Trump threatens Europe

God it's nice to finally have a president that stands up for the US. A good deal for the US or no deal at all. Fuck 'em. They've been fucking us over for so long we don't know what it feels like to tell them no.

Trump forever.

He needs to slap them with sanctions to keep them out of our business. And remove the U.S. from the U.N. They act as if they controls the U.S.

DAVOS, Switzerland — President Trump renewed his threat to put hefty tariffs on European cars Tuesday at the World Economic Forum, promising hardball tactics if trade negotiations did not go his way.

Just days after Trump scored big wins with China, Mexico, and Canada, the move highlights how Trump is quickly pivoting to make Europe the next front in his protectionist trade war.

As part of this push on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that Italy and Britain could face U.S. tariffs if they pursue taxes on large digital companies like Facebook and Alphabet’s Google. French President Emmanuel Macron agreed in recent days to delay a similar tax in order to avoid Trump’s tariffs.

The threatened tariffs symbolize the growing rift between the United States and Europe, which was on clear display as leaders from the two continents appeared to be talking from different scripts. Trump insisted on discussing a new trade deal, while European leaders kept emphasizing action on climate change and cooperation.
Trump threatens Europe with fresh tariffs in Davos, deepening a rift with long-time U.S. allies

Without the UN where could Colin Powell have gone to lie to the world about those mythical Mobile Weapons Labs?

You mean these weapons of mass destruction?

Hans Blix and his team of weapons inspectors checked 700 sites and found no WMDs. The deaths of 4,500 are on Bush, not Clinton. "we know where they are" said Rumsfeld.

To say nothing of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis murdered.

Saddam Husein and his gang murdered every year about 100,000 Iraqians. So this were some hundred thousands. The direct number of the numbers of the victims of this war were somewhere between 36,000 (proven) and a little more than 100,000 (valued) or even 200,000 (worst case scenario).

But to save the life of Iraqians was not the reason for the U.S.A to go into this war with their former ally Saddam Husein. This war was a change of the international valuations. Your nation did this war on reason of a so called "preemptive strike" (=a first strike) - what means with other words: the sense of justice of the people of the U.S.A agrees with the idea that always every war of the U.S.A is a just war of defense. It's by the way interesting that the same time George W. Bush said a president of the U.S.A is per definition not able to make something wrong. So Trump is not able to make something wrong - and that's exactly his form of politics, isn't it? This all means with my own words: You are on the way to become a decadent empire. So we would need now a superpower U.S.A to stop you. But this U.S.A died and no one knows when. Interesting situation.

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God it's nice to finally have a president that stands up for the US. A good deal for the US or no deal at all. Fuck 'em. They've been fucking us over for so long we don't know what it feels like to tell them no.

Trump forever.

Aha. And why do you use such a totally stupid form of war propaganda during times of peace?

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Europe thinks the US will be their eternal sugar daddy. Idiots like the Clintons, the Bushes and Obama were all suckers. They were too dumb to see they were getting used but then again, the kickbacks might have made it worth it for them to sell out their country. If Biden, Pelosi and Kerry were able to get multi million dollar no show jobs for their useless kids, just imagine what a crooked President could get. Screw Europe and all the political sell outs that have been robbing the American taxpayer for decades.

We are defending the oil fields in Syria. Nothing has changed.
Saddam was convicted of killing 148 people in 1982 and thousands in 1988. We showed up a little bit late for liberating anyone.
There is a bright side to Trump pissing off the rest of the world. The next time we want to start a war and want their help they will tell us to piss off.
Why worry about it, since WW II Europe has done little to help us ...

Take your soldiers - go home.
We have a history of being hard to get rid of. The Iraqis should speak to the Vietnamese.

I thought about your soldiers here in Europe. And don't forget to take your nuclear crap metal with you.

He needs to slap them with sanctions to keep them out of our business. And remove the U.S. from the U.N. They act as if they controls the U.S.

