Trump to cut $2.7t from domestic programs...Is the FSA pissing themselves?

From 2017 and 2018.
Honey, please, I yelled and screamed when Bush was in his second term.
Trump has attempted to cut the budget where I think it should and increased it where I think it should be.
You don't even know where Deficit Donald cut and increased. You are just parroting what you are told to parrot.
I posted it, from gators link.
Trump's budget isn't even released yet.
Your list is not of all tax expenditures.
Yes, I have given serious thought to the fair tax.
Honey, please, I yelled and screamed when Bush was in his second term.
Trump has attempted to cut the budget where I think it should and increased it where I think it should be.
You don't even know where Deficit Donald cut and increased. You are just parroting what you are told to parrot.
I posted it, from gators link.

And your question as to whether All tax expenditures should suddenly be cut. It is far from a cut and dry answer. And the ramifications to the entire economy for most everyone would be unrealistic. If only it were that simple.
The ramifications would be this:

1. Every entity earning identical incomes would pay identical taxes.

2. A budget surplus. This surplus can be used to lower tax rates for everyone and pay down the debt.

3. Instant campaign finance reform the RIGHT way. If politicians can no longer put tax expenditures in the tax code, special interests stop bribing them to do so!

There's nothing to think about. It just takes the courage to force all the welfare queens off the taxpayer tit.
Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?
U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

It takes a special kind of retard to pull that off in a strong economy. Seriously.

Trump is a disaster.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.
Allow me to show you just how wrong you are. Try to pay attention all the way to the end, this is longer than a tweet.

The federal deficit ballooned at start of new fiscal year, up 77 percent from a year before

Federal deficits are rising. Here's the whole story

Budget receipts were basically flat overall. Individual non-withheld and self-employment taxes rose by $89 billion, as they should in a good economy when more people are working. Most of that increase came in April, when taxpayers were filing returns for 2017 — before the Trump tax cuts took effect. Congress' Joint Tax Committee has forecast the overall revenue impact of the individual tax cuts to be much larger in 2019, knocking collections down by $189 billion.

Trump has also increased spending to the highest record in human history.

Decreased revenues + massive record spending = ASPLODING DEFICITS.

So Trump's tax cut caused revenues to fall. In a "robust" economy, as you called it.

Do you know how much of a colossal fuckup you have to be to LOSE MONEY in a ROBUST economy?

You have to be seriously stupid. You have to run our country's economy like a bankrupt casino owner to fuck things up that badly.

Now, let's take a closer look at this "robust" economy.

This economy is so "robust" that Trump has claimed that if the Fed raises interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point, we could spin into a recession.

Do you know how fragile an economy has to be in order to spin into a recession because of 25 basis points?!?!

Pretty fucking weak.

So how did Trump punk you parroting tards into bleeving we have a "robust" economy?

Take a look at this formula for GDP:

A country's gross domestic product can be calculated using the following formula: GDP = C + G + I + NX. C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

I highlighted the crux of the biscuit for you. The way Trump juiced the GDP figures was by massively increasing government spending.

And now he is going to increase government spending even more. MUCH, MUUUUUUUUCH MORE.

Almost a full trillion more than last year.

All to hoax you parroting rubes.

U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

It takes a special kind of retard to pull that off in a strong economy. Seriously.

Trump is a disaster.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong! You're wrong.

Revenue hasn't even kept pace with increased GNP let alone spending
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Trumpbots will fall for anything.

well the question is what did the corporations pay in percentage before the tax cut? do you have that figure? your link stated corporations will pay 9% and individuals 48 percent. This implies that it was flipped prior to the tax cut. now you can prove that on your reply.
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.

In today's GOP there are two breeds. The first wants the dismantling of our military and defense apparatus. The second wants to spend money like there's no tomorrow. I guess they've really returned to being the party of Lincoln. You know, back when the Republicans were liberals.
GDP = C + G + I + NX

Trump has began a massive government takeover of our country's GDP, folks. He is massively running up spending and deficits.

This is not going to end well.

PLEASE wake up!
Well he did decrease revenue from 2017 to 2018 with his tax cuts...which added to the debt.

