Trump thinks wages are to high, get's caught and lashes out

buc there will be no mexicans...trump is building that wall...remember

Yeah, I hope he remembers to build doors in those walls so we can get the millions of illegals entrenched here out.
Dont worry.

Once the jobs dry up they will self deport

There's no such thing as self deport.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
I am very aware of Mexicans that go to Mexico for cheap medical care but most of these are either legal immigrants or US citizens that can't afford high deductibles. Some of my Mexican employees ( anchor babies) are doing that right now. Not only Mexicans but fellow Americans also go to Mexico that take advantage of cheap medicines or treatment. I heard that some renal failure patients also go to Mexico for dialysis treatment but I cannot confirm.
Last edited:
buc there will be no mexicans...trump is building that wall...remember

Yeah, I hope he remembers to build doors in those walls so we can get the millions of illegals entrenched here out.
Dont worry.

Once the jobs dry up they will self deport

There's no such thing as self deport.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?
Yeah, I hope he remembers to build doors in those walls so we can get the millions of illegals entrenched here out.
Dont worry.

Once the jobs dry up they will self deport

There's no such thing as self deport.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Dont worry.

Once the jobs dry up they will self deport

There's no such thing as self deport.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)
There's no such thing as self deport.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Last edited:
Global companies do not want to live in China or India , they want to live here in the US.
So God doesn't allow conception of children unless they can be well provided for?

I think the millions of starving children in Africa would disagree.

Hungry children in africa
No one should have children until they are able to adequately provide for them.

I'll ignore your open borders comment because it has nothing to do with the conversation and is designed to pettifog the issues.

Your right, I agree with Trump, and herein lies the problem:
"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

There is only room for so many at the top, real hard work, I'm just not sure what he means by that, working hard, or becoming what he is a deal maker. Very easy for someone born with a silver spoon to say. That should also include cutting wall street pay and Ceo's pay, I am for higher taxes on the rich, no more non profit orgs and charitable deductions allowed, and stopping wasteful gov. spending. The charitable orgs they give to are usually self made, and so are the non profits as a way to filter money and avoid taxes.

So who gets your vote? Hillary or Bernie?

Neither as of now, can't do Bernie although I like some of his ideas, but communism follows too much socialism, and cant' do Hillary right now as she is a war monger, right now the only one who stands a chance for my vote is Trump only due to the fact he believes more in diplomacy than war (so it sounds) and is into fixing infrastructure, and fairer trade. War Is not the answer to anything.

I hate to tell you this but you're wrong about trump. He's a war monger.

He has said we're at war with isis. That we have give up things to wage the war. Probably more of our freedoms.

Here is trump saying we have to bomb the shit out of isis then send Exxon in to take over their oil fields. Then he would send our troops in to protect those oil fields. Sounds a lot like what the bush boy did in Iraq :

DONALD TRUMP: 'I would bomb the s--- out of' ISIS - Yahoo Finance
Military analysts fact check Donald Trump on bombing oil fields -

This is not what he said on debates, this is like a nightmare, just take the country, there is no Iraq, we will protect the oil fields , looks like he's out, who do the Gop think they are, Rand Paul was the only one with common sense. The female wanted to put Putin back in the box, and Christy had no problem shooting a Russian plane down. Who do we think we are?

Is there anyone running who doesn't want to fight?

That's a very good question.

I'm sorry but unfortunately I don't have an answer.

I would think that politicians would know by now America and our people are sick and tired of war. Hilary lost to Obama in 2008 because she voted for war and she was the presumed nominee at the beginning of 2008.

I don't know who is the least warmonger. They all seem to want to kill and wage war with people who really haven't done much to us. isis has not attacked us. All it's been is a bunch of stupid men spouting threats back and forth. Personally, I think they sound like a bunch of children trying to prove they have a bigger penis therefore they're the real men.

Personally I wouldn't bomb anyone. But I'm not a politician and I'm like most of us, we really have no say in any of it.

Politicians will only do what the people really want when the politician sees his job in jeopardy and they don't see any other way to preserve their tax and special interest paid gravy train.
Like that guy that delf deported back to mexico for cheap healthcare. Then we let the ILLEGAL back in. Yes, there is such a thing as self deportation. The best kind, actually. Make them people leave on their own. Then, we aint got to fuck with it.

You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:
Global companies do not want to live in China or India , they want to live here in the US.
Then God would not allow the conception of the child, dude.

All children are a blessing from God.

So God doesn't allow conception of children unless they can be well provided for?

I think the millions of starving children in Africa would disagree.

Hungry children in africa
This is not me, but I'm sure there are many people in this situation. Are you now saying the poorer levels of society should not get married or have kids? I thought that is the reason for open boarders, is to have younger people who work for less.

No one should have children until they are able to adequately provide for them.

I'll ignore your open borders comment because it has nothing to do with the conversation and is designed to pettifog the issues.

Your right, I agree with Trump, and herein lies the problem:
"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

There is only room for so many at the top, real hard work, I'm just not sure what he means by that, working hard, or becoming what he is a deal maker. Very easy for someone born with a silver spoon to say. That should also include cutting wall street pay and Ceo's pay, I am for higher taxes on the rich, no more non profit orgs and charitable deductions allowed, and stopping wasteful gov. spending. The charitable orgs they give to are usually self made, and so are the non profits as a way to filter money and avoid taxes.
The government has no business in messing with wages. ESPECIALLY capping it.

