Trump to declare national emergency

Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.


the border is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from unchecked - dumbass.

You slithered in. The wall would have stopped you.

Finish the wall.

what wall ?

you mean the FENCE that 43 started ?

THERE AINT GONNA BE NO WALL ..... Deal with it Cupcake .. :cryhug_1_:

Pull your head out of your rear....dumbass.
border wall construction progress - Bing video
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

He is not a dumbass if his goal is the downfall of America.

We must stop giving the enemies of America the assumption of fraternity.

They are NOT our brethren.

They are enemies of America.

The Crossfield Memo gives us the right to treat them as enemies of America if they post like enemies.

No matter what they say.

The same kind of barrier we support at the border needs to be erected here online.
Trump's cutting way more spending than you may be aware of. :rolleyes:

I hate to give the MO away, but he distracts the leftists with a tweet or two, then goes goes and chops on a bureau. :abgg2q.jpg:

Spending is rising, not falling. Nothing is being chopped and best money being spent on different things.

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Don't stop believin'. :itsok:

I do believe...

I believe we spend far more than we bring in as a country.

I believe we added 1.48 trillion dollars to our national debt in CY18 Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

I believe spending has not gone down even 1 dollar under the current POTUS.

I believe sheep like you do not give a flying fuck about spending or the debt.

I believe sheep like you are complicit in saddling our future generations with unsustainable debt because you are a fucking freeloader.

That is what I believe...because it is all 100% fact

I believe you're parroting the Democrat talking points of " :aargh: Trump is exshploding the debt!"

Spending is going down with Trump. You may not see it, but it is. ;)

You just keep parroting what they tell you to parrot.

Squawk on!

I am not parroting anything, I gave you cold hard facts, you give partisan talking point.

You have not one single fact to back up your ridiculous claim that spending is down.

2019 spending...4.407 Trillion dollars planned
2018 spending...4.094 trillion dollars spent
2017 spending...3.982 trillion dollars spent
2016 spending...3.853 trillion dollars spent

Since you are clearly unable to do simple math, each year is higher than the next...that means we are spending more money each year.

That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.
Libs are going to be beside themselves !

President Donald Trump will sign the border-security agreement that heads off a government shutdown but declare a national emergency at the same time to build his proposed wall, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Thursday. The agreement contains less money than Trump wanted but heads off another government shutdown after midnight Friday. McConnell did not give any more details of the emergency declaration while speaking on the Senate floor.

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Trump will sign border bill and declare national emergency: McConnell

Published: Feb 14, 2019 3:10 p.m. ET
If Gramm Rudman was unconst (and the Scotus said it was) I don't see how the national emergency law survives .... unless the scotus wants to play theoretical diddlylwinks by saying "congress can change it"

And McConnell will be all for amending the law to prevent misuse to just try and force spending congress won't allocate ... as soon as a dem is potus.
You know this law was meant to limit the powers of the president. The law allows the president to declare and emergency but also give congress the power to resend it.
I disagree that the law was ever about limiting the executive. Under the law the "emergency" exists when the president says so. Then to end the "emergency" congress must bipartisanly act to end the "emergency." The law is to allow congress not to act. It's lazy but the natural instinct is to have someone else to it for you, which is the path to totalitarianism ... or a monarchy. If the law was about anything else, it would provide an emergency automatically ends after some period of time unless Congress acts.

I think the laws really about the opposite. The revealing quote from Nixon - Frost is Nixon saying: if the president does it, it's not illegal.
That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.
This is a win for the Libs.

Trump has proven he cannot broker a deal and now has to admit he lost the battle with them.

Declaring a national emergency is a waving the white flag

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the libs have already said they simply won't deal.

it's stupid on both parts and everyone loses.
The Democrats were for the wall until President Trump got elected. The Democrats said on the day after Trump won the Republican Primary that they were going to get rid of him and they did a 180 on the wall and said how bad it would be. They used the wall as a weapon and today, they went all-out over Trump's resisting their little 180 and all the lies it took them to get there, all just to get rid of him, slime him, and try to turn even his supporters against him by false charges and a special counsel to commit a beat up on him they hoped would get rid of him for good. Trump didn't take the bait. He's declaring a national emergency to alleviate the schools of more responsibilities of beleaguered teachers to accommodate children needing an education, and sometimes a home since parents sent children with friends who suddenly disappeared, leaving the children behind for America to feed, house, clothe and educate these poor dumped children.