Where are you coming up with that?
U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

It takes a special kind of retard to pull that off in a strong economy. Seriously.

Trump is a disaster.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.

They rose for the FY because the tax cuts did not effect the first 3 months of the FY.

The GDP grew at a boring 2.9%, that is not robust growth, it is mediocre at best. The loss of revenue was not a hiccup, it was expected.

are you capable of doing anything other than parroting your party talking points?
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.

In today's GOP there are two breeds. The first wants the dismantling of our military and defense apparatus. The second wants to spend money like there's no tomorrow. I guess they've really returned to being the party of Lincoln. You know, back when the Republicans were liberals.
You forgot to add that the D Party is no different.
U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

It takes a special kind of retard to pull that off in a strong economy. Seriously.

Trump is a disaster.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong! You're wrong.

Revenue hasn't even kept pace with increased GNP let alone spending
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Trumpbots will fall for anything.

so dude, I looked up from your link the percentage of corporate taxes from the 2016 data and looky here;What Obama Budgeted in 2016 and What Congress Spent

" Income taxes contributed 47 percent, payroll taxes were 34 percent, and corporate taxes were 9 percent. The remaining 10 percent came from excise taxes, estate taxes, interest on Federal Reserve deposits, and other miscellaneous sources."

Now what the fk is different? oh yeah we paid in 48% of taxes in 2019. Isn't that an increase over 34% in revenue if the percentage goes up? And guess what, the corporations will pay 7%. What? It seems it is you that is duped duper. Can't make this up. he out cuted himself.

Look at revenue coming in as well 3.2 in 2016 and 3.4 in 2019. isn't 3.4 more?
Last edited:
Those enlisted in the Free Shit Army have been bitching nonstop about Trump’s spending on America’s productive and the rising national debt. I’m wondering how they feel about his proposal to reduce the debt?
Trump's 2020 budget calls for $2.7T in spending cuts, promises to erase deficit in 15 years

This budget is going nowhere. I predict even Republicans will reject this. Trump gets what he wants and cuts everyone else.
so you're not for ending the deficit?

There have to be no sacred cows. We do not need $8.6 billion for a wall. We need to tackle military waste. Cost overruns on weapons systems are enormous.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong! You're wrong.

Revenue hasn't even kept pace with increased GNP let alone spending
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Trumpbots will fall for anything.

well the question is what did the corporations pay in percentage before the tax cut? do you have that figure? your link stated corporations will pay 9% and individuals 48 percent. This implies that it was flipped prior to the tax cut. now you can prove that on your reply.

The very reason corporate tax rates were so high is because there are so many tax expenditures in the corporate tax code. I can prove this with a direct quote from Trump's biggest lickspittle in Congress.

That means the fucking SMART thing to do to lower tax rates is to eliminate the fucking tax expenditures which caused those rates to be so high to begin with.

Did Trump do that?


Instead, he just lowered the tax rates WITHOUT removing the tax expenditures.

And so a revenue shortfall was not only predictable, which I did, it would have violated the fiscal and physical laws of the universe if that didn't happen.

I tried and tried and tried to get this through the fucking thick Trumptard heads on this forum, to no avail.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong! You're wrong.

Revenue hasn't even kept pace with increased GNP let alone spending
Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

Trumpbots will fall for anything.

so dude, I looked up from your link the percentage of corporate taxes from the 2016 data and looky here;What Obama Budgeted in 2016 and What Congress Spent

" Income taxes contributed 47 percent, payroll taxes were 34 percent, and corporate taxes were 9 percent. The remaining 10 percent came from excise taxes, estate taxes, interest on Federal Reserve deposits, and other miscellaneous sources."

Now what the fk is different? oh yeah we paid in 48% of taxes in 2019. Isn't that an increase in revenue if the percentage goes up? And guess what, the corporations still will pay 9%. It seems it is you that is duped duper. Can't make this up. he out cuted himself.

Oh my god, the innumeracy of this post is very depressing.

No wonder Trump is able to hoax you rubes so easily.
Those enlisted in the Free Shit Army have been bitching nonstop about Trump’s spending on America’s productive and the rising national debt. I’m wondering how they feel about his proposal to reduce the debt?
Trump's 2020 budget calls for $2.7T in spending cuts, promises to erase deficit in 15 years

This budget is going nowhere. I predict even Republicans will reject this. Trump gets what he wants and cuts everyone else.
so you're not for ending the deficit?