DAVOS, Switzerland — President Trump renewed his threat to put hefty tariffs on European cars Tuesday at the World Economic Forum, promising hardball tactics if trade negotiations did not go his way.

Just days after Trump scored big wins with China, Mexico, and Canada, the move highlights how Trump is quickly pivoting to make Europe the next front in his protectionist trade war.

As part of this push on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that Italy and Britain could face U.S. tariffs if they pursue taxes on large digital companies like Facebook and Alphabet’s Google. French President Emmanuel Macron agreed in recent days to delay a similar tax in order to avoid Trump’s tariffs.

The threatened tariffs symbolize the growing rift between the United States and Europe, which was on clear display as leaders from the two continents appeared to be talking from different scripts. Trump insisted on discussing a new trade deal, while European leaders kept emphasizing action on climate change and cooperation.
Trump threatens Europe with fresh tariffs in Davos, deepening a rift with long-time U.S. allies


Although, Trump really should not care about those leftist companies, let them be taxed.
What European Governments want you to think Climate Change $$$ is spent on...


What it is really spent on....

Saddam was convicted of killing 148 people in 1982 and thousands in 1988. We showed up a little bit late for liberating anyone.

From 1980-1988 the Iraq was in war with the Iran (under support of the U.S.A, I guess) - what had caused about 1 million victims. And in later times hundreds of thousands of people were missed under Saddam Husein. Specially Kurds and some Christians were often victims under Saddam. So when you invaded the Iraq the Kurds were practically the only population of the Iraq, who was able to help you and had the will to help you. Later the Kurds had helped you in Syria too to fight the Islamists of the ISIS, who had been a result of your wrong nation building politics in the Iraq. Now a short disastrous time ago Donald Trump took care that you that you lost this only serios ally of you in the whole region. And indirectly you lost lots of allies all over the world too, because no one knows any longer whether it is wise to trust in the USA. Meanwhile "you" are not even welcome in the Iraq itselve any longer, in your own new state, which you had builded on your own, because it looks like everyone in the Iraq lives in fear of a new war against the Iran.

Fascinating - really fascinating - to see the politics of your greatest of all greatest presidents the world ever had seen since the first Trump invented the hand axe. Everything okay with him? Is his goldfish happy? Stock prices nice?
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What European Governments want you to think Climate Change $$$ is spent on...

View attachment 302084

What it is really spent on....

View attachment 302085

The USA wastes per inhabitant much more energy than anyone else in the world. The USA is doing this since a very long time. And the politics of Trump is "The U.S.A is not responsible. The U.S.A is great. And I am the greatest." What about if you will just simple not come any longer to serios international meetings as Davos for example? Send an U.S.-parrot - that's enough amusement.
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Saddam was convicted of killing 148 people in 1982 and thousands in 1988. We showed up a little bit late for liberating anyone.

From 1980-1988 the Iraq was in war with the Iran (under support of the U.S.A, I guess) - what had caused about 1 million victims. And in later times hundreds of thousands of people were missed under Saddam Husein. Specially Kurds and some Christians were often victims under Saddam. So when you invaded the Iraq the Kurds were practically the only population of the Iraq, who was able to help you and had the will to help you. Later the Kurds had helped you in Syria too to fight the Islamists of the ISIS, who had been a result of your wrong nation building politics in the Iraq. Now a short disastrous time ago Donald Trump took care that you that you lost this only serios ally of you in the whole region. And indirectly you lost lots of allies all over the world too, because no one knows any longer whether it is wise to trust in the USA. Meanwhile "you" are not even welcome in the Iraq itselve any longer, in your own new state, which you had builded on your own, because it looks like everyone in the Iraq lives in fear of a new war against the Iran.

Fascinating - really fascinating - to see the politics of your greatest of all greatest presidents the world ever had seen since the first Trump invented the hand axe. Everything okay with him? Is his goldfish happy? Stock prices nice?

