Trump to Cut Food Stamps Budget by 25%

Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i

That mean the rest are total losers living off the government tit?[/QUOTE]
If you read the link, under 10% are also collecting TANF, etc. A lot of people on Food Stamps are disabled, elderly, or temporarily out of work. If it keeps them from stealing or rioting, or starving and putting more strain on the ER due to rickets and shit, is that good?[/QUOTE]

People are made poor by the government, who shuts down all industry and destroys their local economies...then they are funneled into assistance. Feds control the jobs, feds control the food.

Sound like a good idea to anybody?

Not me. Welfare was conceived of originally to help the desperate widows of SOLDIERS who died or were disabled fighting for their country. But of course disgusting brownshirted thugs hijacked it and used it to fund their social engineering experiments..all of which are abject failures and have been the ruination of millions upon millions, and whole generations, of people and have almost brought about the downfall of our country.

Get rid of it. Get rid of welfare, get rid of all the stupid alphabet agencies whose primary objective is to create barriers between our citizens and our resources, and let people take care of themselves again.

I am so sick of statists and people who think we should owe our existence and be thankful to GOVERNMENT for our food, our jobs, our lives, and our happiness. Just stfu and sit this one out. You had your chance and failed. Now let us return to what works, you losers.
Slash, I'm going to have to put you on "ignore". iIwould never have a discussion with a nut like you in the real world, and see no reason to pay you any attention in cyberspace.

Dry heat getting to you out there in Arizona?
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i

That mean the rest are total losers living off the government tit?
If you read the link, under 10% are also collecting TANF, etc. A lot of people on Food Stamps are disabled, elderly, or temporarily out of work. If it keeps them from stealing or rioting, or starving and putting more strain on the ER due to rickets and shit, is that good?[/QUOTE]
And A LOT OF PEOPLE on those programs are complete bums. There is no spin or link you can supply to refute that fact so just stop.[/QUOTE]

mostly red staters
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
You are a liar and a fake. You want to make that bullshyt America great again nonsense by cheating and robbing some of the people who already made it great.

You mean the same people who are sucking down social security and crippling the system? The ones who are crippling the healthcare system? Or the ones who were able to get pensions and high paying jobs without a college education?

This country isn't even great anymore, nor did those lunatics make this country great... If anything they turned a great country into a 3rd world one.
Like I said, you are a liar and a fake. Add to that my vote for you being in the good running for the biggest jerk on the board, and that is saying a lot. Sorry, you have such hate for your country and fellow Americans.
Foodstamps are supposed to be a safety net not a lifestyle

tell that to the red staters
Bums are bums regardless of their location. From inner cities to rural rednecks.

red states have more bums, keep that in mind
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.

It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all

And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

nice dodge
There is no dodge. You want to see shit through an ideological lense. When it comes to government wast you have to look at it without your emotional attachments or you'll never recognize the problem.
Just like inner city crime. Everyone on the left wants to solve it with a government program. Decades later and the problem persists. Time to take off the glasses & face reality.

People like you are a big part of the problem with your forced ideology that infects every aspect of your thinking.
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
You are a liar and a fake. You want to make that bullshyt America great again nonsense by cheating and robbing some of the people who already made it great.

You mean the same people who are sucking down social security and crippling the system? The ones who are crippling the healthcare system? Or the ones who were able to get pensions and high paying jobs without a college education?

This country isn't even great anymore, nor did those lunatics make this country great... If anything they turned a great country into a 3rd world one.
Like I said, you are a liar and a fake. Add to that my vote for you being in the good running for the biggest jerk on the board, and that is saying a lot. Sorry, you have such hate for your country and fellow Americans.

LOL lying about what?

Elderly = Takes from the working people when most of them have plenty of money in the bank.

Yeah let's keep supporting those people. For the remaining "poor" elderly, they have families that support them.
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

If the influx of illegal aliens continues to drop, this 25% cut won't affect recipients.
tell that to the red staters
Bums are bums regardless of their location. From inner cities to rural rednecks.

red states have more bums, keep that in mind
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.

It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all

And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

nice dodge
There is no dodge. You want to see shit through an ideological lense. When it comes to government wast you have to look at it without your emotional attachments or you'll never recognize the problem.
Just like inner city crime. Everyone on the left wants to solve it with a government program. Decades later and the problem persists. Time to take off the glasses & face reality.

People like you are a big part of the problem with your forced ideology that infects every aspect of your thinking.

said the freaked out right wing nutcase
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....