There have to be no sacred cows. We do not need $8.6 billion for a wall. We need to tackle military waste. Cost overruns on weapons systems are enormous.
dude, look I'm all in on catch and deport. are you? Tell congress to pass it today.
Where are you coming up with that?
U.S. Tax Revenues Fall, Deficit Widens in Wake of New Tax Law

It takes a special kind of retard to pull that off in a strong economy. Seriously.

Trump is a disaster.
Yet another reason not to trust the NYT anymore. In dollar amount, federal tax revenues rose, but the NYT and other fake news organizations say if you take federal tax revenues as a percentage of GDP they fell. That's because the GDP rose so much, in large part because of the tax reform we passed.

You are fucking lying. How many times do I have to repost the same information before you sheep will quit lying?

In dollar amount fed tax revenue went down from 2017 to 2018.

From the government's own numbers.

Monthly Treasury Statement

The results of the first 12 months of the tax cuts...

Total revenue in CY17: $3,343,634,000,000
Total revenue in CY18: $3,330,470,000,000

That is $13,164,000,000 less in 18 than in 17.
Federal tax revenues rose in the fiscal year 2018, but fell very slightly, less than 0.4%, in the calendar year, but with the economy growing so robustly, in large part because of tax reform, this is nothing more than a hiccup.

They rose for the FY because the tax cuts did not effect the first 3 months of the FY.

The GDP grew at a boring 2.9%, that is not robust growth, it is mediocre at best. The loss of revenue was not a hiccup, it was expected.

are you capable of doing anything other than parroting your party talking points?
Try not to sound so desperate, pretty much everyone agrees it is a robust economy, and 0.04% is less than a hiccup. You're like a cockroach hiding in the shadows and rushing out to grab up a crumb and celebrate it as a feast. Once in a while you might try to put your biases aside and look at what is really going on.
Try not to sound so desperate, pretty much everyone agrees it is a robust economy, and 0.04% is less than a hiccup.

Ok, so it is a robust economy and we lost money compared to the previous you know how hard that is to do? Do you know how many times in the last 50 years revenue went down year to year?

you should not lose revenue in a robust economy, you should be gaining even more.

but that did not happen, even with a record setting April from people settling their 2017 taxes it did not happen.

What is going to change that this year?

you are just a mindless sheep that parrots their talking points but do not even have the IQ to know what they mean.
Cut the DOD (the original name was more apt, War Department) by at least 75%. Eliminate the NSA, Homeland Security, and CIA. Bingo! No more deficit and a lot more freedom at home.

In today's GOP there are two breeds. The first wants the dismantling of our military and defense apparatus. The second wants to spend money like there's no tomorrow. I guess they've really returned to being the party of Lincoln. You know, back when the Republicans were liberals.
You forgot to add that the D Party is no different.

I am forgetting nothing. I merely reject the idea that the GOP should emulate the Democrats.
Try not to sound so desperate, pretty much everyone agrees it is a robust economy, and 0.04% is less than a hiccup.

Ok, so it is a robust economy and we lost money compared to the previous you know how hard that is to do? Do you know how many times in the last 50 years revenue went down year to year?

you should not lose revenue in a robust economy, you should be gaining even more.

but that did not happen, even with a record setting April from people settling their 2017 taxes it did not happen.

What is going to change that this year?

you are just a mindless sheep that parrots their talking points but do not even have the IQ to know what they mean.
Are you trying for caricature status? You claim to be a small government ideologue and yet you want to take money out of the pockets of voters and give it to politicians. We didn't lose money, we just left more of it in the pockets of the people. Because people had more money because of tax reform, they spent more money, and because corporations had more money, they invested more money and that's why we have a robust economy. Year by year tax revenues will continue to grow because the economy is growing. It's just a crumb you found. Go back into the shadow and wait for another one to fall.
President Trump’s budget proposal is a roadmap to a sicker, weaker America. Americans deserve a federal budget that works for the people!

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