Trump to declare national emergency

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.
To be fair, both sides must be willing to make a deal. Dems are not. They have a different objective.

The Dems offered 25 billion back in 11 months later he is getting less than two...
Why did they not offer the same then now?

Because they don't have to. The wall is DEAD. The GOP stuck a stake in its heart and cut off the head today with a VETO PROOF VOTE in the both the Senate and the Congress for the Budget Agreement.

The Agreement specifically FORBIDS the construction of the a wall along the southern border.
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
If Gramm Rudman was unconst (and the Scotus said it was) I don't see how the national emergency law survives .... unless the scotus wants to play theoretical diddlylwinks by saying "congress can change it"

And McConnell will be all for amending the law to prevent misuse to just try and force spending congress won't allocate ... as soon as a dem is potus.
You know this law was meant to limit the powers of the president. The law allows the president to declare and emergency but also give congress the power to resend it.
This is a HUGE mistake for Trump. He should have declined to sign the continuing resolution and found the spine to shut the Government down again.

If this Emergency Declaration is allowed to stand by the Courts History will see this as the moment the American political system’s spine was shattered and all sense of Constitutional Government permanently paralyzed.
Not if he wanted to get reelected. Hannity, Coulter, Lou Dobbs, and several others have blasted Trump for shutting down the goverment and not declaring a national emergency. His base listens to these people.
Trump to declare national emergency



With or without a declaration of a nat'l emergency, he can pull an additional 4 billion out of the defense budget towards a wall with the Pentagon's approval!
Add that to what the Dimms approved, Trump is just under the 5.7 billion that he initially wanted.
You fuckers lose again but America WINS!!!

wrong moronboi - if you weren't an idiot you would know its wrong.

you'll see Gomer.

Tell Lindsay Graham that, not me. He's the one who hipped Trump to this strategy. Even Coulter and Rush were not aware of this...:bigboy:

you f'n tell him.

Trump declaring state of emergency over border wall could spark 'war' in Republican party, Lindsey Graham says

But the deception is that it has nuthin' to do with additional wall funding.
That deal that Trump will sign is 1100 pages. That's right over hundred pages more than Obamacare. I I can hardly wait to see what's in it.
The Senate and the House just passed a bill which forbids construction of the wall along most of the southern border. What you should note that this funding Bill was passed with a Veto-proof majority. Trump HAS to sign it. He has no choice. 83 Senators voted to kill Trump's wall.

The law will prevent Trump from building any new walls or fences in California or New Mexico, and in 5 other locations along the southern border.

When Democrats took the House, posters here pooh poohed their election and said "What can they do without the Senate". The can kill the fucking wall! Go Nancy!!!
The Senate and the House just passed a bill which forbids construction of the wall along most of the southern border. What you should note that this funding Bill was passed with a Veto-proof majority. Trump HAS to sign it. He has no choice. 83 Senators voted to kill Trump's wall.

The law will prevent Trump from building any new walls or fences in California or New Mexico, and in 5 other locations along the southern border.

When Democrats took the House, posters here pooh poohed their election and said "What can they do without the Senate". The can kill the fucking wall! Go Nancy!!!

Guess we'll just have to wait a day or two.
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
A friend of mine predicted the President would sign such a bill and then declare a national emergency last week, but I argued it would be better for him to agree to short term funding of the government and then declare a national emergency. I still think that would have been a better idea, but I'm guessing this was a compromise to help some Republican members of Congress from purple states avoid the stress of continuing short term funding.
Trump needed McConnell's support to block the House in an effort to overturn Trump's National Emergency. Trump signs the deal and McConnell announces his support for the National Emergency.

McConnell bitterly opposed a declaration of National Emergency but McConnell realized how devastating another shutdown would be in 2020 so he made a deal with Trump. This is real political deal making something Trump will never understand.