The apoplectic left blamed every detail on President Trump after they withdrew their enthusiasm for a wall before Trump took office, and they saw the perfect weapon, with the poison point of immigrant parentless childrens' plight as if Trump was all to blame for the criminal acts of Mexican citizens who wanted to upgrade their children and get rid of the responsibility, the very same attitude taken by the Mexican government for escorting so many of the earlier immigrants to the wall who were serial criminals, unattached people who needed support of the most expensive kind--education, incarceration, hospitalization, and the like. Not a one of us wasn't touched to know these broken people needed help, but we were wise enough to take a peek at how they got to the border--fronts for drug smugglers; easy targets for dishonest coyotes, votes for the Democrats, you name it.

Maxine Waters, Democrat Congressman, told her constituents to beat up on President Trump's staff by screaming inanities, harassing, and intimidating in public members of the Executive branch. She belongs in prison for failure to uphold the United States Constitution and separation of powers.

And now the Democrat congresscritters are making a lot of noise about getting another of the powers--the judiciary, to be exact, to postpone and delay the Executive Branch by every means possible to obstruct the justice for United States Citizen taxpayers not having to foot the bill so the Democrats can foist all their lies upon the heads of these poor, beleaguered and needy people (and many not needy) to gain illegal votes for themselves that their precinct chairmen will swear are valid votes, all under the secret cloak of power omerta workings.

Americans are getting sick of paying a high price--several trillion dollars a year for this cheap trick to get free votes for Democrats by hustling illegals over here. They're creating problems that will never be able to be solved. Is that what they want to justify taking people's life savings, inheritances of family businesses and farms away from them to give to whoever they decide fluffs them enough.

The Democrats want total and complete power; they want to ruin us financially with lawsuits their unpopular welching demands, and then blame everything on whoever tries to fix this unfortunate problem foisted on us by a society to the south that will not deal with their people in a way that employs them.
If the democrats want "total power" why is it that Trump is the one demanding something most Americans don't want?
That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

And if you 'on' know?

You betta axe somebody! :1peleas:
This idiot named trump is like the boy that cried wolf....if there ever is a REAL National Emergency, no one is going to believe his lying ass...
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.


the border is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from unchecked - dumbass.

You slithered in. The wall would have stopped you.

Finish the wall.

what wall ?

you mean the FENCE that 43 started ?

THERE AINT GONNA BE NO WALL ..... Deal with it Cupcake .. :cryhug_1_:

trump knows that his fake National Emergency is going to fail. At least he can tell Hannity and Limpballs...."I tried!"
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality! Three different border crossings.

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search




And of course, more evidence that you lied:




I don't step in shit, I expose the bullshit of people like you!
Last edited:
trump has proven he is incapable of working within our Constitutional system. His attempt at an unpresedented power grab will lose a large percentage of independent voters.

More importantly for the GOP....McConnell's cave on supporting a National Emergency will haunt the Repubs for years to come. This is an unparalleled effort by the Executive Branch that.....left unchallenged...will set a precedent for future Presidents....

The Courts will rule against trump and he probably knows it. He is counting on a short term win that will assure him of a long term loss....
Trump had to declare a "national emergency; he had no choice, and the Democrats bear the blame for putting him in this position. They would not cave for his legacy wall; they would not appropriate money for his legacy wall.

So, his boss Hannity told Trump to declare a "national emergency," and build his "big, beautiful wall." Poor Trump is just following orders; give him a break. Bigly.
That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.

"an unchecked border", that statement goes well beyond reality. I suppose you believe everything Trump states and tweets, and you wear the MAGA hat proudly. Keep on going on building sand castles in the sky.

Sure, and you know all about reality. Get back in your fricken tent, and watch where you step.

