Trump to declare national emergency

"WOW.. McConnell interuppted grassley speech to announce the vote and national emergency. Grassley just SCREAMED at McConnell: “you’re rude. You’re just simply rude.” Said it would’ve taken 5 minutes for him to finish."
The bill created in the house will tie the hands of our border agents...if Trump signs will make his wall a waste of money and time...the dems want open borders and this bill gives it to them....
who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

Wait, don't tell me: You're basing your opinion that there's not a national emergency on Nancy Pelosi's and Chuckie Schumer's idiotic statement that "There's no crisis on the southern border", right?

You heard that on your favorite cable news show MSNBC/CNN/CBS/ABC/whatever, so it must be true, right?

So then you sat down in front of your computer and parroted the same thing you heard them say, right?

Dude: You're such an idiot/tool/useful idiot. Those lying pieces of human excrement Pelosi or Schumer are playing you like a cheap fiddle, and you don't even know that you're being played. Wise up already, ok?

They have absolutely nothing to lose from an open borders policy. You stand to lose everything.
If Trump doesnt back away it will be the Harriet Myers moment had Bush not backed away.
who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

Wait, don't tell me: You're basing your opinion that there's not a national emergency on Nancy Pelosi's and Chuckie Schumer's idiotic statement that "There's no crisis on the southern border", right?

You heard that on your favorite cable news show MSNBC/CNN/CBS/ABC/whatever, so it must be true, right?

So then you sat down in front of your computer and parroted the same thing you heard them say, right?

Dude: You're such an idiot/tool/useful idiot. Those lying pieces of human excrement Pelosi or Schumer are playing you like a cheap fiddle, and you don't even know that you're being played. Wise up already, ok?

They have absolutely nothing to lose from an open borders policy. You stand to lose everything.


who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

either answer me or STFU
who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

Wait, don't tell me: You're basing your opinion that there's not a national emergency on Nancy Pelosi's and Chuckie Schumer's idiotic statement that "There's no crisis on the southern border", right?

You heard that on your favorite cable news show MSNBC/CNN/CBS/ABC/whatever, so it must be true, right?

So then you sat down in front of your computer and parroted the same thing you heard them say, right?

Dude: You're such an idiot/tool/useful idiot. Those lying pieces of human excrement Pelosi or Schumer are playing you like a cheap fiddle, and you don't even know that you're being played. Wise up already, ok?

They have absolutely nothing to lose from an open borders policy. You stand to lose everything.


either answer me or STFU

Dde, you don't know much about me. I will never ever STFU. You're stuck with me as long as you intend to post your idiotic shit on this discussion board.

I will happily continue adding injury on top of insult until you get a clue. :11:
"Trump HAD the authority to build the wall, but even Nino Scalia would not say the Commander in Chief has rights he has just signed away by putting his John Hancock on this bill.

Hate me, love me, this isn't hyperbole. This is it. Trump is about to walk in the winning run." - Coulter
who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

Wait, don't tell me: You're basing your opinion that there's not a national emergency on Nancy Pelosi's and Chuckie Schumer's idiotic statement that "There's no crisis on the southern border", right?

You heard that on your favorite cable news show MSNBC/CNN/CBS/ABC/whatever, so it must be true, right?

So then you sat down in front of your computer and parroted the same thing you heard them say, right?

Dude: You're such an idiot/tool/useful idiot. Those lying pieces of human excrement Pelosi or Schumer are playing you like a cheap fiddle, and you don't even know that you're being played. Wise up already, ok?

They have absolutely nothing to lose from an open borders policy. You stand to lose everything.


who was the 1st president to SUCCESSFULLY declare a national emergency that wasnt a national emergency - and what was that emergency

either answer me or STFU
Which national emergency wasn't a national emergency in whose opinion you going to believe or we will believe?
Who cares? All that matters now is governance by Executive Order and "national emergency".

Pelosi warns GOP: Next president could declare national emergency on guns


Anyone who thinks this is a good idea, hasn't considered the ramifications for the future...