Meanwhile.... I took my trash out today.
Thinking about what to buy from the grocery store too
There is a bright side to Trump pissing off the rest of the world. The next time we want to start a war and want their help they will tell us to piss off.

Or one their 3rd world shitholes gets overrun by brown goat-fuckers, we tell them to piss off. I'm good with the tradeoff.
Actually, China or Russia wuill take our place & they will get agreements for their natural resources.

He needs to slap them with sanctions to keep them out of our business. And remove the U.S. from the U.N. They act as if they controls the U.S.

DAVOS, Switzerland — President Trump renewed his threat to put hefty tariffs on European cars Tuesday at the World Economic Forum, promising hardball tactics if trade negotiations did not go his way.

Just days after Trump scored big wins with China, Mexico, and Canada, the move highlights how Trump is quickly pivoting to make Europe the next front in his protectionist trade war.

As part of this push on Tuesday, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned that Italy and Britain could face U.S. tariffs if they pursue taxes on large digital companies like Facebook and Alphabet’s Google. French President Emmanuel Macron agreed in recent days to delay a similar tax in order to avoid Trump’s tariffs.

The threatened tariffs symbolize the growing rift between the United States and Europe, which was on clear display as leaders from the two continents appeared to be talking from different scripts. Trump insisted on discussing a new trade deal, while European leaders kept emphasizing action on climate change and cooperation.
Trump threatens Europe with fresh tariffs in Davos, deepening a rift with long-time U.S. allies

Without the UN where could Colin Powell have gone to lie to the world about those mythical Mobile Weapons Labs?

You mean these weapons of mass destruction?

Republicans said that this was just a ploy to draw attention away from his impeachment. So which was it?
How stupid is Trump & his supporters?

Trump threatens action w=that would drive our allies & trading partners into a recession.

Someone should tell them that when our trading partners are in economic slowdowns that they buy fewer US goods.

Our manufacturing is declining because of Trump's current tariffs. Trump would make it worse.

Driving our trading partners into recression will just take the US along with them.
There is a bright side to Trump pissing off the rest of the world. The next time we want to start a war and want their help they will tell us to piss off.
Hilarious. Like America needs those pansy faggot militaries.
There is a bright side to Trump pissing off the rest of the world. The next time we want to start a war and want their help they will tell us to piss off.
Hilarious. Like America needs those pansy faggot militaries.

We can't even defeat Afghanistan.

And we help you. We look in Afghanistan for Osama Bin Laden now since 9/11/2001. The strange thing: When our soldiers arrived there in 2001 they builded a camp for an eternity - while they told us the same time in latest some weeks this police mission will be over. I hope they'll soon find Osama bin Laden; otherwise they will be next year still there, where they'll perhaps can take a better look what's going on with nukes in Russia, Pakistan, India and China. By the way: What did you say from which country Donald Trump is president? Fantasia-land? Never anyone in history "defeated" Afghanistan - not even the Afghans on their own, I fear. And do you know what we really found out there? When we analyzed the dust in this country, we found out how high is the percentage of micro-shit in the dust of Afghanistan. Fortunatelly I forgot this. It's an ugly high percentage. For sure is the expression "shit-country" not wrong, while the western world degenerates to cocaine-countries or antidepressiva-countries, what you can find out when you analyze the waste water of big cities in the western world.

Now go on with the war against the rest of the world and their G5-nets and economies. Have a lot of fun.

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How stupid is Trump & his supporters?

Trump threatens action w=that would drive our allies & trading partners into a recession.

Someone should tell them that when our trading partners are in economic slowdowns that they buy fewer US goods.

Our manufacturing is declining because of Trump's current tariffs. Trump would make it worse.

Driving our trading partners into recression will just take the US along with them.

Maybe you explain how the EU’s tariffs they have been imposing on the US for decades is not a “trade war”, but us asking them to drop them is?

Explain how the EU’s manufacturing has been going strong for decades while they have imposed tariffs on the US, since you claim imposing tariffs would wreck a country if they did.

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