Trump threw parties with cocaine and girls as young as 15

Ok let me get this right. There were parties in the 90's with coke which Trump didn't do but others did. And Trump got laid as a bachelor.

Yup that was the 80's and 90's. What's the problem?
when was Trump a bachelor in the 1990's?

1992 but was engaged to Marla in 1992, married her in 1993 thru 1999, was married to ivana from 1977 thru 1991.

he wasn't a 'bachelor'.... i'm not saying the story is true in the op, but your comment on trump being a bachelor during the 1990's is not true.

As far as I've read the marriage was over as soon as it had begun with Maples. Trump truly regretted leaving Ivana for Marla. Marla did set out to steal him. Of that there is no doubt.They were estranged and living apart. Only officially separated in '97 but the marriage was a sham. Hence single status.

The 80's and the 90's had to be the strangest for couples.This is where you had the trophy wives and trophy babies en masse.

It was like a bloody epidemic. All stratas of society. Marriages were crashing and burning all over the place. You had 50 year old men pushing baby carriages. It was nuts.
As far as I've read the marriage was over as soon as it had begun with Maples. Trump truly regretted leaving Ivana for Marla.



Are you suggesting The Rump made a mistake???
Trump threw parties with cocaine and girls as young as 15
The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing business with one another.

Itā€™s not a time that Trump, who once blew up gossip reportersā€™ phones to dish on his own sexual exploits, real and imagined, is eager to remember now. But after I wrote for The Daily Beast earlier this year about the parties he hosted in the 1990s where ā€œhis wealthy friends, high-rollers from his Atlantic City casinos, and potential Trump condominium buyers could meet modelsā€ from second-tier agencies, several men who attended those parties at the Plaza Hotel emerged to share scandalous specifics about Trumpā€™s presence and behavior at events where illegal drugs and young women were passed around and used.....

But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there toā€”pardon my language, but if the Times can say pussy on its front page, I can say thisā€”fuck them....

The girls were as young as 15, he says, and ā€œover their heads, they had no idea, and they ended up in situations. There were always dramas because the men threw money and drugs at them to keep them enticed. Itā€™s based on power and dominating girls who canā€™t push back and can be discarded. Thereā€™s always someone to pick them back up. Nobody wants to call home and say ā€˜Help me.ā€™ā€

Trump would ā€œgo from room to room,ā€ said the photographer, who added that ā€œI was there to party myself. It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquorā€ but no smoking. Trump didnā€™t approve of cigarettes.

Inside Donald Trumpā€™s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models

As someone that use to be a republican I use to think higher of you conservatives. For you to vote for this man is a goddamn let down no matter what my economic beliefs evolve into. I feel sorry for you.
Matthew is jealous
Trump threw parties with cocaine and girls as young as 15
The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing business with one another.

Itā€™s not a time that Trump, who once blew up gossip reportersā€™ phones to dish on his own sexual exploits, real and imagined, is eager to remember now. But after I wrote for The Daily Beast earlier this year about the parties he hosted in the 1990s where ā€œhis wealthy friends, high-rollers from his Atlantic City casinos, and potential Trump condominium buyers could meet modelsā€ from second-tier agencies, several men who attended those parties at the Plaza Hotel emerged to share scandalous specifics about Trumpā€™s presence and behavior at events where illegal drugs and young women were passed around and used.....

But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there toā€”pardon my language, but if the Times can say pussy on its front page, I can say thisā€”fuck them....

The girls were as young as 15, he says, and ā€œover their heads, they had no idea, and they ended up in situations. There were always dramas because the men threw money and drugs at them to keep them enticed. Itā€™s based on power and dominating girls who canā€™t push back and can be discarded. Thereā€™s always someone to pick them back up. Nobody wants to call home and say ā€˜Help me.ā€™ā€

Trump would ā€œgo from room to room,ā€ said the photographer, who added that ā€œI was there to party myself. It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquorā€ but no smoking. Trump didnā€™t approve of cigarettes.

Inside Donald Trumpā€™s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models

As someone that use to be a republican I use to think higher of you conservatives. For you to vote for this man is a goddamn let down no matter what my economic beliefs evolve into. I feel sorry for you.

OMG, how much worse can it get? This is sickening! Why isn't he in prison?
Wow, Obama admitted to snorting cocaine. So he should be in jail, right?
Trump threw parties with cocaine and girls as young as 15
The morals of Donald J. Trump, as a longtime model lover and then a modeling agency owner, were forged in another era, one in which young girls were used as a sort of currency between men doing business with one another.

Itā€™s not a time that Trump, who once blew up gossip reportersā€™ phones to dish on his own sexual exploits, real and imagined, is eager to remember now. But after I wrote for The Daily Beast earlier this year about the parties he hosted in the 1990s where ā€œhis wealthy friends, high-rollers from his Atlantic City casinos, and potential Trump condominium buyers could meet modelsā€ from second-tier agencies, several men who attended those parties at the Plaza Hotel emerged to share scandalous specifics about Trumpā€™s presence and behavior at events where illegal drugs and young women were passed around and used.....

But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there toā€”pardon my language, but if the Times can say pussy on its front page, I can say thisā€”fuck them....

The girls were as young as 15, he says, and ā€œover their heads, they had no idea, and they ended up in situations. There were always dramas because the men threw money and drugs at them to keep them enticed. Itā€™s based on power and dominating girls who canā€™t push back and can be discarded. Thereā€™s always someone to pick them back up. Nobody wants to call home and say ā€˜Help me.ā€™ā€

Trump would ā€œgo from room to room,ā€ said the photographer, who added that ā€œI was there to party myself. It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquorā€ but no smoking. Trump didnā€™t approve of cigarettes.

Inside Donald Trumpā€™s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models

As someone that use to be a republican I use to think higher of you conservatives. For you to vote for this man is a goddamn let down no matter what my economic beliefs evolve into. I feel sorry for you.
Is that why Bill Clinton and Trump were friends at one time?
More pathetic outrage.
"Trump was human and not a robot politician"
"Coke and bad words aren't presidential but media rigging, corruption, lies, bad words and actions are!"
New standards folks.

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