Trump To Attend Voter Fraud Hearing To Personally Introduce Evidence & Overturn Election - HUGE!!

Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.
Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.

Biden has no control over that. Did Trump stop it?

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??

I heard that Trump changed his mind and isn't going now.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.
Biden has no control over that. Did Trump stop it?
They ignore the simple truth.
Until January 20th, all that happened in "Trumps America"

If America turned into a shithole county, it was while Trump was at the wheel.

Hahaha.. As though it wasn't Republicans who've been primarily responsible for shoving these fucking 100% unverifiable voting machines down our throats to begin with.

Democrats too, absolutely, but mainly fucking Republicans.
Yet his staff had to issue a cancellation.......
It's United States Secret Service. There's a crowd of drunk Democrats out there. Trump is hunkering down and staying safe. We need to read the Declaration of Independence all over again, until we have satisfied ourselves of our just cause to keep the Democrat imposter out of the White House, and throw off the excess federal, state, and local Democrat government ---

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Hahaha.. As though it wasn't Republicans who've been primarily responsible for shoving these fucking 100% unverifiable voting machines down our throats to begin with.

Democrats too, absolutely, but mainly fucking Republicans.
I don't entirely disgree with that analysis. There's a RINO problem. If Democrats are going to run honestly as Democrats, then they probably don't need to commit outright fraud and rig the elections. But when we vote Republican, and then Democrats are installed in office despite our votes, then we have to question the motives of those who run as Republicans to shove the same tired old Democrat policies down our throats.

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??

Your title of this thread is a LIE. Why do you post lies? Are you so desperate for attention you resort to this childish post?
Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, claimed he was “thrown under the bus” by Trump when he wouldn’t help to declare Republicans the winners of elections they lost in the state.

Raffensperger commends the state of Georgia for conducting a “wildly successful and smooth election,” and he said that feat is worthy of celebration even among people whose preferred presidential candidate lost.

“For those wondering, mine lost,” “My family voted for him, donated to him and are now being thrown under the bus by him.”

Last week, Raffensperger alleged Lindsey Graham and other members of his party urged him to unlawfully disqualify ballots cast in Georgia. Following Trump’s lead, Graham, Georgia Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, and other conservatives throughout the country have pushed absurd conspiracy theories about voting irregularities, including a theory alleging Georgia’s voting machines were engineered to disenfranchise Trump voters. Since election day, Raffensperger has become a pariah among conservatives

In a Nov. 14 tweet that has since been flagged as disinformation, Trump baselessly claimed Raffensperger, Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, and Stacy Abrams were allies in a scheme to “cheat” this election cycle.

“Even as Georgia embarked on its first statewide audit, a process that was only possible because of the state’s new printed paper-ballot system, those who requested the full hand recount triggered by the audit of such a close race lined up to undermine its credibility,” Raffensperger wrote in his op-ed. “Those who had so long been beneficiaries of the electoral process sought to tear it apart at its very foundations.”

Georgia's Republican Secretary Of State Says He Was 'Thrown Under The Bus' By Trump

Winner of a post ^^^.

The facts are something so alien to the 21st Century iteration of trumpsters, and it is so sad that
forever- trumpsters cannot fathom how dishonest, anti patriotic and anti democratic the Republican Party has become; their lust for power for powers sake can easily be seen in history, and particularly in the 1930's in Germany, Italy and Spain.

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??
Rally cancelled. Another Trumper gets COVID. Shocking.

it’s amazing that after all the false alarms people like you still buy into his crap!! Maybe a little introspection is in order?

I already noted it is cancelled, dum-dum.
Maybe besides more and more Trump staff coming up positive for COVID -- he probably canceled when found out that the rally; I mean hearing wasn't happening at some official government building -- but at a hotel.....because, of course that is where you have hearings...

Meeting was never on Trump's official schedule for today to begin with.
You lose again!
Yet his staff had to issue a cancellation.......

How the fuck do you cancel something you were never intending to do?

My god you Trumpers are pathetic..

WH schedule. Not mine.
Trump duped some dupes. Some things never change.
Hi hope somebody brings Rudy a towel.

You know. Just in case.
According to the story I read they should be meeting right about now. I can't wait to hear what new information turns up.

Sounds more like a meeting to get together and see if there is anything new they can try that they haven't thought up already. A sort of think tank to spitball and see what might stick.
Well, they're going to toss the whole garbage bag at it. The good thing is that this isn't an open-ended situation.
And good thing Rudy is an incompetent lawyer.

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??

Your title of this thread is a LIE. Why do you post lies? Are you so desperate for attention you resort to this childish post?
Georgia’s Republican secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, claimed he was “thrown under the bus” by Trump when he wouldn’t help to declare Republicans the winners of elections they lost in the state.

Raffensperger commends the state of Georgia for conducting a “wildly successful and smooth election,” and he said that feat is worthy of celebration even among people whose preferred presidential candidate lost.

“For those wondering, mine lost,” “My family voted for him, donated to him and are now being thrown under the bus by him.”