When Trump said he was ready to make a deal on border security and refused to compromise on wall funding which was the only real issue, he wasn't making a deal he was issuing an ultimatum. If you look back at Trump's great deals, you will find they are mostly ultimatums, despite all the bull shit in his books.
I knew Trump would win
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

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We are still under 7 national emergencies signed by Bush and Obama....I bet you didn't even know that did you?.....
There are declarations of national emergency that go back to Reagan. The difference in this declaration and those of the past is Trump is very explicitly going against the will of congress. Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Reagan all issued declarations of national emergency. Most of those declarations were done with the knowledge that congress supported the decision. Some were done without going to congress for approval but I can't find a one where congress said here is the money for a project and the president gave them a big Fuck You, I'll declare an emergency and take what I choose. I think this a first and hopefully the last.
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

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the libs have already said they simply won't deal.

it's stupid on both parts and everyone loses.
The Democrats were for the wall until President Trump got elected. The Democrats said on the day after Trump won the Republican Primary that they were going to get rid of him and they did a 180 on the wall and said how bad it would be. They used the wall as a weapon and today, they went all-out over Trump's resisting their little 180 and all the lies it took them to get there, all just to get rid of him, slime him, and try to turn even his supporters against him by false charges and a special counsel to commit a beat up on him they hoped would get rid of him for good. Trump didn't take the bait. He's declaring a national emergency to alleviate the schools of more responsibilities of beleaguered teachers to accommodate children needing an education, and sometimes a home since parents sent children with friends who suddenly disappeared, leaving the children behind for America to feed, house, clothe and educate these poor dumped children.

The apoplectic left blamed every detail on President Trump after they withdrew their enthusiasm for a wall before Trump took office, and they saw the perfect weapon, with the poison point of immigrant parentless childrens' plight as if Trump was all to blame for the criminal acts of Mexican citizens who wanted to upgrade their children and get rid of the responsibility, the very same attitude taken by the Mexican government for escorting so many of the earlier immigrants to the wall who were serial criminals, unattached people who needed support of the most expensive kind--education, incarceration, hospitalization, and the like. Not a one of us wasn't touched to know these broken people needed help, but we were wise enough to take a peek at how they got to the border--fronts for drug smugglers; easy targets for dishonest coyotes, votes for the Democrats, you name it.

Maxine Waters, Democrat Congressman, told her constituents to beat up on President Trump's staff by screaming inanities, harassing, and intimidating in public members of the Executive branch. She belongs in prison for failure to uphold the United States Constitution and separation of powers.

And now the Democrat congresscritters are making a lot of noise about getting another of the powers--the judiciary, to be exact, to postpone and delay the Executive Branch by every means possible to obstruct the justice for United States Citizen taxpayers not having to foot the bill so the Democrats can foist all their lies upon the heads of these poor, beleaguered and needy people (and many not needy) to gain illegal votes for themselves that their precinct chairmen will swear are valid votes, all under the secret cloak of power omerta workings.

Americans are getting sick of paying a high price--several trillion dollars a year for this cheap trick to get free votes for Democrats by hustling illegals over here. They're creating problems that will never be able to be solved. Is that what they want to justify taking people's life savings, inheritances of family businesses and farms away from them to give to whoever they decide fluffs them enough.

The Democrats want total and complete power; they want to ruin us financially with lawsuits their unpopular welching demands, and then blame everything on whoever tries to fix this unfortunate problem foisted on us by a society to the south that will not deal with their people in a way that employs them.
When the new caravan from Guatemala begins moving north with people from all over the world participating...poor people from Africa...the middle of Europe and south America the American people will go down to the border and construct the wall is coming....

New caravan heading to US makes first border crossing in Guatemala

And Guatemalan officials say the caravan contains people from all over the world.....wake up dems....
If you have thousands of people storming the border, you don't build a wall that will take years to complete, you declare an emergency and send in the national guard or the army.

If you want to build a thousand mile wall to secure the border, you do it the right way. You elect people to congress that will support the plan and get congress to appropriate the funds.
The Senate and the House just passed a bill which forbids construction of the wall along most of the southern border. What you should note that this funding Bill was passed with a Veto-proof majority. Trump HAS to sign it. He has no choice. 83 Senators voted to kill Trump's wall.

The law will prevent Trump from building any new walls or fences in California or New Mexico, and in 5 other locations along the southern border.

When Democrats took the House, posters here pooh poohed their election and said "What can they do without the Senate". The can kill the fucking wall! Go Nancy!!!
Do you have a link?

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