No the ones where I reply to the people I quote.
YOU said ..."The elderly get everything handed to them".....which is is this your imaginary people or will you back this up or at least explain what you were trying to say?...because the only things i see getting "handed" to me is what i worked and paid taxes for.........
You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....

No the ones where I reply to the people I quote.
YOU said ..."The elderly get everything handed to them".....which is is this your imaginary people or will you back this up or at least explain what you were trying to say?...because the only things i see getting "handed" to me is what i worked and paid taxes for.........

People on this board generalize the elderly in one group.

If they say the elderly need this or that, then I'm going to reply based on what they said.

Nobody said the 'poor' elderly, they just said the elderly need to be on food stamps.
So, the Trump/GOP budget will cut 25% of the food for the hungry, which is, primarily to feed children and the elderly. Should we expect anything less from the GOP? After all,why waste food on people after yanking their health insurance away from them.

You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....
You mean the inflated percentage of Americans on food stamps?

The elderly get everything handed to them... Literally the most spoiled generation of people in America. They want free healthcare, free food, free this, free that. How about live off of your 401k, pension, and social security? Damn.
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....

They shouldn't be getting assistance to live on the streets and breed like rats, however. They should receive assistance to live safely and securely, away from the Madden crowd.

But progressives have used them to create a whole giant population of milling lunatic imbeciles. We see them posting here every day.
Your games are dumb. I don't give a fuck who's who. If you're bumming off of my tax dollars get a job.
It doesn't surprise me that you see "politics" where I see a problem. You're a liberal after all
And for the record I doubt most people on food stamps even vote based on their lazy lifestyle. Hell I bet most of them can't even name their own Senators or Governors

They're not all lazy. From March of this year:

Nearly 32 percent of SNAP households are home to at least one wage-earner, according to the most recent data on the program, compared to only 19.6 percent in 1989, as far back as USDA data is available.
Food Stamp Recipients Increasingly Are The Working Poor | HuffPost

From what I see around here, in a poor rural area, that sounds about right. i

That mean the rest are total losers living off the government tit?
If you read the link, under 10% are also collecting TANF, etc. A lot of people on Food Stamps are disabled, elderly, or temporarily out of work. If it keeps them from stealing or rioting, or starving and putting more strain on the ER due to rickets and shit, is that good?[/QUOTE]
And A LOT OF PEOPLE on those programs are complete bums. There is no spin or link you can supply to refute that fact so just stop.[/QUOTE]
So you think cutting SNAP by 25% will get rid of that, right? At least a quarter of them?
We in Maine cut thousands and thousands off welfare and SNAP. Now the school lunch programs and the churches running food banks and soup kitchens are screaming for more donations. They're feeding so many. Some of them are "bums," but the majority of these bums wouldn't know how to work if you made them. So they're still hungry. Hungry people are dangerous and expensive to society, if that's how you want to look at it. How about if instead of SNAP, the government went back to a surplus food program that would hand out products instead? Is that cheaper or is SNAP cheaper?
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....

No the ones where I reply to the people I quote.
YOU said ..."The elderly get everything handed to them".....which is is this your imaginary people or will you back this up or at least explain what you were trying to say?...because the only things i see getting "handed" to me is what i worked and paid taxes for.........

People on this board generalize the elderly in one group.

If they say the elderly need this or that, then I'm going to reply based on what they said.

Nobody said the 'poor' elderly, they just said the elderly need to be on food stamps.
you did the same said the elderly get everything handed to them,meaning all elderly,you did not break that down yourself did ya?....
im considered elderly and i dont get jack shit handed to me...and the other elderlies i know are the same....maybe its the old folks you know,like some poor ones?....

Or the imaginary ones people talk about here.
you mean like the ones you say have everything handed to them?....
True progressives hate women, and they hate old people.

That's why our welfare programs benefit drug addicts, criminals, and the mentally ill more than they benefit any of the people who actually need or deserve our assistance.
many people who are truly mentally incompetent need actual assistance too KG....

They shouldn't be getting assistance to live on the streets and breed like rats, however. They should receive assistance to live safely and securely, away from the Madden crowd.

But progressives have used them to create a whole giant population of milling lunatic imbeciles. We see them posting here every day.

"But progressives have used them to create a whole giant population of milling lunatic imbeciles".

explain how liberals are creating giant populations of red state food stamp junkies
People on this board generalize the elderly in one group.

If they say the elderly need this or that, then I'm going to reply based on what they said.

Nobody said the 'poor' elderly, they just said the elderly need to be on food stamps.

Obama thought the entire nation needed to be on food stamps. This is just the roll back of the Obama expansion.

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