Trump to Cut Food Stamps Budget by 25%

Elderly = Takes from the working people when most of them have plenty of money in the bank.
and you generalized again right here.....all elderly in one group....
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

Now that they don't have to pay the deductibles or premiums, they will have money for food.
You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....
That is true but it is not the crux of this argument about wasteful spending by the government.

I submit to you that a 25% reduction is far less than the amount of abuse that occurs in this program. Like I said right from the start, strengthen the requirements and the cut is no big deal. Those that really need it will get it.

Rather than being pissed at the right for wanting some accountability you guys should be bitching at the able bodied THIEVES who take from the indigent what was intended to be theirs to begin with.
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors[/QUOTE]

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i[/QUOTE]

Then that will likely have no effect on them as it was to tighten work requirements.
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i[/QUOTE]

Then that will likely have no effect on them as it was to tighten work requirements.[/QUOTE]
You're right, it probably won't have a lot of effect on Mainers. I don't have to like what I see, though, for the rest of the country.
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i

That mean the rest are total losers living off the government tit?
If you read the link, under 10% are also collecting TANF, etc. A lot of people on Food Stamps are disabled, elderly, or temporarily out of work. If it keeps them from stealing or rioting, or starving and putting more strain on the ER due to rickets and shit, is that good?
And A LOT OF PEOPLE on those programs are complete bums. There is no spin or link you can supply to refute that fact so just stop.[/QUOTE]
So you think cutting SNAP by 25% will get rid of that, right? At least a quarter of them?
We in Maine cut thousands and thousands off welfare and SNAP. Now the school lunch programs and the churches running food banks and soup kitchens are screaming for more donations. They're feeding so many. Some of them are "bums," but the majority of these bums wouldn't know how to work if you made them. So they're still hungry. Hungry people are dangerous and expensive to society, if that's how you want to look at it. How about if instead of SNAP, the government went back to a surplus food program that would hand out products instead? Is that cheaper or is SNAP cheaper?[/QUOTE]

The surplus food program, which my grandmother was on back in the 1950's and 1960's, was a republican wet dream. The fact that they gave the food to the hungry was purely incidental. The main purpose was to prop up farm prices. The government bought these commodities from the Midwest farmers, and gave them to the poor. They got votes from the farmers, and they could be self righteous about being compassionate to the poor. It was so transparent that it was ridiculous. One month, my grandmother would come home with a gallon of peanut butter. The next month, she got 5 pounds of butter. Then she got a 25 pound bag of flour. The next month, it was a gallon of cooking oil. She traded a lot of this stuff for something edible, like meat.
I'm curious. For anyone, really.
If the food stamp program were your baby and you made the regs... what would your program look like?
Children and elderly my ass. You even know anyone on food stamps?
The ole children and poor, trembly elderly deal, to make everyone feel horrible about their belief that welfare as it exists is a true problem

As a matter of fact, I was in Katrina, and everyone in the city, including myself, was on food stamps for weeks, because every employer in New Orleans was shut down for at least 6 to 8 weeks. So were the banks. Any more questions, sparky?

When y'all were on those food stamps, did you find the same rate of disgusting waste and misuse as those that bought TVs and hookers with their cash aid cards?
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i

Then that will likely have no effect on them as it was to tighten work requirements.[/QUOTE]
You're right, it probably won't have a lot of effect on Mainers. I don't have to like what I see, though, for the rest of the country.[/QUOTE]

The key word here s "increasingly". It should be the vast majority, if not all.
If you read the link, under 10% are also collecting TANF, etc. A lot of people on Food Stamps are disabled, elderly, or temporarily out of work. If it keeps them from stealing or rioting, or starving and putting more strain on the ER due to rickets and shit, is that good?

Aren't most SNAP recipients illegal aliens working under the table?
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If there are hungry children it's because they likely have method head asshole parents that sold their food stamps for drugs or booze and simply don't care enough to get off their ass and take advantage of the many resources families have out there today.
Beat those parents till they are a puddle of yuk
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

Oh the horror, folks are finding jobs and earning their own pay and don't need welfare.

Liberals must be scared shitless.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....
That is true but it is not the crux of this argument about wasteful spending by the government.

I submit to you that a 25% reduction is far less than the amount of abuse that occurs in this program. Like I said right from the start, strengthen the requirements and the cut is no big deal. Those that really need it will get it.

Rather than being pissed at the right for wanting some accountability you guys should be bitching at the able bodied THIEVES who take from the indigent what was intended to be theirs to begin with.
YOU guys?....i hope you dont mean me gramps,i have bitched about the phony's here before.....i had to deliver checks to many of them....
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP
Perhaps there is an misunderstanding. Snap budget will continue to grow. There will be no actual "cut" over 10 years. That is the "cut" the main stream media is talking about? The amount of projected increase over 10 years. Allowing these budgets to grow as it has in the recent past is unsustainable. Everyon understands that. So in essence of what is happening is that there wiill be a slower increase in upcoming years, but increases just the same. A measured response to the budget that we can all agree is needed to meet our obligations and remove ourselves from the cliff of unsustainable growths.

We need to make budgets that keep us safe from becoming countries like Greece and Venezuela. We will continue to care for our disabled and elderly. Nothing will change.
Foodstamps are supposed to be a safety net not a lifestyle

tell that to the red staters

How about telling it to the inner city "managed" for generations by incompetent true blue black mayors?

You know, like Detroit. Atlanta. Los Angeles. New York. Seattle. Oakland. Baltimore. Washington. St. Louis. Milwaukee. Denver. Phoenix. Dallas. Houston. Miami.

Never mind red states - think about black managed blue Democrat misery.
Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....
That is true but it is not the crux of this argument about wasteful spending by the government.

I submit to you that a 25% reduction is far less than the amount of abuse that occurs in this program. Like I said right from the start, strengthen the requirements and the cut is no big deal. Those that really need it will get it.

Rather than being pissed at the right for wanting some accountability you guys should be bitching at the able bodied THIEVES who take from the indigent what was intended to be theirs to begin with.
YOU guys?....i hope you dont mean me gramps,i have bitched about the phony's here before.....i had to deliver checks to many of them....
I just ment the board in general.

The program is wildly abused.
Children and elderly my ass. You even know anyone on food stamps?
The ole children and poor, trembly elderly deal, to make everyone feel horrible about their belief that welfare as it exists is a true problem

As a matter of fact, I was in Katrina, and everyone in the city, including myself, was on food stamps for weeks, because every employer in New Orleans was shut down for at least 6 to 8 weeks. So were the banks. Any more questions, sparky?

When y'all were on those food stamps, did you find the same rate of disgusting waste and misuse as those that bought TVs and hookers with their cash aid cards?


BTW, it is impossible to spend SNAP card credit on anything but food from a retailer. The grocery won't even accept them for tobacco or beer, much less TV's.
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