty much irrefutable. We are warming up. You can debate cause all you want but you don't get to debate the trend.
That isn't were the debate is. We can't change the weather and I don't feel like going broke trying.
We can damage the Earth (see Oklahoma and the rising threat of earthquakes), but fixing it? That's tough to do. You have to know what's being screwed up. I don't think we can reverse the trends meaningfully nor should we put all that much effort into it. I do think we should start preparing for the stuff we know will come with a change in the climate.
I haven't seen evidence that OK earthquake was man made. Liberals simply run with it and call you insane for not not gulping the Kool-Aid.

We are on the right track and as technology develops we have more energy for less and pollute less. People can hand wring all they want, just keep your mitts out of my pockets.
Just to give a bit of perspective........people on the far left hear terms like "gun control" and "climate change" and actually think people sit home obsessing on it. But actually........very few care.:deal:

And clearly, one look at the laughable slow growth of solar power and its easy to see that nobody is caring about "the decided science" for over 20 years now!!:spinner:

Where is the reason for republicans to exist; abortion? You mean abortion didn't make the list? The singular topic most republicans are led around by the nose on, and most Americans didn't give it a passing thought in your survey. How could that be?
maybe because the victims can't speak for themselves ?

Huh? Abortion questions couldn't have been asked in the survey shown? Bullshit.
i agree, it just wasn't clear. but it points to people's priorities. there are many other graphs.
The climate changes all the time. The agenda pushed by the left that accuses humans for creating climate change is in fact a scam. Trump is right, though he needs to be specific.

that green benghazi hearing dress will be in the global warming museum someday.
Bill's will be the blue one.
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The climate changes all the time. The agenda pushed by the left that accuses humans for creating climate change is in fact a scam. Trump is right, though he needs to be specific.
that green benghazi hearing dress will be in the global warming museum someday.
Bill's will be the blue one.

Not sure how that relates but it's funny anyway!
Ignore the denier-cult. They're still clinging to incandescent light bulbs, rotary phones, and stage coaches.

Like the Flat Earthers the denier-cult is to be ignored and pushed aside. Leave them to their bug-out bags and 'survival' seeds. Otherwise known as seeds.

it' more a question of priorities.

Has Kerry turned off the AC to his 10,000 sq ft mansions yet?
thank god, that's a big thing, with everything else going on. i wasn't sure till just now i heard him say it.

climate change is a joke and a scam. and the way the libs railroaded it is proof.

Most americans do too. I know you want it to be an issue, but NOBODY CARES. NOBODY BWLIEVES IN YOUR FABLE.


When those screaming global warming is a crisis start acting like its a crisis, I may start listening. Until then I just laugh at them.

exactly, when gore had the stage fifteen years ago people were convinced florida would soon be underwater.

carbon credits are the main punchline to this joke.
The climate changes all the time. The agenda pushed by the left that accuses humans for creating climate change is in fact a scam. Trump is right, though he needs to be specific.
that green benghazi hearing dress will be in the global warming museum someday.
Bill's will be the blue one.

Not sure how that relates but it's funny anyway!
it's a little off topic but things move so fast around here.
I thought it was global warming. Why is it not called that anymore?

Nothing dumber than left wingers. Especially left wing women.

Has any stuoid fucking left winger admitted that Gore was a fucking liar?


Then they did purchase carbon credits from his company?

Fucking left wingers. I see the soros media is ginning up this fucking topic again.

Hey, anyone know how many green companies went out of businesses after getting their millions in start up money. Do not worry, the main people got their money.

I stopped counting at 36 companies.

Nothing dumber than left wingers, especially left wing women.

thank god, that's a big thing, with everything else going on. i wasn't sure till just now i heard him say it.

climate change is a joke and a scam. and the way the libs railroaded it is proof.

Which is why he built a flood wall around his golf coarse in Ireland.


Wait till he gets into office to find out what he really believes
When you hear anyone say they don't believe in Global Warming what you really hear his "the Earth is flat, you'll sail of the edge if you go too far". To be ignored.
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Maybe Trump thinks climate change is a scam because its a scam. The proposed solutions to climate change are tax increases. Advocates of this scam had to change the name after global warming failed to materialize. The so called scientists are compromised with government grant money. Then there is the long string of drummed up anti fossil fuel crisis that came before climate change, frogs deforming, global cooling, spotted owl, this is just the latest scam.
if people think that this world is going to stay the same by doing outlandish things, even in their own lifetime, are sadly mistake. humans are but a blip, which leads us back to the wisdom of george carlin.
gore just found a way to get super rich by it. remember when tipper tried to censor musicians... heh.
Maybe Trump thinks climate change is a scam because its a scam. The proposed solutions to climate change are tax increases. Advocates of this scam had to change the name after global warming failed to materialize. The so called scientists are compromised with government grant money. Then there is the long string of drummed up anti fossil fuel crisis that came before climate change, frogs deforming, global cooling, spotted owl, this is just the latest scam.
if people think that this world is going to stay the same by doing outlandish things, even in their own lifetime, are sadly mistake. humans are but a blip, which leads us back to the wisdom of george carlin.
gore just found a way to get super rich by it. remember when tipper tried to censor musicians... heh.
Al is saving the world with his multiple mansions air conditioned to a comfy 72.
No. The data is pretty much irrefutable. We are warming up. You can debate cause all you want but you don't get to debate the trend. We are warming up and we'd best get prepared for what that means. Warming up is every bit as disruptive as an Ice Age would be.

As for the renewable energy debate: That shouldn't be based on global warming, that should be based on plain old common sense and national security. The Germans lost WWII due to a lack of resources not due to a lack of technology or resolve. The Middle East could cut us all off tomorrow. Or they could flood the market again to drive Frackers out of business. We need to have as many different and varied homegrown energy sources as possible and that should include Nuclear.
solar always has been and will continue to be the answer in the long term... till the sun burns out, which probaly won't even make the evening news. :)
thank god, that's a big thing, with everything else going on. i wasn't sure till just now i heard him say it.

climate change is a joke and a scam. and the way the libs railroaded it is proof.

Which is why he built a flood wall around his golf coarse in Ireland.


Wait till he gets into office to find out what he really believes

of course. he'll be great.
If man is responsible then how has there been a cooling trend over the last 18 years?

Are humans farting less?

Why do I bother asking rhetorical questions in order to make a point? We have shown why all of their claims are false for years and they still repeat the same stupid lies and talking points put out by soros.

Sea levels rising?

I live in Florida. Florida is at sea level. They claim the sea level has been rising for decades. Florida is still here. Gore said it was going to be gone by 2013. Yes, it is still here.

Fuck you left wingers. Your fucking stupidity knows no bounds.
that logic applies to other areas and administration scandals.
When you hear anyone say the don't believe in Global Warming what you really hear his "the Earth is flat, you'll sail of the edge if you go too far". To be ignored.
damn thanks alot, i just bought a sailboat.
When you hear anyone say they don't believe in Global Warming what you really hear his "the Earth is flat, you'll sail of the edge if you go too far". To be ignored.

Why does the Antarctic Circle have 9 times the ice of the Arctic Circle?

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