Don't think he a saying that at all. Making non profits pay their fair share and raising taxes the wealthy was his his strategy, not capping wages.
I was responding to what Penelope said..
OK. I disagree, the government does have a right to implement Fair Labor standards. Have you ever heard of the Davis- Bacon Act and the FLSA?...perhaps you should rephrase your sentence to say the government has no business messing with CEO compensation and their income strategies. Wages and salaries are words used to describe people who actually work; and, without FSLA there would be no minimum wage.
You are thinking as an American. As an example..... If you are a Mexican would you deport yourself to Mexico when you have no food, no house, no toilet? Nothing..... Here no mater what your relatives will feed you or go to church or go to charities. I'm just being realistic.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Here is my immigration plan
TNHarleys solution to the immigration problem | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yes, they would self deport lol
Did you know Mexico got voted in the top 10 of happiest countries on earth this year?

That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:
That is your plan.... You are not being realistic. Happiest countries on earth. And you believed that? Again you are not being realistic.

Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:

I am sad to tell you that high percentage that comes to *MY* homeless centers (with S)........... are Caucasians and African Americans. The rest are mixtures of hispanics and asians which are few........
and why are you mad? are you mad because I'm helping my fellow poor Americans?
Please cite how my immigration plan is not realistic.
I am not the ones that do that annual survey that millions of people accept. I just saw it :)

Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:

I am sad to tell you that high percentage that comes to *MY* homeless centers (with S)........... are Caucasians and African Americans. The rest are mixtures of hispanics and asians which are few........
and why are you mad? are you mad because I'm helping my fellow poor Americans?
Who is mad?
Why do you keep mentioning race? We are discussing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:
You cant convince a retard that denies that self deportation works of anything.

He is an ideologue and unless you can magically change his ideology, he will never change his mind on anything.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:
You cant convince a retard that denies that self deportation works of anything.

He is an ideologue and unless you can magically change his ideology, he will never change his mind on anything.

Dude...... I'm talking about reality. Not from the hatred or imaginary self deportation that your are stuck stupid. Both of you are clueless about how these people deal with their lives. Self deportation is a joke.
I gave you a clear example about life on the other side and yet you are thinking like an American self deportation to US. Try to get that into your retarded thick skull.
Read my post #141 again. There are no such thing as self deportation. You can cut off anything you like. I mean ALL benefits, jobs, even anatomical parts they will not self deport. I live here in Southern California and I know what is going on at the borders and immigrations not just from news media or Internet.
I also know quite a bit of ICE officers which are willing to do a especial tour for me on how we catch and deport illegals at the border.
I challenged total of five members of USMB if they want a special tour at the Arizona or Texas border at my cost but no takers. Can't remember but I think 2 of them were JimBowie and Dannyboys.
BTW I do not support illegals and H1 employment.


Though the nine towers are not simultaneously visible to one other, each is in line of sight with at least one other. And all are linked to microwave communications that can send imagery back to a control room in Tucson in real time. Radar atop the towers scan constantly, monitoring the desert for movement, and if there's an alert, someone in Tucson will zoom in on the area looking to see what's moving around.

At the same time, there are a number of mobile video surveillance systems (MVSS) deployed throughout the sector. These are similar packages of radar and cameras -- plus a laser range finder -- mounted on short masts atop trucks that are parked for long periods of time on top of hills that offer coverage of the desert that augments the towers. Agents rotate in and out of the MVSS, watching their areas, able to beam imagery back to Tucson, or zoom in on something they've been alerted to by headquarters.

Then, there's a system of underground sensors buried throughout the desert, each of which triggers an alert if there's movement within tens of meters. And finally, when necessary, the Border Patrol can call in air support from helicopters, drones, or airplanes equipped with high-tech sensors that belong to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Office of Air and Marine.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:

I am sad to tell you that high percentage that comes to *MY* homeless centers (with S)........... are Caucasians and African Americans. The rest are mixtures of hispanics and asians which are few........
and why are you mad? are you mad because I'm helping my fellow poor Americans?
Who is mad?
Why do you keep mentioning race? We are discussing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Didn't you mentioned feeding illegals? When most of these people that seek shelters are whites and blacks. Not illegals.
Lol yea, I would stay here too. Even if me and my family were literally starving in the street and my kids couldn't even go to school. :alcoholic:

Actually here in America you can always find people like me or somewhere else who are willing to feed you and your family regardless of your race and status. Plus temporary shelters especially during winter season.
In Mexico the choice you have are coldness, starvation, poverty and crime. Forget school, food, shelter, shower and toilet.
Yea, I see you few feeding 15 million people lol
Keep up your corporatist rhetoric :thup:

I am sad to tell you that high percentage that comes to *MY* homeless centers (with S)........... are Caucasians and African Americans. The rest are mixtures of hispanics and asians which are few........
and why are you mad? are you mad because I'm helping my fellow poor Americans?
Who is mad?
Why do you keep mentioning race? We are discussing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

Didn't you mentioned feeding illegals? When most of these people that seek shelters are whites and blacks. Not illegals.
OMG have you been following along in our conversation at all?
LOL this is a waste of time. Good day.

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