A couple of pictures prove you are a damn liar and/or out of touch with reality!

photo of long line of cars at the tijuana border - Google Search

View attachment 246001



Seriously!? You can't really be that stupid.


That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.

I'm fully aware of that. He's a dude that doing/trying to do good for the country. Fucking Obama came up with Solyndra, Cash 4 Clunkers, and big bank bailout. I gave Obama a chance for one year and then realized he was fucked up.

If nothing else, Trump's doing the best out of any president in my lifetime.

My 80-ish year old relative says the same thing, so go fuck yourself, you leftist shill.
That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.

I'm fully aware of that. He's a dude that doing/trying to do good for the country. Fucking Obama came up with Solyndra, Cash 4 Clunkers, and big bank bailout. I gave Obama a chance for one year and then realized he was fucked up.

If nothing else, Trump's doing the best out of any president in my lifetime.

My 80-ish year old relative says the same thing, so go fuck yourself, you leftist shill.

He is doing better than the last two, I will give him that much.

and you are far more left than me, so you should keep your stupid name calling to yourself.

remember, Trump is a man, not a god.
That's a bipartisan Congress with their "continuing resolutions" and stuff.

That's not Trump.

Go ahead and see how many Czars are on the Trump administration payroll, how many bureau administrative jobs are no longer there.

Here's the latest thing that makes me really happy:

He's shutting down around 15 Administrative agenda-pushing library committee members.

They all make 6 figures.

The Repubs controlled all of congress for the 2017 and 2018 spending.

What you speak of is not spending cuts, it is spending moving. We are not spending less, that is a fact backed up by actual figures.

Those things you mention are good things, but they do not equate to spending cuts.

Do you think it's Trump inserting pork for his donors into the bills, dude? That's not even in his job description and you know it. Stop being a disingenuous asshat. You know damn well what's going on.

Look, like it or not the POTUS gets blamed for the spending, since he signs the bills. I am pretty sure I will not find a single post from you claiming the spending during his years was not Obama's fault

Quit being a partisan sheep defending you man to the death, is is not a god, he is just a dude.

I'm fully aware of that. He's a dude that doing/trying to do good for the country. Fucking Obama came up with Solyndra, Cash 4 Clunkers, and big bank bailout. I gave Obama a chance for one year and then realized he was fucked up.

If nothing else, Trump's doing the best out of any president in my lifetime.

My 80-ish year old relative says the same thing, so go fuck yourself, you leftist shill.

He is doing better than the last two, I will give him that much.

and you are far more left than me, so you should keep your stupid name calling to yourself.

remember, Trump is a man, not a god.

Remember: Everybody sees through your bullshit. If they happen to not? I will surely gaslight it. I'm here to help.

[Warning: Fake yet true quote ahead}

Golfing Gator: "Oh, I'm more right than you, but parrot every leftist talking point of the day every day."

Get fucking real, you putz.
Oh my loving God, "the horrors of Obama's detention facilities?" You think Obama had something to do with that? We still detain underage illegals that enter the country alone. Do you think none of that is going on now? Some folks come here with a business plan. But according to border patrol, it is a very small number. You people are ridiculous.

You are ignorant and uninformed, not surprising. Yes Obama had everything to do with that, his policies created the horror. Don't get mad at me DHS leaders pointed out this issue not me.
Those who support Trump and his unique presidency are feckless, and will never admit they are supporting a megalomaniac.

For the edification, if not an awakening to those MAGA hat wearers:

Feckless: lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.

Megalomania: obsession with the exercise of power, especially in the domination of others.

McConnell and the Senate Majority are Feckless; Trump is a megalomaniac.

Feckless? Having an unchecked border and allowing millions to enter illegally sounds pretty feckless...dumbass.


the border is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from unchecked - dumbass.

You slithered in. The wall would have stopped you.

Finish the wall.

what wall ?

you mean the FENCE that 43 started ?

THERE AINT GONNA BE NO WALL ..... Deal with it Cupcake .. :cryhug_1_:

Pull your head out of your rear....dumbass.
border wall construction progress - Bing video

so you were lying about unchecked borders ?

got it.

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