Trump to declare national emergency

This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

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I love the smell of a national emergency to secure our border from common criminals. It smells like...victory.
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
This action will win him reelection in 2020. Majority of Americans want security at our borders and national sovereignty.
Trump seems desperate. Poor guy.

It's unfortunate that Dims are not concerned about illegal immigration. They forced his hand.
I see you forgot that repubs had the senate, house, and presidency and did nothing. Why is that?
Ohhhh....something is happening now. It’s called a President with balls.
Well the president had a majority in the senate and house and did nothing then. Its been a couple years and now all of the sudden he declares an emergency?

Sounds like a desperation ploy to try and keep his base/cult happy to me, after he keeps losing on his wall, that he lied and said Mexico would pay for. Of course so called dumb fuck republican "patriots" are all about executive orders now that their god emperor is in charge.
Trump with another win. All this winning is getting tiresome. :laughing0301: :mm:

Admitting he got out negotiated by a 78 year old woman from San Fran does not seem like a win to most normal people.
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Trump seems desperate. Poor guy.

It's unfortunate that Dims are not concerned about illegal immigration. They forced his hand.

You stupid Russian!

Trumps wall has nothing to do with immigration. Trumps wall is all about having a monument with his name on it in perpetuity.

There is NO emergency. Republicans refused to give Trump his wall for two years. But they want to get fools like you raging about it.

Trump has utterly embarrassed himself with his inability to manage the government or run the country.

There will be no Wall. Not now. Not ever. Republicans don’t want it. If they did, they would have given Trump the money instead of handing him a veto-proof bill banning its construction.
Its been a national emergency for decades and Trump is the first POTUS to really address it.

These illegals cost we the tax payer BILLIONS every year. Not to mention the drugs that are ferried across the border.

Something should have been done decades ago and now it will be.

Build the damned wall. Once built no more can get it and we can boot those that are here out and they won't be able to get back in.

We will save billions every year. Billions that can be used for something better.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.
I knew Trump would win

Trump got out negotiated by a 78 year old woman from San is that a "win"?
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.

How does this destroy the current Democratic Party?

They stood their ground and in the end Trump settled for 23 billion less than he was offered 11 months ago.

The Dems got all they wanted in this spending bill and their supporters will be pretty darn happy about it.

Trump agreed to a massive spending bill and had to admit he could not negotiate a deal so he had to take a course of desperate action.

This will anger far more Trumpians than it will Dems.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.

How does this destroy the current Democratic Party?

They stood their ground and in the end Trump settled for 23 billion less than he was offered 11 months ago.

The Dems got all they wanted in this spending bill and their supporters will be pretty darn happy about it.

Trump agreed to a massive spending bill and had to admit he could not negotiate a deal so he had to take a course of desperate action.

This will anger far more Trumpians than it will Dems.

"This" specifically does not. I did not say that it did. It merely forwards the wall and erects a middle finger to the Democrats, as are the DACA people.

As to the rest? Watch and learn.
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.

How does this destroy the current Democratic Party?

They stood their ground and in the end Trump settled for 23 billion less than he was offered 11 months ago.

The Dems got all they wanted in this spending bill and their supporters will be pretty darn happy about it.

Trump agreed to a massive spending bill and had to admit he could not negotiate a deal so he had to take a course of desperate action.

This will anger far more Trumpians than it will Dems.

"This" specifically does not. I did not say that it did. It merely forwards the wall and erects a middle finger to the Democrats, as are the DACA people.

As to the rest? Watch and learn.

You are far too much of a true believer. Nothing is going to change, the Dems are not going anywhere.

Are you new to paying attention to politics in this country? Did you just start when the reality TV star became POTUS?

Your naivety is sort of cute and all, but really dude...pull your head out of Trump's butt and smell reality for a change.
So this "national emergency" opens the door to a Democrat President issuing a national emergency on climate change (for example) in the not-too-distant future. Just a heads-up there.

This is what will continue to happen when we can't communicate like normal adults to find solutions together, and no longer expect our representatives to do the same. Just keep trying to "beat" the other "side".

Constant criminal investigations, non-stop screams of "scandal", "national emergencies", governance by executive order, on and on.

I guess everyone is okay with this.

