Trump to declare national emergency

trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
I knew Trump would win
That is not a win if he signs it.
Look into the damn details of the bill. Pelosi played the GOP hard and made them all look like buffoons for voting for this bill.

And no, I am not a leftie

He doesn’t have a choice. It’s veto-proof.

And when he declares a national emergency, they’ll quash that too because it’s unconstitutional.

Since when has our Constitution been followed by a President? Every President pushes his powers just beyond our Constitution as does every Congress.

The only thing that matters to the Democrats or the Republicans is if their side is the one pushing it. Very sad what the two party system has done to my country. How is your high speed rail coming along?
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:

Spending is rising, not falling. Nothing is being chopped and best money being spent on different things.

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Don't stop believin'. :itsok:

I do believe...

I believe we spend far more than we bring in as a country.

I believe we added 1.48 trillion dollars to our national debt in CY18 Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I believe spending has not gone down even 1 dollar under the current POTUS.

I believe sheep like you do not give a flying fuck about spending or the debt.

I believe sheep like you are complicit in saddling our future generations with unsustainable debt because you are a fucking freeloader.

That is what I believe...because it is all 100% fact

No one in DC gives a damn about spending, I just can’t stand the fake outrage anymore.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:

Spending is rising, not falling. Nothing is being chopped and best money being spent on different things.

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Don't stop believin'. :itsok:

I do believe...

I believe we spend far more than we bring in as a country.

I believe we added 1.48 trillion dollars to our national debt in CY18 Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I believe spending has not gone down even 1 dollar under the current POTUS.

I believe sheep like you do not give a flying fuck about spending or the debt.

I believe sheep like you are complicit in saddling our future generations with unsustainable debt because you are a fucking freeloader.

That is what I believe...because it is all 100% fact

No one in DC gives a damn about spending, I just can’t stand the fake outrage anymore.

The people in DC are there because we put them there...we can change that but there are too many partisan sheep on both sides

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trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....

Yet the constitution allows the president to call for a national emergency, go figure. Guess that happens when you have a congress incapable of all.
Congress is working. It doesn't agree with the President, and that IS considered "working."

If they were working there would have been a solution years ago.
Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:

Spending is rising, not falling. Nothing is being chopped and best money being spent on different things.

Sent from my iPhone using

Don't stop believin'. :itsok:

I do believe...

I believe we spend far more than we bring in as a country.

I believe we added 1.48 trillion dollars to our national debt in CY18 Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I believe spending has not gone down even 1 dollar under the current POTUS.

I believe sheep like you do not give a flying fuck about spending or the debt.

I believe sheep like you are complicit in saddling our future generations with unsustainable debt because you are a fucking freeloader.

That is what I believe...because it is all 100% fact

No one in DC gives a damn about spending, I just can’t stand the fake outrage anymore.

The people in DC are there because we put them there...we can change that but there are too many partisan sheep on both sides

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I agree, I haven’t voted for an incumbent to DC for many years, but they still seem to win. The issue with spending is it is only bad when the other guy does it.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

Seriously? No one's arguing the definition of DACA, although anyone willing to sidestep the concept by arguing the definition...well, is dumb.
So, the way the national emergency funding breaks down will give Trump about 4.5 billion unquestioned, and about 3.5 from military assets that will be challenged.

4.5 ain't bad right off the bat. :113:

Trump wins.

Has Pelosi stopped screaming yet?
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
Let me see if I have the level of crazy that you are displaying right. 44 was so clueless that under his administration things happened like illegals being detained, the CIA spying on congress, the NSA spying on citizens, his Secretary of State and others knew Bengazi was not started by a video but did not tell him and numerous other things BUT all other presidents MUST be on game and held responsible for everything that goes on in their administration.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac; MAGA hate wearers can not be characterized by one adjective, only they can explain how they can continue to defend Trump with his obvious mania.

The signs of mania in bipolar disorder include:
  • Disconnected and very fast (racing) thoughts.
  • Grandiose beliefs.
  • Inappropriate elation or euphoria.
  • Inappropriate irritability.
  • Inappropriate social behavior.
  • Increased talking speed or volume.
  • Markedly increased energy.
The final two seem to be repressed when he reads from the teleprompter, I wonder if he is being medicated to control the mania which is manifest in his tweets.
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Illegal immigrants cost this country billions of dollars annually, and the costs of maintaining proper surveillance of our border using just manpower, alone, is enormous.

Building a wall is just too logical for some people, I guess, as the initial expenditure would be recouped in savings in a very short while.

All the bullshit aside, those who oppose the wall WANT continued high levels of illegal immigration. This has nothing to do with humanitarianism, nothing to do with racism and nothing to do with principles of any kind. It is simply the desire to continue the flood of illegal aliens into our country to serve their own political ends.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.

I doubt he would lose. He has the constitution on his side and even a hack lawyer can see that.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.

The enemies of America will win.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

What, like Obama ignoring and re-writing immigration law because he can't get immigration reform passed in congress? Illegals from foreign countries are killing and raping thousands of Americans. The POTUS has a responsibility to put a stop to that. You traitors side with the illegals, thank Christ we have president Trump on our side.
Anyone who thinks that is the definition of DACA is dumb. Sorry, but dumb.

You just don't like me rubbing your nose in the facts. Tip of the iceberg, that prick Obama encouraged illegals to flood into our country particularly underage illegals. And we haven't even discussed the horrors of Obama's detention facilities, how underage illegals were recruited/forced into prostitution and drug trafficking before they even got out of Obama's holding areas.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number.
You people are ridiculous.
Let me see if I have the level of crazy that you are displaying right. 44 was so clueless that under his administration things happened like illegals being detained, the CIA spying on congress, the NSA spying on citizens, his Secretary of State and others knew Bengazi was not started by a video but did not tell him and numerous other things BUT all other presidents MUST be on game and held responsible for everything that goes on in their administration.
I heard plenty of people bitching about those things. What else did you want to happen to "hold him responsible?"
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.
All the legal commentators I've seen or read say Trump is on solid legal ground and will win any legal challenges.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.

The enemies of America will win.
They are not your enemy.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

You are a jucking foke.
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
It will be challenged, and Trump knows he will lose. He should be paying his private lawyers for this out of his own pocket.

The enemies of America will win.
They are not your enemy.

You are.

They are.

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