What future will you ave if 50 Million illegal immigratns ross over your border and fleece your nation?

This IS a National Emergency, without question. How else can it be defined? Don't tell me you will use the Canadian PC talk and just call it "irregular immigration"

I was railing about illegal immigration more than thirty years ago, I am well aware of the problems at the border and what they mean to our country. A move like the one Trump is allegedly considering will open the door for future Presidents to use such power to potentially deprive citizens of rights guaranteed us by the Constitution, and don't, for one second, think it won't.

If there's one thing we know for certain, no President has ever relinquished powers newly acquired by his predecessor.

Where in the Constitution does it say Open Borders is protected? Or, you cannot defend your nation from an invasion? I don't see the issue myself. He isn't rounding up guns or imprisoning political enemies.

This is not a Constitutional issue as far as I can see, I admit, I'm no scholar.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The issue isn't whether or not an "open border" is constitutionally protected, it's not. It's not even about our immigration laws, which need to be enforced but aren't. None of this illegal immigration bullshit is new, it's been a thorn in our sides for decades. It's no more an "emergency" now than it was thirty years ago. The issue is a president, any president, deciding to circumvent the system by declaring an emergency and governing by executive order. I didn't like it when other presidents did it, and I don't like it now.

Considering the tit-for-tat way our politicians have decided to run our country, payback is going to be a real bitch...

Yes, there is a danger of this. Who do you blame? I'd say the unwillingness of politicians to work with the other side. The maladroit handling of so many issues in which politicians refused to work together for a common goal, in this case, National Security an sovereignty.

I might also suggest that Obama over reaching, created this. The E.O's are one issue of course, but he brought in massive, sweeping changes to a system that was working, outside of those who abused the economic system and didn't pay a personal price.

Imagine for a moment, Obama would have been a Libertarian, old school American president. I mean, really old school, such as Coolidge or Madison. How would it have unfolded? Companies want a bailout? Tough, collapse and be swept under. CEO's robbing from the piggy bank and hurting shareholders? Charge them and any accomplices for theft and fraud against shareholders.

To be honest, you didn't just need Trump now, you needed him even more in 2008. Instead, Obama took the easy path. Give free money to all, spend to your hearts content and give in to global interests.

This is what leads to today. Trump needs to buck this trend, be it immigration, foreign trade, or bad businesses that expect to be saved by taxpayers. He simply cannot allow America to be destroyed, and no welfare system can sustain unchecked, unprotected immigration. This is not hyperbole. The former 30 years as you suggested is precisely why he needs to act, with or without the other side having input. This is your sovereignty at stake.
"Trump HAD the authority to build the wall, but even Nino Scalia would not say the Commander in Chief has rights he has just signed away by putting his John Hancock on this bill.

Hate me, love me, this isn't hyperbole. This is it. Trump is about to walk in the winning run." - Coulter
Imagine if Obama had used emergency for something, like jobs stimulus act.
This will set the precedent for many more national emergencies....once you open up the can it's all over.
"Trump HAD the authority to build the wall, but even Nino Scalia would not say the Commander in Chief has rights he has just signed away by putting his John Hancock on this bill.

Hate me, love me, this isn't hyperbole. This is it. Trump is about to walk in the winning run." - Coulter
Imagine if Obama had used emergency for something, like jobs stimulus act.

If we don't control our borders healthcare will be a national ten years when you need emergency care and the line is around the block you will remember why....but it will be too late...combining open borders with single payer healthcare is inviting the end of America....
"Trump HAD the authority to build the wall, but even Nino Scalia would not say the Commander in Chief has rights he has just signed away by putting his John Hancock on this bill.

Hate me, love me, this isn't hyperbole. This is it. Trump is about to walk in the winning run." - Coulter
Imagine if Obama had used emergency for something, like jobs stimulus act.

If we don't control our borders healthcare will be a national ten years when you need emergency care and the line is around the block you will remember why....but it will be too late...combining open borders with single payer healthcare is inviting the end of America....

our borders arent open .... GOMER

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