This is all a self-inflicted wound.
And exactly how is that going to work? You can't see CO2. AGW is an unproven theory. Is the president going to tell fools like you to quit breathing and emitting CO2, ban beer, cheese, and bread?

You can prove economic impact, humanitarian issues with illegal immigration. You can't prove jack shit with AGW. It'd be easier to prove God exists.
Who cares? All that matters now is governance by Executive Order and "national emergency".

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns
I don’t think the founding fathers would approve...
Agreed. But that's where we are. Party over country.
Feel free to elaborate more on how your party operates, and what a disappointment The Democrat Party must be to our founding fathers and men like JFK.
I knew Trump would win
That is not a win if he signs it.
Look into the damn details of the bill. Pelosi played the GOP hard and made them all look like buffoons for voting for this bill.

And no, I am not a leftie

He doesn’t have a choice. It’s veto-proof.

And when he declares a national emergency, they’ll quash that too because it’s unconstitutional.
Trump seems desperate. Poor guy.

It's unfortunate that Dims are not concerned about illegal immigration. They forced his hand.

You stupid Russian!

Trumps wall has nothing to do with immigration. Trumps wall is all about having a monument with his name on it in perpetuity.

There is NO emergency. Republicans refused to give Trump his wall for two years. But they want to get fools like you raging about it.

Trump has utterly embarrassed himself with his inability to manage the government or run the country.

There will be no Wall. Not now. Not ever. Republicans don’t want it. If they did, they would have given Trump the money instead of handing him a veto-proof bill banning its construction.

Why is your tongue full of lies and your heart full of deceit?
This isn't winning...He signed a bill that keeps the deficit spend-a-thon continuing unabated.

One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.

How does this destroy the current Democratic Party?

They stood their ground and in the end Trump settled for 23 billion less than he was offered 11 months ago.

The Dems got all they wanted in this spending bill and their supporters will be pretty darn happy about it.

Trump agreed to a massive spending bill and had to admit he could not negotiate a deal so he had to take a course of desperate action.

This will anger far more Trumpians than it will Dems.

"This" specifically does not. I did not say that it did. It merely forwards the wall and erects a middle finger to the Democrats, as are the DACA people.

As to the rest? Watch and learn.

What are we supposed to be watching? Trumps utter humiliation? His great prowess as a negotiator? His problem solving skills? His deft way with managing staff? His respect and kindness towards others.

He’s signing a bill which BANS construction of his wall. Anything that follows thereafter is a fool’s attempt to keep from admitting defeat.

Everything Trump touches DIES. True fact. The Republican Party is dying because of Trump.
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One thing at a time.
Horseshit...Republicans have been peddling that "one thing at a time" garbage for decades, and everything still gets worse.....This bill is certain to have so many booby traps and poison pills in it, so as to make the pittance Cheeto got to be meaningless.

Quit allowing yourself to being hustled by your own people.

Oh dear ... :auiqs.jpg:

We've been running deficits since Alexander Hamilton. I'm afraid my concern over any deficit is dwarfed by the necessity of politically destroying the clear and present danger to the United States presented by the current Democratic Party.

How does this destroy the current Democratic Party?

They stood their ground and in the end Trump settled for 23 billion less than he was offered 11 months ago.

The Dems got all they wanted in this spending bill and their supporters will be pretty darn happy about it.

Trump agreed to a massive spending bill and had to admit he could not negotiate a deal so he had to take a course of desperate action.

This will anger far more Trumpians than it will Dems.

"This" specifically does not. I did not say that it did. It merely forwards the wall and erects a middle finger to the Democrats, as are the DACA people.

As to the rest? Watch and learn.

You are far too much of a true believer. Nothing is going to change, the Dems are not going anywhere.

Then you have nothing to worry about.

Are you new to paying attention to politics in this country?

Hardly. Since 1968.

Your naivety is sort of cute and all, but really dude...pull your head out of Trump's butt and smell reality for a change.

How silly.

I am a Kinettacist. I am on MY side.
Then you have nothing to worry about.

The only thing I worry about is what this will do to the markets, 13 months of stagnation is taking a toll on my retirement plans.

Hardly. Since 1968.

and yet you think something is going to change now? That is a long time of paying attention to have learned nothing.

How silly.

I am a Kinettacist. I am on MY side.

who knew your side included worshiping the man in the White House. but now we do!

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