Last week, Raffensperger alleged Lindsey Graham and other members of his party urged him to unlawfully disqualify ballots cast in Georgia. Following Trump’s lead, Graham, Georgia Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, and other conservatives throughout the country have pushed absurd conspiracy theories about voting irregularities, including a theory alleging Georgia’s voting machines were engineered to disenfranchise Trump voters. Since election day, Raffensperger has become a pariah among conservatives

In a Nov. 14 tweet that has since been flagged as disinformation, Trump baselessly claimed Raffensperger, Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, and Stacy Abrams were allies in a scheme to “cheat” this election cycle.

“Even as Georgia embarked on its first statewide audit, a process that was only possible because of the state’s new printed paper-ballot system, those who requested the full hand recount triggered by the audit of such a close race lined up to undermine its credibility,” Raffensperger wrote in his op-ed. “Those who had so long been beneficiaries of the electoral process sought to tear it apart at its very foundations.”

Georgia's Republican Secretary Of State Says He Was 'Thrown Under The Bus' By Trump

Winner of a post ^^^.

The facts are something so alien to the 21st Century iteration of trumpsters, and it is so sad that
forever- trumpsters cannot fathom how dishonest, anti patriotic and anti democratic the Republican Party has become; their lust for power for powers sake can easily be seen in history, and particularly in the 1930's in Germany, Italy and Spain.
Not only did Trump throw the Republicans in Georgia under the bus for not going along with his attempt at a coup, he fired his cyber security guy who also came out and said this election went really smooth.

It goes against Trump's false narrative that this election was rigged against him. So he fired the guy, who did a good job making sure our election integrity was on the up and up.

Trump complained so much that the election was going to be rigged that everyone involved made sure no funny business went on. But they also insisted on counting all the votes. Even the ones that came in late because Trump purposely slowed down the US mail.

So obvious. Trump and Rudy suck at this. Thanks God.
In fact B. Kidd, Trump supporters are angry with twitter and facebook for flagging any fake news or lies from Trump. They say it's not fair those companies won't let Trump lie. Sad.

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??
Rally cancelled. Another Trumper gets COVID. Shocking.

it’s amazing that after all the false alarms people like you still buy into his crap!! Maybe a little introspection is in order?

I already noted it is cancelled, dum-dum.
This event was cancelled? Oh fuck me that's even funnier now. Seriously? LOL

"President Donald Trump is expected to accompany his attorney Rudy Giuliani to Gettysburg for a discussion on election fraud allegations. According to the president’s campaign, it will include testimony from witnesses who have filed affidavits attesting to election fraud. However, even though the lawmakers are referring to the event as a hearing, it is not an actual legal proceeding."

This is it!!!

This was what Sidney Powell, Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens and many other brilliant legal minds were referring to when they said tons and tons of evidence of epic proportions will be released and the election will no doubt not just be overturned -- but also will land Biden, Kamala and many others in prison -- and let's not forget, the Duhram report is still ongoing -- and we know the tons of evidence that will uncover about guys remember the Duhram report don't you?? Anyone??
Did I hear correctly this meeting was cancelled? LOLOLOL No fucking way.
Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.
Kamala will do a lot for the black community. Watch. And you cons will complain she's showing them favoritism.
In fact B. Kidd, Trump supporters are angry with twitter and facebook for flagging any fake news or lies from Trump. They say it's not fair those companies won't let Trump lie. Sad.

Unlike you homo, I don't care what anyone thinks, especially you.
Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.
Kamala will do a lot for the black community. Watch. And you cons will complain she's showing them favoritism.

Shit....there's gonna be so many unemployed and homeless blacks by the 3rd quarter's end next year, Dimm inner cities will resemble Rwanda! :auiqs.jpg:
Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.
But watching a greater amount of the population letting personal physicial attacks on other people happen is a result of all of this. There will be no concern for the blue areas. The same areas of massive ghettos where for decades you blamed others living in the hinterlands for the children getting killed. Die...and die some more. Biden will continue it.
Kamala will do a lot for the black community. Watch. And you cons will complain she's showing them favoritism.

Like she did when she argued to keep them in prison?
Because a rally is where you present evidence, not a court. Everyone knows that.
Actually--------it is.

You motivate your fight for you and demand justice.

You can stomp your feet all you want. That isn't going to change anything.

It circumvents our corrupt obama and clinton appointed judges (along with many of bushs) from covering their eyes and ears ignoring the evidence---as trumps people hear it.

With so many people showing up--------all of the media won't hide it especially among the local media which means the voters in that state know what is going and are less likely to allow the corrupt political class to cram through a cheating (bribe taking pedo candidate) ......

Trump always had lots of people show up. He still lost. The courts are still throwing out the suits.
Actually it does---------

Biden may get in------------but most of the people voted for Trump and letting it out that their vote didn't matter because Biden and his crew cheated is going to have lots of ruling over we low life serfs is going to create lots and lots of issues as this is enough to finally get people out of their cushy homes. People are going to rebel and refuse laws.......making most of the populace criminals anyways which will create sympathy for harder type criminals.

Timothy McVeigh attacking the government types are going to find support if they can avoid targeting daycare centers. Domestic terrorism is going to rise.

Nothing is going to be done.

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